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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2018 in all areas

  1. The view from my “office” today, overlooking western Georgian Bay.
    10 points
  2. Having been to Flippin, Arkansas, I can confirm the "Flippin" jokes never get old.
    8 points
  3. I recently picked up an ALX Zolo Deputy Rod, not even from the ALX website but from Tackle Warehouse. And yesterday in the mail I received a hand-written letter from Alan (Alex? I'm terrible at reading cursive, hahah!) giving his thanks for purchasing an ALX rod, hoping that I've been enjoying it and catching loads of fish. It was a small notion, but it meant a lot and goes to show that they really care about their customers. On top of this, before purchasing my rod I talked to their customer service looking for recommendations as to what rod I should get based on what techniques I want to use it for, where I'm fishing, etc. They responded quickly and gave their recommendations and an in-depth explanation for why they'd recommend it. This has pretty much guaranteed that the next time I'm looking for a rod to add to my arsenal, it'll be an ALX. And to answer the question, in the short period of time I've had the rod it's quickly become my favorite in my collection! Incredibly sensitive, balanced, and just feels great in my hands. I absolutely love it!
    5 points
  4. New frog/pitching reel: SV103XS, w/ ZPI spool bearings, 100mm carbon fiber handle, and Megabass Hyper knobs (2 bearings per) Not sure what else I may do to it other than getting a super tune this winter.
    5 points
  5. TACKLE REPORT/ REVIEW: Last week I experienced two firsts: 1) I fished in my kayak during a 30-minute-long torrential rain that was so hard I could not see more than about 40 yards and I could not hear my buddy talking 10 ft from me. 2) I fished the NEW Bagley Rattlin Honey B crankbait (plastic version) for the first time! It was killer! I did not keep an accurate count but I'll bet I caught at least 15 LM bass on it in 2 1/2 hours. My friend was ahead of me by about 4 bass. I tied this lure onto an ultralight with 10 Lb PowerPro braid (2 Lb dia.) and I started coming back fast. I passed him and lost count. Caught one 19 incher on it too. My usual default "comeback bait" (wacky-rigged Senko) only drew one bite in the previous hour. That was VERY unusual. I took a firetiger version of this same Bagley bait to Grand Lake in OK a few days later and caught about 3 white bass on it but it was a post-frontal day and the bite was just slow. I have some of the original balsa honey B's, deep and shallow, even one with brass hangers, but I have never done as well with them (though I honestly have not fished them often either). Even though I have only used 2 colors and fished this bait on 2 occasions, I can say this for sure, this little Rattlin' Honey B was THE bait on one occasion and it was as productive as everything else we tried on another day. They consistently run $5.99 online. I am NOT sponsored by Bagley ... but if they want to sponsor me, I'm game! Haha! This brown craw/ chart. color was the real killer!
    4 points
  6. Fourscore and seven years ago, lol.
    4 points
  7. Looking forward going back to Venice, La!!
    4 points
  8. The difference between fishing on a private lake and public lake is like comparing night and day. Private lakes everyone knows each other and usually behave politely to each other. Public lakes people behave very differently, some respect dock owners and some feel the dock is theirs to fish, a few believe the dock owners can afford to repair whatever they damage and Private Dock and No Trespassing signs don't apply to them. When the owner complains the angler get upset disturbing their right to fish the dock. When someone complains move on and stay off the dock it's not your property. Tom
    4 points
  9. Got my @Siebert Outdoors order in today! They look incredible! I'm headed to my store in Shreveport now to catch the company ride to West Monroe for their inventory. Glad I'm off tomorrow. I sure do hope I can get out to the lake tomorrow. Soooooooo looking forward to trying my new Shot Callers. Thanks Mike Siebert for an excellent job, the speedy service, quality jigs and just being an awesome friend! ?
    3 points
  10. I just picked up this locally the other day. I dressed it up a bit with some spare parts I had around.
    3 points
  11. I get warm fuzzies when old Senko posts get dredged up and the information/results are still the same!!
    3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. Put yourself in their place it's their private property and they have put up with all kinds of fisherman bouncing weights off thier boats, snagging hooks into everything, getting on the dock and generally behaving as if they own the dock. Be polite and acknowledge their rights. Tom
    3 points
  14. Scooped this up recently. Does this count as a tackle purchase? PT20
    3 points
  15. I don't understand how this is so difficult to set up initially? There's only 1 variable.. the spool tension knob.
    2 points
  16. Got a Z-Man Flip N Cast (California Craw 1/2oz) jig from the Outlet Bait and Tackle sale last week at a deep discount. Threaded on a shortened Vilecraw (California 420) that came from their big clearance a few weeks ago. Can confirm Cali colors work in Michigan too.
