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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/14/2018 in all areas

  1. 11 points
  2. My post spawn smallies wouldn't respond to reaction baits shallow (10' - 15') this cool June morning, but a few were receptive deep (20'? 25'?) to bear on a ball. Bear hair on Do-it's 1/8 oz. round head jig mold with socket eyes. Trailer is a cut-in-half Leatherbaits Chunk.
    8 points
  3. This is a couple days old, but it was one of the last times I went out and one of the best fishing days of my life. It was my first frogging attempt of the year so my drag on my reel was still completely loose and I missed about 8 blowups on only a few more casts right at the start of the morning. When I finally realized the drag was loose, after a fish had held on to the frog and pulled out some drag and then spit it out, I started putting them in the boat, and they were good ones! After the sun got high I switched over to a magnum Christie Critter and started pitching it as far back in the reeds as possible and was glad I did! I caught my new PB for this state at 6.3 lbs (6 lbs 4.8 oz) and my best five fish were right under 28 lbs (2 of the 5+ didn't get recorded on the GoPro). Then I went back 3 days later after a little rain and cold front and found them roaming in the lilies with a black and blue chatterbait. Best 5 for that day were ~23 lbs.
    8 points
  4. Since retiring Mrs Mike and I full time in a motor home and currently we're on the east coast of Florida. We got a new neighbor last March who lives in Canada but spends the winters down here. He bought a 18ft skiff and wanted to go bass fishing for the first time. Since Stick Marsh was only 30 min from us we made a plan to go. As we were driving around I saw an area I wanted to try but there were 2 boats too close to it so we kept going as I don't like crowding someone off a spot, but I kept an eye on them. They were both throwing sq bill's but after not catching anything for 45 min they left. I told my neighbor that I have a hunch about that area and wanted to try it out for a few minutes. I set him up with a wacky rig and myself with a Fat Max ribbon tail rigged on 14# Sniper with a 3/16 tungsten weight as I immediately found that we were over a submerged grass flat in 7 fow. It must have been fairly heavy as I kept getting hung up so I tighten the drag a bit and made a few long casts keeping an eye on him as he kept reeling too fast. After about 1/2 doz casts, working that worm through the grass it just felt different. I set the hook and just knew I had something special. She started to come up but no matter what I did she jumped clean out of water and my heart rate went up. All I remember about that was my boater let out a groan and said "What do I do?? What do I do??" I yelled "reel your line in and stay where you are"!! When she got within 5 ft of us she went straight down and dived under the boat. I thought the rod was gonna break but then I remembered I tightened the drag earlier and didn't back it off! As soon as I did she came straight up and jumped again! I said get the net! but he didn't have one!! He leaned over the side and said "I'll get it". I said in as calm a voice as I could "NO! Leave her." Anyway, I lipped her in and as I was pulling her up, she kept coming out.!! She was 11.34 and the prettiest fish I ever saw. He grabbed his camera as I left mine in the truck, but before I let her go I kissed her on the head, thanked her, wished her well and she was gone. He said he would send me the pictures but 2 days later he left for Canada again. It took 2 weeks to track him down and when I did he said he would send them. Anyway, finally after 2 months of unanswered calls and sincere begging he finally did. This is the best picture but doesn't do her justice. Mike
    6 points
  5. 9mm, box of shells and 2 spare clips, that’s what the ad said,,,, lol
    6 points
  6. It is a Strike King KVD Square Bill in orange belly craw. Nice fish, I have had good luck with that lure myself.
    5 points
  7. This one was back in a little hole in the water willows and when the line popped off the willows, it just came off. I like to think it was just one of those fish that I did everything right and still lost, but I'm sure I could have done something different. I agree 100% about learning from watching myself though. I've cured some bad habits I didn't even know I had from watching myself fish on my videos and also been able to go back and break down the patterns I was on without even realizing I was on them. Right after the 2:00 mark is where I missed the good one on the Fruck. I did make up for it by catching a pretty decent one on it about 30 minutes later.
    5 points
  8. 5 points
  9. Yesterday I was fishing in my favorite spot when I saw this crankbait floating in the water. Looked pretty sweet so I rescued it and tied it on. First cast I caught this big brute - pushing 16in possibly a three pounder or more. Caught a few smaller ones on the crankbait, too. Not really sure what kind of lure this is - I mean like model/style and manufacturer, but it certainly changed my ideas about what to use in my usual spot. It's called Linear Park and it's built along the side of a large well planted burm adjacent to our power plant. The inlet has a very rocky shoreline which I usually fish with spinners and Senkos, but it never occurred to me to use a squarebill along all those rocks. Interesting it seems a literally found the perfect lure. I guess I need to go out and find a few more eh?
