"Man what a perfect cast!", I thought after I watched my zoom lizard fly around a bush and land straight down the middle of a culvert drain pipe. Steady rain the last two days has had a mixture of clean and muddy water flowing down the creeks and into the ponds, and the bass and bluegill are stacked up just on the edges of the current flow waiting for any morsel to drift by. Lots of bass 6-10" long populate this pond with the occasional 18"er that's usually skinny and not surviving well. I've fished this pond for three years and I have a pretty good idea of what's in it, so boy was I in for a shock as I watched my lizard flow out of the drain with the current and disappear into the murky water, then felt that normal little "thunk" and watch my line start moving out towards deeper water... I set the hook. But this hook set didn't follow with a fish coming towards me as usual. Instead the rod loaded up, and I listened to 12lb flouro SCREAM as the drag started peeling off my curado 70! Then I saw the belly flash and the enormous head and mouth come up and roll just under the surface. She took off again pulling drag but quickly gave up. I let out a few choice words in the process, followed by "you've got to be kidding me!"
I drag her onto the bank in complete shock and amazement, and immediately pick her up and runto the car, and my tackle box in the trunk, 50 feet away! I just had the rod and a bag of lizards in my pocket. This is a giant, and I needed my scale!? What?!?
She weighed in at 6.74 lbs and stretched just a hair over 23". My new PB weight LMB! I weighed her three times because I really couldn't believe it. She's full of eggs and getting fed up for the spawn. Solid and healthy in a pond I never imagined could support a bass larger than 3lbs. I weighed and measured her, snapped a couple pics and got her back in the water for that beautiful release.
I was still pretty much in disbelief when I took the pic, and was getting rained on having a hard time getting a good shot and angle to show just how big she was.
Her length makes her a citation fish in VA. She's my 4th citation this year. Following up the 23" bass I caught on Sunday. I feel the bass gods are treating me well this year, and this will not be my last, nor my biggest giant bass of the year!