It all depends on what you want and need the rod to do. Do you truly want to have a blast fighting whatever species on light tackle, because of the challenge and the thrill? Then go that route. Barring cover, ULs can handle big fish, but it might take a little longer, lol.
One thing we bass anglers have, is a perception that whippy translate to weak, including in hook setting potential. That simply cannot be true. It especially isn't if the appropriate hook type is used. In other words we shouldn't be using some thick flipping hook, but a light gauge hook instead. Also, that same "whippiness" is what's going to keep the big fish from getting away (like I said, barring cover). I've said this a few times - In my neck of the woods, some people battle king salmon on light action rods with as little as 4# test. Kings are bigger and stronger and fight harder than any big bass out, yet they are subdued. No 6-8# bass (barring cover) is going to get away. Nope, no way, no how, except by user error or user negligence (eg, knowingly fishing with damaged line on account of being lazy - I've been guilty but in my defense, I've done this when targeting blue gills and perch. Still no excuse for me, though.
Or, do you want this next rig to be more suited to bass fishing with lighter items and line? Then go ML.
The final option is the bait monkey option, but you already know the answer to that...Get both!