In today's 'fast paced' world of bass fishing a good bit of what is accomplished by anglers in the public eye is often credited in part to the recent 'advances' in electronics. With good reason in fact, as there have been some effective & useful gear introduced in just the last few years.
That said, and the reason I chose to bring this most excellent thread back, revolves around it's title;
"Active or inactive".
With the advent of Xtreme Depth Sonar, Chirp, 360 imaging, SwitchFire, Dual Beam Plus, Mega Side & Down Imaging, Precise GPS, Smart Strike, Panoptix, real-time underwater 3D mapping; (much of which I do reply on most every trip), to date, and as far as I know, there's only one way to determine this most crucial factor - and that's to go fishing.
There are occasions when we can 'predict' when & where it's going to happen. Sometimes we're right - sometimes we're not. In my experience, there's not a replacement for time on the water - especially one body of water. Where if & when one gets on them, by being there through the changes (and there are many) we have some chance of 'staying on or following' the bait & or the bass. But fishing a place once a week or only 2 or 3 times a month, can often make consistency a tall order. Despite it all - the Challenge & the Hunt is addicting.
Clearly none of this is even remotely new or earth shattering information, I offer it as a friendly reminder that being in the right place at the right time is just as humbling as the often experience alternative.