Been lurking here for a while and just registered as a member: This is my first post. So, I'm fairly new to this forum. New to bass fishing. Been fishing (salt water), since I was 6 (in Florida Keys), I'm now 64. Lived in Los Angeles since I was a teenager, traveling down to Baja fishing from a 14' aluminum boat, as often as I could. PB was a 6' Dorado/Mahi Mahi). Moved up to Oregon 17 years ago. Trolled the local lakes as I did in Mexico and although I caught a lot of fish, most were pretty small. I had no idea what I was doing and just did what I did in Mexico, only using smaller/lighter gear.
Haven't fished in over 3 years. I was sick (very!), this past winter (two months in bed), and spent most of it watching fishing videos. I think I've seen them all! LOL! Realizing that life can be very short, I decided to get back to fishing. (My boat OB needs work, but I wasn't going to let the lack of a boat get in my way!) After a few trips successfully targeting LARGE trout, I decided to start going for bass...
I've read MANY... MANY threads here, both on tackle and technique. Read the opening "tips/advice" articles and decided to start with plastics (worms and swim baits). Still gravitated towards powerbait and trout though...
Yesterday, I completed a project (I create prototypes for some of the largest toy companies.), and emailed my wife that I was done... Her reply: "Have fun fishing!" (Tresa's an avid angler. Native born here, mostly trout and Salmon... How lucky can a man be!) Thought about it for an hour or two and decided to go to the lake, only bringing bass gear... By then, it was almost 2PM... Hot, not a cloud in the sky... Even though I "read" about cloudy days being best, I decided to go anyway...
After an hour, I almost gave up.... Then I decided to try out my then, unused NED rig... Hit after hit! Landed a few small bass. Then I decided to try CR and TR worms... Holy moley!!! Nothing over 1.5 pounds, but man! That changed everything! It was hard to pack up and go even though i was hot and getting sunburned.
I read some advice here about sticking to only a couple/few baits and focusing on perfecting my techniques for a while.... So, I'm going with NED, Texas and Carolina rigs (Yes, I know there are a lot more and I have 5 tackle boxes full! (most are heavy deep sea gear, but still plenty of freshwater baits.), but I had never fished plastic worms before and had no idea that they would work.
So, "for a while" for me, means until I get my boat back in the water... Until then, I'm bank fishing with plastic worms! May try drop shot, wacky etc, but probably sticking to those three for a while.
Something in particular that I learned here that stuck and I tried was from threads about bank anglers not knowing where to fish... (I've seen LOTS of those threads!) Well, I remember a LOT of places I trolled when the boat was working that produced bass (small), but had no idea how to get to them from shore... The advice: Check out Google Maps... I did and scored, big time! The photos I found were when the lake/reservoir was low, revealing all sorts of structure, rocks, drop offs, lines, etc... (LOL! Now I know why my trolling was so productive in those spots! I didn't know why at the time... I only used my cheap fish finder to make sure I didn't crunch my OB prop on rocks! LOL!
So, my intent for sharing posting here is to extend a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has participated in this forum! I have learned and applied a lot.... From being one of those posters who share they can't find fish or hook into them (I was getting ready to be one of those guys.), to feeling super confident in moving on to hunt down the big ones before the end of the season... THANK YOU!
To those of you who are still frustrated... READ! READ! READ! There is so much useful information being shared here by people who know bass fishing! Also, check out the YouTube videos... especially from those that are not trying to sell you a specific product... Heck, I've even learned from young kids! I Made SURE to give THEM a thumbs-up! LOL!
If I can do this... ANYONE can!