Yesterday was pretty perfect for my wife and I. We hit our favorite lake for the day. This place is a real gem. It's about 1000 acres of good clean water with everything to make it a great SM,LM, fishery. Even better the launch is not the best, and you have to go thru a narrow culvert to get to the main lake, so not many larger boats try it.
Yesterday the weather was perfect, slightly overcast, no wind, around 70 degree temps. Spring was in the air and the spawn was in full swing. We had decided to just concentrate on non bedding bass, but from the second cast out we caught fish. I set the trolling motor to slowly follow the shore line while we cast in towards shore. While running down the shore line we picked up several fish, but as we were going we kept looking down at all the fish on the beds.
At some point we just put our fishing rods down and kept looking in the water. We ran into every nook and cranny and saw fish every where. We stopped for lunch over a SM bed and spent a half hour watching him keep chasing a rival away.
I don't think we covered 1/10 of the shore line but still saw well over a hundred fish. On the way home we didn't talk about the fish we caught, only about all the cool things we saw. It's a day we will remember for a long time.
Fishing is our joy, our passion, our fun. It's what get's us out to great places like this. We could have had very high numbers on this trip. But yesterday really reminded me how important it is to sometimes just stop, look around, and enjoy all the great places this "fishing" thing of ours brings us to.