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  1. Did well today with close to 30 bass in the boat. This was the best of the day coming on a Jackal kaera red frog.
    12 points
  2. Couple decent ones and a few dinks today. Guess I could have caught some more dinks if I tried my regular baits. Didn't feel like it.
    11 points
  3. Went for a short trip with the G-Daughter and got this one one an orange senko right before a thunderstorm sent us home.
    9 points
  4. Good reading. This is another reason we teach our high school anglers lake etiquette, ramp etiquette, sportsmanship, always ask permission to go around and respect it if they say they are fishing that line and would say no. Even if they say sure, go around, we have them refrain from making any casts until they are well past by a good distance. Slow down when passing others and boating safety for all.
    8 points
  5. I caught my new PB on a frog yesterday! No better way to catch a fish of any size much less your PB. She's no where near the biggest this forum has seen at only 5 lbs 3 oz (some of you guys catch these on the daily ?) but it's still exciting to break your PB. Casted my frog behind a little stick up in a grass pocket and she exploded on it!
    7 points
  6. Tapped into what I think was a final, but rich vein of pre-spawners here last week...the key was hitting the denser clusters of newly-emerging pads; they were happy to gobble either a Siebert Fogy or a T-rigged Zoom lizard. Some blurry pics of representative fish:
    7 points
  7. Spent the weekend on a small river in Bath County VA. Lots of fun, bagged over 30 fish, but none of real size. Broke in my fly rod which was really enjoyable. Late this afternoon I set hook on an absolute stud in a farm pond close by, got it within 5 feet of the shore and it jumped and shook my jig :/. Coulda shoulda woulda kind of scenario. Anyways here’s a few pics from the trip. Had to much fun not to share!
    7 points
  8. Won big bass at our Weekend Warrior bass club tournament yesterday on West Lake Tohopekaliga. 7.34 pounds. It was caught on a swim jig and a space monkey trailer.
    7 points
  9. Still catching dinks here - dunno what I'd do if I actually caught a fish over 1lb. lol
    7 points
  10. Details about this catch and others in "Flakes in the Sun and the Wind."
    7 points
  11. Didn't have much going on so I hit the bank in the rain for a few hours this evening. Spent about an hour with one bite that took the trailer off my spinnerbait, but no hookup. Decided to slow it down and put on the senko. Finally hooked a pounder that shook off in about 5 seconds. Had two more grab it and run and yank the line, but they spit the lure before I could get a swing. But at least now I'm getting bit. Found a sweet spot where some logs were piled up next to deep water. Caught a pounder, tossed back in and backlashed, got that straight and pulled up my line to feel if there was a fish on, nothing there until I popped the tip and felt a bite. Pounder from down about 12-15 feet. Tossed back in to slightly different spot, wait for the bait to fall back deep, "thunk" another pounder. Tossed back in same spot, wait about 45 seconds for it to fall, don't feel a bite but the line starts pulling. Set the hook and feel a couple solid head shakes. Fish shoots for the surface, jumps three feet, dives back in right into a tree branch. Get pulled out of there and drag it onto the bank. Three and a quarter pounds. A bit shy of 19". Spent another 20 minutes or so working back and forth across the same area and got nothing else after that. Good way to end a day that started with a mower that wouldn't run!
    6 points
  12. Caught this one on a zoom lizard this morning.
    6 points
  13. First Smallmouth of the year! 2.14lbs from shore on a wacky rigged Dinger in Bama Bug color
    6 points
  14. We have all encountered and reacted to different types of on the water rudeness or lack of etiquette. I had an extreme example at the start of this holiday weekend and figured I'd share it to get feedback on my reaction as well as other ideas on how to deal with it. As I have mentioned before, I fish a small, electric only 100 acre private lake. It is about a 1/2 mile long with 6 small coves on each side. The only portions of shoreline without a house & dock on them are a few green belt areas and a long docking area by the clubhouse & ramp. Most boats are left on the water year long, the boat ramp is used maybe once or twice a month when folks who live in the community but not on the water launch their boat for the day. So on Saturday morning about 2 hours past sunrise, I found myself near the boat ramp, fishing away from it, moving down the bank fishing docks. A couple of guys between 40-50 years old back into the launch area with a Pond Prowler like mine, run up to the clubhouse to get the gate key and then return to launch their boat. I didn't recognize them from being on the lake before, but they had their boat set up in an experienced manner (trolling motor in the front, rear rudder) so I knew they weren't newbies to bass fishing. I was moving down the bank, about 30 yards from exiting the cove as they got underway. They promptly drove to where the cove ended in front of me, slowed down and began fishing, moving down the bank in the same direction I was headed. I thought they had seen me and should have known I was moving that way, but then again maybe they were excited about getting started and hadn't paid attention. I get out of the cove, to the point they had begun, and they are still 30 yards or so ahead of me, starting to curl around into the next cove. I was curious how they were fishing the docks, so I fished the area they had just covered, catching a 3 lb bass in the process. As they went further into that