Ugh... what a topic!!
I actually got asked this question a couple of weeks ago by my cousin when my wife and I were visiting Austin and I was unable to give a solid answer other than the smart "to get away from her" remark as I nodded at my wife (Jokingly of course!). My lack of a response really got my gears turning about her question... I mean, I've been fishing all of my life! How could I not answer what would seem to be the easiest of questions??
Then during my next time out on the water, it hit me...
You see, I was diagnosed with ADD in high school due to my inability to concentrate for longer than 5 mins on just about anything. I mean, who could when there are always so many things going on, right?! At least that's how my mind works... But that being said, I could always hit the water and lose myself BASS FISHING for hours without any distractions, doing nothing else. cast after cast. fully focused the entire time.
Growing up, I did some cat fishing, some live bait fishing, etc etc, but never found any enjoyment in those activities. For me, when I would just cast out a liver or live bait and let the pole sit, I could never focus on what I was doing. I found that staring at my rod tip or a bobber for hours just left me bored, distracted, not mentally present, and as I grew older, it would just end up becoming an excuse to drink beer. I would find myself thinking about school, work, why my ex girlfriend is such a horrible person, you name it. I was never really there.
But when I bass fish (game fish)... something magical happens that I have never been able to experience outside of the activity. My mind empties... and for the first time since the last time, I am not worried, angry, stressed, or anything... I am just bass fishing.
With bass fishing, both my hands and mind are kept totally occupied. The 10 different ways to fish each lure, the research and knowledge of color selections and when to use them, the time of day, water temp, moon phase, and everything else that goes into bass fishing effectively completely consumes my body and mind. During that time, I am not concerned about next weeks meetings at work, chores at home, or anything that could possible be stressful about life. I am just fishing, absolutely submerged into the moment, and finally living free from those burdens that life can bring... at least until I trailer the boat XD
And that, my friend... is why I keep chunking those lures.