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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/04/2018 in all areas

  1. A little old school Charlie Brewer Slider Fishin' today...a couple of the 23 landed in a 2 hour trip in 90+ degree heat.
    13 points
  2. Walked down to the lake, made 1 cast with a ribbon tailed worm, and caught this one. Then it started pouring down rain so I went back in the house !
    10 points
  3. So glad the holiday is over and now it's time for some quiet (er) time on the water. Tight Lines
    8 points
  4. don’t worry, it gets worse as you get older. ?
    7 points
  5. Some of these pics are dorky because they were meant for one of my fishing buddies who says I can't crank. Had way too much fun this morning putting it in his face as he sits at home.
    5 points
  6. Finally caught a fish on the Arboghast Buzz Plug Jr. I lost the set of double hooks the first outing with this lure. I replaced them with a treble hook and tried again this weekend. Got this pound and a quarter Smallmouth Bass on it. The lure and fight messed up it's mouth pretty bad as you can see in the close up. It might be one and done with this lure as I might retire it.
    5 points
  7. If you live on a farm you grow up knowing that one of those animals can be your dinner. My aunt had a pet rabbit named "Emily". Well...one day "Emily" ran away when my aunt wasn't home. That night the family had stew. Yup. Nothing is safe on the farm.
    5 points
  8. My holiday weekend was a working holiday
    4 points
  9. I acknowledge that you may well be very correct. However, I'd be willing to take one for the team, risk that and give it a try
    4 points
  10. Today is day 11...just 3 more to go. Not sure who will be happier - me or him He's been a trooper.
    4 points
  11. I try not to go near lakes, rivers or streams on Labor Day, Memorial Day or the 4th of July. Its amateur hour. But soon the best time of year will be on us. Fall is when the hunters head to the woods and I put on a flannel shirt and enjoy the peace and quiet.
    4 points
  12. About 10 years ago a family friend had 4 Highlander at my in-law's. My wife and I would feed and water them in the evening and the owner would in the morning. We did this for 3 or so years. He processed 2 of them and gave us a quarter for helping him out. My wife always said she wouldn't have a problem eating one. Well when it came time and I cooked up a couple burgers, my wife suddenly became sick to her stomach and said "I can't eat Crystal". My response with a mouth full of food was "she taste really good, give her a try". That went over like a lead balloon. At least you have the foresight to realize you'd be buying a couple hay burners.
    4 points
  13. As cool fall weather approaches, the crankbait fishing heats up. A 7.3:1 gear ratio and an ultra smooth drag make the RevoSX reel the perfect crankbait reel!
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. I am, I get what you're saying now, people don't have to see the harsher side of life partially because of police.
    3 points
  16. Original Diawa Tatula rod 7'2" Med-Heavy Regular action on line if you dig for $99 and Lews Tournament MB 7.5 speed reel on EBay for $99. Done. Very good quality setup that will be versatile, sensitive, and last a long time. 2 bucks left for a cup of coffee.
    3 points
  17. I fished Saturday and Sunday before the rain. Saturday we saw a lot of fish and caught 24. The biggest was around 3# with the best 5 being around 10-11lbs. Sunday we didn't see near as many fish and caught 8 small fish. Here are a couple of schools we found on Saturday but vanished by Sunday.
    3 points
  18. Yep. We throw our baits into areas that are totally foreign to us and for which we could not survive. It's like throwing our baits into a black hole and waiting to see what happens. It is Mother Nature at her best. Man, with all of his brain power and technology vs. this small green monster with a brain the size of a pea. Enjoy and relish in it. Nothing like bass fishing in the world.
    3 points
  19. A little 'pond life' from yesterday...
    3 points
  20. I was out fishing a 200 acre pond today for LM & SM. I was pulling a ned rig up off a drop off when the line went heavy. Didn't feel like a very big fish but when I got him up it was quite a surprise. Turned out to be a land locked salmon! Every one says ned rigs catch a lot of fish but I didn't expect this. It was pretty thin but went 18" long. Not the best pic but I didn't intend to keep him so I handled him rather gently.
