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  1. Chunky 3.28 lber that smashed my kvd 1.5 square bill yesterday.
    11 points
  2. What a crazy night, guys. South East Wisconsin lake, absolute pigs. Both completely blew my old PB of 5.5lb out of the fricking water! Sadly I didn't have a scale on the boat. First one was 22" and the second was almost 24". Extremely old fish for Wisconsin. Still can't believe this happened. I apologize in advanced for jacking the fish's jaws. I was on autopilot and in shock and wasn't as gentle with the holding as I'd normally be. Both were out of the water for less than one minute. (Straight to the live well, then taken out for picture, then released) They swam away strong and unharmed.
    10 points
  3. Went first thing this morning for some largemouths, but with the super dry summer we’ve had here, the lake has dropped over a foot since the last time I was there so the largemouths all pulled out of the shallow pads/eelgrass where I caught em last time. So I went out to the main lake and salvaged the morning with brown ones instead. Drop shot Berkley Gulp minnow took them all on the deep edge of shallow flats, best fish was right at 3lbs.
    9 points
  4. Just now seeing this thread. I've wondering if there was a place to post catches on this forum. Love seeing others' catches! Here's a mid-summer frog fish. Missed the frog 2 times. Keeps the frog in the strike zone and nailed it on it's 3rd attempt.
    7 points
  5. Hit the water from 10 am thru 2:30 pm today. Managed to boat 7 bass with a few pickerel thrown in. Big bass coming on a 4” pit boss from lily pads in about 5/6 fow. 6lb 12oz fatty.
    6 points
  6. So I spent a good part of today building a nice dog crate for our new pup, and of course within about 20 min. of finishing it, our 16 year old cat has taken it over. She truly believes she owns the entire house and is just “letting” us stay here ?.
    5 points
  7. Storms have had the fish all fired up here. The fishing has been red hot this past week as a major storm system swirls around the northeast. Like usual, they really wanted the popper today. Megabass Pop Max landed this 4-2 right off the bat, followed quickly by several more good sized fish. Sun came up, topwater bite went dead, but that didn’t stop them from slamming other baits all day long. Frog in the lilies, senkos skipped under docks, and spinnerbait in the weeds. Biggest fish came on a spinner bait, around mid-day, a 4-4: Also got a bunch of hammerhandle pike and pickerel, but did have one decent pike crash a spinnerbait right next to the boat:
    5 points
  8. Didn’t think I was gonna get to get any fishing in today because it was raining pretty hard when I was supposed to leave and my little plastic boat doesn’t have a bulge. The rain broke a little and I caught a lot of fish before starting my study session. Couldn’t break 4 lbs but got really close with this one which was 3.96. Caught a lot of 3+ lbers.
    5 points
  9. On Monday, I got a call from a friend of mine Pete, who knew I wanted to try out my new boat on the Menominee river, and suggested we take a trip. Tuesday morning Pete showed up at my house and we took off. We wanted to let city traffic die down a bit before we left, so we hit the road about 9 for what was supposed to be a 4.5 hour drive. Constant road construction, detours, and trouble finding a restaurant, turned that into a 6.75 hour drive. After finally arriving, I think we boated about 27 smallies in 4 hours with an average size of 15-16 inches. Only 2 were under 14 and the biggest was 18. The only bait that really worked was a #90 Whopper Plopper. The amount of floating grass got to be pretty annoying, but the amount of action and the great average size of the bass, made picking off pieces of grass tolerable. We might have got more on plastics, but with the top water baits working so well, why change? On the morning of day 2, we got out early and at 6:30 I was preparing my boat to launch. Pete, eager to get started, made a cast standing on the boat ramp. His first cast nailed a 19 inch smallmouth, while I was still messing with the boat. That was to be one of the few highlights of the day. We'd gotten back to the hotel kind of late the night before and I'd hooked up my battery charger but apparently the charger did not get my trolling motor batteries fully charged by the next morning. We started with the batteries about half way charged and they didn't last the morning. Running the jet on plane while motoring upstream, I could avoid the shallowest water. Drifting back downstream, trying to dodge the rocks is more of a challenge and a strong trolling motor makes it easier to zig-zag around the rocks. If you aren't paying attention, winding up stuck on a rock is a very real possibility. Without a good motor, avoiding the rocks wasn't possible. Avoiding those shallowest areas kept us from the best fishing water and our results showed. For the rest of the day, Pete only had two more bass, although one went 19.5". I had 7 for the day with 6 of the 7 between 16-17 inches. We were pretty tired and storms were on the way so we were done by 5. Got up on Thursday morning and checked the trolling motor which showed no battery power. with no trolling motor, we decided to call it a trip. After I got home, I tested the batteries. One showed full power and one was dead. I tested the charger, and one of the two banks was not working. The bad charger pretty much wrecked what promised to be a great trip. I'm glad I found out about this now and not in a few weeks when I am returning for a full week fishing trip. Needing a new charger, I did some research of previous BR forum topics on on-board chargers. It looked like it was between the Dual Pro or Minn Kota chargers. The space that I have in my boat ruled out the Dual Pro so I went with the Minn Kota Precision. It should be here in a couple of days. It's been a while since I have been able to get on my favorite river and tie into these powerful river bronzebacks. Getting to these fish is a challenge and negotiating shallow, rocky rivers increases the difficulty, but the fight, and heart stopping jumps put up by these bass is the big reward. Me with one of the average smallies Pete with a late afternoon bass Pete's 19 inch fish caught off the boat ramp on his first cast of the day. Pete's second 19 incher of the day
    4 points
  10. Just wanted to say thank you for giving me the idea of canvas prints instead of mounts. It's way cheaper and is still a great way to remember the catch.
