Hi, I am new to this website and just kinda tripped through the door. I am 68, retired and live in NC. I think I have fished since I was about 3. My most serious fishing was when I was a Jr high age and younger. I am an ex marine doing 4 years between 68-72. I think I have fished for most every US freshwater fish and some salt as well at sometime in my life. My dad was mainly a cat fisherman. He had a simple but good plan and mainly fished Buckeye Lake in Ohio. He used 6lb test line on a zebco metal bodied reel (maybe a 303) but not sure. No weight/sinker or bobber on the line. Strictly bottom fishing. A small trebble hook and catfish charlie as the bait. Even on the bad days we caught fish. Usually we gave away what we caught and we always caught some even when no one else did. Now and then he would use a shyster spinner bait for bass but mostly he would catfish.
In my later teen years I fished some creeks north of me in Ohio for smallmouth. Even in some very small creeks. I loved the small mouth fishing. Me and my friend and sometimes his dad would go out after dark in the summer and wade a local river and catch crawdad's (crayfish). We would put them in a fridge overnight and leave to go to the Kokosing River smallmouth fishing. I loved going there. Those smallmouth loved those live crawdads!
Since then I have fished a lot of rivers and lakes but probably never quite so seriously as I did as a kid. Later in life I would sometimes drive up to lake Erie and fish off the shore for yellow perch. They are the best eating fish of any I ever ate. Later I bought a boat that I docked up at Erie in the western basin for a few years mainly fishing for Walleye. The lake was often very turbulant and we couldn't always go out but when I could I did. I never had a problem limiting out up there. One rainy cold day in the fall we got onto some perch and though it was rough, cold, wet the Perch hit as soon as your minnow hit the bottom and we often were catching 2 at a time.
I had been working for the government at a small Air Force base as a civil servent and they decided to privatize the base so I put in for jobs at other locations and got a job at a base in North Carolina where I live now. Since leaving Ohio I haven't fished very consistantly. I did more hunting than fishing here. But I have fished some both at the coast and at some local lakes like Falls, Buggs Island (Kerr), Lake Johnson, Jorden lake etc. Also the Neuse river, the New river in Va. I caught a citation Smallmouth in the New on a large spinner a few years ago.
Most recently I decided I want to get back to fishing more. I bought a fishing Kayak a couple years ago which I used very litte but lately been kinda rednecking it with a better seat, a anchor trolly etc. Just a few days ago I picked up a new garmin Echomap 74SV. I'm working on getting it and the CV51M-TM transducer set up on the yak. I would like to try some Walleye fishning in the new and the Staunton/Roaoke rivers in Va. Not many folks fish for them down here but I don't want to limit myself to just walleye for sure. I'd like to get back to catching some smallies, largmouth, Muskie and probably try my hand at trying to catch one of the HUGE catfish that call Buggs Island their home. I could even go for some spring Crappie fishing. I also just signed up for a lifetime permit to fish in Lake Devlin in Oxford NC. I plan to hit it soon, maybe even tomorrow though it's supposed to rain.
I would enjoy meeting some folks that also Kayak fish in my local area. Right now I can't really float the rivers as I don't have a way to get back to my truck and I figure it's always best to fish with someone especially fishing in a yak incase things go south. Anyway if any of you read this far your a better man than me but I thank you. I'll just read the rules. I should have read them before my first post but either way I won't be any trouble. I have no affiliations with any dealers and only came here to learn more and be of help in any small way I can to you all. Thanks and best of luck fishing.