    2 points
  17. Replace all live wells with deep-friers, the winner is selected via a cook-off back at the dock.
    2 points
  18. So this just happened ! More to follow very soon . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  19. Dock fishing heaven. Place is a bass factory. If you don't come in with 20#, don't bother.
    2 points
  20. I've actually never been to Conesus. Definitely haven't met the Eagle Island lady either. The guy at Cross has a giant, beautiful house pushed way back from the water's edge. I think he sits inside and keeps an eye on his dock all day. Yelled at me when I approached during practice then again during the tournament. I never even saw him, haha.
    2 points
  21. I want an invite...who do I have to pay and how many Instagram likes do I need? I'm averaging 25 - 30 per post;) Is that enough?
    2 points
  22. The law down here states the property owners boundary line ends at the waters edge. You lose property during high tide & you gain property during low tide. The property owners own the wharfs, docks, & boat houses; they do not own the water under them or the fish. Property owners act like that down here they're facing criminal charges. The angler can not step foot on the any "structure" & is responsible for any damage they might cause.
    2 points
  23. This is not true... Its been a popular technique for a long time, longer than I've been fishing. It was one of my first primary patterns when I started tournament fishing over 15 years ago. As long as I've been fishing it's been a universally known technique. I remember it being shown/highlighted on old Bassmaster shows back in the 90's.
    2 points
  24. Misspelled except it, is what I meant anyways I was wrong already just seen on the sales thread the dc are going for 200 on Alf eBay with 20 percent coupon codes
    2 points
  25. As a fisherman I leave a dock if the home owner gets upset, just showing respect for their property. From the Home Owner perspective, if you are constantly pulling line from your dock, line and hooks tangled in your boat prop and upholstery, and if you swim off your dock, hooks in the wood supports, I can see why they get ticked off. Not all of us are perfect at lure placement, and skipping under docks and boats. But even the novice think their on the tour without the skills. I may have the right to fish a dock, but an overwhelming respect for the home owners.
    2 points
  26. You said if the masses don't expect it the price won't go down. Not getting you? To me supply and demand means the more people want an item and demand it the more the price will stay consistent or even go up. The less people want it then lower the demand for it the less the price.
    2 points
  27. I grew up on the water, with a break wall and a large dock with a covered boat hoist. Who are all these fisherman tearing up upholstery, leaving hooks in pylons, and doing all this trespassing and mayhem? I don't really recall any of this going on. You might find a hook stuck in the wood decking, but for all we knew, it was from one of us dozen or so kids, or even an adult. In pretty much all cases, exchanges with fisherman - rec and tourney guys alike - was pleasant. Water skiers, jet skis, and recreational boaters was a toss up.
    2 points
  28. Batten the hatches all you S. & N. Carolina members, be safe! Tom
    2 points
  29. Sorry, site restricted - don't want to infringe on forum policy. Will have to search it out...
    2 points
  30. That's like asking why is the sun bright...because it is...lol. There will always be haters no matter what the product is, you will never be able to please everybody so just put out the best product you can and let the haters hate ;).
    2 points
  31. I agree 100%. I fish low to mid priced rods and I can definitely feel cover better. Bite detection dosen't seem to matter between the two. The price keeps lead in my box. I probably lost 30 bucks of tungsten this season to toothy giants.
    2 points
  32. I can't speak for everyone, but I've had to evacuate a handful of times in my life. The more I've had to evacuate the less I take. Theft is the last thing on my mind. With all of the idiots on the road I worry about getting out of town safe and I worry about whether or not I'll have a roof over my head when I get back. The main things I have ready to go are clothes, charging cables, phone, tablet, and USB power supplies. Another important item for me is pulling the hard drives from my work stations (I HATE laptops). The hard drives include serial numbers, models numbers, and videos of any insurance reimbursable items (for stolen or damaged items). All of my photos are backed up on hard drives or in a cloud so I don't have to worry about those. Any other valuables are put in a safe deposit box at the bank. My son brings all of his baseball gear. His gear is expensive and although it can be replaced, it's all broken in and he has a comfort level with it. It also provides him comfort to be taking some of his stuff. If there's room (and there usually is) we bring our fishing gear. There's no telling how long we'll be out of town and it gives us something to do. And of course, I bring my son and my dog. I tried to leave my now ex-wife behind once, but she caught on quick. I was on the south end of Hilton Head when we evacuated for Hugo. As an Executive Committee member for the resort I was working for I had certain responsibilities in shutting down the hotel, so I was late getting off of the island. Back then Hilton Head wasn't nearly as developed as it is now and we didn't have the easy access to I-95 or other points of egress that we have today. It took about 5 hours to get off the south end of the island and over the bridge to what is now a very populated Bluffton area. I remember seeing someone's Ferrari abandoned on the side of the road as we left the island. Good times. Thankfully (for us and not for Charleston) the storm missed Hilton Head. It would have permanently split the island in two had it hit. Fun fact: About 3 weeks before Hugo hit my girlfriend and I were taking a horse drawn carriage ride through Charleston and the driver was pointing out the hurricane proof construction on some older homes. He mentioned that historically Charleston gets hit by a major hurricane once every 100 years and they were about due.
