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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2018 in all areas

  1. Dude, that's nothing compared to the one I caught yesterday. Take a look: I'd say mine was at least 12 lbs! Whaddya think? j/k
    8 points
  2. Went out for a couple hours this evening. Very windy. The fish have been as active as can be all month. Today I lost a 4 pounder by the 4th cast or so to a jump.Caught a dink and 2 pound size fish. One on a fluke, one on a senko , and one on a pit boss. Just not biting good. So with a little daylight left, I put on a black grape 10 inch Mr Twister worm, threw it up against a pontoon boat, and the pictured fish nailed it when it hit the water. Another 5 pound 11 oz. Fish. Pic. Turned out grainy for some reason.
    6 points
  3. I have created a monster! I get home this evening she ask where are she going fishing. she caught 7 fish with two 3 lb. one 4 1/2 lb and broke a 6 to 7 off at the boat after I told her to tighten the drag a little. she wasn't very happy! she swam it by the boat three times ,I couldn't get my hand own her.the line snapped !what a hog !! I told her that is why they call it fishing and not catching. that didn't set well either.
    4 points
  4. my biggest bass of 2018 21.5 inches 5lb. 7oz. on a swimjig
    4 points
  5. Estimates; 24” LMB = 8.6 lbs, 26” LMB is 11 lbs. Nice bass. Tom PS, use your line to measure the bass by cutting it to length, another for girth; LxLxG/1200 = weight. Unknown girth =75% length avg LMB.
    4 points
  6. Mine is no where near as big as the rest, fishing around my parts has been tough without any rain. This fish is the first fish I have caught since I have stocked a pond of mine in September of last year. Very VERY lively fish and swam away healthy. She post spawn of coarse.
    4 points
  7. The bait monkey is working with the tree monkey now...
    4 points
  8. You just open Pandora's Box! With the tremendous number of sizes & shapes of today's plastics plus an unbelievable array of colors!
    4 points
  9. Just have to say that after some great advice here on BR I took a single rod and practiced on nothing but Texas rig and wacky. Worked nothing but these two methods for the past couple days. Took me a while but I landed several nice sized Bass. Feels good to take the time to study and practice and get a great return... thank you all who took the time out to give me great advice. .
    3 points
  10. Wacky rigged wiener, let it hit bottom for several seconds then hop it and let it flutter back down, and hold on tight! Ok actually never tried it but it sounds legit.
    3 points
  11. Man that things a pig!!! it would help to have a picture to confirm it though ?
    3 points
  12. First time I've seen these in store today, so I bought one. It came with the trailer hook I've been wanting. Can't wait to try it out. The Lunkerhunt Prop Frog pearl color. ?
    3 points
  13. Most fun for me would be a fly rod and a top water popper.
    3 points
  14. Tossing and bumping the Booyah Bankroll Jig with the YUM Craw Chunk in craw again, I slam another stud. Lots of folks guessed 7ish, but I think it was a pound and a half bigger. Next year this picture will escalate to a 12 when I tell the story.
    3 points
  15. Went out yesterday evening and tried some new spots. Game wardens were in full effect as they talked to me at the first pond I went to. Nice guy and told me about some areas I hadn’t been to. The first pond had about 15 people already fishing at it and I caught nothing as I couldn’t hardly fish any of it. The second spot I hit was almost at dark and another game warden found me. As he was talking to me I started to see the bass hitting the top. Threw out the whopper plopper and caught the bass in the picture. Think I may of found a nice morning and late evening spot.
    2 points
  16. The picture doesn't do this girl justice. She had a lower jawbone like a porkchop. Actually went 9 pounds, 6 ounces on the scale. I think my scale is broken. Gonna test it later.
    2 points
  17. I have witnessed bass being caught on chicken liver and also hot dogs while fishing for catfish. I asked a fisheries biologist about it and he said that the fish was close by and likely hungry but you won't consistently catch them on those baits. He told me a story about guys using dough balls for carp and catching a fair number of bass on them and he had a good explanation. He said that they figure at least have the time bass catches on those types of baits are due to small minnows and panfish nipping at the offering and a bass comes in and ends up catching the bait rather than the intended target.
