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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Had a chance to get out with my old man this past weekend. We got into the smallies pretty good in northern Wisconsin / Michigan boundary lake. I boated a 4.0, 4.4, 4.9 old man upgraded his PB and showed me up with a 5.1. Had another 2 dozen between us in the 3-4 range and 50+ under 3 over the two days we were out. All post spawn, crystal clear water, 20-25 feet, 70-71 water temp. Old man got his swimming a jig with a grub tail. All mine came on gman finesse jigs PBJ or Green Pumpkin, 8 or 10lb floro with some color variation of sweet beavers. Just knocking them into fallen lumber at 20-25 feet and popping them. Beautiful weekend, lots of fun.
    7 points
  2. I caught this one at one of our conservation area lakes. It hammered a green Freddy b. This lake is covered in Lilly pads, and has all sorts of aquatic vegetation. For me it's one of the best places in the world for frog fishing.
    7 points
  3. All about the Top Water today! Some good fish. MegaBass Pop-X did most of the damage. A few came on spinnerbaits as well.
    6 points
  4. Gotta show off the little grandson reeling in an Oscar at over 1 pound
    5 points
  5. Old post, but I tried it today and it worked - casting in about 10 feet of water, a soft plastic baby turtle lure (thanks @LadiMopar) got a strike but not hooked. I had an orange/brown ned rig worm (thanks @jbmaine) on a L/F spinner next to me and not sure why but for some reason I grabbed it and offered the fish another cast. I just figured if it knew the turtle was no good, why throw the turtle again; give it something different. The smallmouth took it, landed. Then the same thing again. Baby turtle got a bite, maybe even hooked and jumped (can't remember) but got off the hook. Same as before, immediately tossed the ned rig and landed the fish (another smallmouth). Getting a lot of mileage out of this Doomsday Turtle lure. The head finally wore out so I cut it off and let the 1/4 oz bullet weight become the new head; the thing is still catching fish after fishing the hack out of it on three separate outings. Going to cut it back again and see how long it will last
    4 points
  6. Been a minute since I hit the pond. Lipless crank and black/blue Dinger still getting it done.
    4 points
  7. Got on a frog bite at my favorite pad covered hydrilla pit in the woods. Stuck 4 on the black scum frog. All right around 12 inches (there’s gotta be some studs in there, I won’t give up on the spot!)
    4 points
  8. Lox Road Ramps Sunday 6/24/18 6:30-11:00 Temp 90+Humidity off the charts wind very light W/T 86* up to 90* Clarity stained Went with friend Rick early Sunday. Once on the flat we worked the spoil bank to the west. There were some swirls on the surface but we could not entice bites with swimbaits, frog, and spook action. They were not in the mood to chase baits. I switched to a U=Vibe and got several bites while the bait was sitting still. Switched to a Roadkill stickbait and caught several nice fish while dead sticking. Finally went to a small swimbait and caught the big fish of the day at one of the cut openings. We finished the day with 18 total bass and one bait fish. It was an unbearably hot day and both of us and the fish were feeling it. It was tough fishing but still worth being on the water. Thanks for reading!
    3 points
  9. Well, I went to a local pond last night for an hour...couple of bites, one I almost landed without a hook in him. He bit the tail of my Trick Stick and finally let go. I was about to head back to the car when I made one cast with a swim jig and came really close to a shoreline weed mat, watched a big bass swim out and inhale my jig. This fish was healthy, strong and pretty. One fish, but a nice one. After the rod measurement, I got 20"...estimated 4+#.
    3 points
  10. Im waiting for my check to arrive from my new friend in nigeria and then I am going to order a few of these!
    3 points
  11. Call Dominos Pizza. https://jalopnik.com/dominos-is-fixing-americas-crappy-roads-for-pizza-safet-1826736405
    3 points
  12. Siebert's grass jigs are very similar Terry Oldham's Eye-Max. Notice the smooth transition from the eye & around the bottom of the jig. A lot of jigs have a "bump", "hump", or whatever ya wanna call it right here. In brush it causes the jig to kick up catching anything above it. In grass it gives the grass a place to hang up.
