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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/2018 in all areas

  1. 10 points
  2. I was fidgeting in Church this past Sunday because it was cloudy and drizzling rain ahead of a front passage. The bride had given me free pass to fish after. From a lifetime of fishing ponds, both with conventional and more recently, the fly rod, I've found these conditions to be prime time for big bass. Not to say fishing ahead and during front passages is a sure thing, but the number of big fish I've taken during these conditions has me convinced of its potential. After Church I grabbed an 8 wt and headed to one of my favorite ponds with some Mangums Dragon Tail streamers. They are six inches in length and provide a large profile for bigger spring fish. I've found spring fish to take larger offerings than fall fish. Anyway, after about and hour of "chucking and ducking," a large wake behind the streamer exposed a bass tracking the fly and I immediately dead sticked it, waited a second or two and stripped the line back and immediately felt weight. The fish was fairly close and I was able to get two quick strip sets on her before she knew what was happening and gained control. I don't play bigger spring fish, but hustle them in quickly and release. She was no match for the 8 wt and 16# tippet and I had her to the bank before she knew what hit her. The Boga settled past the 6 and a quarter pound mark. A new personal best for me on the fly rod.
    8 points
  3. Next Night experimenting with the Ned Rig. This time Green Pumpkin Orange and Molting Craw did some work. 8 LMB including one at 3.2# and a surprise Channel Cat.
    8 points
  4. 7 points
  5. Gee. (That's a darn poor emoticon for, "Gee, thanks folks".) Happy -relieved- to see that other fishers can sit through my nerdy "lecture format" intros. That's been my biggest concern. How boring is this, really? Early on, when I shot my very first on-the-water videos, I wanted to do it vlog-style -and still will here and there. I like that format, being on-the-water with someone on their waters. But I found myself saying all sorts of things all day long -ofttimes just mumbled- that wouldn't make sense, that had whole bodies of work behind them, or that might contradict what people in other regions and waters see. What a bear to edit! So, I thought I should just lay it out first in a clear concise format, then take you fishing. Which is the opposite way vlog-style fishing, and fishing in general, really tends to go: We experience, and THEN we make sense of it all, picking, choosing, and refining our lessons of the day. I've come to joke that I start writing and re-writing history as soon as I leave the water. I guess I have a lot of "knowledge base filters" to run everything through, before I can pull together a coherent narrative. That doesn't mean I'm entirely flying by the seat of my pants; I've done this kind of thing -sans video- for some time, and things do come around again and again. So I have some idea of what to expect. But seasons are more predictable than weeks, hours, and moments -those conditions and circumstances that require adjustments. Now, all that's from my -the fisherman's- side of the fence. Then there is the fish's side, and that's what really has me intrigued. If I have an "angle", a focus, that's it. And I have been doing my best to get at that for... decades. YT or not, that's what I do. I just plain want to know what the heck is going on down there.
    6 points
  6. Bisk, you work hard for your money right? If you were to make a product, would you send it to a customer like this? I'd refuse the boat and ask for another one. I wouldn't even let them fix it by hand, but thats just me. You're spending 11K on this boat, it should LOOK good from the factory. By you refusing, you are also showing tracker who is boss. *THE CONSUMER* If tracker sees that these boats are having quality issues, maybe they will announce to the production team that quality is suffering. They need to slow down and pay attention to what they are doing. If people accept the poor quality, then it becomes the norm. I know I wont be accepting it, no matter how long it gets delayed. You are better off accepting a demo model boat in August when they start going on sale, as those were built the best out of all of them IMO.
    5 points
  7. Been tinkering with this grip since November. Finally finished it up tonight. Shipping it out to @clayton86 tomorrow.
    4 points
  8. Where's the kick back for @12poundbass? He's the one who started this thread that has received so many views and brought so many new members to BR. Come on BR. ? Of course I'm just kidding. @Glenn @Bluebasser86 @J Francho @roadwarrior @.ghoti. you guys do an awesome job with this forum, keep up the good work!
    4 points
  9. I hear you, but this is a small majority with issues. Many of those viewing are lurking with boats or thinking of getting one. One has to use good judgement, there are only two issues here. One being a leak, that happens. The weld is what we all fear... But thats the first I have seen online and I am in few places. Hopefully some people know how to use discernment. This is the same as any reviews online... Same product has good and bad reviews. When you read the reviews people are, complaining that the sun wasn't shinning or they love it, yet just got it and never used it. Even I am reluctant to give it a review. I have it, but I have not used. It has been in the garage, lol!