    2 points
  33. The mistake in your thinking is that the two (being right & being considerate) are not mutually exclusive. There is risk in causing damage when driving on the freeway, but it would be absurd to tell people to only drive side roads. Docks can be fished with consideration, in a manner that leaves no evidence that you were ever there. One example has already been given, use weightless lures instead of jigs. Don't try & make casts that are beyond your skill level or that current conditions allow. Basic consideration of another person's property. Ironically, the only time I ever really get hung up near most docks is when a dock owner is inconsiderate, leaving dock lines or extension cords in the water. That is unsafe for everyone.
    2 points
  34. Going to try out the new Abu Garcia Revo IKE reel. I think I'm really going to like the handle on this thing.
    2 points
  35. I stopped skipping jigs around docks a few years ago. Even if you’re really accurate your going to clang off someone’s dock post or pontoon eventually. Pretty much the only things I skip under docks now are weightless worms and flukes. I’ll still hit the goal post once in awhile but it doesn’t sound like beaning the Tinman in the helmet with a fastball anymore either. That sound can set an otherwise laid back lakeshore owner off in a hurry.
    2 points
  36. Use 40# braid minimum. I've had no problems with it digging in. Sudden stops with braid is a recipe for losing lures. A good reel set up properly will help eliminate bird nests. The rest is up to you. It need not be expensive. Look for a quality used reel. Some great deals are out there. You just need to keep an eye an a few forums with classifieds. Our Flea Market is a good place to start. There are also state bass forums. I have found some really good deals on the Texas and New York ones. And...yes...I am aware many have no problem with 15# or 20# braid on a casting reel. The OP is. 40# should take care of it digging in until he gets more familiar with using it..
    2 points
  37. I just keep fishing no matter what they say, I'm the one behaving legally. There's a law in Tennessee that prevents people from harassing fishermen and hunters. If the idiot homeowner gets mad enough to call the law, they will be the ones holding the citation. I'm also a dock owner. If someone's "dangerous sharp hooks" are left on my dock, I risk certain injury and disease and place the dangerous item into my tackle box. If y'all move on because of an idiot screaming at you, then you have basically convinced the idiot that their strategy is effective and are enabling them to treat other anglers the same way
    2 points
  38. Doesn't have to be a fish....I've broken two in the last several years high sticking snags. Not my proudest moments
    2 points
  39. Routine part of my wife's 'training runs' includes some canine battle carry ~ Seems BreeZo enjoys the view . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  40. Flatulence and that's why you need the mask.
    2 points
  41. There's a dock I know of on the Potomac where the owners setup a lawn sprinkler on a motion sensor...Get too close and you get sprayed. It might be intended for birds...But if it's intended to keep fisherman away the joke's on them because nothing feels better on one of those swampy 100+ degree Potomac days than a quick water spray .
    2 points
  42. Seiberts makes killer finesse jigs....but I don't think I ever owned a 3/4 oz finesse jig...wow...like Melissa McCarthy in a tutu
    2 points
  43. Come to the dark side! This is an actual picture of Catt:
    2 points
  44. Remember all the dock owners who didn't complain or have a problem with you, not just the one who did. There are always people going to be angry, upset or ticked off by something or someone. Try not to let it spoil your day. We fish to relax not get aggravated.
    2 points
  45. Seems about once a year i hit my trolling motor on an underhanded cast and get a bad one. I keep thinking someone needs to come up with a trolling motor mount that is flush with the bow when deployed. with all the fancy stuff on trolling motors these days that seems like an easy one or maybe I'm the only one this happens to.
    2 points
  46. Wait now --- from other threads I've read you apparently "can't backlash a Diawa!"....hmm??? In jest I speak..... Does look like incredibly heavy braid. Should've made it easier to pick out in some cases, but many times I just shrug and pick up a different rod until I can give it some attention.
    2 points
  47. PART of the problem is that you spooled up with anchor rope. ; )
    2 points
  48. Had one about that bad with my frog rod not too long ago and actually managed to pick it out. I'm too cheap to just cut up a spool of Smackdown.
    2 points
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