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  1. Not quite what I was hoping for, but apparently Tiny Swimbait doesn't discriminate. Caught this one on a jika rig, and life was good. Had to sit out a couple thunderstorms, but still got rained on. Rain stopped, I stuck another decent one, and called it a day.
    13 points
  2. I got you all beat. Last Sunday landed this, no wonder they call these things "smallies" ? In all fairness, I did land a PB smallie estimated 3-4 lb later in the day. No photo as I deep hooked her and had to focus on hook-free recovery/release ASAP. Thank you, through-the-gills method and @jbmaine for the tip on where to find her
    12 points
  3. Larry decided to eat my Ned Rig at the dam today.
    12 points
  4. Sometimes just being along is rewarding enough. I also find that when alone my I fish different. I stop for a coffee, hit spots many don't consider, and don't feel like I have to put people on fish. I can target larger ones and today was a great example. Compared to what many post, these are minnows, but 4 that were between 3.2 and 4.1 is a great day.
    11 points
  5. Fifty Years Ago Today ~ Sure went by fast. A-Jay
    11 points
  6. Brand new video just posted. Hope you enjoy it!
    10 points
  7. My Nephew came for a visit this weekend. I took him and my son for a fishing trip to a local spot for some Smallmouth action. Everyone caught fish. It was a good trip. We got them on Ploppers, Dingers, Berkley Atomic Tubes and Ned Rig TRD's
    6 points
  8. Fish on a rat.....doesn't get numbers, but better than average size
    5 points
  9. This sounds weird to me. There aren't "brakes" on a DC reel that can be installed - correctly or not. Flipping doesn't involve the reel at all. Pitching doesn't generate enough inertia to get the DC going. Side arm barely gets it going. I've used DC reels, and this has been my experience. I've serviced DC reels, and know that other than the sensor window being gunked up (an issue they seem to have resolved) there's nothing to service. What store was this? I think the owner isn't telling the truth. If there was an issue with DC braking, they would have to go back to the factory. There's nothing anyone can do to service the braking system in the field. I also think you need to actually make a normal force cast to realize the full benefits of DC.
    5 points
  10. Something I'd like to share with everyone.
    5 points
  11. As some of you know I had an issue with my Garmin Echomap Chirp 73 ( See Garmin malfunction ). They asked me to send it into them, which I did. Tracking shows they received it yesterday. I called this A.M. to see if they had looked at it yet. The customer service rep put me on hold while he checked into it. He came back and said this unit was not considered repairable, and they would send me a replacement, but as they didn't have any more of the non plus units to send, they would replace it with one of the newer plus units. From what he said these use the same transducer, power cable etc. so all I have to do is mount the new cradle, plug everything in, and I'll be good to go. Even better, they are overnighting it so I'll have it tomorrow. Can't ask any more than that. It's nice to see a company that still has good customer service.
    4 points
  12. 4 points
  13. I have the following reels Curado 70 Curado 200 Citica Tatula ct Tatula ct type r Tatula sv I can say without a doubt if I was a beginner afraid of backlash, I would buy the tatula sv. That said if I wanted to learn to be more proficient and learning to us my thumb a little, I would buy the curado. People are very loyal to their brand of reels. Can't blame them. Shimano's and Diawa reels are both great brands. I enjoy them both. Bottom line is what you want to get out of the reel your using. If I were to start over, i would buy the curado. Your gonna pick out more backlashes at first, but you will be better at using a baitcaster.
    3 points
  14. Got a slight upgrade on my smallmouth. I still have more work to and kind of disappointed with how I've done so far, but it ends the end of the month and I have a knockout punch planned still, but I'm still doing pretty good. My channel cat got DQ'd because my yak wasn't in the picture, which was 27" so that hurt, but I'll get another one.
    3 points
  15. First let's address 4 carrier working like a saw! Abrasion works both ways! While your line is cutting grass the grass is abrading your line! Why TUF Line? Western Filament, Inc. pioneered UHMWPE braided fishing lines They have been in business for over 75 Years Made in America Western Filament, Inc., manufactures a large variety of products that are used in high-tech industries including medical, automotive, motor manufacturing, aerospace, military, and many other textile markets.