    2 points
  18. Careful, this thing could take off and next thing you know we'll be debating the cost effectiveness/durability of fish per hot dog vs. the senko at $7 per pack. LOL
    2 points
  19. Cut the hot dog in half long ways, use a 6/0 trokar ewg and hook it weedless. Fish it weightless like a topwater trick worm. Super secret old school trick. Has to be a red weenie
    2 points
  20. Hey Jbrew73. That is a Dredge dock rocker in blue craw. Thank you. Ill be home tomorrow and then start back building tomorrow evening and Monday. We have caught a bunch of smallies and walleye.
    2 points
  21. We're proud of all our grand kids ( we have 12 ) but our oldest grand daughter took to schooling like we've never seen. Ate up any knowledge put in front of her. We found out today she ace'd her college entrance exams and has been accepted at a university. Here's the kicker, she's fourteen. Jim
    2 points
  22. On my list of fishy things to do this season, one of them is to catch a trout (new species for me). Stopped by a reservoir today on the way into work, expect to get nothing but dinks, used the 5'6 UL/F with a Charlie Bee. A few nibbles on the bee (jig with a spinner) but after a while downsized to a smaller jig without spinner but using the Charlie Bee plastic. Something bit and it looked like a perch but when it came out of the water I saw the beautiful pink/green colors... rainbow trout about 8 inches long. It flopped off the barbless hook into the mud so I thought I'd rinse it in the water before the photo, and it had other plans - took off fast and I got a blurry pic. Not much of a pic, but I swear it was a rainbow trout Wish I could start every work day like that. Doesn't compare to @A-Jay's lunker trout but I'm happy.
    2 points
  23. Small lake nears Alex tonite WTemp was 73, really good action 2-5 ft. Zero topwater, but great on chatter and fluke. Boated a 21,an 18, and about 20 bass that were 15-18. Almost without fail, there would be a bed near submerged logs/timber. A great time. Probably try the actual Alex Chain this weekend, but temp on CARLOS still only 64.
    2 points
  24. Rebel Teeny Wee Craw Road Runner Some bass fishing is done on small creeks and rivers where small lmb and spots are the norm with a 3 pounder being a monster but are FUN to fish. Black Creek MS.
    2 points
  25. Congrats on adding to your technique arsenal. It's a great feeling knowing you have at least a few ways of catching them. I need to do that with drop shots and also try a Ned rig. Keep doing that with other techniques and before you know it there won't be a way you can't catch a bass. ?
    2 points
  26. Hey all, Just wanted to give my thanks to the forum in helping me with everything so far. I finally pulled a decent sized bass out of this local quarry lake. I didn’t have a scale but it was about 15 inches long and he girth was about 8 inches. So around 2lbs which is my pb now. Caught it with a watermelo Senko. Had to get the hook out through the gills it was hooked really deep. Apparently that bass really wanted that Senko cause it was just one giant pull and it was on.
    2 points
  27. 4.4lbs is nice but I want your boss lol.
    2 points
  28. Private. My largest public water fish was around 6 to 7. I don't ever push them towards the camera! Thanks man. Thanks everyone! My guess was between 8 or 9. I've held another 7 recently and she was a bit heavier. I'll measure the three fingers supporting her belly later and get a good length estimate.
    2 points
  29. I think about 3 lbs top. of fillets.
    2 points
  30. Did you catch this bass from private or public waters?
    2 points
  31. Might be pushing 2lbs. Pictures are deceiving
    2 points
  32. Did you get a length? Are you a midget? A giant?
    2 points
  33. No, no, no. How does leaving a hook stuck in a fish's throat help it's chance of survival? Studies have shown, it takes several months for that hook to come out on it's own, if at all. You might as well just keep the fish for dinner, rather than let it starve.
    2 points
  34. My wife kicks my a$$ all the time fishing. She strictly sticks to her watermelon 5" Senko. How do you compete with that?
    2 points
  35. There are not many sponsor I go out of my way to support. Mike at S.O. is one of them. Think I have placed over 5 substantial sized orders from him over the last few years. Always a great guy to work with, fair prices, and a great product!
