I usually run about a gallon of gas with 1.5 ounces of SeaFoam through my 225 Ficht, in the tank at 2,000 rpm, every six to eight weeks when not using it.
About two months ago I went to do this when it was about 34 degrees outside. It wouldn’t start, and cranking kinda slow so I disconnected the negative cable from the battery, ran jumper cables from a TM battery to the cranking battery and reconnected the negative. Still wouldn’t. I check the plugs and it wasn’t firing. It was too cold to be messing with it so I gave up.
Well, about three weeks ago, I tried again when it was a lot warmer and it was cranking over a lot faster. Still wouldn’t start and no fire to the plugs and the injectors were not firing.
I’ve been the last three weeks looking for my service manual and diagnostics cable. The wife was happy because now the garage, one of the storage buildings and my computer/junk room are all nice and cleaned now, trying to find that service manual. I said my wife was happy, well that was until I told her that it was looking like the CPU was bad and it was going to cost approx. $700 to get it repaired. She commented “you had better find that manual”. Finely found it today.
Started trouble shooting the electrical and saw the ignition/shut down relay was not energizing. Checking the grounding wire from the switches, it was at 3 ohms but when I turned the key off, it went to 0.2 ohms so made me believe the problem was not the ignition switch. I then go to check the kill switch and thought, why is the lanyard laying in the floor? Right there on the floor, with the clip still attached that goes in the kill switch. Put the clip back in the kill switch and the motor started right up. Two flipping months of agony, thinking I was going to have to shell out $700 for a CPU over a simple, dumb problem that should have been the first thing I checked.