    3 points
  16. Gonna try some drop shotting next time I'm out. Picked up some Owner 2/O Mosquito Hooks, some 1/8oz and 1/4oz Green Gremlin steel drop shot sinkers. Also picked up some more 40lb Sufix 832 for my 6'10" MHF Lew's American Hero baitcaster that I plan on dedicating solely for topwater now. My spinning rod is now set up with 20lb Sufix 832 main line with about 4' of 10lb P Line copoly leader connected with a uni to uni knot 2/O Owner Mosquito Hook about a foot or so tag with an 1/8oz drop shot sinker. Possibly dedicating that rod to drop shots. Gotta get another spinning set up to dedicate to weightless Texas rigs, Ned rigs and wacky rigs. Just getting tired of rerigging the only spinning rig I have now. Will continue to rerig as long as I have to though. May be a while before I can get another spinning rig. ?
    3 points
  17. Just one. A Bill Dance fat free shad crankbait. When I was a kid I would go into my fathers tackle box and grab one of them when I fished alone. I always thought he would be mad because what if I lost it? But when he found out he just said "I've lost so many lures in my day, there's nothing you can do to it that I can't." When my father died and I went through his tackle I found one that I used to take out (just like the one in the photo). I can't bring myself to use it so it stays tucked away.
    3 points
  18. TUF Line Domin8 Braided Line ?
    3 points
  19. Given how many people trash companies when things are wrong, it's good to see them get praise when praise is do
    3 points
  20. [August 06, 2018] It's been 17 long days since Jeremy & I last fished. There was a bass tournament held last Saturday (4th). It's the summer season and temps are now reaching into the 90's. The past weekend saw a lot of pressure from both tournament & weekend anglers as well as recreational boaters. All in all, I was just happy to finally get back out and get some casts in, and thought even if I only caught a little 8 incher to stay consistent, I would consider that a bonus. Well I caught that little 8 incher... As well as a few upgrades... WolfyBrandon
    3 points
  21. Some good advice, different opinions as to what is biting you. I'd only add that if you suggested, I believe you did, that someone nearby is catching bass with a similar T-Rig and you aren't, that whether you are getting bit by bluegills, or not, you still aren't catching bass at other times. Frustrating. So, one simple change I made when I was having a similar issue with successful hook ups was I simply moved away from offset hooks, certainly EWGs, reverted to a worm hook. I prefer the Roboworm Rebarb Hooks (made by Gamakatsu as I recall). Owner and others have great hooks with good keepers. I pull my hook through the top of a worm, twist and turn and leave the point slightly in the meat of the plastic. When you set the hook, the angle that point comes blasting out of the plastic is just superior, I think, and based on my results. You can see it here, what I mean, by contrasting two hook types. Brad
    3 points
  22. Yesterday evening was breezy and heavily overcast. Went to my private lake in Virginia and got an 8 pound 3 oz. bass and then 15 minutes later, an 8 pound 13 oz bass on the frog!!! Also landed a 3 pounder on frog.
