Thank you both!!!
I understand the getting addicted to Senko... Kind of like the Ned rig for me.... I've really been focusing on the more traditional rigs, but when nothing's biting AND I'm getting close to throwing in the towel, I pull out my Ned rigs and my spirits soar... except... I then feel like I'm cheating! LOL! At least I know they're there, so I focus on my presentations. I also appreciate the education I've been getting. Honestly, if my boat were ready to go, I'd probably be trolling, using my electronics and not learning a thing! Bank fishing has gotten me to slow down, take a look around, project topography and how it most likely transits to under the water's surface. Feeling my baits on the bottom (even if I'm loosing gear getting snagged on rocks and such, I'm still appreciating the education... In three months, I've gotten to the point where I can tell the difference between, bumping into rock, wood, a "bite" (and the difference between pan fish and bass bites and most recently, how to tell a "non-bite" That moment when there's un, self induced slack in my line. I've caught two that way and proud that I pulled my education out of my hat to think that slack line was a bite.... Pulled back as far as I could go and just kept reeling thinking the bass was swimming my way... it was! LOL!
I know I'm doing well with all of this... I'm definitely harder on myself than should be and work 'real hard" to be grateful that I get to go out fishing mid week and that My version of getting skunked,, is a dozen or so small ones... LOL! Laughing at myself and slapping myself in the face to "wake up and realize how good I've got it.... My wife is great at that... she doesn't slap me, but she's my greatest fishing supporter... Funny when we go together and I pull out another "dink" and frown... She'll look at me, **** her head to the side and look slightly down, giving me the body language of: "really? You're going to tell me that's not a bass? Wanna go home instead? (That's a taunt to get me to see what I'm complaining about... she loves fishing!)
I guess this was a little letting off steam.... Seeing that guys 5lb bass yesterday left me with that "Why can't I catch one of those" feeling... and we all know that once I do catch "one of those".... I'll be wanting a double digit bass! LOL!
Thank you too for the list of alternative Senkos (See... I'm trainable! I "think" i spelled it right this time... LOL!) I've been looking at the groups of Stick-O baits and they're cheap enough for me to try a bunch out and see what I like... I've read a lot of good things about them.
Again, many thanks guys... You've lifted my heart back up. So comforting to know I can come here with questions and met with positive reinforcement and great information!
Finished cleaning up the studio, retooling the equipment and ready for the new projects coming in.
Best Always,
Almost signed off...
Another question?
Any suggestions on what size? I've been using 7" trick worms (3" Ned) TRD, and was thinking about 4" stick baits, but now thinking I should move up to 6"?
Thanks again!
(And no, I'm not going to ask about colors... I've red TONS!!! Enough now that I feel pretty comfortable choosing between 3 - 4 colors to match my fishing conditions LOL! (but... (Totally laughing at myself here!!!! Wouldn't mind... The biggest thing I've learned and proven to myself switching colors is going from opaque colors to translucent (not white, just not solid colors), when the sun is high and water's clear (very clear). made a big difference within one hour... Actually the first cast of my color change. LOL!