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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/18/2018 in all areas

  1. I went back out today to Purtis Creek in east Texas ended up with 6 or 7 small males. Not bad, just no size. Sort of all looked like this one. Brad
    11 points
  2. I don't think baits look "like" anything to a bass. They don't have the capacity to reason or think. They run off pure instinct. Anything with a profile, action, size and color to maybe be edible will draw strikes.
    9 points
  3. Here's another bad pic of a good river fish. They're starting to wake up around here...she pulled like a tank.
    8 points
  4. Got a few this evening with my G-daughter Mackayla. She got the first fish on a 4 inch red and green sparkle watermelon senko. I got a couple more about the same size on the Zoom fluke.
    7 points
  5. This is what I use every time I’m at a pond bass think I’m a tree get em every time!
    5 points
  6. Congratulations to The 2018 Bassmaster Classic Champion ~ Jordan Lee Only the third angler to win the Superbowl of bass fishing back to back. He kept his head down, adapted to the constantly changing conditions, “fished hard and had fun”. This one was a blast to watch live. A-Jay
    4 points
  7. 4 points
  8. Festivus, I remember seeing a rock in a creek and on top of this rock was an acorn. Then, I noticed a squirrel in a tree eyeing the acorn. The squirrel came down the tree, jumped on the rock and went for the acorn. Just then, this big bass (had to be 10 pounds) jumped out of the water, grabbed the squirrel and ate it in one bite. When the water calmed down, would you believe that big bass then jumped out of the water and spit that acorn back on the rock?
    4 points
  9. The great mystery of what plastics worms look like to fish, seems pretty simple to me. What do Trick worms etc look like. Eels!! (Duh)
    3 points
  10. What is often overlooked is how close he was to winning the Classic while still in college, the 2014 one at Guntersville. He went out the 1st day and fished like a college kid in the Classic, completely spun out. Then amazingly, he composed himself the next 2 days and ended up in 6th. At this young age, he has a Clunn like Zen quality to keep calm under the bright lights.
    3 points
  11. 2018 Bassmaster Classic Champion Jordan Lee Congrats!
    3 points
  12. Definitely the colors. I started wearing a sky blue T-shirt and camo shorts about the same time I joined here, those color choices really improved my catches!
    3 points
  13. I always wear blue ,grey ,or camo. Seems to work for me. I used to always wear white shirts because they seemed cooler , but overall, I catch more now. Maybe Im just a better fisherman now ?? Naw, it must be the colors.
    3 points
  14. Pretty pleased with my first bass of the season!
    3 points
  15. There is a funny old story of an attempt to plant eels in the local river here back in the late 1800s: http://www.grandhaventribune.com/News/2013/02/11/3-000-eels-dumped-into-bayou “I planted about three thousand at the Crockery Bridge on the Grand River, which was Jubb’s Bayou,” Jennings wrote. “There I procured a boat, took my young snake-lets, and with tender care, planted them in their western home in one of the finest bayous on the Grand River.” Jennings was living in Cadillac, Mich., when he wrote this recollection. He noted that he never had the opportunity to fish for the eels, as he had departed Crockery Township soon after planting them. “I did not remain there long enough to have the pleasure of landing one of my black beauties,” Jennings wrote, “but have been told by those who caught some that the bayous in that vicinity were alive with eels.” Apparently, most of the fingerling eels were eaten by fish in the bayous and river, and those that did mature did not flourish for very long.
    3 points
  16. Well now you know but its too late because the mystery has been solved therefore there is no more mystery.
    3 points
  17. I just overheard one of the anglers ask a spectator boat if they would stay away from that grass that he intends to fish . They shouldnt have to do that . The angler that is .
    3 points
  18. Sigh. Man, do I ever feel like an idiot for swapping out Martens and Elam for Lane and Combs. That settles it! Next event I'm going Pure Gut -- no research whatsoever! Nice to see Swindle in the mix on the last day.
