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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/08/2018 in all areas

  1. Admiring a resident of Boston's water supply.
    6 points
  2. Pads are out on Gville. No mats yet. These things were popping like a mat will in the fall. Picked up a bass on the Shim E Stick you see in photo but disappointed I didn’t catch more.
    5 points
  3. Father / Daughter bonding time
    5 points
  4. Sooo I have been going out as much as I can 2-3 times a week but haven’t had many good results. Been catching lots of small ones but nothing picture worthy. Finslly decided to try something new since I was getting lots of bites and finally caught my first frog fish!! I wanna keep learning how to use this and when but it was super exciting to watch them hammer it.. and seeing how we had overcast skies I brought out the buzzbait , I saw it to under , no huge explosion no big vacuum just a little tug. I thought it was a dink so I set the hook and started to reel.. well it wasn’t no dink! Drag started pulling and I finally got a decent fish little under 5 pounds but very pretty fish
    4 points
  5. Never seen this before. At least he's resourceful I suppose but I sure as heck wouldn't want to be following him.
    4 points
  6. I hate to lie, so I just got rid of my wife. problem solved.
    4 points
  7. the only predictable, trustworthy female i ever knew
    4 points
  8. Jighead shape doesn't really matter, the mushroom shaped ones just sit nicely on top of the baits. The Zman baits are the way to go imo. A single bag can catch you a couple hundred fish if you're not losing them to snags regularly.
    4 points
  9. 4 points
  10. People complain all the time that these guys dont fish difficult fisheries and go to places anyone can catch 20 pounds. "I'd like to see how well they would do on my lake; I would smoke them" is a common refrain. This goes to show that they have the skill and mental toughness to grind a dinkfest and still haul in limits.
    3 points
  11. I’m probably one of the younger members of this community, and I think lately that the attention span of the average young person is decreasing by the year. We have become a lot more reliant on modern technology and some of us haven’t been taught the principles of working for something, we seem to be giving up on things so much quicker, I’ve caught myself doing it as well, and I just remind myself that nothing worth having is easily obtained.
    3 points
  12. Zoom Salty Super Fluke 5" Jerk Baits 10-Pack Academy $2.99 Do you want bass in your livewell or lures in your tackle box? Ya can't have both! ?
    3 points
  13. I could probably work this into my busy schedule. I'm willing to bet two things would happen..... 1: @A-Jay gets back his finger nails are chewed down to nothing 2: the whole time I'm on the water there's a white and orange helicopter hovering 50' about my head with a camera pointed right at me. ?
    3 points
  14. Have you tried dynamite? If you don't get any fish with it at least you'll scare off all the other guys who are catching fish and have the whole place to yourself. ?
    3 points
  15. Bicycle flag pole. $10 each on Amazon. 6' tall. Mount to your trailer with two bolts. Probably removable by pulling the pole out. I don't think they are built for highway speeds though.
    3 points
  16. Took the boys to the zoo last Sunday. Pretty sure we saw a penguin that was in time out. These two stood like this for the entire 5 minutes or so that we were standing there with the back one never looking away from the wall.
    3 points
  17. Got the decks fitted today. Not long now. Quite pleased with it so far, despite the adversities of a lack of appropriate materials!
    3 points
  18. Got rid of my Tundra after 10 years and 200,000 miles. Was going to buy another one but I found a new leftover 2017 F250 XLT 6.2L that I worked out a sweet deal on .
    2 points
  19. Night tournament where I fish are scheduled around the full moon phase. My first night event was fishing out of another freinds boat and it was his 1st night event, the blind leading the blind takes on a who new meaning. My partner fishes 3" reapers on 8 lb P-Line that is what he uses. I fished jigs and 10" Black Power worms. We got a very late draw time nearly the last boat out so all the top spots had boats on them, except 1 spot was overlooked that was a good day area, so we stopped there. Within the 1st hour I managed to catch 38 lbs for 5 bass, all jig fish. We didn't cull any of those bass, caught several more and had a wonderful time the rest of the night and won the event by over 10 lbs. Tom
    2 points
  20. Back when I first got into fishing as a carefree 8-year old, my grandfather would often tie me on an in-line spinner. He said it was due in part to the fact that a spinner is a good lure for a kid with a not-so-tuned level of attention, and provided an easy way to catch fish. It was a lure that had been around for many many years and had a proven track record. Now my boxes are full of the latest offerings from various manufacturers. The tackle industry has exploded in the decades that have passed since I first went fishing with papaw, and the baitmonkey has bitten me more than I care to share. Fast forward to this past year and beginning this spring I started to see a trend where many of my normal lures just weren't having the same effect as usual. I was catching fish, just not nearly in the quantities I had caught in years before. I'm not sure if they were getting acclimated to my normal row of suspects or just wanting something different, but I had come up against a wall and couldn't get past it. Then, one outing, while rummaging through my tackle boxes, I thought I'd give a spinner a shot, I mean, what could it hurt? I tied on a #3 Mepps gold bladed undressed spinner....and had one of the best outings I've had in years.....using what was very likely the oldest lure in my arsenal. The Mepps was (and still is, I kept it for sentimental reasons) pretty worn out. For quite a while it was my main go-to lure, so it had some corrosion on it. The hooks were originally dressed but lost the dressing, and the hooks themselves were pretty worn and dulled. I didn't want to chance hooking a good sized fish and losing it and my old friend due to worn components. I took a look at some others at Cabela's and ended up with 2 Blue Fox Super Vibrax #2 both dressed and undressed. The concept of the free spinning shaft appealed to me since I had frequently had line twist issues. I have to say, although my old friend was a Mepps, this Blue Fox has absolutely WHACKED them for me this year. Even on big lakes with big fish, it doesn't seem to matter, it's just outperformed everything else I threw. Sure it catches all the little guys, but who's going to complain about catching TOO MANY fish? Just a quick fun story about re-connection with an old friend of mine.....you might give it a try too!