    3 points
  13. I was able to get back out fishing the Saginaw river last Friday the 22nd. Mainly I am in search for bass but, the mixed bag that the river provides is nice. Some where on the river system must have received a lot of rain. Because, the water was almost over the docks at lee st. I have only been fishing the river for the last 9 months and I have never seen the river that high. The day was overcast and a little windy while, the river was a seemed normal maybe a little murkier than normal. I didn't do all that well on the bass but, I was able to get 2 sheep head, 2 bass ( only one pic), a nice pike, and I lost what would have been a personal best walleye on a KVD Crank ( picture). I am guessing the walleye would have went 22 inches and if I had landed it would have kept it. He got behind the boat and I tried horsing him around the out board and I pulled the hook out. One sheep head, one bass, and the northern came on the KVD crank. The bigger sheap head I caught while pitching a yum black/blue/silver flake Christie critter to the underside of a bush. When I set the hook I thought I had a huge small mouth on. However, as he broke the surface I found out that was not the case. I also caught the 14 inch small mouth on the same color Christie Critter I want to get better bass fishing on lakes but, it is nice to have the Saginaw river only 30 minutes from my drive way.
    3 points
  14. Watch the videos on here. Read everything. Try a plastic worm and learn to feel it. Good luck.
    3 points
  15. Don't tell me I won't wear the pink sunglasses, because I'll wear them all over town the rest of day, get compliments from people, and even post pictures on the internet.
    3 points
  16. I fricking hate gators. Lately they've been a huge bother when fishing, and tonight was no different. We had just arrived to one of our favorite lagoons in Sun City Hilton Head. The same lagoon where a small gator chased me a few weeks ago. I've caught some 4 pounders here, but I know there are 7+ pounders in this lagoon and tonight I was going to find one. I was fan casting a Booyah Pad Crasher starting out and working my way in. On the fateful cast I was casting to my left down the shoreline and my intent was to put the frog beyond an outcrop of vegetation and walk it past that spot. But I hooked my cast a little to the left and it landed behind the vegetation where there was a lot of aquatic algae. As soon as my frog hit the water I caught a glimpse of something big, white and green flashing out of the water behind that vegetation. I reeled down, set the hook, and it felt like a lure hung up on a log. But there are no logs in this lagoon. The line tightened and nothing moved. I reeled some more and still nothing. Maybe the fish was hung up in the slop. So I moved closer as I reeled in. Awww frick! At that point I yelled for my son to grab my multi-tool and bring my phone to take a picture of the event. That's when he started to video. The video below is highly edited because for some reason he pointed the camera at the ground while repeating his new catch phrase about a million times (you'll here it in the video - ???) instead of actually filming the action. There was a long period where the gator had his head well out of the water and was chomping away at my favorite frog. There was another period where the gator raised it's body while in the water and you could see how big it was. It was a decent size, somewhere between 8 and 9 feet long. You can hear me opening and closing the spool when the gator went under and started moving. I wasn't about to wrestle with him or chance the line going tight and having him move towards me. At one point I made a loud noise and tried to scare him, but that didn't work. I tried popping the line but he kept shutting his jaws when the line was still attached. After cutting my line I set up my rod again and packed up to try another lagoon. And just as we were packing the gator came steaming through the water towards us again. I'm done with that lagoon until the HOA takes action. But wait - the day gets even worse. We moved to another lagoon and while my son was fishing a frog a little gator - about 3 feet long - started cruising towards his bait and picked up speed as he was reeling in. The gator was moving so fast that it actually raised itself out of the water. I'm screaming at him to get out of there and he's not moving. I start running towards him yelling and waving my arms like a mad man - hoping to scare off the gator - and Matt finally moves of the shore and the gator stops at the edge of the bank. But wait - there's more!. We move to another lagoon and I'm fishing a frog again. This time a bass hits it, I set the hook, and it feels like a decent sized fish. I start reeling and the line goes slack. Really, really slack. Like no frog on my line slack. Yep - my knot failed because of angler error. But wait - there's even more! I tie on a Whopper Plopper 110 and make a few casts around the fountain in the lagoon and wouldn't you know it, I snagged the rope cable and hung up my lure. I didn't get it back. Yeah - it was not a good day. Also included is a screen capture of him trying to devour my lure. Some day I'd like to post on here again about the fish that I caught or a new PB instead of dinosaurs ruining my day.