    2 points
  23. I’m still not exactly sure how this happened, but... I was was working on my new-to-me aluminum boat this morning, filling in the rest of the small cavities before I re deck it. I ran out the marine grade foam so I picked up some Great stuff to do the rest of the job. This clearly comes out the can MUCH faster than the previous product. I just got situated to start work, and started releasing the foam into the rib through a hole alittle larger than the straw, and waited until I could start to see it come out of the next hole about 6” away. There must have been a blockage in the rib, and I put waaayyyy wayyy too much in it, because when I pulled the straw out, it erupted like a geyser in one quick blast. It erupted with such force and volume, that the relitively small portion that DIDNT BLAST ME DIRECTLY IN THE FACE stuck to the cieling 8 1/2 feet up off the work surface, and large chunks scattered around a 6’ radius. Yes that’s right, I took most of the blow on the right side of my head, directly in my eye, face, and hair. I was luckily wearing a hat, so the top of my head didn’t get much splatter, but the back of my hair, neck, and ears received a good portion. I ended up throwing my shirt away lol, and spent the next hour in the shower flushing my eye and pulling the stuff out of my hair and skin. It wasn’t a pleasant experience but when I was all done I got a good laugh at myself. I really should’ve been wearing eye protection, like it says on the can, but.... I wasn’t haha. I will from now on though! My eye is just fine now, I was really worried at first because it was wide open at the time, and was basically glued shut for aittle while... Anyways, just a little PSA, careful with your garage work, and don’t underestimate the power of foam!? Just thought I’d share so you all can laugh at my expense. Heres the cieling;
    2 points
  24. I found this small lake while driving to the normal lake I fish, it’s literslly maybe 200 yards from the road but it’s compeltely Blocked by trees. I managed to find an area that I can put my canoe in. It’s actually a lake that a main creek runs threw. The creek looks like it splits off into this 20 acre lake so I decided to try fishing it and omg! Every fish I caught was just fat and healthy. I caught a limit of 23 pounds for 5 bass which may not seem like a lot but for being up north in a little canoe is crazy. Every fish was just fat as could be. Between 3-6 pounds. I have never been to a lake like this. Also I noticed a lot of schools of baby bass.. I didn’t see any bait fish at all which confused me as to why the bass are so healthy. I must have see hundreds or thousands of little baby bass everywhere though. I knew there had to be bluegill so I used a bluegill swimjig and a black/blue/purple finesse jig and they both just got hammered. Wish I taken more pics but I was just having fun. Here is at least one(my face looked horrible in this so I colored it out haha ). Can’t wait to go back .. I really think my new Pb might be in there.
    2 points
  25. ordered in early June, and it came in last week. haven't even had a chance to get it close to water yet. maybe next week sometime:) so far I love it and I haven't even fished in it yet:)
    2 points
  26. A Med. power rod with a fast tip would be my choice. I use one for hair jigs and shakey heads in the 3/16-1/4oz. Range.
    2 points
  27. I like fishing alone on my boat. I also like fishing with a partner but what I really like is fishing on the back deck of my buddies boat. I spent 15 years guiding, I know how to handle a boat and keep people on fish but when I am on the back deck of the boat, it's not uncommon for me to out fish my partner. Along with that, we have a great time. He always comments that he's never seen anyone fish the back deck like I do. He never has to worry about placement, speed, or anything to do with fishing because I know how to make the back deck work to my advantage. I have a system that allows me to catch fish no matter what my partner is doing. I can relax and we have a great time.
    2 points
  28. You have WAY too much bait threaded onto that hook. You only need enough to get to the first bend, or about 1/4". Agree with others, it could be sunnies.
    2 points
  29. You must be good with your hands to get a little can so exited.? Got that crap in my hair once. Had to go to the barber and get a haircut.
    2 points
  30. I don't think it was broken at all. Has anyone confirmed anything with Shimano. I'd call support, but I don't have anything but second hand information.
    2 points
  31. Found some smallies on the flats (shallow) yeaterday here in northern lower. However they took me to school ! Had them hammering my spinnerbait - but only I land 1 of 7 - lost 3 at the boat. Others jump off. At least two were 'Toads'. So I have a handful of mangled baits and a single keeper to show for 8 hours of chunking & winding. Good news is - they are already shallow and should be there for several weeks, at least until most all the weeds die back and the bait bails. I'll be looking to enact some revenge - every chance I get. Which will need to be very soon. Get out there bassheads, it'on ! A-Jay
    2 points
  32. Two thumbs up. Does exactly what I wanted it to do. Doesn't get in the way and manages the anchor line perfectly. Trolley/carabiner combo does the trick. Two cautionary notes: 1. Stowing anchor in rod holder does change center of gravity slightly....not big deal, but worth being aware of 2. I transport with Wizard removed. I lost track screw and small track plate because I have to back screws out almost completely to slide wizard off. No room in my tracks between sliding and completely unscrewed. Fortunately I launched same place the next time and found the screw and plate in gravel where I'd parked previous day.