cove, I skipped past them and motored down to the next cove, giving them the entire cove they were in and the main lake area after it to fish. As I was finishing up the cove I was in, I motored down to the other end of the lake to my house for a quick bathroom stop. Coming back to the boat, I saw they were still on the upper end of the lake, so I instead began fishing a pair of coves at the bottom end of the lake. About an hour later as I exited the 2nd cove towards the main lake, still fishing along the bank, I was surprised to see that they had come down down to the bottom of the lake as well. They had lines in the water, but as I came into view, they reeled in, turned up their motor and again jumped about 30 yards ahead of me. Now I knew their behavior was intentional, so I fished behind them for the short stretch of the main lake. I caught a pair of fish, which I made sure to play out and allow to jump on the side of the boat they could see (and they did indeed look back & notice). They soon came to a very large cove which they entered, so I again bypassed it, letting them fish the entire cove. This time however, the lake had a 90 degree turn, so I fished the main lake area out of the cove (new water) where they could see me. I hooked up 4 times, again making sure to play all fish to the side of the boat that they could see. Kind of a jerk move on my part, but very vindicating to show them what they passed up. My path led me into another cove and as I exited it a short while later, they were about 25 yards behind me. i continued fishing the main lake shore as I approached the next cove, only to see them turn the trolling motor on high, scoot pass me (I waved & smiled) and pull in front of me at the entrance to the cove I was approaching. I rolled the options available through my mind. Doing the same thing to them that they did to me didn't appeal to me, nor did cursing them out at the top of my lungs. I considered motoring up to them and talking with them, mentioning how those who fish the lake regularly share the water, but I decided that would be like trying to reason with an unreasonable person, that they would just consider me some blowhard and tell me to go F myself. So since what they were doing was disrespectful, I decided that the appropriate action was to show them a lack of respect and fish behind them the entire cove. I made this decision partially based on seeing how they were fishing and fully confident that I could catch multiple fish behind them. So as I enter the cove, with them a scant 25 yards in front of me, I hook up on my first cast, another nice 3 lb fish. My mouth got the better of me as I landed the fish when I said in a conversational tone & level "Looks like you missed something". I glanced up from the fish and they were both looking my way. Halfway down the cove, I catch a second fish behind them and then repeat it a 3rd time as they are getting close to exiting the cove, all the while they hadn't gotten a single bite. Whether or not I made a point I don't know, but it sure felt self satisfying. I really don't know how else to deal with their kind of behavior. My lake is way too small to try and avoid people and to be blunt, I find avoidance to be a weak and ineffective response to behavior that is akin to bullying. Talking with them may help, but it will need to be during a conversation initiated by them. If I approach them, I am the guy yelling at them to get off my lawn. If they come to me, whether it be to chat about fishing or anything else, they have opened the door to be more receptive to a suggestion from me, at least I think so. The perfect solution would be that they are lurkers here on Bass Resource and read about themselves in this post, but that may be asking for too much...
    5 points
  15. I've found it hurts a lot less when they're biting ?
    5 points
  16. I don’t know what was going on this morning. I tried posting before coffee. I hope you see it now. Here is another pic of it.
    5 points
  17. People using the boat ramp for non boating activities. My home lake is big with eagle and osprey watching. One time last year, there was a lady parked right in front of the boat ramp, filming an osprey eating a fish. I politely asked her to move, so I could launch the boat. I was told she was not going anywhere, until the osprey was done. I walked down the ramp and gently coaxed the osprey to move along. The lady was screaming at me as she drove away. Still wonder if I am on film, scaring away an osprey.
    5 points
  18. Our nephew never gets to go fishing unless we take him, so we decided to take him and my son bridge fishing. Well it was a good night. Until last night a bluegill was it for him. He caught a 1-14, 2-4 and this 3-1. My son got a 2-5 and surprisingly enough a 3-1. Thankfully they were both exactly the same weight so there was no pouty or gloating boys, just one who was on cloud 9 and another who was pretty geeked too.
    5 points
  19. I finally caught a couple decent largemouth the last two days. Sad to say but these are the only largemouth I can recall catching that were over 1lb since almost New Years (and they werent much over 1lb). I usually catch smallmouth white bass and drum, probably more because of how far upstream I typically fish. I also had another breakthrough in my learning curve this morning, I caught a fish with a spinnerbait. Luckily the fish hit the crap out of it so there was no guesswork, a skinny beat up smallmouth that fought like the devil. Followed him up with a deeeeeep Texas Rig largemouth, I love setting the hook with a worm down deep
    5 points
  20. The picture doesn't do this girl justice. She had a lower jawbone like a porkchop. Actually went 9 pounds, 6 ounces on the scale. I think my scale is broken. Gonna test it later.