    4 points
  10. You didn't mention Alberto, so disregard my reply, if you want. But, I found that Alberto is the only knot that meets all three of these conditions: I can tie most reliably; I am confident in; and the knot size never causes me any problems As a bonus, I have no problems tying it on the water, even in a kayak, with little trouble
    4 points
  11. The intent of every cast I've ever made is to catch a fish...
    4 points
  12. It just looks big because he's pushing it out toward the camera. Doesn't look over 250lbs to me.
    4 points
  13. Well...was blessed once more with an empty parking lot here in East Tennessee. Arrived at ramp at 7:45 and hit the water. Was pretty cold....36 to be exact and that's not counting the wind chill. This little lake had whitecaps today which made the plastic bite kind of tough. Water temp was 46 I believe. Fished for about three hours and noticed they were really drawing down the lake....which made me nervousfor the ramp I was using so left early. Also forgot my lunch...I like to eat...so came home and touched up three reels that weren't performing to standards and tied some jigs for this weekend. Ended up with about seven fish...three keeps and this one nice one. Tight Lines
    3 points
  14. On Saturday I got the bass boat out, updated my maps on my Garmins, and generally made sure everything was good to go. I took the boat out to Smithville Lake today to mainly work with the Depth finders and peruse the lake bottom though I was prepared if I found fish. I only had 4 hours because of plans later. Smithville is 7190 acres so it takes a bit to warm up. Water temperatures varied from 39.5 to 41.5 degrees at the surface and winds were gusting to over 30 mph today. After scoping out some very large points all the way to the river bed at 43 feet and finding little to speak of, I moved to a very large creek and followed its channel. About a quarter mile from what will be the spawning beds in a couple of months, the creek channel bends sharply toward the bank to an area protected from the wind. There is a lot of timber in this lake and the channel edge was lined with it. I had a feeling that this calm water near the bank with 17 feet of water in the channel might be a good spot. I pulled up into about 4 feet of water and cast into the 17 feet deep channel, dragging a finesse jig past the largest tree which was in about 8 feet of water. I didn't feel a bite but you jig guys know how it is when you get that odd feeling of heaviness through your rod, so I set the hook and landed this decent fish. My scale was showing a bit over 6 but then settled in at 5 lb 14 oz. She was 22.5 inches long. And of course I forgot my camera so I had to use my phone. The angle kind of makes her mouth look small but oh well. She was a pretty fish though you can't tell from my pathetic camera skills.
    3 points
  15. On this boat I wouldn't want to put any electronics on the transom. It's exposed, no splash well, and with not much freeboard you will sooner or later take water over the transom. It's always best to put electronics (sealed or not) in a protected area.
    3 points
  16. Since I've been fishing (going on 40 years now), I've switched OFF the anti-reverse lever perhaps 2 times. I really don't know why it even exists (except so that I can accidentally dislodge and lose the tiny little spring when I am cleaning the reel).
    3 points
  17. I live in Michigan and they told me Aug. Well the season is pretty much over here in Sept. so wait 5 months to fish one month! No thank you I bought a pro 170 off the floor. Yes I spent a bit more money but I am not going to miss any of the season waiting for my boat. Now if it would just stop snowing lol.
    3 points
  18. Go to the top of this page under Tools and look up the Fishing Log. Download it. Make copies. Complete one every time you hit the water. Retain them in a three-ring binder for future reference and review, especially during the winter months. Consider making a matrix of your design and chart the weather, water temperature, water clarity, fish caught, wind, cloudy or clear days, warm or cold front situations, baits used, techniques used, did you use MegaStrike or JJ's Magic, hook sizes, weights, etc. This is a fantastic learning method and you can parlay the data into the future to improve on your technique and bait selections. Now do as the guys penned above and go out and catch some fish!!!!