    2 points
  36. Got into some crappie this afternoon. I had never really caught them before, they are a blast on my Ned rod.
    2 points
  37. Got this big Softshell this evening on a live bream. Thought it was a big catfish at first. My G. Daughter finally netted it after a hard fight of 7-10 minutes. It was app.25 inch long and completely filled up my cooler.
    2 points
  38. About a month away till bass opener here in Ontario and it can't come soon enough!!! seeing you all post your latest catches is killing me lol Gonna have to slide over to the NY side of Erie for some of them smallies to hold me over till we can get after them here
    2 points
  39. Had the first run in with a flathead that there's been since winter time on Monday. Gave Lake all the fight he could handle.
    2 points
  40. Wasn't passing judgement. Simply noting the date. A-Jay
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. I am very new also. This is the stuff that I remind myself every time I go out. Here is what I have learned from watching tons of videos, practicing every chance I get, and reading bassresource.com every day: 1. Slow down. 2. Fish according to the season (bass season, not human season I.E. pre-spawn, spawn, post-spawn). 3. Slow down. 4. Fish according to the water temp (NOT air temp). 5. Slow down. 6. Fish where the fish are (find topo maps, learn what structure is important, watch the birds, get polarized glasses and look for baitfish, etc). 7. Slow down. 8. Fish the weather. (Bright sun means bass are in different places depending on the water temp, cloudy changes things too). 9. Slow down. 10. Read this forum. There are some guys on here that are absolute experts at bass fishing. Just amazing. Visit this forum every day for two weeks and you will have picked them out. Listen to them. And watch Glenn's videos! I had two hours free this morning so I hurried to a small lake I have only fished one other time in my life. Shore fishing and I caught this one. Not a lunker but I consider this a success. I missed a bigger one because I couldn't tell the difference between a snag and a bite while fishing a wacky Senko. She was literally five feet away from me next to a partially submerged log. I actually WATCHED HER SPIT MY SENKO OUT! But I learned something. I still regularly miss fish but I don't get skunked much anymore. Slowly building. Slowly learning. Slowly fishing.
    1 point
  43. Slowing down was the most important thing for me to learn. Taking my time. Spending all day with 1 rod and bait till I learn it. Today I pulled 5 lunkers on rage tails....
    1 point
  44. I would rather catch nothing then use chicken, or live bait. For me the whole game is, can you make this piece of plastic look live enough for a bass to hit. The casting, and perfect placement is also an important part of it. If I am clicking on all cylinders, and the equipment is working well, I feel good, regardless of what I catch. Its just nice to be out there with mother nature. I will say one tip, if the bite is tough, SLOW DOWN. Put a june bug U-Vibe and crawl and stop along the bottom. This works for me during those hard days.
    1 point
  45. Since last report (which was Sat's double dip of mediocre AM, and terrible PM shift): I fished almost all day Sunday, was at Cabela's when they opened bright and early to clean them out of LH $69 Fuego CT's, then hit the water at 10am. I should have just bought tackle all day LOL. It was a grind. From 10am-7pm I caught 9 bass, nothing over 3.5lbs, and nothing remotely pattern-able. Then I went out again Tues. after work from 4:30-8:30, it was slightly better. Not on fire, just better than Sunday. Caught 12 in those four hours. But nothing note worthy for size. Since the day of day's on the 12th, this place has been in a bizzaro funk. BUT, that's not uncommon here. We like to refer to it as the SLOW BUILD- PEAK-CRASH syndrome. It happens often. And is fairly typical for here, especially when the water is gin clear, grass is not thick yet, . Rarely does this lake give you weeks on end of good fishing. It's just one of her quirks. It could be worse, like the funk it was in last year through most of mid to late May where skunkings or really bad outings were way too frequent. I'll say one thing about this place, even after fishing it for 30 years, every year seemingly is a curve ball, and each trip out is a curve ball within the curve ball. But, that's why I love it. Keeps it interesting.
    1 point
  46. I've considered the same and the only draw back I see is less storage
    1 point
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