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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/25/2018 in all areas

  1. Caught these 3 on the strike king 6xd green gizzard and a few smaller ones on a chatter bait. Great night on the water.
    16 points
  2. I have created a monster! I get home this evening she ask where are she going fishing. she caught 7 fish with two 3 lb. one 4 1/2 lb and broke a 6 to 7 off at the boat after I told her to tighten the drag a little. she wasn't very happy! she swam it by the boat three times ,I couldn't get my hand own her.the line snapped !what a hog !! I told her that is why they call it fishing and not catching. that didn't set well either.
    9 points
  3. About a month away till bass opener here in Ontario and it can't come soon enough!!! seeing you all post your latest catches is killing me lol Gonna have to slide over to the NY side of Erie for some of them smallies to hold me over till we can get after them here
    9 points
  4. Tossing and bumping the Booyah Bankroll Jig with the YUM Craw Chunk in craw again, I slam another stud. Lots of folks guessed 7ish, but I think it was a pound and a half bigger. Next year this picture will escalate to a 12 when I tell the story.
    8 points
  5. Hey all, Just wanted to give my thanks to the forum in helping me with everything so far. I finally pulled a decent sized bass out of this local quarry lake. I didn’t have a scale but it was about 15 inches long and he girth was about 8 inches. So around 2lbs which is my pb now. Caught it with a watermelo Senko. Had to get the hook out through the gills it was hooked really deep. Apparently that bass really wanted that Senko cause it was just one giant pull and it was on.
    6 points
  6. Decided to bank fish a residential pond after dinner tonight. I don't take for granted that I can drive to spots within 3 miles of home and have a phenomenal hour of fishing, even after putting in a full day at the office. Caught 20 fish between 7:19 and 8:19 PM, all on the U-vibe. These were some of the best fish.
    6 points
  7. I've been working in Northern Michigan lately and decided to fish the West Grand Traverse Bay at the mouth of the Boardman River. First smallie caught was 3.94, which sad to say for some, beat my previous smallie PB. Yay, right?! Well roughly 10 brown fish later, I catch a 4.04! Awesome, right?! At this point, I can't not catch one. It's almost silly! I ended the night, roughly 16 bass later, on a 6lb 22" CHUNK! So I beat my smallmouth PB twice, and 6lbs beats my overall bass PB.
    5 points
  8. Unfortunately didn't get the video from our whole day, my power cord quit working for some reason so my camera only went as far as the battery would take it. Thankfully did get a couple good ones we got in the morning. Turn your volume down, loud squeals ahead.
    5 points
  9. I went by "Bird Dog" on this forum for several years because I had an old pointer who love to ride in my boat. I lost my faithful fishing companion a few years back, and the username no longer seemed appropriate, so I changed it to "S.Doolittle". I got a new pup about two years ago, but he was way too wired to attempt to put him in the boat. Finally, last weekend, I took him out for the first time. I'm happy to report that he loved every minute of it! He's not much of a net man, and he can't back a trailer to save his life, but I think I have found my new fishing partner. Bird Dog is back!
    4 points
  10. Mine is no where near as big as the rest, fishing around my parts has been tough without any rain. This fish is the first fish I have caught since I have stocked a pond of mine in September of last year. Very VERY lively fish and swam away healthy. She post spawn of coarse.
    4 points
  11. Better buy a net so she doesn't push you in the water next time
    4 points
  12. All this potential, not to mention 1.6 miles one way from the closest parking area, and not one single bite???
    4 points
  13. I know this isn’t much of a fish, but this one has been on the same freekin dock for years and nobody has been able to get her........I small victory, but a victory none the less
    4 points
  14. Was out fishing for bass today. Cast into a spot and caught a black crappie. this was the second one I have ever caught ( Don't fish for them). Any why, from what I have heard it was pretty decent. 1 lb. 5 oz. 14 inches long ( I put him back ). Right after that I got hailed by a fellow fisherman whose motor quit. Ended up towing him back to the ramp. Came back to the same spot and darned if I didn't catch it again. Same weight, size, with a fresh hook spot on it's mouth. Put it back again. You'd think it would have learned the first time. I used the same bait to catch it both times. Here's a pic from both times.
    3 points
  15. We're proud of all our grand kids ( we have 12 ) but our oldest grand daughter took to schooling like we've never seen. Ate up any knowledge put in front of her. We found out today she ace'd her college entrance exams and has been accepted at a university. Here's the kicker, she's fourteen. Jim
    3 points
  16. It’s nice to see a picture of someone holding a big fish that isn’t pushing it at the camera! Whatever it weighs, nice catch.