    2 points
  17. I'm in the middle of my mid-season cleaning of my reels and rods and thought it'd be a good Idea to bring this practice to light for those here on the forum. Grant you, I put more time on the water than many, but a mid-season cleaning and check of your equipment is a good practice for anyone. Baitcasters and rod guides are collectors of grime and if you fish water with a lot of muck that collects on the surface, it doesn't take long for your guides and level wind gearing to get gummed up. I don't break down my reels, just clean out the line guide and the level wind gearing along with the guide rod, add a drop of oil to the spool bearings and clean the rod guides. The 15min. time invested will pay for itself in the long run as your equipment will perform at its peak and you'll extend the life of your reel. I have a few reels that are over 25yrs. old that still perform like new and I seriously doubt whether they would have lasted this long without that extra cleaning. At the very least, I recommend a close inspection of your gear sometime during the season. You just may avoid the heartache of replacing your favorite reel or the loss of a big fish. Yes, I'm OCD when it comes to maintaining my equipment.
    2 points
  18. they are confusing power and action. power refers to the amount of stress it takes to bend a rod and is expressed as UL, light, medium, MH etc. Action is another word for taper and describes WHERE the rod will bend upon being deflected (extra fast bends right near the tip, fast bends further down, moderate bends almost half the length of the rod etc) that rod is ML power but no idea what the action/taper would be. its an error on their site.
    2 points
  19. Got out on Norton reservoir yesterday with 3 of my buddies, we beat up on the post small males pretty good from about 9am to 2pm, then the sun broke thru the clouds and the bite died pretty quick on us. probably 20-30 bass caught between the four of us, nothing that broke 3lbs though. Wacky rig was the number one producer, but paddletails, jigs, Texas rigged tubes and topwater all caught bass as well. The Lund factory resumed production on June 18th, so I believe my Renegade is on the assembly line as we speak. Not sure how long it takes them to build it- hoping that I will have it from the dealer in mid July, but really not sure.
    2 points
  20. Great info here from some of the vets on this forum. Grass pitching and punching is hard work and it really takes lots of time and effort to locate bass in these grass fields. There's no ez answer anyone can give you. One day on the lake I met a guy that showed me 2 6lb bass he caught and he told me he got them flipping grass. Since that day i have spent 3 years working on locating bass in grass and working up my skills and confidence. I agreed with everything randall tharp said in the video. But if you aren't out there working at it i can see how it wouldn't make any sense. The way i break down a grass is like this. 1. I fish the whole thing with a top water this allows me to see where they are holding. Inside outside or middle. 2. If i didn't get bit on the topwater i fish the outside edge the edge adjacent to deep water. 3. I fish the inside edge the edge adjacent to the bank. 4. I fish the middle and all the edges between the inside and outside edges. This includes all the holes in the grass and the matted areas as well. Matted areas are also an edge as are diffrent types of vegetation. So if i have a grass flat that 50% milfoil 30% cabbage and 20% lilly pads those are all edges and need to be fished. Most of the time in this scenario I'll fish the pads first the cabbage second and the foil last. To save time i look for areas that have bait then i look for areas that have lanes or pockets, holes or mats. At the end of the day you just have to fish it and gain some confidence that fish are there.
    2 points
  21. It all depends on what you want and need the rod to do. Do you truly want to have a blast fighting whatever species on light tackle, because of the challenge and the thrill? Then go that route. Barring cover, ULs can handle big fish, but it might take a little longer, lol. One thing we bass anglers have, is a perception that whippy translate to weak, including in hook setting potential. That simply cannot be true. It especially isn't if the appropriate hook type is used. In other words we shouldn't be using some thick flipping hook, but a light gauge hook instead. Also, that same "whippiness" is what's going to keep the big fish from getting away (like I said, barring cover). I've said this a few times - In my neck of the woods, some people battle king salmon on light action rods with as little as 4# test. Kings are bigger and stronger and fight harder than any big bass out, yet they are subdued. No 6-8# bass (barring cover) is going to get away. Nope, no way, no how, except by user error or user negligence (eg, knowingly fishing with damaged line on account of being lazy - I've been guilty but in my defense, I've done this when targeting blue gills and perch. Still no excuse for me, though. Or, do you want this next rig to be more suited to bass fishing with lighter items and line? Then go ML. The final option is the bait monkey option, but you already know the answer to that...Get both!