    2 points
  21. Had some good weather this last Thursday for our weeknight tournament, it was on a lake that usually produces quite a few fish, and I needed a partner, so I decided to take Lake with me so he could fish in his first tournament. He was so excited when I told him that I wasn't sure I could get him to take a nap before we left, thankfully he did because I'd been at work the night before and needed to sleep too. He did pretty good casting and retrieving his baits, had a couple good blowups on a plopper but I think they scared him because he'd stop reeling each time it happened and they'd let go before he'd start reeling again. I lost him once the snacks came out, he got up and made a few more cast each time I'd catch a fish, but he was pretty busy snacking and talking to any other boat or kayaker that came close enough to talk to. We got to talk and just enjoy a nice night on the water. He loved the clip on hat light when it got dark, not so much when the bugs started coming to it. I don't remember a time recently when I missed or lost so many fish in such a short period of time, but I'm positive I lost way more fish than I caught, and I caught quite a few. Some of the fish that I missed or came off felt really nice, which really stinks on a lake known for small fish. I found one school of fish blasting bluegill on a shoreline between two brushpiles that were all way bigger than average but I couldn't get any of them to bite even when there were bluegills getting knocked in the air everywhere. I was pretty happy with just getting to share the experience with him, I was pretty shocked to find out that nobody else had done any good and our little bag of fish was enough for the win!
    2 points
  22. Sounds like code for video taping feeding practice buddy
    2 points
  23. My morning was great. Started with a Whopper Plopper and only got a few dinks. Went to the Ned and didn't get a thing. Then went to a KVD 1.5 and slayed big Smallies. I thought it was gonna be a horrible day because 1. The Ned didn't get a lick, and 2. Somehow my Whopper Plopper got snagged on a rock under the surface upon splashing down in the river. I'm like, are you freaking kidding me? HOW? So I'm carefully wading out to grab it because that isn't how I'm gonna start my day. No way, no how. Get half way and it gets scary...a dadgum SNAKE is eyeballing me. I'm like oh hell no spawn of Satan and backtracked. Grabbed a stone and whacked it. Got my Plopper back right after. God rewarded me for beating that devil. I mean, I have PTSD now, will have nightmares, and will need therapy, but I got my Plopper.
    2 points
  24. Some days are diamonds, some days are stones, some days ya better off not leaving home!
    2 points
  25. Round, Round, I get a round.... ?
    2 points
  26. Yikes! A self tazering incident? That's going to sting.
    2 points
  27. Save yourself some money and get a River2Sea Bubble Walker 80 instead of the Megabass Popmax. I have both and can't tell the difference except I'm not nearly as worried about losing the Bubble Walker.
    2 points
  28. So you had a bad day at work? Guy from the last department I worked at had a worse one. She wants a couple cows. I told her I'm fine with that as long as we can eat them and she claims she would be able to eat them. I must look really dumb for her to think I wouldn't know better than to realize I'd just end up with a couple 800lb dogs out of the deal. Not a chance she'd be able to eat her babies.
    2 points
  29. Top fish looks like a white perch? Thought I caught a rock, would have rather it been a rock.
    2 points
  30. Bought a few new rods and reels earlier this week, along with some graphs, still waiting on the Tatula LT spinning reels for the two spinning rods to come in, got them for a awesome deal, I'm super cheap and they were $100 bucks each for both during a Labor Day sale I couldn't resist.