    2 points
  21. If your looking for peace and quiet the midnight to 8 time frame would bexpect my first choice for a busy lake. For no power boat lakes I go an hour before sunset and fish till around midnight.
    2 points
  22. Go at dusk. Fish til you get tired. Night time fishing is peaceful. It’s quiet and everything slows down. If I had to pick a timeframe though I’d launch around 11-12pm and fish til just after daylight.
    2 points
  23. I just bought a Castaway Pro Sport 7'3" Mag Bass for $8.98 at Academy off of the clearance rack...
    2 points
  24. I'm a pretty open minded guy I spent like a $100 on different colors of baits I have success with and going to apply those colors to water conditions and see if I notice a difference.Cant tell you guys what baits they are cause they were specially made for me once I win the bassmaster classic and sign a huge endorsement deal than I will reveal them,you guys are gonna have to keep buying the same baits as every other fishermen.
    2 points
  25. Should be at walmart. While you're there I would definitely pick up some zoom lizards. Trust me, they work.
    2 points
  26. I fish a couple local park ponds that have that thick slimy matted algae on them and I do a lot better with texas rigged soft plastic Zoom Horny Toads than with hollow belly frogs. Pulling the horny toads across the mats seems come through them better than the hollow bellys and the hookup ratio is better usually. I've never had good hookup ratio with the hollow belly frogs.
    2 points
  27. Slow down. You’re fishing too fast. No, even slower than that. ? Seriously, early in the season, when the water is still cold and after the spawn, you often have to slow things waaaay down. The fish just aren’t feeding actively. They’ll still hoover up a lure like your Senko off of the bottom, though.
    2 points
  28. I’m awful at fishing. Not very accurate when I cast, I’m not good at using a baitcasting rig, I could kill a dock trying to skip a jig/Senko, I don’t routinely catch LM bass, I only catch small LM bass, but I love to fish, watch fishing shows/YouTube fishing tips/read articles/etc. I think this would be the equivalent of a painter with Parkinson’s.
    2 points
  29. Gardner was a lot of fun last night. Big bass was a 5.04 but we got the win with our bag.
    2 points
  30. I use to fish a lake in east Texas and when the bite was slow I’d tie on a 1/4oz. Purple Beetle Spin and have a great time tossing it along the edges of Lilly pad fields. We'd catch Bass and Crappie until we were tired of catching them.
    2 points
  31. By all accounts he is that kind of guy ~ A-Jay
    2 points
  32. Yes, casting distsnce, poor handling, action of your lure, diving depth on Crankbaits. 20Lb mono is fairly large line. Most people only use this for big swimbaits, Alabama rigs, or heavy cover.
    2 points
  33. I'd bet @12poundbass would do you a solid and break her in for you.
    2 points
  34. GM and Dodge trucks weren't even involved in my decision. I've owned 3 Dodge trucks the last one purchased new in 2003 which I traded in on the Tundra. Biggest POS truck I have owned or driven to date. I swore off Dodge. Last Ford truck I owned was a 1984 Bronco with a 351. The ex got that in the divorce. I drove 3500 series vans both Chevy and Ford, as work vehicles for many many years. The Chevy's were all problematic. The Toyota was not without problems. Under the initial 3/36 warranty the bumpers were replaced twice, radio 3 times, front differential rebuilt, could have been some other stuff as well. At 80,000 new water pump, at 130k and again at 190k radiator replaced, parking brake linkage at 150k, Shocks/struts at 170k, U joints last fall, the drivers seat has been broken for years which I never did anything about, was currently having issues with a ground affecting the trailer lights and radio, and I was due for brakes again. I understand some of the repairs were just "maintenance", but I realized the Toyota kool-aid is no different than the kool-aid the Big 3 try and sell us on. Their product is not bulletproof. Honestly, the deciding factor between this truck and another Tundra was purely pricing. I had no interest in the F150. I would have had to upgrade the Tundra from the SR5 to the Limited to get the same features as the F250 XLT.
