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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/2018 in all areas

  1. Here’s the biggest LMB of the 10 I caught yesterday (2/14) in my neighborhood pond. I caught 6 and missed about 20 on Monday, but you had to pay very close attention and wait for your line to twitch or move. Never felt a single bite Monday. Not the case yesterday. Felt that good THUMP for every fish
    8 points
  2. The long winters here can wreck havoc on one's disposable income; especially if you're retired & it's fixed ! Let's just say that I may be approaching the National Deficit ~ The Bait Monkey is real. A-Jay
    8 points
  3. After fishing the everglades for 40 years I will give you a few tips. 1). The most important tip: Always take more water then you think you can drink. In summer heat I'll take three times more. 2). When fishing alone always wear an inflatable vest. Enough vests for everyone. 3). I always have a back up battery pack fully charged, for jump starts, emergency cell phone power, lights, even trolling motor emergency power 870 AMPS. 4). On the bottom side of my storage locker lid, I have all the emergecy numbers for FWC, Florida Fish and Game, Florida Marine Patrol, Coast Guard. all besides 911. This saved me one Sunday afternoon in the three pines area of the everglades. 5). An extra long, hand made Paddle, so I can stand on deck and paddle both sides of boat. This can doubles as a push pole. 6). First aid kit 7). Cell phone water proof bag, if phone gets wet communication stops. 8).Tool kit, for simple repairs. Extra wire, duck tape,cord, extra batteries. 9). Powerful flashlight, and reflective mirror, whistle. 10. Don't leave home unless people at home know exactly where you are fishing. 11).sealed snacks in zip lock.
    8 points
  4. If some of your dinner doesn't end up in your hair, you're not doing it right.
    6 points
  5. I do whatever I have to do to back boat my partner.
    6 points
  6. After getting skunked the first two trips of the year, I was starting to wonder if I still knew how to catch one. So I went out yesterday to Laurel Lake, I was hoping it still had some clear water after all this rain, and fortunately it did. Still very cold though, water temp was 40-43. For the first spot of the day I ran down to a long sloping point, and on about my 6th cast I ran into this big Smallie: Definitely the biggest I've ever caught on Laurel, and right up there with my PB, I never carry a scale so I couldn't say for sure. Water temp was 41 when I caught it, so it was also the coldest bass I've ever caught. (Well, I fished live bait in rivers years ago during the Winter and caught some, so a few those may have been colder but that's a little different anyway ) I think I fished for about 5 more hours and I didn't get another bite all day, but I was still happy with the results.
    4 points
  7. I've fished/hunted the swamps & marshes of Southwest Louisiana my entire life (67 yrs). That's solid advice right there! Where I'm at cellphones are all but useless! Bug spray... been in swamps/marshes after dark...lots off bug!
    4 points
  8. In this day & age, there's really very few places that are truly "in the middle of no where". If we can get there with a conventional water craft, we most certainly can be found & rescued. HOWEVER - it's up to us to ensure we are enabling the 'rescue efforts' the ability to find us. The below unit does that in every way. https://www.acrartex.com/products/catalog/personal-locator-beacons/aqualink-view-plb/#sthash.4ZuLqXw9.dpbs https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00AC821PW/ref=ox_sc_sfl_title_10?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER This unit is a battery booster - very handy. https://www.amazon.com/NOCO-GB40-UltraSafe-Lithium-Starter/dp/B016UG6PWE/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1518704380&sr=8-3&keywords=noco%2Bgenius&th=1 A-Jay
    4 points
  9. It was probably the side where the sponsor's keep all the $$$$$$$$$$$ A-Jay
    4 points
  10. "Let's says post spawn time of the year" Nothing! Why? Because I see nothing that says spawn to me. Post spawn bass move back out using the same structure/breaks/breaklines they came in on.
    4 points
  11. The most effective way for me is to fish it along and in top of grass/weed lines. Keep it just above the vegetation with as slow of a retrieve as possible. Works well around rocks, bumping them every now and again. Has also been a good deep water bait for me slow rolling it along the bottom just fast enough to feel the vibration
    4 points
  12. I posted this post already in "Other Species," but I wanted to post it here as well, because these photos, I thought, are pretty interesting. Well, actually it's these fish that are interesting. Many of our local waters are populated with the invasive, algae-eating, armor-plated catfish species known as Plecostomus (from the Greek for "folded mouth"). They apparently originated, like many invasive species, from home aquaria. It is pretty rare to catch one without deliberately snagging it with a weighted treble hook. But today this guy ate my lipless crankbait, or I assume he did, since, as you can see, he's hooked in the lip. Another surprise was that on the very next cast I caught another pleco with the same lure! But the second puppy was foul hooked in the dorsal fin. I found I needed a towel to hold these guys, because the tough overlapping armor plating opened and closed as they wiggled side to side, pinching my skin in the process.