    2 points
  31. A very good day. How fitting it seems that on the final weekend of summer the old boat got an afternoon of attention it deserved and is ready for fall fishing. Got the motor mount shimmed in, flooring installed, tiller handle installed, cables dressed, sun top installed. It's a hideous looking mess put together with whatever I could find in the basement or the yard, plus $100 in new stuff at Home Depot. This 1966 Starcraft was my first boat and there's just something I really love about it. I didn't want to step on the bare aluminum hull so laid down three 2x4 ft PCV sheets with fake grass carpet stapled onto it - gets wet and won't rot, no slip grip and dampens the sound, smallies will never know I'm coming The motor is a 1975 Evinrude 15hp 2-stroke electric start bought off Craigslist from a salt water sailboat, originally used as a spare/donor for my (now deceased) 1976 Evinrude. Start/stop switches and starter solenoid are mounted to the gunnel because, well, the gunnel was there. It fires up but needs some finessing of the choke and throttle until it's warmed up; after that it seems to stabilize. Mostly. Sun top (critical!) is PVC pipe mounted on galvanized steel flanges and pipes, with canvas on top. Gas tank and battery will be mounted (okay, just placed) as far forward as possible to balance things out while I sit at the stern. Throttle control mounted on the gunnel. Milk crate seat. Tiller handle is a steel floor flange with 12 in. pipe threaded in. Motor mount screws are seized so I just wedged in some composite shims. Trailer could use some love. Intended purpose is for this outfit to get me through end of season. Next year hope to have a new boat. It ain't pretty. Viewer discretion is advised
    2 points
  32. Can't ask for a better outing than that! You were 100% on cast and catch and a hawg to boot! Well done! ?
    2 points
  33. Did some fishing on some flooded out lakes this weekend. The bite was tough. The area 3 days prior had 10" of rain and up to 7 twisters touch down. Trees snapped in half, jon boats in trees, docks destroyed. It was pretty devastating. Managed a few fish but nothing like we normally do. I was back seat most of the first day on my buddies brand new Ranger 178 aluminum. Nice little boat for sure.
    2 points
  34. I was out today and the crankbait bite was on. Not a fan of fast reels for crankbaits but I will plug the Revo Winch. I still can't put it together in my head how smooth the reel is on the retrieve and how easy it is to control bigger fish. So far I have been very impressed with this reel for it's intended purpose.
    2 points
  35. Dozen 3/8 dredge Dock rockers in blue Craw 2 - 3/8 Tungsten arkie in blue Craw 1 - random jig pack... I’ve been giving away my dock rockers in blue Craw to many of my buddies so ive got to restock!
    2 points
  36. Phone not cooperating but I bought my standard order. 6 dredge brush jigs California craw in 3/8 and 5 in 1/2 oz
    2 points
  37. i'll 3rd wachusett. great place, fish the basins and causeways, youll get some decent fish and a variety as well, great place. it can be tough tho but the basin,bridges and causeways are the best for shore access, fishing especially for the kids got out pike fishing on saturday. only managed one but had many follows and hits. i had the lure hanging off the side of the boat and this fish SMOKED IT. was fiddling with something else not paying attention. had 3 good hit on the same lure doing the same thing. my buddy caught a nice pike about the same size early in the day, i caught this one later in the day. we both had good hits. he broke off a decent fish.
    2 points
  38. My wife loves cows and this little mini highland loved being petted. I didn't know if we'd ever pry the two away from each other so the kids could see more of the animals.
    2 points
  39. 4 smallies today with 9 hours on the yak. They're not making this easy. Awesome day.
    2 points
  40. Decided to try some shallow water with the river boat, my buddy got a nice one!
    2 points
  41. I needed to stock up on a couple packs of Big Ezs for an upcoming tournament. $260 later I got my 2 packs of Big EZs lol
    2 points
  42. I wish it were cool enough for a sweat shirt here. It's so muggy here I think I'm going to grab a knife and cut the moisture in the air just so I can step outside.
    2 points
  43. It’s crazy how much he wants to hang on the boat....
    2 points
  44. Don't tell him he's not a Pug.
    2 points
  45. Did a little finesse fishing today from the bank in a clear water weedy lake just to test a few things out. Turned out rather successful overall. This one, along with the others, came on 3# yellow braid fished with a 5# fluoro leader (~4 feet). Managed 10 total - never retied - Palomar knot, not wetted. I'm sure I broke some other "rules" I'm forgetting -
    2 points
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