Since last report (which was Sat's double dip of mediocre AM, and terrible PM shift):
I fished almost all day Sunday, was at Cabela's when they opened bright and early to clean them out of LH $69 Fuego CT's, then hit the water at 10am. I should have just bought tackle all day LOL. It was a grind. From 10am-7pm I caught 9 bass, nothing over 3.5lbs, and nothing remotely pattern-able.
Then I went out again Tues. after work from 4:30-8:30, it was slightly better. Not on fire, just better than Sunday. Caught 12 in those four hours. But nothing note worthy for size.
Since the day of day's on the 12th, this place has been in a bizzaro funk. BUT, that's not uncommon here. We like to refer to it as the SLOW BUILD- PEAK-CRASH syndrome. It happens often. And is fairly typical for here, especially when the water is gin clear, grass is not thick yet, . Rarely does this lake give you weeks on end of good fishing. It's just one of her quirks. It could be worse, like the funk it was in last year through most of mid to late May where skunkings or really bad outings were way too frequent.
I'll say one thing about this place, even after fishing it for 30 years, every year seemingly is a curve ball, and each trip out is a curve ball within the curve ball. But, that's why I love it. Keeps it interesting.