    4 points
  13. I always wonder what she's thinking right about now . . . . A-Jay
    3 points
  14. Its going to take an awful long cast for me to hit a bedding bass .
    3 points
  15. I always try to spend $0 because I have more than enough stuff. Usually end up spending $25 here and there
    3 points
  16. Went to drop a Slammer off for new paint at a friend's house last night. He had a surprise I'd forgotten I even asked for.
    3 points
  17. I like a Havoc Pitboss for a trailer on the black and blue ones. Fish it slowly and steady in cold, muddy water.
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. All lures are reaction lures...bass see's lure...bass reacts!
    3 points
  20. It also varies by rod brand as there is no standard. Labels and specs are all subjective.
    3 points
  21. Here's a link to the 2018 catalog: https://issuu.com/st.croixrod/docs/scr_cat2018_issuu The factory doesn't have all of the rods ready yet, so that's why they're not on the website. They told me to call and check the availability of the specific model and if they have it in, they'll sell it over the phone.
    3 points
  22. I use leaders in some circumstances none of which involve visibility.
    3 points
  23. This is our Super Teddy. Born in parts unknown, Super Teddy rocketed into our lives six years ago when he was just a wee pup. As he reached maturity, we learned he has super paw abilities which uses selflessly to help others. Protecting us from everything evil, he’s ever vigilant to eliminate petty rodents, alert us to unwanted guests, and even help us unfold any & all clean laundry. No doubt it’s Super Teddy that has us feeling safe and sleeping soundly each night. Thank you my friend. A-Jay
    3 points
  24. Another Southern boy here who fishes all year. Maybe 50.00-75.00. But Between all the gift cards I get for Christmas and birthday from family and friends, it's been years since I've spent my own money on anything. Mike
    2 points
  25. I've probably spent about $150 from gift cards on new line, replacement hooks, and other small stuff.
    2 points
  26. I use a leader when I need abrasion resistance, or for a shock absorber with light hooks. I usually use a copolymer leader though. I can't make myself believe that the same bass that will eat an A-rig with 5 baits, snap swivels, 5 wire arms, and tied to a heavy line, needs me to fish the most invisible line possible to get them to bite just because I'm fishing braid.
    2 points
  27. that is how I fish it. Much slower than I fish a spinnerbait. slow rolling them along deep weed edge produced several quality fish last summer. sometimes a lift and drop retrieve works well for deeper summer bass.
    2 points
  28. Well where I fish that isn't necessary but things I do carry are mainly to help me not be stranded in the first place. Common hand tools Big flathead for the trim release screw Spare prop Relays/fuses Small roll of wire Butt connectors Test light Spare primer bubble And I have 4 batteries on the boat 1 crank 2 trolling and 1 accessory, the accessory can double as a spare cranking battery if need be. Not exactly what your asking but I would always prefer to be able to get home verses being stranded.
    2 points
  29. That’s a monster! I bet you won’t go another 3 yrs without throwing a grub
    2 points
  30. Like @roadwarrior would say pline cxx has the memory of an elephant!
    2 points
  31. I probably fish equally either way. Never thought about it. I skip a lot , either backhand or forehand , when I'm alone. When I'm with someone, I usually put them in front, so in that case I'd rather work right to left, esp. using bait casters. With spinning gear , it doesn't matter.
    2 points
  32. I throw the chatterbait (bladed jig) around weeds and rock. it tends to attract large fish. I always use a trailer. either a twin tail, paddle tail, or fluke. It is terrible in timber. when the blade deflects off of wood it often drives the hook into the snag. there are weedguards you can buy to make it better around wood, but I have missed several fish using them. When fishing around wood I throw a spinnerbait.
    2 points
  33. While I'll agree with your response - that line was initially offered as part of a reply regarding a discussion that revolved around . . . "Wow, those are some sweet rides. I might be out of my element here. Looking through the pics it's looking like there's a few bucks tied up in some of your rigs. I must beg the question, what do you do for a living that you can afford to own a well equipped pickup truck today, and pray tell where did you sell a kidney to pay for the high end boat behind it? " and " Work hard, plan, and make it happen sounds all well and good, but seriously, that's a hell of a lot of planning and hard work to make some of these monthly payments. What I have to question, though, I guess is for those who have the really extravagant combos. Hard work and planning is one thing, but I don't think I could ever justify spending that kind of money on a pickup truck, let alone a boat You could buy a lake for what some of these rigs cost!" A-Jay
    2 points
  34. The 705CB Champion is my do everything moving bait rod. I love that rod for all around purposes.
    2 points
  35. Perhaps because they're a pain if you use a leader...
    2 points
  36. They will work without a trailer, but you can just put a fluke or part of a worm on -- the blade provides the action so the trailer doesn't need to have any action of its own. I fish them in vegetation 100% of the time. you will get hung up some, but they usually can be dislodged by popping the rod tip upward and back to slack quickly a few times.