    4 points
  10. Been doing really well with a jig lately. It is now a go to for slaying some Michigan hogs.
    4 points
  11. This is the part of fishing season I look forward to the most. I normally play the numbers game early in the season to get the winter hiatus out of my system. When June rolls around, I start concentrating on the big girls and so far, this June hasn't disappointed. For me, anything over 18in. I consider big. That puts 'em in the 4lb. range and around here, that's considered a quality fish. Prior to last night, I was at 14 fish at, or over that mark. I added six more last night including one 20in. that I weighed (5.6) as well as measured. That's SIX, IN ONE NIGHT! Needless to say, I didn't sleep well last night. Going out again in the morning with high expectations.
    4 points
  12. One way is secure and the other is free swinging.
    4 points
  13. I wonder of all the people who say they are only willing to spend 200 have ever fished a true high quality setup. There is just a total difference in the experience. The is always a sub group in every group that are enthusiast. Those are the people willing to pay to fish what they want. If you ask the question to the group at large you will always have more people who are not willing. Are you trying to find this sub group or find comfort in a limit that you set for yourself. How much money someone spends is very personal and those that spend the big bucks are not always ready to share due to being humble or deal with being called ridiculous.
    4 points
  14. Ain't gonna let my wife catch me buying something from "my dailyhookup". I'd have my but in a sling.
    4 points
  15. I feel like the OP is someone's wife trying to infect our community from the inside out with doubt and uncertainty. To you good woman I say NOT TODAY! Such treachery and sedition will not stand. ?
    4 points
  16. I thought that I had at one point, but then I fell off the wagon.
    4 points
  17. Spent 3 days at a rental house on the Suwannee River near Branford with extended family members. Had never been there before. The river is very high and flowing pretty strong. Fishing was pretty lousy but did manage to venture in to the Sana Fe river that flows into the Suwannee. Caught the prettiest bass I have ever seen, a little Suwannee bass. Was only 13 inches but the coloration was absolutely beautiful. I’m used to “black” bass in central Florida. This little guy was bronze with some blue on his face, jaws, and gill covers. Lower jaw was shorter than a regular large mouth. Absolutely gorgeous. While trying to take a picture he flopped real hard, slipped out of my grip and dropped into the water. Sorry for no picture. Pretty neat all in all.
    3 points
  18. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones... My wife is my BEST friend... EVER! We got married late in life (7 years ago). She TOTALLY supports my fishing whenever I can get a chance to. She grew up fishing and we love to go together. I work at home and some times have "days off" during the week. Last time I completed a project I was having problems with, I emailed her to share the relief... Her reply: "Have fun Fishing"! Don't get me wrong, we love spending time together doing anything including just talking... But she has gotten really excited that I have gotten this excited about Bass fishing and is the first one to suggest that I head out to the lake. She reminds me to bring my cell phone in case she wants to ask what time to have dinner ready when I get back, but not to rush... Honey, stay out till dark, cause that's when they really start to bite. Geeze! How lucky can one guy get? I get to have her AND go fishing!
    3 points
  19. I use the tubing when I want a stiff connection, when I want free swinging I hole punch a coffee can or peanut can lid and use that. A while ago I picked up some DSG spinnerbaits and buzz baits that came with plastic hook point guards, I sliced them with a razor blade, and those work better than anything else I've tried.
    3 points
  20. My wife and I took a mini-vacation to Arkansas over the weekend to do a little fly fishing. I am primarily a bass fisherman, but she loves to catch trout on the fly rod. Since I've already dragged her out on a couple of bass fishing road trips this year, it was time to do something for her. I think it's safe to say that she enjoyed it!