    4 points
  11. I often fish from the bank, and one lake has a Flangan's restaurant across the lake with outdoor seating. I walked up to my spot, made about four casts, and pulled in a 6 lb bass. There was big time applause, and howling, from the outdoor seating area, with plenty of drunks. I felt like I just won a big tournament! Take that Ike! Lol
    4 points
  12. Me and Mrs. Blue at the fair. Took the boys to ride some rides and see the rodeo. Got front row seats, probably 6' from the fence, had a couple bulls and steers and 1 bronc hit the fence right in front of us and a lot of dust kicked our way, boys were loving it.
    4 points
  13. Braillist? Presumably they're white and for detecting blind bass?
    4 points
  14. Thank you Black with red flake skirted spinnerbait. Double Colorado copper blades.
    4 points
  15. One year ago today my wife gave birth to a tiny 3lb 7oz dark haired little boy. He went from having tubes, and needles in his arm and a ventilator hooked up to him, to now weighing 27lbs and he ate a whole chocolate donut for breakfast for his birthday. Being a father is one amazing feeling.
    4 points
  16. There's no denying that Daiwa's Tatula CT and Fuego CT are fantastic reels at an even more fantastic price. On eBay, you can grab a Tatula CT for ~$97 from various sellers, and you can get a Fuego CT for ~$65. So, the question then becomes, do I spend an extra $30 on the Tatula, or is the Fuego good enough? I've had that question myself, and when I first created an account here, I made a thread asking about reel recommendations. Many people recommended these two reels, and most of those people suggested going for the Tatula if possible, because of the TWS, because of 2 extra bearings, and because the whole thing is aluminum, including the two side plates. So, despite the fact that I was set on getting a Casitas, I started looking into these reels. Over on another forum(I don't want to say it by name, because I'm not affiliated with them and don't know how the moderation team feels about "advertising" a "competitor"), someone last year made a thread complaining about their Tatula CT. The biggest gripe was that Daiwa AU described the Tatula CT as having an aluminum side plate, but after taking apart the reel, this user found composite("plastic"). In that thread is a picture of the side plate, as well as a screenshot of Daiwa's description which does indeed indicate an aluminum side plate. Looking deeper into this discrepancy, I pulled up the parts diagram for the Tatula CT as well as for the Fuego, to figure out what was actually different between them. I'll have a picture of the diagrams below, but while I was looking, I noticed part #51. The Fuego's shows a honeycomb pattern, indicating a composite side plate, while the Tatula's showed no pattern, seemingly indicating a difference in composition. Still though, the Tatula CT is actually a few grams lighter than the Fuego, despite the T-Wing and the parts required to move it back and forth. This didn't add up. With the slightly heavier line guide and a few bits of plastic to make it interface with the thumb bar, there's no way that the side plate could be aluminum as well and still result in a lighter reel considering the generally shared parts. Then, I decided to look up the Tatula CT Type R, and in that diagram, you can clearly see the same honeycomb pattern found in the Fuego. The Tatula SV TW diagram tells the same story. Assuming that the Tatula CT is not defying physics and that Daiwa wouldn't be using cheaper materials in their more expensive reels, I came to the conclusion that the Tatula CT does not actually have aluminum side plates(or at least on the gear side). From there, I looked at the other differences, specifically the bearing count. After combing through each part listed on both of the diagrams, I realized that they share the same number of bearings. The only part in the diagrams that wasn't broken down fully was the handle itself(part #94 in both diagrams). Therefore, the only potential place that 2 extra bearings could exist, is in the two handle knobs. Okay, so at that point I was ready to make this thread, mostly to dispel the idea that the Tatula CT has aluminum side plates, but to point out just how similar these reels actually are. Still though, I decided to contact Daiwa myself to get some confirmation either way from them. This is the email I received: Cool, so it's confirmed then. The Tatula CT does not have aluminum side plates. So what are the differences, really? Well, there are only a handful of parts listed that are different. The frame, the two side plates, a stabilizer bar, the spool tension knob, handle nut and plate, as well as the brake adjustment knob, are all