    3 points
  19. There is no great worm mystery. Or rather, there is only a "worm mystery" if lure-striking behavior occurs because bass are precisely-tuned to particular forage species, and therefore a lure that draws strikes must be something that mimics a particular species. But this premise doesn't make much sense given bass are notorious generalists in their predation behavior, and rather famously are willing to eat anything that (1) moves, and (2) will fit in their mouths. It is true that Bass show preferences for fusiform shapes in general -- a long axis with tapered ends. But this isn't very mysterious either, as that general body shape is common to most of what they eat, most everywhere, most of the time -- baitfish, crayfish, terrestrial critters, limbs and fins aside, all sport some approximation of the fusiform body plan. And this simply because the fusiform shape is common to most forms of vertebrate and invertebrate life of the right size to eat in a freshwater aquatic environment. Artificial worms are another variety of the preferred fusiform body plan, and bass are just not too particular about the details.
    3 points
  20. 3 points
  21. Don't want to spam the forum with these videos, but I here are the latest:
    3 points
  22. Best prices and fast shipping. That place has made me poor....
    3 points
  23. Man they really milk these weigh ins.
    2 points
  24. second time out on Lake Norman this season under blue bird skies and a pesky, chilly NE wind. fished up the river, muddy stain and swt in the low 50’s. caught an even dozen pale spots on main lake and secondary points in 12-17 fow. this 18” spot was bf.
    2 points
  25. Hit up the Susquehanna Fishing Tackle cabin fever sale. Everything was at least 10% off and they had great giveaways that included a Curado K. Unfortunately I didn't win anything but got some great deals on things I can't find at any of the local shops, Cabela's or BPS. I wanted to pick up some TRD tubes but they were all sold out. So I picked up the HogZ instead. I'm curious to see the difference between the TRD and Roboworms Ned worm.
    2 points
  26. When your new Ci4 has a bad bearing but the forum pushes you in a different direction. Its not as free spinning as a Stradic (the sealing is much better at the handle and main shaft on this one) but when you turn the handle you can feel everything just matches up better.
    2 points
  27. I've still got a box of those Binkleman's jigs, along with all of his "Blue Book" series on catching bass & walleye. A great man, highly underrated and way ahead of his time. He was a co-founder of the In'Fisherman, along with Al & Ron.
    2 points
  28. One big hole in this theory: -American Eels are catadromous -the opposite of anadromous. So Eel larvae/elvers live only in saltwater, the adults migrate to the Sargasso Sea and back to FW. They must have access to the ocean. Elvers are free-living in the ocean until maturity, then migrate into FW. Sorry.
    2 points
  29. J lee is making a real case for going back to back. B Ehrler does not have a fish on Basstrakk as of yet. #dontbesurprised A-Jay
    2 points
  30. Twice in my fishing life (over 40 yrs. apart) I've seen a bass leap and take a red winged black bird out of the air.
    2 points
  31. I prefer a slightly shorter rod for jerk baits and top water because I work the tip downwards. I also fish from the bank, kayak, and back of buddies boat. The shorter rod is a more maneuverable on the yak and boat. In the end, it's personal preference and either will work.
    2 points
  32. There ain’t no eels where I live, the nearest ocean is 350 miles away, our rivers only carry water during 6 months, the rest of the time they are bone dry. So nothing applies .....
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. Try out in shallow water (where you can see the bait), find, and remember, how rocks, wood, brush, grass etc feel. While fishing, set the hook on anything that feels different. Yes, you'll feel like a fool more than once; but you'll also catch more fish. Quick tip: Count your bait down and watch and feel the line. If it stops sinking before it was supposed to; or keeps sinking after it was supposed to hit the bottom; reel in the slack and set the hook. You probably have a fish on. If and when you find out you're setting the hook *on instinct* and not because you felt a bite, you're starting to get it.