    5 points
  21. Got the last bits of construction done on the boat today! Cut the hatches in the front deck without any errors, big relief. Just need to cover them now and we're pretty much ready for the start of the fishing season on June 16th.
    5 points
  22. Went out this morning and caught only one bass but it is my new personal best it weighed 10.52 and was 24 1/4 long and 18 1/4 girth
    4 points
  23. I got my PB last night of 17 inches. I caught it on a Texas rigged baby brush hog. That’s not a bad bass at all for Northern Michigan. EDIT:sorry no picture because I didn’t have my phone, I fish to get away from that sort of thing.
    4 points
  24. Michelle's father, "Stan The Man," driving the 1936 "Buffalo" in yesterday's parade. There's only a couple guys left that can drive the beast.
    4 points
  25. How about having a back up plan for if & when another pro or even a local angler is fishing an area he intended to go to ? To simply bail seems a little weak. Sponsors "So what happened ?" Angler " I was leading the derby, but a guy was fishing my spot, so I quit" Ex-Sponsors "What ?" A-Jay
    4 points
  26. A couple of years ago I saw a black bear looking at me from top of a cliff. There are no known bears in this part of Missouri . I had my camera out ready to take pictures and be famous .Then it moved and turned out to be a cow .
    4 points
  27. I realize the original post was long, but you misunderstood a few of the facts: a) The lake is private, not public; b) There are 12 coves (six per side) not six; c) We were the only 2 boats fishing the lake at that time; d) I never expected them to fish behind me, I just expected them to not jump directly in front of me into a cove I was headed into. When others are fishing the lake, we leapfrog coves, i.e., you don't go into the cove someone is fishing and if they are headed down the bank towards a cove, you either go to the other side of the lake or you bypass that cove in favor of the next one. They intentionally chose to cut in front of me 3 times, whereas I gave them leeway and never went in front of them when they were ahead of me (even when they were behind me & quit fishing to speed up & cut me off). That said, you are completely entitled to your opinion no matter selfish it may be. It is easy to share water, but these two had no interest in doing that - they had a "me first" mentality. It may explain why they weren't that good at catching bass.
    4 points
  28. Went out yesterday evening and tried some new spots. Game wardens were in full effect as they talked to me at the first pond I went to. Nice guy and told me about some areas I hadn’t been to. The first pond had about 15 people already fishing at it and I caught nothing as I couldn’t hardly fish any of it. The second spot I hit was almost at dark and another game warden found me. As he was talking to me I started to see the bass hitting the top. Threw out the whopper plopper and caught the bass in the picture. Think I may of found a nice morning and late evening spot.
    4 points
  29. Went out for a couple hours this evening. Very windy. The fish have been as active as can be all month. Today I lost a 4 pounder by the 4th cast or so to a jump.Caught a dink and 2 pound size fish. One on a fluke, one on a senko , and one on a pit boss. Just not biting good. So with a little daylight left, I put on a black grape 10 inch Mr Twister worm, threw it up against a pontoon boat, and the pictured fish nailed it when it hit the water. Another 5 pound 11 oz. Fish. Pic. Turned out grainy for some reason.
    4 points
  30. Mine is no where near as big as the rest, fishing around my parts has been tough without any rain. This fish is the first fish I have caught since I have stocked a pond of mine in September of last year. Very VERY lively fish and swam away healthy. She post spawn of coarse.
    4 points
  31. Tossing and bumping the Booyah Bankroll Jig with the YUM Craw Chunk in craw again, I slam another stud. Lots of folks guessed 7ish, but I think it was a pound and a half bigger. Next year this picture will escalate to a 12 when I tell the story.
    4 points
  32. Caught these 3 on the strike king 6xd green gizzard and a few smaller ones on a chatter bait. Great night on the water.
    3 points
  33. this hawk decided to dry off out by our pool deck after another round of showers passed through.
    3 points
  34. I was on the short and stocky bite this past weekend.
    3 points
  35. How about people that worship the bass as a sacred animal, but take home the limit of crappie every time they go. Why is a bass more valuable than a crappie?