    3 points
  19. Understand what structure is, how to truly identify it, interpret it, and then fish it effectively. Understand what the predominate prey species in your lake and how that species relates to structure with each season...morning, noon, and night. Understand that next after location is timing; just because you don't get bite does not mean the bass aren't there or you tied on the wrong lure. Understand the #1 key to consistently catching bass is between your ears not between the folds of your wallet. Understand ALL lures are "reaction" lures, bass see's lure, bass bites lure!
    3 points
  20. I can't believe I never put two and two together! Bravo, @Paul Roberts, The Nature of Fishing is arguably the most underrated bass-specific channel on YouTube. Also, @A-Jay has some great videos of his sweeeeeeet ride on. Stubbled upon them a while back researching some of the newer aluminum boats. Diggin' that Pro-V man...
    3 points
  21. My Old Town Discovery 133 arrived today. Ordered it through Cabela's 9 days ago - came to the house on a semi trailer. They take good care of their product - 4 layers of packaging. First to come off was a heavy weight plastic bag enclosing the entire canoe. Then was a double layer of bubble wrap. Then another plastic bag. Then the hull was protected by another inner layer of bubble wrap. Old Town packs and ships their canoes as if they were fine art. I didn't take any photos. It took me most of the day to rig the pulley system to hang it from the ceiling in the center of the garage, including the 45 mile round trip to town for more rope - what came with the kit was just about half what I needed. I also had delivered today the Sitbacker seat backs for it from Amazon, and I already bought the paddles and PFD's. I have one clamp-on rod holder (Eagle Claw) and I'll also be getting an anchor before I do anything much for fishing. The wind blows enough out here that an anchor is not optional equipment. Now I just need a nice day when the wind stays below 10 mph to get out and play with it. Just happy it's here and ready for the coming season. This is the one I got:
    3 points
  22. Today was great for me, not so hot for dad! I caught 14 on a spinnerbait around grass, buck brush, and lily pads in Mill Creek. Several over 3lbs, one weighed in (actually the first fish of the day) at 4¼. By far my best spinnerbait day. Dad only caught 2. Our total fish count since Saturday is now 100, with 4 over 4lbs but no giants yet. Looking forward to better weather the next couple days
    3 points
  23. Nothing wrong with a pike or two getting ahold of your perch coloured jerkbait ?
    3 points
  24. Come on guys....anyone can tell that he's just long arming it! Lol
    3 points
  25. I hear those catfish have human noodling tournaments. Wow.
    3 points
  26. Too much information can overload a new angler. My advice learn basic bass behavior and select 1 rod & reel combo and a few lures that you can fish effectively where fish. Soft plastics are slow to fish, not very exciting, and very effective at catching bass. Hard moving lures are more fun to fish and less effective at catching bass. You can do both with 1 outfit. I teach new bass anglers using spinning tackle and a slip shot rig because it works. Tom
    3 points
  27. The main reasons to use spinning gear is to throw light weight baits more efficiently. One specific reason to use them with a shakeyhead is to get a very straight vertical drop. Many times a shakey head is used on structure like stair stepped walls or bluffs. A baitcaster is not as efficient at doing that job. I am seriously amazed that with today's quality gear an angler would choose not to become proficient with both spinning and baitcasting rigs. The are tools. A good mechanic would never try to rebuild an engine without ever using a screwdriver, a wrench or a hammer. These are the tools of the trade and they would be handicapping themselves. I fish with 12 to 14 baitcasters in my rod locker, but I also have 3 spinning rods that are great at their intended purpose as well. Things like shakey heads, real light texas rigs, Ned Rigs, and light jerkbaits in cold water all fish well on a spinning rod.
    3 points
  28. I learned that no matter how much you wish it was spring, it ain't till it is! YouTube has no idea what songs I like. Licking your computer monitor isn't a good way to clean it. The plant I work at never shuts down because of GOOD weather. My neighbors dog prefers my sidewalk to use as a bathroom. Giving 110% of my effort really just means doing the same thing I did before only not taking a nap after. I'm unique like everyone else. Cheese is just milk trying to live forever. If a psychic has to ask your name they probably ain't that good. Silence is golden but duct tape comes in many colors.
    3 points
  29. My grandson Aiden turned 11 & is ratcheting up the pressure on Pawpaw! His biggest in the last 30 days, mine aint half that!