    2 points
  22. All crawfish down here are red! ?
    2 points
  23. 2 points
  24. 14lbs 3oz on a guided tour in Disney World. Trolling with a live shiner. In the waters of what was the Disney Institute, which I think is now the Disney Springs area by the red X. Before Disney Springs was there in September 2001. There is no picture of the fish. But there was a scale on the boat.
    2 points
  25. Had some more success on the stream after work this past Friday. Here's a quick snipnet. I get to the spot where I last caught a brook trout. It's really shallow and I wonder how on earth I caught a fish from here. I pitch out my spinner a few times and nothing hits. Alright time to move a little further downstream. I round a bend and my eyes light up like it's Christmas. Right in front of me is about a 25 foot long cleared off stretch of stream that is perfect for casting into and the stream runs tight across an undercut bank with a tree bulging out of the water. It looks like the deeper portion will be at least 4.5-5 feet deep. This should house a couple big brook trout. I wade into a position where I can cast from and wait for the mud clouds to settle. After a little bit, I fire off a cast and watch as a big brook trout comes up from under the bank, slaps my spinner and darts back under the bank! I throw the spinner right back and then something truly remarkable happens. I got it all on GoPro so I'm hoping the footage turns out. The big brook trout comes up to the spinner and slams it but somehow is barely hooked so he pops off right away and as he pops off he jumps out of the water and lunges for the spinner! He misses it so I reel it back in and know what cast number three will yield FISH ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the brute!!!! He's going crazy and is barely lip hooked! I get him in close and flip him onto the bank. Yes! My new Personal Best Brook Trout at 12.5 inches long (at the time haha) Alright!! That undercut turned out to have 5 brook trout stacked under it. Craziness!
    2 points
  26. It was windy today, blowing hard even very early; but, I decided to go ahead and fish in the cove I live on. My normal spots were not producing so I went to a retaining wall with deeper water that is almost a sure thing for me, then started getting bitten very fast. I had 6 or so in the canoe within a short time. Two were close to 4 lbs., two more in the 2 lbs. range, a few small ones over a pound but not much. A neighbor on land and I started to chat, I hooked up while we were talking, then continued to talk and dropped my hook into the water with the Keitech shad plastic knocked up the line about 3 feet by the last bass. All of a sudden, I had a tug, and caught another bass on an empty hook. My neighbor really believed me then when I said the fishing was really good. Recommendation: Toss a 4" Keitech Easy Shiner or Shad Impact on a 4/0 Roboworm Rebarb hook, Texas Rigged. Throw it weightless unless you are fishing deeper. Toss it out and let it fall through the water column like an injured or dying shad. If not bitten, just retrieve it any number of ways but small jerks and lifts and falls seem best to me. It also works great for schooling bass but there I prefer the little 3" Shad Easy Shiner on a 1/0 Rebarb hook. It is so light, I throw mine on 2 lbs. braid (Suifx Nanobraid) and I caught one really close to 6 lbs. just a few days ago. Over 21". Today, a few photos. Brad
    2 points
  27. Accidental tiger muskie when I was bass fishing yesterday morning. Smoked a buzz bait in 8 feet of water. I initially thought it was a pike. Measured 33 inches, and released fully alive.
    2 points
  28. Our opener was today (finally), got a late start due to the weather, but hit the water about 9:00. Fished for about 4 hours, caught over 25 and lost another dozen or so. No big ones today but still a lot of action, almost all were on a topwater frog so it was pretty exciting. A great start to the season with my main fishing partner. Average size today. This made me laugh, anyone in a canoe better keep away from these beavers!
    2 points
  29. I hope this pattern continues through the Sunday tournament
    2 points
  30. The river by my house is low, which means the gar are thick. They're fun to fight, so I go target them with rope lures and cut bait. This is an average one about 3' This crazy channel cat exploded on a piece of cut bluegill as soon as it touched the water, I thought for sure it was going to be a big wiper.
    2 points
  31. My #1 love for big bass fishing is the dog days of summer. Why? Because big momma is more predictable, unlike pre-spawn I don't have to hunt her down. I know she is at home on deep water structure, in prime cover, & all I have to do is knock! I absolutely believe weekend traffic makes a difference which is why I night fish during the week. My selection is Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday. My personal opinion is the weather during this time of year kinda forces the night bite. At least down South! Day time temperatures in the triple digits has the water temperatures at their highest. You can catch during the day if ya wanna cook!