    3 points
  21. Qualified for both FLW and BASS college national championships this season, that was my main priority! I have also been working on my offshore fishing skills, my decision making, and time management on the water. This season I made a last minute cull at Pickwick lake on an offshore spot that had not given up a big fish but had the ingredients to, and that fish was part of a 21lb bag
    3 points
  22. Suggestions to consider: 1. Purchase the larger medium or large size minnows. Easier to handle and place the hook in them. 2. You can hook them through their lips or under their backbone. Some hook them in front of their tail. 3. Light line. 6 pound test is great but it twists so be ready to cut out the twists. Lower test will be a disaster for a child. 8-pound fluorocarbon on a spinning rig would be great! 4. Use a small gold bream hook. You can have the type with a long shaft or a shorter shaft. I like the long shaft as they are easier to remove. 5. Have a needle nose pliers to remove the hook from the fish. 6. Use a light 5'-4" rod for the child. 7. A Zebco may be the answer for the child. Once they get the hang of it they can cast away after you bait the hook. 8. You don't need a weight for live minnows unless you want them to sink to the bottom. The hook and minnow weight should be enough weight. 9. Remember, children have short attention spans so you want action. This is why you use live minnows. Plus the fact that they can watch them swim around and they can put their hands in the minnow bucket. Post pics. Have fun.
    3 points
  23. If a man on a dock pours gas on me, that puts him at 3-4 meters........I wouldn’t miss!
    3 points
  24. Doesn't sound like a site that is safe.
    3 points
  25. Haha. By the name not sure it’s a fishing related site!!!
    3 points
  26. Figured Friday was a nice day... so I let my boy play hooky from school, and we took the boat out, then he decided to school me...
    3 points
  27. If you gotta lie to your partner to get what you want out of life, I'd say there's a bigger issue.
    3 points
  28. First, I'll say that something that makes a difference to me, is what I'm targeting, green or brown bass, and what time of year I'm doing it. Either way, I am of the believe that although there are situations where neutral fish may be susceptible to a "reaction strike' there are times, when they Are Not. And while not all the fish on a body of water may not all be doing the same thing at the same time, relocation can help. (as noted here in previous responses). I have been guilty of fishing 'wrong' many, many times; too - deep, shallow, fast, slow and with baits that were too big, too small, too bright, too dark & probably even too old ~ I know because once a change was made - the net was used. I also believe in 'Timing' - seen it too many times where 'sitting' on or returning to a spot and waiting for the fish to either show up or 'turn on' ( or both) has worked well. Ten years fishing from a canoe with only a trolling motor forced me into it. Can't really rocket all over the lake - so once I thought I was in the 'right spot' - I'd wait them out. Many times it paid off. (ref - Bill Murphy) Clearly not a tournament friendly option / technique and heaven forbid is this fast paced new style of bass fishing someone actually 'wait' for something to happen, but there you go. If anyone actually knew how long I camped on/ repeatedly returned to a spot, to catch some of the better fish I've posted here (even in the Lund) I think they'd be surprised. Of course, The 200 HP offers the advantage of bouncing around but then there's the danger of being on spot A when Spot B is hot. Timing. Helps to know your lake, know the bait, know how the wind & weather affects both and then which areas will offer the best opportunity to get bite. Each body of water can be different and time on the water is the good teacher. Going fishless & eliminating water are part of the 'ahh-hah moments I guess; just not the most fun part. All of that said - what the "Elite" anglers do - all over the country, is Not doubt - Super Impressive. A-Jay
    2 points
  29. Get a rod balancer. It has made a world of difference for me and saved my wrist and forearms. A rod I recommend is a Okuma TCS Scott Martin signature rod. Get the 7’ 11” X Heavy Matt Daddy model. I was surprised by how well balanced a rod of this length and power was. It has good (but not great) sensitivity too. For the price, it’s an awesome rod. I’ve been eyeing the new Powell Endurance flipping sticks. An 8’ Heavy powered rod that only weighs 3.9oz! Another rod that might worth checking out, but I don’t have any first hand experience with it.
    2 points
  30. No one "needs" to fish close to a dock, nor do they "need" to fish a certain cove or lake for that matter. Heck, those of us who practice catch & release don't even "need" to fish at all. However, there are many legitimate reasons why someone would "want" to fish close to a dock. Common sense and basic etiquette tell you not to crowd someone who is using a dock, even if they are just relaxing in a chair on it. However, if the dock is unoccupied, there should be no issue with someone fishing close to it, needs have nothing to do with it. Mark Zona had a funny skit utilizing Greg Hackney about this subject. Good manners & a pleasant disposition will work with the 99% of the population who doesn't consider gasoline to be a cologne.
    2 points
  31. Ok, pouring gas on someone is bad, but why (legal or not) do you need to fish so close to a persons property that they can pour gas on you from a hand held gas can?
    2 points
  32. Holy cow.... This fishing forum has more HONEST, virtuous FISHERMEN than any other in the entire world wide interwebs.