    2 points
  35. Looks like a good drop shot bait, hmmm
    2 points
  36. What was even more amazing was it was 23 inches long. It looked like a piece of spaghetti...
    2 points
  37. If the sight of a 20ft long boat, and a running gas or electric motor doesn’t spook them, I can’t see that your fashion choice in clothing is going to scare the fish. You might startle other anglers more than the bass.
    2 points
  38. Smallies will be moving from deep water to shallow as the water warms. If you have underwater humps, rock, hard bottom to soft transition areas start looking for them there. They probably will suspend over those areas as they move shallower. 45 to 50 degrees is the magic time where the bite gets going for me. Once you hit 50 degrees the bite will be on until the spawning urges takes over around 60 degrees. Early prespawn finds the smallies moving shallow but they will pull back to deeper water with bait movement in deeper water. So you have to follow the bait most times to find the fish. Suspending bait balls will find the fish suspending & roaming as they feed up. If the bait only consists of bottom dwellers & crawfish the fish will be mostly on bottom or feeding down. If you have an incoming water supply like a creek or river which will be warmer than the lake water temps look shallow around that area. Then expand out from the area deeper until you find them. For clarification I would define deep as 20-40 feet & shallow as 6-15 feet. Often times the sweet spot is 15-20 based on water temps. Good luck out there.
    2 points
  39. Sold my other battery and a trolling motor last night using Craigslist. I bought a matching interstate battery. Now I can run the trolling motor on parallel or just keep this one as a spare/electronics. I also took the advice of Ratman and put my 2 gallon can in the boat. I am still looking for a larger gas tank. I might have to do some rearranging. Once I get the new tank. True, but if I was buying something to increase in value, it would never be a boat. My investment is in my enjoyment. There are other places to invest. Thing is, there will always be a fisherman looking to buy a boat. How much can you really lose in this boat? Compared to more expensive boats... This boat will be a good and easy sell at any point in it's life. When it hits it's lowest point, it will still be a great sell. At they time, with use, it very well be a money maker. A 30k boat in the same time frame will lose waaaaay more percentage wise... Same with fiberglass. At the end of the day, a real fisherman doesn't care cause the fish sure don't. Get out there and fish in what you have. No need to justify or put down another.
    2 points
  40. Took the old lady on a hike
    2 points
  41. Only the second trip with the boat this year, but everything running good. Needs a good cleaning when things warm up enough, though. Surface temps just 43 deg and change, but managed 7 bass in a little over 3 hours, so everything is good
    2 points
  42. In post-frontal conditions just before sunset today, the Megabass Ito Vision 110 did the trick.
    2 points
  43. I went out today on my home lake, very little wind. Whew! Glad for calmer water after my last time out. I ended up with 3 fish, one large female, all on beds. I missed bringing 2 in. So, not bad for a few hours, that and I didn't get on the water until mid-morning. I used a wacky rigged worm and they seemed to be interested in it. Brad
    2 points
  44. 4 today, this was the biggest, ~2.5lbs. T rigged junebug Yum Dinger. I was instructed to smile.
    2 points
  45. You're right, it would definitely vary by individual. I figured by making a post like this I could at least get people's ideas on what they thought was the best to help me narrow down my choices. I'm very happy with my decision, and although I had some mixed feelings about choosing this over the bonafide ss127, I am glad I went with the Feel free as it has more deck space with it being wider. I ordered the rudder already so the tracking complaint is a non-issue at this point for me.
    1 point
  46. Congrats on your choice. Good one. I balk at "best" threads a little because "best" is a very subjective thing when it comes to kayaks. There are so many variables at work including body size, balance, weight (yak and human), types of water, scuppers or not, and so many more. That's why many of us recommend demo days and if those can't be done, at least a dry sit in at the store, which is what I did. Clearly you did your research and I think you'll be very happy. So "best" of luck to you
    1 point
  47. I have been using 3 and may drop to 2, one bait caster one spinning and carry less tackle.
    1 point
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