    2 points
  35. Email me with your phone number and I'll call you on a break tomorrow.
    2 points
  36. the problem is that you took something apart and then forgot how to put it back together. take it apart again putting everything on a white cloth to avoid losing parts. each piece taken off gets placed to the right of the last. if that doesn't work try youtube or send it to a repair shop. be gentle with the parts and avoid stripping the screws
    2 points
  37. Catfish hit my Jig. I though it was good size bass, it hit me three time until third cast that I got him(almost pull rod of my hand).
    2 points
  38. 21' 2005 Pro Craft 210 Super Pro Pro
    2 points
  39. I've caught a lip before. Also caught this dandy on a 65 pointer from a small pond.
    2 points
  40. For me, when I go fish, I try to always learn more that will help me for tournaments in the future (and bass fishing in general). I have yet to learn anything on the cold side of Lake Anna that has helped me anywhere! The bass are so weird there. I catch fish all over the country and it all makes sense. Not Anna. The hot side on the other hand, is my go-to place when I need to learn!
    2 points
  41. If you don’t want to use a spinning rig, then don’t. Use what you want. There is no law that states you have to use a spinning set up. One plus however, with a spinning rig is that it is “more convenient to make your lure have a more vertical fall with the bail still open if you want to do that. To do the same with a casting set up you will need to strip line off manually or cast ahead of your intended target to compensate for a slanted descent. That is to me one difference. I drop shot with both. What do you mean by soft? Whippy perhaps?
    2 points
  42. Yes to a swim jig, and almost exclusively over any other sub surface reaction bait in clear water. Here's a few "gin clear" water swim jig tricks I have learned over the years: #1 Thin and trim the snot out of the skirt. I trim ALL my jig skirts to the bottom of the hook bend, then for really clear water, I remove all the "inside" strands almost flush with the band...think a reverse finesse cut. Make sure you slide the band down and put a dab of super glue on the jig head where the skirt sits, with so little material, it's easy for the skirt to fall apart. #2 I used to think a bland natural color was the way to go in clear water, like straight green pumpkin. I have much more success by using green pumpkin as the majority of my color, but adding a few strands of bright colors to it on the"belly" , like orange, blue, and chartreuse. Often times I use all four colors at once. #3 keep it high in the water and burn it. Don't get it down in their faces where they can get a good look at it. #4 keep the trailer small. A 3.75" rage swimmer, a trimmed rage or Christie craw, a single tail rage grub, or a menace are what I use as trailers Edited for more tips: #5 in the old days of swim jigs, and using action less trailers, you used to have to pump and shake the rod pretty vigorously during the entire retrieve to trigger bites. With today's soft plastic trailers with built in action, I find that totally unnecessary. My basic retrieve is a steady brisk pace, with subtle pauses. Just enough to get that skirt to flair a little and make the bait change direction slightly. #6 3/8oz is the best size IMHO. 1/4 blows out of the water too much on a fast retrieve, and 1/2 gets down in their faces to much. And a few more: #7 Time of year is irrelevant. I have caught them in 40 degree water, and 80 degree water. Even in cold clear water you want to keep that thing moving. Trailer selection is more important in cold water. I find subtle trailers get more bites, and keep changing to more active trailers as the water warms. Here is how I progress through trailers from early spring to late fall: Menace, Rage Grub, Rage Swimmer, Rage Craw, and then in reverse as the water cools. #8 Obviously, like any reaction bite weather is a key factor. Like most any moving bait, slick calm and sunny is terrible, but oddly, at least for me, bright and sunny with wind is also terrible. This presentation...for me..needs at least a little cloud cover. The more the better. But wind is a double edged sword. Cloudy and calm is OK, cloudy with a comfortable to fish in breeze with a light chop is the sweet spot. As the wind ramps up and gets to really blowing, I find the swim jig bite to kinda die, and move to a baits that move more water. Of course there are those oddball days they do the opposite of everything listed above, and bite the fire out of it in slick sunny weather, but those are the exceptions and not the rules, but it happens juuuuuust often enough that at some point during said conditions, I start whipping it around a little to see whats going on.
    2 points
  43. Hang it from your rear view mirror?
    2 points
  44. 1 point
  45. Congrats! I'm yet to catch a bass on a frog, even after fishing it for nearly 10 total hours...
    1 point
  46. Dink Try the points on the back side of the shoals. Mike
    1 point
  47. I use Gamakatsu ewg superline exclusively for braid and heavy cover applications and never had one bend. However, if I recall correctly they did have a few bad batches some time ago.
    1 point
  48. Which is what I thought as well. But, over the last 18 months or so, I dumped about $4k into the Tundra. That equals a years worth of car payments on a 10 year old truck. Ever since it turned 130k, it has been costing me money. I sure like the 1794 Edition which is what the dealership gave me as a loaner every time mine was in the shop. The Super Duty has great reputation and, as I stated earlier, I got a sweet deal. Toyota couldn't have even come close with pricing on a "comparable" model. This is a lot more truck for less money.
    1 point
  49. I get flamed at local tournaments for plipping and punching with spinning gear. I dont care. Use what you want and what you feel most confident in
    1 point
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