    3 points
  17. Santa just showed up!
    3 points
  18. Did you get a length? Are you a midget? A giant?
    3 points
  19. I feel your pain, my wife is an occasional angler and makes me crush the barb and only throws a white fluke or wacky black/blue senko and is a 3 lb magnet .
    3 points
  20. Got into some crappie this afternoon. I had never really caught them before, they are a blast on my Ned rod.
    3 points
  21. My dog would just chew on the console and barf on the carpet...
    3 points
  22. Tuesday I asked here for some advice. Yesterday Choporoz suggested the Rage Tail Anaconda. This AM I went to a local store and got one pkg red shad, one pkg watermelon. This PM I caught bass ..... but only on the red. That's the way it's been for 2 years now. I go fishing with 2 friends, and they catch bass off browns or dk greens or lt greens. I catch fish off dk reds. Oh, well. A fish is a fish. Thanks, Choporoz! Ain't this place great? jj
    3 points
  23. So yesterday mid-morning my boss text me and ask if I wanna take off at about 3 pm and go fishing...that was an obvious Yes! The lake was an 1.5 hrs away and we had to make a couple stops so we were fairly late getting over there. We launch the boat and the wind is smoking it pretty fast across the lake. We start off shallow in some stick ups and I'm fishing a T-rig with nothing to show for it and then my boss spots a lure hung on a small branch sticking out of the water and he says someone grab that as we troll by. So I quickly kneel down with my worm rod still in hand and attempt to grab it as we go by. Well I'm not sure what all happened but between the wind and waves everything else I lose my balance drop my rod in the water, I grab for it but it's sinking fast so lunge out of the boat and grab it! I swing back in and look, and I kicked one of my other rods over board when I lunged out. It's about $170 crankbait setup my wife bought me for Christmas. So I end up jumping out in waist deep water and tip toeing around until (thankfully) I found it! I still haven't caught a fish yet as we come up to a place where the rip rap makes 90° turn. I'm throwing a excalibur square bill (on the setup I just retrieved) when I hook into a good one. As I get her up to the boat she keeps surging and taking some drag and when I finally see her I start freaking out because she's only hooked by 1 little rear treble hook. So they grab the net and thankfully we get her in!! So all in all it was a good evening! She weighed 4.40lbs Not sure how this got posted twice. Mods, if you wanna remove one of these that would be fine.
    2 points
  24. I think about 3 lbs top. of fillets.
    2 points
  25. Sunday May 20th: Caught so many I lost count. All on a Dirty Jigs Football Jig with a Rage Craw and a War Eagle (*Roll Tide*) Mike McClelland Finesse Spinnerbait. Today: Caught 5 all on the football Jig and Rage Craw
    2 points
  26. I am very new also. This is the stuff that I remind myself every time I go out. Here is what I have learned from watching tons of videos, practicing every chance I get, and reading bassresource.com every day: 1. Slow down. 2. Fish according to the season (bass season, not human season I.E. pre-spawn, spawn, post-spawn). 3. Slow down. 4. Fish according to the water temp (NOT air temp). 5. Slow down. 6. Fish where the fish are (find topo maps, learn what structure is important, watch the birds, get polarized glasses and look for baitfish, etc). 7. Slow down. 8. Fish the weather. (Bright sun means bass are in different places depending on the water temp, cloudy changes things too). 9. Slow down. 10. Read this forum. There are some guys on here that are absolute experts at bass fishing. Just amazing. Visit this forum every day for two weeks and you will have picked them out. Listen to them. And watch Glenn's videos! I had two hours free this morning so I hurried to a small lake I have only fished one other time in my life. Shore fishing and I caught this one. Not a lunker but I consider this a success. I missed a bigger one because I couldn't tell the difference between a snag and a bite while fishing a wacky Senko. She was literally five feet away from me next to a partially submerged log. I actually WATCHED HER SPIT MY SENKO OUT! But I learned something. I still regularly miss fish but I don't get skunked much anymore. Slowly building. Slowly learning. Slowly fishing.
    2 points
  27. I would rather catch nothing then use chicken, or live bait. For me the whole game is, can you make this piece of plastic look live enough for a bass to hit. The casting, and perfect placement is also an important part of it. If I am clicking on all cylinders, and the equipment is working well, I feel good, regardless of what I catch. Its just nice to be out there with mother nature. I will say one tip, if the bite is tough, SLOW DOWN. Put a june bug U-Vibe and crawl and stop along the bottom. This works for me during those hard days.