    2 points
  33. Are you knew to baitcasters becouse that’s not normal bro the curado k is one of the top selling reels on the market. It’s not one of the best for nothing.
    2 points
  34. In Indiana, if the sun is down, you have to have your red and green bow lights and a white light that can been seen from any direction as well as no wake. Your headband wont cut it. It needs to be seen from 360 degrees. Even if your state doesn't require this, common sense does. Someone coming behind you is not going to see you with your headband. Now most likely they will be in no wake mode, but still... why risk it. I have only been a rec boater, but when im behind the wheel, my head is on a swivel. I stand up so I can see everything even at 70mph. With 20 years on the water, I must admit that I am not the norm. Be careful out there brother
    2 points
  35. 832 is a quality line that should work good. I've been using kastking super power and it works great for a good price
    2 points
  36. I agree with you about fishing alone. Go at your own pace and fish how you want to and not have to think about others in the boat.
    2 points
  37. I've done the rod/dowel thing, have a friend hold the spool thing, let the parrot chase the spool all over the floor thing, and back in the day when I sold tackle had the "professional winder" thing. These days I use a Berkley winding rig. Not that new one that looks like an umbrella handle though, the original style which easily does spinning or bait casting reels.
    2 points
  38. 832 is all I use as well for pitching and punching never a problem
    2 points
  39. 832 is fine If you are looking for 4 strand, look to Gamma Fins also puts out a great product
    2 points
  40. No bass here, so I'm happy travelling to the US, Canada and Spain to get my fix.
    2 points
  41. Biggest Smallmouth ever on this particular river. Throwing the Ned Rig off the dam. It doesn't just catch dinks! I was shaking for awhile. My buddy gets credit for it too because he climbed down the wall and lipped it for me and raised it up to me so I didn't have to horse it up the wall and risk breaking it off. And then we waded down to some islands and this behemoth ate his Ned Rig. My buddy down the wall doing me a solid.
    2 points
  42. After 20 years of marriage, a man named Jack left his wife for his young secretary. His new girlfriend desperately wanted to live in the million-dollar mansion that Jack and his soon-to-be-ex-wife, Edith, shared while they were together. Jack, eager to please his girlfriend, made sure it happened. With better and more ruthless lawyers, Jack won legal rights to the mansion. His young secretary rejoiced. As for Edith? Jack gave her just three days to pack her things and leave the house. Brutal. Defeated, Edith complied with her ex-husband’s unfair demand. What choice did she have? On the first day of her final three days in the mansion, she packed her bags and boxes, mulling over just how much she would miss her longtime home. On the second day, the moving company picked up her boxes and transported them to her new apartment across town. All the while, she wrestled with her feelings of anger and betrayal. She had to do something. But what? By the third day, she had a plan for revenge. It started with one last meal in the dining room. There, she treated herself to a small feast: a plate of shrimp with caviar and a bottle of Champagne. Edith then enacted the final part of her plan and left the house… A short time later, Jack returned with his new flame. For a couple of days, the two lived in the paradise of a few-thousand-square-foot mansion. But then the house began to smell… Why the heck does this house stink? Jack wondered. With no answers, he searched for solutions. He and his girlfriend tried everything to get rid of the smell—cleaning, wiping, and vacuuming. Still, the odor grew worse. Jack checked the air conditioning, thinking there may have been a dead mouse inside. He called for exterminators to drop a chemically induced death sentence on any possible vermin. Nothing worked. As days passed, the smell became torture. Friends stopped visiting. Even handymen refused to work in the house, and the maid quit. Finally, driven to the edge of insanity, Jack reached a solution. He was a rich guy, right? He’d just buy a new house where he and his young secretary could live odor-free. However, the smell was like a curse: rumors of the “stinkhouse” spread throughout the area. No one wanted to buy the home. Desperate, Jack lowered the list price for his house. Then he lowered it again. And again. Eventually, not even realtors wanted anything to do with it. So Jack took a different route… Jack took out a loan to buy a new house. Then one day his ex-wife called him and asked him