    2 points
  32. LOL...Everyone says that until they realize it was carp they were flipping to for the last couple hours. It is not strange to see carp & bass working the same area at the same time. I'm completely convinced that when bass are chasing live prey they will often times hit nothing but live prey.
    2 points
  33. *Little lengthy but I'd say worth the read if you have the time I'd always wanted to fish for brook trout, but I'd always been busy or made some kind of excuse to try and avoid the ticks. Tuesday that all changed. I'd woken up early and gone fishing for whitefish from my canoe. For about three straight hours I got tons of bites but for the life of me couldn't get any hooked. I packed up and went home. Sometimes you really just want to catch a fish and that is how I was feeling. I decided that today would be the day that I went and tried brook trout fishing. A buddy had recommended a stream a short drive from town for me to check out so I figured it couldn't hurt to try. I threw my waders, bug-spray, fishing rod with a a #6 black panther martin, and some pliers in my car and took off. It was mid-day, but I knew there'd be some wild trout that'd be hungry. I get to the stream and right away am greeted by the tall grass. I barrel through it and jump into the stream. The easiest going seems to be through the water and not around it. Almost instantly I'm greeted by a shedded dragonfly larvae case stuck to a wooden post next to the water's edge. Pretty cool. I start throwing the panther martin beneath riffles and pretty soon I hook into a couple of the little native rainbow parr. Nothing I can keep, but some excitement at least. I keep pushing further down the creek and find another big set of riffles. I tell myself that this spot guaranteed will have two fish under it. I flip my panther martin in and in and almost instantly something jerks my rod hard! Fish! I flip the first brook trout of the day - a 9 incher - onto the bank! Yes, my first ever brook trout! I fire off a second cast and get another fish to commit - another juvenile rainbow. I knew there'd be at least 2 fish here I chuckle to myself. I throw the brook trout on my stringer and keep pushing into the woods. I find another good looking spot with some riffles and an opening for casting directly beneath them. I throw a couple casts in with my spinner and I'm getting nothing. I decide that I'll just double back in a second and drive to a different portion of the stream and fish that section of it. Just as I say that thought to myself, a 10 inch brook trout grabs my spinner and starts thrashing on the surface! No Way! I land the little guy and throw him on my stringer. Two down, three to go. That brook trout convinved me...to go further down the rabbit hole. Quoting from the movie *** "The only way to get out is to keep going down." I climb, weave, and wade my way to another prime looking spot about a hundred feet further down the stream. This has a fish, 100% I tell myself. I wait till the mud clouds settle and pitch out my spinner. A couple more repeated casts in and I just know there has to be a fish. Where is it? SLAP OH MY GOODNESS A MASSIVE Brook Trout just charged my spinner and slapped it right in front of me! And by massive I mean pushing 11 inches. It didn't get hooked somehow. I consider changing to a different spinner, but decide that I'll just keep casting my current one and see what happens. One more pitch out and I realize that that was a great decision. Whack! Fish On! I crank up the 10.5 inch brook trout and flip him on the bank! Alright! I just need 2 more brook trout and I'll have my limit I got my first 3 within probably about 300 feet of stream from the first set of riffles I had stumbled upon. I should be able to get my limit pretty quickly then. Or so I thought. For literally the NEXT MILE of stream it is a deadzone with absolutely ZERO Riffles. Like none at all. It was brutal. There's a constant 2-3 blackflies that are hovering over my head and buzzing in my ears and an occasional assault from a handful of mosquitoes. Everytime this happens I just spray more bug spray on my hat, arms, and hands. This actually does wonders as all the flies leave me after the mile of empty water. I push through some trees and round a bend. No Way! Do my eyes deceive me? Up ahead is the 100% perfect riffle structure with a beautiful wide-open lane for casting a spinner. It's like a 7 foot wide log creating a cascading waterfall almost. I thank the Lord and wade out just above the riffle. This spot guaranteed has at least 2 big brook trout beneath it. Guaranteed. My first cast with my spinner agrees with me. My rod gets ripped down hard and my line is bolting and zig-zagging all over the stream! It's a biggin! I fight the brook trout over the lumber fall and get it on the bank. Yes! God is Good! I'm at 4 brook trout and just need one more to complete my limit. I wade back on top of the log breaking the water and fire off my second cast from this spot. AN EVEN BIGGER BROOK TROUT SLAMS IT!!!!!!! This one looks all of 11-12 inches!!!! I battle it hard but it pops off. Eh no biggie, just means I'll have to dive further into the jungle