    2 points
  28. It takes 1 year, 7 months before you figure it all out and catch huge fish every time out. Seriously though, If others are catching fish when you are not, that indicates that something you are doing (or not doing) is most likely the cause. I catch a lot of fish in NJ in dingy water with a spinnerbait and t-rig plastics. There are a bunch of good places to catch bass in NJ. Stay at it and keep it simple and develop confidence in a couple of lures before expanding.
    2 points
  29. My buddies wife fishes with him occasionally. A few years ago she caught a 10lber here in VA. They have the mount on their living room wall. He's been bass fishing religiously for 8-9 years and his PB is still 8lbs. Sometimes the ladies just have it.
    2 points
  30. Weird I've fished the Susquehanna five times since 2016, and the trip last month was the first time I caught something other than a smallmouth. Pat
    2 points
  31. My grandson is still to young, but this weekend, I will be filling my well with minnows and giving him a small net......should fascinate him for hours
    2 points
  32. My wife kicks my a$$ all the time fishing. She strictly sticks to her watermelon 5" Senko. How do you compete with that?
    2 points
  33. Good report Dwight. We are at LaBelles now. The bass are on fire and moving from points to spawning areas quickly. Last couple days have been great on top waters...lost count after 70 fish each day. Through 4 days 2 of us have 9 fish over 19" (19.75", 4-10 best) and 17 over 18". Good jerk bite today, finally got some wind and clouds. Water temp up to 65 everywhere today. Full moon Wed, fish will be on beds shortly.
    2 points
  34. Got this big Softshell this evening on a live bream. Thought it was a big catfish at first. My G. Daughter finally netted it after a hard fight of 7-10 minutes. It was app.25 inch long and completely filled up my cooler.
    2 points
  35. What @Troy1985s & @slonezp said! ?
    2 points
  36. Back from a 10 year hiatus . . . . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  37. Also, if the hook point is sticking out, I just cut the hook in half with my dikes and remove both sides. I feel that’s a lot better than forcing your hands though there gills and turning it’s guts inside out to remove your $0.50 hook ? Not saying you didn’t do the right thing but just a tip for the future.
    2 points
  38. A round bend treble hook is a regular treble, you basically have 2 types, round bend and extra wide gap (EWG). There are also other variations like short shank, heavy wire, light wire and cutting point and needle point. Angry John is correct about which baits are better suited to which treble hook. General rule of thumb is that baits that bass often just swipe at will have a better hooking percentage using a round bend. Baits that get fully engulfed are better suited to an EWG style, the reason for that is a round bend has more of the hook point exposed while an EWG has a hook point that is facing in toward the hook shank. With more of the point exposed a fish swiping at the bait is more likely to have the hook point get stuck than the EWG. The EWG hook normally holds fish better as the fish has less chance of throwing it because of the wider gap and inward facing hook point.
    2 points
  39. Totally depends on the kid! My grandson Aiden wanted to start with a Fluke. He quickly graduated to Texas Rigs & Jig-n-Craws.
    2 points
  40. No it's just I don't go on the internet looking at cat pics. I'm either on here or you tube. This one looks legit. ? Ima start looking at cat pics more. This one looks legit. ? Ima start looking at cat pics more.
    2 points
  41. Thank you all for such kindness and your support!
    2 points
  42. A nice 4+ on a black buzz bait before going to work. hit right over this fallen tree trunk that ive been casting at for the past 3 years. this was the first ever catch at that target.
    2 points
  43. Congrats! Not too many big smallies out here in SoCal. Those would have all been my PBs!
    1 point
  44. Hi all, there's been recent discussion on how to car top a kayak. So I thought I'd throw out my own DIY to y'all. Hope it helps someone out! The suction item is from Northern Tool: A Grip 4-Head Suction Cup Dent Puller, cost is $10, I cut it down the middle of the handle to break into two pieces. A 1 1/4" PVC slides over it securely, but you can either heat-gun the PVC and press on to mold it, or you can drill in and screw to handle, etc. Since I have a fairly wide hull with my Native U12, some side-load ideas just wouldn't work. So I took general ideas and made a mount that works for me and might for you. Pix below, captioned but I didn't post lengths of the PVC as each person's modification should be made to fit their hull. Starting with the complete setup, kayak mounted so you can see what it looks like first.... Weight may be an issue for your yak. Mine is 55# empty, this supports and rolls just fine. To beef up you can use suitable wood dowels through various parts, and simply gluing it all together will also add rigidity. Part II, breakdown.
    1 point
  45. CONGRATS!! three pb's in one day, that will make you want to never go back to work nice day.
    1 point
  46. A good topwater popper is a Rebel Pop-R and they can be found for less than $10 each.
    1 point
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