Who's doing the buying? I'd love to know, because as a member of the media, I get to vote. And nobody has ever tried to "buy" or otherwise influence my voting. If somebody's doling out dough, I'd like to find out who so I can sign up!
On a more serious note, everyone at ICAST - and in particular small business owners - are VERY proud of their products. If you talk to them, they are very passionate and obsessed about their company and its products, and truly believe what they are offering will completely change the fishing industry forever. They believe in their hearts, their stuff is the most unique and amazing products the world has ever seen....and is therefore a natural shoe-in for winning "Best of ICAST". In their eyes, there is no other reasonable outcome.
When their lofty expectations aren't meant, then in their eyes, there's no other reason than a conspiracy at work. Hence the rumors of "buying" votes, or that everything is "political", yadda yadda yadda.
That said, I do believe some things win when they shouldn't....mainly because there's nothing else better competing in their category. A new color of the same bait is not worthy of an ICAST award, but it happens sometimes. SMH
LOL! Add to it "revolutionary", "amazing", and "innovative" - words liberally used in just about every ICAST press release every year. LOL!