different. Most of these differences are because of the color of paint used(frame, side plates, etc), and some are different because of the design and the way that Daiwa marks the gear ratios in the Tatula(brake adjustment knob, handle nut plate, etc). Beyond that, the worm shaft and a few more level wind parts are different because of the TWS. There's a single bearing retainer that's different(part #49), though the Tatula CT Type R shares the exact same retainer as the Fuego CT, so take that for what you will. The last difference is that there are 2 extra bearings, one in each handle knob. The entire spool assembly is the same model number, the main bearings are all the same model numbers, the gears, the drive shaft, the drag star and washer system, the thumb bar, they're all the same. Here's a picture of the two parts diagrams, highlighting each bearing, as well as the single retainer that's different: To put it simply, the Tatula CT and the Fuego CT are the same reel, with the exceptions of the TWS and two handle knob bearings, which are the reasons for an extra $30. Are those differences worth an extra $30? I can't say because it will largely depend on you. I will say that I absolutely love my Fuego CT, and that Daiwa's more expensive reels are fantastic as well.
    3 points
  17. that guy who said he didn't catch anything might have been me. Because no matter if Ive caught zero bass or fifty bass, my answer is always the same when someone asks me if I caught any. Nope!
    3 points
  18. Are you fishing the same ways you did before the weeds? Weeds give bass lots of places to hide and spread out. A population of fish that may have been concentrated to smaller areas of cover can now utilize the entire lake and often what use to be empty mud flats will be thick weed beds that hold fish, so all that empty water is now fish habitat as well. They're still there, but they've adjusted to the new habitat.
    3 points
  19. I am assuming you fish with the left hand cranking your spinning reel. Before you buy a RH casting reel take your favorite spinning set up and switch the handle to the other side and fish with it. Retrieve line,fight a few fish, and work a few lures. If it still feels equally comfortable to fishing the way you normally do, then go for it. Get an RH reel. If not, then only get the RH if and only if your intention is to train yourself to learn and retrain your brain and body to fish the opposite way. I am willing to bet a floating Rapala minnow that it will not only feel odd, you won’t feel comfortable. Just trying to save you the hassle of finding out the hard way you didn’t like it after the fact. Reel recommendations? Curado or Tatula. These are imho the all-around reels with solid reps behind them.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. You need to compensate with either loosening your drag so it just barely slips on a hookset or utilize a moderate action rod to help absorb the shock of no give braid.
    3 points
  22. My 2018 Tracker Pro Guide V-165. This was actually the day I first picked it up this summer. Had a 2001 tracker bass boat, but I needed something that would keep clumsy excited little kids out of the water and in the boat. The 115 hp on this thing is a big step up from the 60 hp motor that I had on my bass boat.
    3 points
  23. First time out on my new Pro Guide V 165-wt yesterday and was able to christen the new boat with a few of these guys between 2-3 pounds. Late morning Fishing a grass bed right at the edge of about a 10 foot drop off. They weren't donkeys but they were fun catching. Texas rigged PowerBait 10" Power Worm in Green Pumpkin. Didnt keep any of them but did come across a nice bluegill bed later in the day. Took home about 12 good size bluegill and they made a tasty dinner for the family. Love eating bluegill.
    3 points
  24. Got out around 6:30 this evening. Trolling motor won't work. So I unload it and the battery at the dock and head out with the paddle .Caught a few pound size fish and made it down to the deepest hole at my end of the lake, which is ringed by eel grass . Caught a couple , and then had another fish break my line, which rarely happens to me anymore . I was a little aggravated by that, kind of grumbling to myself. So I kept fishing the hole. Had another fish attack the 5 inch yamamoto senko, in a watermelon red type color. When I set the hook , I knew it was a nice fish. Thinking maybe 4 pounds. It surged under the boat and I pulled it out and then she surged away from the boat and I pulled her back and was able to lip her. To my surprise, the fish was a lot bigger than I had thought. She ended up weighing 8.1, and was 25 inch long. I'm still hyped up after an hour and a half. Thankful !
