Steady or Erratic Retrieve ?
While each has a level of effectiveness, quite often what I do could be in the 'Both" category.
I'd call it sort of Steadily Erratic or perhaps Erratically Steady.
Sometimes it's all about cadence. And while that might mean what the bait's doing in a 5 foot stretch, other times it could be what the bait does over the entire length of a very long cast; especially for smallmouth in very clear water. I have come to believe that SMB often really want to 'chase' or 'stalk' a bait before eating it. Seems like part of the successful 'strike process' for me. So if during the cast or 'the process', if I'm not getting bit ( often indicated by follows) a change in 'retrieve' can turn them into biters. Conventional thought is to change baits or colors, but if what I was throwing was good enough to follow, often times changing the cadence is just as or more effective as a bait change.
Of course all that goes out the window when 'inactive' bass are encountered. That lock jaws action is rarely overcome with any bait or cadence change.
Either way there's almost always at least some type of pulse, pause, speed in flux or even a slight slow down of cadence. Just some type of hiccup along the way to offer a feeling of vulnerability.
That's my story and I'm stick'in to it.