    2 points
  37. I'd go with a mh/ mod fast for all but the spinnerbaits. I throw them on a worm/jig rod.
    2 points
  38. Either way. And if there was only one thing I learned on Schooled by Denny Brauer, it's always fish into the wind.
    2 points
  39. ^^^^^ Right here ~ I prefer to fish into the wind. However depending on the 'Briskness" that particular day (or night), I may have to cave and fish with it. As for casting L or R - makes no difference. My lack of accuracy & consistency is equal from both sides. A-Jay
    2 points
  40. @Gundog covered the bases. @smalljaw67 also fishes the Susquehanna a lot. I grew up on the North Branch, and I still fish it a lot. @J Francho was also spot on about following Jeff Little. I haven't used him as a guide, but his instructionals on river smallmouth fishing are probably the best out there. April into May is generally your pre-spawn into the spawn, and can be awesome for both numbers and size. In the spring, water temperature, river clarity, and flow determine pretty much everything and will determine whether you're throwing big spinnerbaits, a drop shot, or a grub on an 1/8oz head. I don't know the gauge around Duncannon well enough to be familiar with the levels, so reaching out to a tackle shop, guide, or someone who fishes from a local launch to get familiar with the levels would be a good start. Also, because you'll see a wide variety of water with fish holding likely in different places, prepare to do some junk fishing or jumping between patterns. Smallmouth, in general, can move a lot, and that time of year water temperature and flow rate are especially huge. If the river is up and cloudy, you'll be finding fish off of points, on the tails of islands, and holding close to shoreline structure. Fish can be caught flipping jigs along submerged vegetation (not unlike fishing in the south for largemouth), or working the current seams along large current breaks with whatever the water clarity dictates. Fishing for smallmouth in chocolate milk-is water is very, very difficult even slow rolling a double Colorado, Rattle Trap, or a jig with 300 rattles on it. If you find dark water, look for creek mouths likely bringing in clearer water and fish the seams around them. If you're going to find active fish, that's your best bet. If the water is lower/warmer, smallies will put on their feedbags and sit close to fast water along wing dams, boulder fields, tailouts, ledges, etc. These will be active fish and can be caught with 3/4 of your tackle box. Along faster, shallower water in the spring, it's hard to beat a good shallow/squarebill crank, tubes (I generally rig them on tube jig hooks ranging from 1/8-3/8 oz depending upon current and water level), 4" grubs (1/8-1/4oz), soft plastic swimbaits and soft plastic jerkbaits, finesse jig/craw, and even football jig/craw along gravel/weed edges. As for presentation, I can make a bunch of suggestions. How familiar are you with river/stream fishing versus lakes? Are you familiar with presenting in current? If you catch some rough weather, or have a tough time with reading a river/boat positioning/presenting in current it can be a frustrating place. If you just cover your basics, on the Susquehanna leading into the spawn, you could be in for world class smallmouth fishing.
    2 points
  41. Matt Allen had a video this year where he talks about using heavier and faster rods as the season progresses. Early in the season he is using a moderate rod and lite line working the bait like a blade bait and at the end he is using a medium heavy or heavy fast on thick braid ripping it out of the weeds. It may not be a one rod show but I don't know how your fishing the bait and what type of weed cover progression you have up there.
    2 points
  42. Depends on wind direction. Tom
    2 points
  43. I actually prefer a fast action rod. I use an LTBC70MF for them.
    2 points
  44. Most of the time, it seems to make no difference, though I'd never say never, as there are no absolutes in fishing. That said, I use a leader now days more times than not for a variety of beneficial reasons, none of which are visibility related.
    2 points
  45. There ya go ~ At least you got your One for the year out of the way early . . . Congrats A-Jay
    2 points
  46. That just pi**es me off!! If I saw that net while fishing I'd put enough holes in that thing you'd be able to drive a truck through.!! Mike
    2 points
  47. Lights are mounted (they even work!). Switched the jack to the other side so no more worries about busted knuckles from the winch handle. Did have a minor setback when I discovered the bunks seem to have significant wood rot and will need replaced. Probably for the best to just put new ones on now and not have to deal with it a month or two down the road or have one break while loading the boat. Decided I'm going to paint the boat in a camo pattern for duck hunting. Watched enough Youtube videos on how to do it to feel like I can manage to not mess it up too badly, I'm sure I'll prove myself wrong there though.
    2 points
  48. Sounds like a job for some KVD line and lure conditioner. Trilene XL, XT or Big Game are perfect mono for baitcasters. Just spray them with KVD L&L the night before fishing.
    2 points
  49. 2 points
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