    3 points
  30. Well, the Ned Rig works at night. Landed 11 tonight with some dinks mixed with a couple chunky monkeys. Junebug finesse TRD glued on a 1/15th oz shroomz jig head was durable enough to last the entire outing. Ned rig is a fantastic prespawn bait That might be the tiniest jig I’ve ever seen a 4#+ eat. Crazy
    3 points
  31. Thank You Lord! FINALLY! I caught my first and second bass of 2018. Went to Cross Lake, this past Saturday with my sister and brother-in-law, and fished some cypress trees near the bank. My brother-in-law had a 7/8oz white/pearl/silver Booyah buzzbait with a 3.75" green pumpkin Rage Swimmer trailer tied on and I had a black/chartreuse H2O Express hollow body frog tied on. Within about 15-20 mins my brother-in-law caught a 2lb 12oz bass(not pictured). I hadn't even got a bite yet. So I said if they're biting a buzzbait surely they'll bite my chatterbait. Took off the frog and tied on my breaking bream 1/2oz Project Z with the green pumpkin Rage Swimmer trailer. Within my first 5 casts got my first one when a 1lb 12oz bass hammered the Project Z. She put up a little fight and I got awful close to getting wrapped up around a bridge piling. Was able to keep that from happening. A few more casts later another 1lb 12oz bass clobbered the Project Z. This time she came right on in without much fight at all. I'm off today and plan to go back there in hopes of catching a really big girl. Cross Lake recently started stocking the Florida strain. If nothing else, eventually there will be some big big girls in there. Just hope I'm there catching one of them when the time comes.
    3 points
  32. One tank should be enough for a day. But if you're like me, more is better. I'll post fuel consumption at various RPM's using Vessel View Mobile once the boat comes and it's broken in. Until then you can use this link for ball park fuel consumption numbers - http://www.boat-fuel-economy.com/mercury-outboard-fuel-consumption-us-gallons At cruising speed (4000-4500 rpm) the outbaord will burn around 2 gal/hr.
    2 points
  33. Is something ... they need to figure it out before I sign for it.
    2 points
  34. I read somewhere that the new-fangled spinning reels have an adjustable drag on them so you no longer have to back-reel. What will they think of next?! Tight lines, Bob
    2 points
  35. Here's a shot of a Hex I took back in the '90s with old school macro gear and slide film: Tight lines, Bob
    2 points
  36. All I can tell you is that a $600 setup will sink WITHOUT one. And I’ve tested that twice!
    2 points
  37. 95% I live in a rural area. It's 25 miles to the nearest places that have tackle, and they are almost all big chain stores I prefer not to do business with. Tight lines, Bob
    2 points
  38. Actually the video that Boomstick posted is a Piraiba catfish from South America, not a Wels Catfish from Europe. The Wels Catfish is an introduced species that is non-native. The Piraiba is native to the greater Amazon River basin in South America. Jeremy Wade targeted both of them in separate episodes of River Monsters.
    2 points
  39. No back reeling for me. If you have a decent drag and it is set properly, there should be no need, but if you enjoy doing it, and it works for you, that's really all that matters.
    2 points
  40. I love the photo idea with the 'fan' look! Why not show some more skin? This is a PG-13ish forum, we can handle seeing the reels without their 'clothes' on Nice wood! I mean check out that shiny new outfit!
    2 points
  41. Yep. I ordered mine this last Saturday, but the rep said that Tracker was out as far as the end of July or August at this point. Others have reported that some dealers won't even quote a time frame now because the info provided isn't proving to be any good. Who knows. I was told that if I ordered a boat I would get one, so that's all I'm betting on.
    2 points
  42. Thank you for the help everyone, I really appreciate it. Recently caught my first few bass including this one, which, if I had to guess was about 22" and around 7 pounds. Slowly figuring it out!
    2 points
  43. I've learned that a gal can NEVER have too many Tackle bags! Or matching Plano boxes! And that this is the extent of my idea of "fashion"!
    2 points
  44. I agree ~ and now meet the creator - our own @Paul Roberts A-Jay
    2 points
  45. These are about to be put back into circulation on lake Fork!
    2 points
  46. My vote goes to the pro qualifier. Quality reel
    2 points
  47. Just saw a documentary, The Nature of Fishing: the spawn. it blew my mind. Check it out.
    2 points
  48. I do own a few crappy rods, but that wasn't my original intent
    2 points
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