to finish my limit. Most of the brook trout are so aggressive that you really don't even have to set the hook. They hit the spinner so hard you basically just fling them onto the bank and you're set. Pliers are almost always needed since they are hooked so well. I push onwards another quarter mile through stream. Finally I start seeing some more riffles. I wade past rocks the size of volleyballs and tennis balls. Now I just need to find an opening for me to cast from. I fire off a couple casts in a couple stretches directly beneath the riffles. I know there's got to be a brook trout around here, but where is it? I keep going and come across another spot with a little bit of riffles that is open enough to cast into. Sometimes you can fire off a cast at a new spot before the mud clouds your waders caused, float downstream and cloud up the water. This is what I do. Gotta hit the water while it's mostly clear. RIIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPP OH MY GOODNESS IT'S A MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The biggest brook trout of my life is tearing up the stream!!!! WOW!!!!! I flip it up onto the high bank and it is huge!!! It's an 11.5 incher that absolutey choked my spinner! What a way to finish my limit! I jump up onto the bank with my limit in tow and feel amazing as I trek back to my car. I'd never caught a brook trout till today and not only did I catch one, but I caught my limit. I get home and guess what? Not a single tick! I broil the brook trout with lemon pepper and uncle tony's creole seasoning and my goodness! EASILY the best meal I have had ALL MONTH!!!! No Joke! Brook Trout taste like HEAVEN!!!! All fish easily cleared the 7 inch minimum and were 9-11.5 inches long. The giant weighed a full pound! I found some caterpillars and snails in their stomachs so that was pretty neat. I only covered about half of the stream containing riffles so I'm itching to get back out and explore the rest of it! Fish On ?
    1 point
  34. So last week, Wheeler gets stuck on a sandbar in Galvaston Bay that he didn't know was there. He asks his marshal to get out so he can get off. He self reports and his weight is disqualified because the marshal is not allowed assist the angler in any way. I didn't agree with total weight disqualification but that's what BASS determined. It is what it is and JW knows the rules. This week, Ish tells this big story about how he made a wrong turn and ended up getting stuck on a sandbar. Sound familiar? Ish then tells on BASS Live that he asked his marshal to move up front so he can get the boat off the bar. He spends an hour pushing and finally gets off. He's so tired that he basically starts fishing right where he get's unstuck. He unexpectantly has a good day there and goes on to tell us that it was good mistake to make. So my question is, Isn't this a different version of JW's disqualification last week? In both cases the marshal assisted. I been stuck before and moving the weight forward definitely helps. If his marshal didn't move then Ish wasn't going to get off that bar that quickly. Where does BASS draw the line?
    1 point
  35. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen guys ask the marshal to move to the other side when fighting a fish as well, I don’t see where this is a big deal compared to actually getting out of the boat to help ( which also shouldn’t be a punishable offence if it means the difference between getting back to the ramp or spending the night on a sandbar).
    1 point
  36. I agree that it is almost impossible to get rid of all the exotics we have, so its best to learn how to live with them and keep the population down of the ones that are actually dangerous ( pythons, nile monitors, nile crocodiles, lionfish,etc). Iguanas are herbivores and don't eat meat so you don't have to worry about them unless your a plant. A couple very strong cold fronts can help lower the population of exotics but it doesn't look like we are going to have any real cold weather in South Florida anytime soon. Florida is the fishing capital of the World and I won't be surprised if we are in the top 10 of most different species of animals in the world!
    1 point
  37. I´m European so.... yeah, I like football (sorry, i absolutely refuse to call it soccer )! Portugal is well positioned to pass (1 win and 1 draw), but i´m not very confident for the rest of the Cup, the team is playing not so good, highly depending on Ronaldo who is absolutely on fire, he scored all of our goals so far. So far the teams that impressed me the most are Mexico (great game against Germany), Croatia (Modric is in a monstrous shape) and Russia that has the benefit of being the home team. The biggest disapointments, for me, so far are definitly Argentina ( a shadow of the team from 4 years ago), Germany (yeah, it´s well positioned to pass but i was expeting much more from them) and Brasil (same as Germany, well positioned but not showing anything special). Best players so far? Ronaldo and Modric by a country mile! Biggest disapointment? Messi! He just can´t play at the same level he plays in Barcelona when is playing for Argentina, never have, never will....