    2 points
  25. That looks like the type of vegetation that occurs in local lakes here . It breaks off easily and difficult to fish in . Smells like skunk too . I mainly fish spinnerbaits and buzzbaits around and over it and lightly weighted or no weight Texas rigs in it , like an 8 inch Jelly worm with 1/8th ounce weight .
    2 points
  26. I love catching bass. I don't like being the jerk that makes someone feel bad, however. The little wave was an unnecessary insult to a guy who wasn't even rude to you.
    2 points
  27. 2 points
  28. Natural lakes may not have a population of "off shore" largemouth bass if the lake doesn't have a population of pelagic baitfish. If the predominate prey source is located near shore that is where the bass will be located. Tom
    2 points
  29. After one day all the boots smell like Fritos . . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  30. Let's see...many interests/hobbies which vary from year to year. Guitar, though I don't play as much as I used to. Mountain biking Tinkering with stuff (mostly learning car/truck repair on my own). Snake collecting, though this hobby is less collecting now and just finding them on hikes/walks/kayaking, handling them, taking pix, etc. Tennis - real and table But @A-Jay's real passion is doggie boots, you THOUGHT he meant dog sledding.
    2 points
  31. WTG ~ Tanks for sure ! That's about The Best two consecutive casts a man can ever hope for ~ Two PB's Congrats A-Jay
    2 points
  32. Off Season Deal. All Season Deal . . A-Jay
    2 points
  33. Steve Daniel or Tom Mann Jr., both out of Clewiston and can't go wrong with either. Brian.
    2 points
  34. With the popularity of tournament fishing, many bass fishermen (myself included) have forgotten the art and effectiveness of trolling. One of the reasons I like In Fisherman magazine is they cover trolling, strolling, etc. It is a very effective way to find bass, both in bowl shaped lakes and structure filled res.
    2 points
  35. Green sunfish do this constantly on some of the lakes I fish. On a side note, if you call a sunfish or bluegill a "perch" you're the worse kind of person
    2 points
  36. I knew I'd seen LunkersTV from somewhere before.
    2 points
  37. I hear tell there is a cool front hitting up here tuesday. Possible day time highs of 73 degress.
    2 points
  38. Caught a personal best today ... yes not terribly big but is for me this year. 4lbs and 22 inches on a Booyah Buzz with Zoom Horny Toad trailer. Great top water explosion and thrill to bring this one in!! I’m starting to recognize bites more on T-rigs and am not getting skunked as often when I go out.
    2 points
  39. Nice report Blaster. Thanks. Planning to head up Tuesday. Hopefully this trip is more productive than my last trip. Catt, have you been doing any damage in the Pool?
    2 points
  40. Right, 1 pint, don't know why I added the incorrect ounces, never did that before when suggesting using pint of water for a pound weight to set drags without a scale. Tom
    2 points
  41. Tiny swimbait still doing work. Several lesser, but very pugnacious, pandas tonight; one of which bent out a hook. Good thing I got two trebles on that bait.
    2 points
  42. Catching these fish just never gets old Quick pass after work before dinner accounted for over a dozen post-frontal bass this evening. Can't wait for the weekend - lol
    2 points
  43. Can't handle the summer humidity, heat and lack of breeze lately. Even my sunset bassing visits to local ponds have now become sweaty and buggy affairs rewarded with merely a dink or two. My daughter and son-in-law convinced me to join them on a local drift boat for an evening trip offshore. You pay $45 pp and includes tackle, sardines for bait, and a mate to help. It ended up being a blast. When the kingfish bite was on it was mayhem. I caught the first fish, a monster kingfish, and ended up winning the pool. This king yielded enough superb sashimi for 30 people.
    2 points
  44. did a little Kansas power plant fishing again today. bite was really slow today. started cranking ledges with a 6XD and caught this guy. not what I was after but fought hard . it was 29 inches and weighed 11lb. 2oz. switched over to a magnum trick worm and caught this guy. 22 inches 6lb. 4oz. nice finish to the day.
    2 points
  45. Got out for a few hours today hoping to have a good day. Didn't really happen like I'd hoped, but did manage 1 nonscorable bass on a wacky rigged green pumpkin Zoom trick worm. That was the only bite I got before the rain came down. Had a couple more bites then, but lightning made me pack up and head back to my girlfriend's house. Oh well it happens like that sometimes! ?
    2 points
  46. Got out Tues. For a few hours and today for a couple more before some dark clouds made me nervous. Not a lot numbers wise but stuck a good one each day pitching a double wide beaver. 1st one from today came in at 5-11 and the other at 4-15 on Tues.
    2 points
  47. I really was sick today, boss. Don't be so insensitive. It's called addiction.
    2 points
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