No, but I caught twice as many pike as I did bass yesterday. I don't think I have caught a tiger muskie yet this year over there.
As for tonight's fishing on was good. Not on fire but good. I fished from 4pm-8pm. I caught an even dozen, with the best 5 a 4-13, a 4-1, a 3-11, and a pair of 3-9's. I'll take 19 + lbs for 4 hours of work any night.
The most exciting part of the night was when I went for a swim.....unintentionally. I skipped a frog up under a dock, and some other bozo left a wad of braid broken off on this dock, and of course my line, and frog got all tangled up in it. So there I am, on hands and knees, with the scissors cutting my frog out of this mess, when I get blind sided by a huge wake. It wasn't the initial wake that got me it was the rebound wake off the retaining wall on shore. I felt it start pushing the boat away from the dock.....the next thing I know, I am forming a human bridge between my front deck and the edge of this dock. My out stretched arms and hands on the dock, and my feet hooked on the gunnel of the boat with the rest of my body over open must have been a sight to see. I was faced with two options.....keep holding on for dear life and risk some kind of bizzaro injury, or just let go and take a swim. I chose to go into the drink. So I went in as gracefully as a 300lb fool could. I actually landed feet first on the bottom in about chest deep milfoil and eel grass choked water, calmly walked over to the boat, grabbed the TM shaft and walked the boat through the grass filled water to the nearest dock with a ladder, and climbed back on. One of my idiot friends saw the whole thing, and I thought I was going to have to call the ambulance for him he was laughing so bad. Lucky my phone, keys, and wallet were in the boat, and not my pockets. I continued to fish for 2 hours or so after this comedic fiasco, and caught my best fish of the night afterwards.