    2 points
  33. A hairy Ned rig of sorts Looks fantastic!!
    2 points
  34. If you ever get to talk to a trial lawyer I think you would believe differently. I got to talk to one when a relative of mine was involved in a shooting. The lawyer basically told me that even if he was justified he could still be convicted of the shooting or a huge number of other crimes that range from discharging a weapon near a residence to disturbing the peace. Most of which could lead to him losing lots of money, his job, hunting license and freedom even if he wasn't jailed. House arrest, monitored release or what ever you call it doesn't look like fun to me. All I'm trying to say with my posts is THINK BEFORE YOU ACT. Don't be like the guy with the gasoline because then you become no better than him.
    2 points
  35. My son and I had a pretty good night at my father in laws pond. We caught a bunch of little ones with a few decent ones mixed in. He caught his biggest on a wacky rigged senko and mine came on a black buzzbait.
    2 points
  36. 7’1” MHF St. Croix Mojo Bass rod with a Lew’s 7.5:1 LFS speed spool.
    2 points
  37. I have 2 rods that I flip/pitch with. An 8' fuego for 3/4 and up. And a fury 735 for 3/4 and under. It can be a workout if you're pitching and flipping all day but I love it. I would highly recommend both rods listed. Balance is most important, not necessarily physical weight.
    2 points
  38. Well folks, I decided to reveal a technique I've been keeping to myself for several decades. I've been doing this with great success since the 80's. And now you know it too.
    2 points
  39. Had a way overserved, (and overstuffed), fella tell me and gardnerjigman to "Get out of here, we don't need you crowding us", when I guess he felt we got too close to his dock. There was a couple in a pontoon floating off the end of their dock talking back and forth so I tried to go around the back side, off towards the middle of the lake, but drunk #2 that was driving the boat started it up and began backing towards my boat, so I cut to the inside and kicked the motor up on 100% right before he threw it into ramming speed full speed ahead towards the dock. That's when the guy on the dock, who's shirtless stomach was about longer than his shorts, decided I was "crowding them", even though if his eyes hadn't been glassy and watering so bad, he probably could have seen I was just trying to avoid getting run into by his drunk buddy in his "vintage" (see also piece of junk), pontoon. It's really rare to have anyone say anything around here, usually it's the opposite where they want to know if you're catching anything and will even point out areas around their docks where they've seen fish. My BIL and I even had a conversation with a guy at 1AM who stumbled down to his dock from his backyard party to ask us how the fishing was and poured his heart out that he couldn't catch anything and wanted to know what he needed to do to catch a fish. I doubt he remembers what I told him, but it was funny that it was eating at him bad enough that he left his party to come talk to us about it. The rare times I've encountered a dock troll, I just move along, it isn't worth the hassle to me. Neighbors shoot each other over grass clippings getting blown into their yards and now gas getting thrown on people for fishing public water, nope, no little green fish is worth that to me. Kansas does have harassment laws though that you can't harass or interfere with a legal hunting or fishing party and I've heard of it being enforced. That would be the only advisable course of action if someone was being a problem.
    2 points
  40. I’ve spent a lot more on beer and cigarettes over the years than the 50 rods on my racks. There’s worse ways you can spend your money
    2 points
  41. my best big fish finesse bait is a trick worm on a shakyhead. my best numbers finesse bait is a ned rig. there is usually one of each, at the ready, on my deck.
    2 points
  42. Deadsticking a 3" BPS Stiko on a split shot rig. I count to 10 and move it a little. Usually the bass will pick it up and take off with it.
    2 points
  43. fished Olathe today. caught 12 total. these were the biggest 3. all were in 10 to 15 foot of water. caught them on a shakyhead with a trick worm. I was the only boat on the water all day. I have not had much success flipping the shallow weeds this year at Olathe.
    2 points
  44. Never miss an opportunity to fish with my son.... .....and his wacky rig kicked butt!
    2 points
  45. Yup. Most of the YouTuber's out there are too young to know about this technique. In fact, they mostly just copy each other. I'd rather inject something unique from decades of my own experience into each of my videos; but this one is especially pulled from the 'ol archives. It will be interesting to see how many copy my video and claim it as their own idea. LOL!
    2 points
  46. went out for a bit this evening caught a dozen, they were all a little deeper, caught 10 of them on a boot tail shad. the two best were 3 and 4 lb. they were really eating it !
    2 points
  47. Strength, sensitivity, and low stretch are braid's benefits. Why give up strength by adding a leader?
    2 points
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