how he was doing. He proceeded to complain about his ordeal with the home. She patiently listened to his story. When he finished speaking, Edith told him how she missed living there and would be ready to lower his alimony payments if he would give her the house back. Jack hungrily licked his lips at the offer. She had no idea how bad it smelled! Finally offered an out, Jack agreed to let Edith take the house—under one condition. She had to sign the agreement, sight unseen, on the same day. Edith agreed and met up with Jack to sign the contract. She wore a wicked ear-to-ear smile—for a good reason. See, Edith knew why the house smelled so bad. The odor was all her doing. On her last night in the house, right after her final meal of shrimp, caviar, and Champagne, she didn’t exactly exhibit the best table manners… She’d dipped her leftover shrimp in the caviar and stuffed the remains into all of the home’s hollowed-out curtain rods. For good measure, she sewed a few of the shells into the hem of the curtains, too. A week later, Jack and his lover stood smiling and full of relief in front of their former house, watching the moving company transport their belongings away. Finally—finally!—they’d escaped that horrid stench. Even better? It would be Edith’s problem, now… Edith, however, never even caught a whiff of the odor that’d pressured Jack into giving away his multi-million dollar home. Because when the movers packed up all of Jack’s stuff, they took the curtain rods with them! Talk about an effective way to get back at a cheating ex. While the story of Jack and Edith may be a work of fiction, there’s no doubt that need for revenge, justice, and free real estate lives within all of us. Looks like his ex-wife got the last laugh on that one with a little bit of shrimp revenge! A-Jay
    2 points
  43. I used to pour concrete and the superintendent would drive up to the site, hit his horn and call you over to his vehicle. As you talked to him through a barely cracked window, you could feel the coldness of the air conditioning pouring out. One day he showed up to the job and there was an issue with the paving machine, so he had to get out. Somebody took a roadkill(dead raccoon), put it in a walmart bag and dropped it behind the bench seat. About 2 weeks later, he had a new company truck. He started locking his doors if he had to get out on the job.
    2 points
  44. Trim up in small increments until you get the feel of it. The faster the boat will run the lighter it will feel. You should feel the bow start lifting and the spray out the sides start moving back. The spray should get back behind the drivers seat if you are getting good lift and the boat will feel like its just skipping along on light chop. As you trim out watch the speed and tach and pay attention to the sound of the motor and feel of the steering wheel. If you get an increase in rpm and not in speed, you over trimmed. If the motor changes sound, usually a hallow sound, you are probably over trimmed and getting cavitation. If steering feels less sensitive, it's probably over trimmed. It's a by the seat of your pants learning experience based largely on your boats setup. Engine height and type prop and set-back make a huge difference in how you trim your motor
    2 points
  45. Went out fishing yesterday and it was dire. The river Thames was 76f, which I certainly don't ever remember seeing before. Predictably the fish have pretty much shut down and even the tiny perch were proving hard to tempt with the smallest of crappie jigs. So I went exploring. Proper swallows and amazons stuff up a little backwater. Motor trimmed up and front troller held to the surface on the cord. Amazed how far I got, the boat must only draft about 4"! Anyway, got to a gravel flat that I couldn't pass and got out for a splash around. The dogs loved it charging about in ankle deep water. I doubt many boats had ever been up there, a few kayaks probably, but I had it to myself only about 12 miles from the center of London! The heatwave is predicted to end in the next week or so, so better make the best of it. The last summer like this was 1976. We don't get many great summers! ?
    2 points
  46. A-Rig bass! Caught three in about 20 minutes, this one was my biggest of the day. 3.5ish The day started out a bit slow but we found a spot where bass were crashing shad and spent a few hours floating around there picking off a few bass. If we could throw a jerkbait into the school when they were breaking the surface it was almost guaranteed to catch a fish. I caught a few on crankbaits and rattle traps as well. But they were keyed in on small shad and didn't want anything if it was bigger than the shad they were chasing.
    2 points
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