    3 points
  36. All I know is that based on the information that's out there, I wouldn't have done what what Lambert did...And if I were Haynes I'd be mad about it too. I guess I'm more on the side of the 'unwritten rules'. Everyone is saying the right things and the two don't seem to have a beef with each other, so I guess the statement has been made and everyone's moving on...Which is good. IMO, the 'community hole' argument is just a cop-out. I know all about community holes, the Potomac is a 60-mile long community hole . Getting cut off or spot jumped isn't negated just because everyone already knows about the spot. But like I said originally...I don't know either and I wasn't there, so I probably shouldn't comment (even though I am...But at least I recognize that I shouldn't )
    3 points
  37. Weather channel app shows the lightning icon every hour for the entire day that I have off and planned to fish Cormorants Boaters who believe that everyone within two counties must to listen to their music (seems that often times, the longer the boat, the worse the offenders)
    3 points
  38. I've lived the outdoor life since I was very young, doing a lot of fishing, some hunting, hiking, camping ,Played all kinds of sports with little precaution and have done a lot of manual labor including farming etc. I think generally its been good for me because at 57 I feel good most of the time . My left shoulder gives me fits at times, as does my right wrist, esp. After casting a bait caster for awhile ( My friend ran his dad's truck into an oak tree with me on the side that hit the tree, breaking 3 bones in my lower thumb when I was 19 ) My lower back gives me fits if I stay out fishing too long, but by the next day it's fine. Im having a little trouble getting out of the boat at the dock, mainly due to being overweight ( 275 and just under 6 ft tall ) But all things considered, I'm blessed to be as healthy as I am. My 12 yr old G-Daughter keeps me going though. Today she had me climbing the big ol' oak tree with her out on the island in our lake.
    3 points
  39. Biggest pet peeve by far... when I am fishing and someone starts talking to me. I have said it before, I know I am a *****, but I don't want to be asked "How they bitin?" or "Any luck?" or "What you hittin em on?" Please go away, let me FISH for the love of God!
    3 points
  40. Pick up some rope and an anchor. Pretty cheap and solves your issues with current
    3 points
  41. Room for grandpa to sit "in"/stand "in" a boat is safer than standing "on" a boat. This was one of the reasons I bought a Lund rather than a bass boat.
    3 points
  42. Or at a major tournament with 300 plus boats, all of us who are picking up others in the basin lined up for the ramp. It’s a one way in and out parking lot ramp area. Then two get their boats loaded proceed part way around the lot then stop to put away their gear. That left two trucks with boats on trailers still stuck half way up the ramp and a line of us still waiting. Really??? I politely ask them if they could please move so we can load up our people too. Yeah, even my husband saw me get out of the truck while in the basin and said... “ oh, she getting ready to chew on someone”?. The other was letting dead bass get weighed for big bass prize money. I lost by .02 ounces to two dead bass and $2,000.00. 1st place was the $2,000 and second big bass was $500.00. Mine was 8.29 pounds and I kept her alive all day during a hot June tournament, I came in 3rd big bass. $0.00. It wasn’t specific in the rules but oh well. A lot of guys congratulated me on catching her and keeping her alive, they thought I should have won it, but the respect I got also was worth a lot to me.
    3 points
  43. Look at Lund...... there are a ton of used ones out there.....probably the most common aluminum V boat on my lake
    3 points
  44. Made it on the big pond by 630am... went to first spot and boated a dozen 2-4lb in the first hour. Swim bait and green tube gold flake. The fish were cruising in packs, water 54 degrees. Fishing a huge sand flat 6-12 ft of water. Just covered water until a bite, then the next few minutes were fish after fish for about 5 casts each, then they would move. Then about 930 the sun broke and the wind laid down calm. This really slowed the bite, so we trailered up 10 miles and fish Elk Rapids area. We caught another dozen in the next 1.5 hours. There were lots bank fishermen catching SMB in River. If we could have had some wind, I think we could have caught over a hundred, but we were happy with 45-50 2-4.5lbs in less than 6 hours of fishing. Forgot to mention we REALLY slowed down and dragged 5" stick worms in green and red flake once the wind laid down.
    3 points
  45. Something similar happened to me last summer. A boat jumped in about 20 meters in front of me going down a cove. I speed up and they were shocked that I would approach...the and the conversation was something like this.... Me..Howdy, nice looking boat there and it looks like it is going to be a great day. Them..Thanks and yeah, going to be a good one. Me. Sorry to get in the way of your fishing, but just wondering what you plan on fishing today. Them. Why? Me. I was on this line heading to the point, and life’s to short to get upset about a fish..We just don’t do that here ( they were clearly from MA). Them..yeah, I knew better and sorry, we’ll pull out. Me. No need, I’m moving, but be careful, most of the regulars would have their panties in a twist. I have found that folks can be tough from a distance, but are more reasonable when the higher ground is taken
    3 points
  46. my biggest bass of 2018 21.5 inches 5lb. 7oz. on a swimjig
    3 points
  47. About a month away till bass opener here in Ontario and it can't come soon enough!!! seeing you all post your latest catches is killing me lol Gonna have to slide over to the NY side of Erie for some of them smallies to hold me over till we can get after them here
    3 points
  48. I would read @roadwarrior‘s article about senkos.
    2 points
  49. I think that's the issue
    2 points
  50. People blocking the boat ramp. Other boats and jet skis blasting by me within casting distance while I'm fishing. Flat bill hats
    2 points
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