    1 point
  38. I’d get either a dedicated crankbait or frog setup. With the crankbait combo, you could use it for treble hook lures and the frog setup for heavier applications.
    1 point
  39. I'm guessing its ok to mount the charger on the gas tank? ?
    1 point
  40. I forget which one it is but one of the places cadman mentioned has a chart. Find out which site and just print it out to compare. From what I remember the screaming eagle had 3.5 and 4 blades. Regular 1/2oz bait had either 3.5/4.5 or 4/4.5. Allen
    1 point
  41. I would think so, unless you’re going to be making 150+ yard casts.
    1 point
  42. Looks great - If I'm seeing that correctly, you went with 24 volt (I am assuming the black battery is your starting battery.) Should work fine.
    1 point
  43. What I would do, is measure the blade. Height, width and blade thickness with a caliper so you're accurate. Then take a picture of the blade and put the correct dimensions on the picture that correlate with the sizes. You can then send it to Worth to see if they have something like it. You can also inquire from, Barlows, LPO, Jann's, Netcraft, Lakeland and Hagens to name a few. Just a note, you may not get an exact match or and exact color if War Eagle has them custom made for their exclusive use. Good Luck
    1 point
  44. Eradicating invasive species in FL is a nearly impossible task. It's too bad these cool creatures are affecting so many things like electrical power, etc. Just keep 'em away from nuclear power... FL is the saltwater fishing capital of the world with so many varieties of fish coming thru via currents. Now FL is gunning for supremacy over Madagascar, Australia, Congo, Brazil, for animal capital of the world!
    1 point
  45. Does your high school have a bass fishing club? Are there any clubs near you that you could join? Experience is the best teacher but getting experience with an accomplished angler is invaluable. When end all else fails, throw a senko.?
    1 point
  46. Pick up some good books on bass behavior, and fishing for them. Watch good quality videos- there are some good ones available on this site. Buy a practice plug, set up some targets in your yard and practice accurate casting to and past you targets. Also ask questions on this forum. Many good fisherman on this site who are glad to help. Good luck, and have fun.
    1 point
  47. A cartoppable pedal drive or motorized kayak is a tall order. The pedal and motorized kayaks tend to be bulky and heavy. I know a guy who used to cartop his Hobie Pro Angler, but he’s a giant who can make that look easy. And I think even he broke down and has a trailer for it, now. Hurricane Aquasports and Jackson Kayak have teamed up to make a lighter, thermoformed pedal kayak called the Skimmer 120 Propel (Hurricane) and Cuda LT (Jackson). It uses Hurricane’s thermoform technology for the kayak and Jackson’s Propel Drive for the drive. It’s probably worth checking out.
    1 point
  48. Not looking to cover everything, just answering a simple (and good) question: “Randall says in the video that he targets edges what does that exactly mean he’s in the middle of the slop. I know this is hard to explain online but just don’t get what he exactly means by that” In other words, why does he say he’s fishing an edge, when he’s in the middle of the slop? What is he keying on? Your overview of inside and outside grasslines isn't wrong, it just doesn't answer the question. Fortunately Randall explained his breakdown in the video and a few have chimed in here (yourself included). Not sure why we're still 'debating' this?
    1 point
  49. Nylon monofilament line is weakened by heat over 105 degrees continuos temperatures, Fluorocarbon and braid are not degraded by heat in your car. Direct sunlight, UV and Ozone also affects the polymers. You are better off storing your fishing equipment in a cool dark place in lieu of your car. Tom
    1 point
  50. Before you jump into "all rods must be from one company" take a good look at some of the better offering from different companies. If you want a great rod for frogs look at these rods: All of the following companies have designed individual rods for specific techniques. Irod Genesis II IRG 754 Fred's Magic Stick. Dobyns 735C in either the Fury series, Sierra or Champion XP series Falcon sells two good frog rods in the Cara series including the Bobby's perfect frog rod Powell rods has a Max3D 736 CEF Mag Heavy Frog rod Seriously if you want only one rod builders rods than I would probably pick Powell, Irod or Dobyns, however there are tons of good rods available from Falcon. ST Croix would be the last company I would choose to fill all of my rod needs.
    1 point
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