In a recent thread a member asked the BR membership their thoughts on Crankbait vs Spinnerbait. This type of comparison is common here and seems quite popular. But after reviewing the top 20 response to this one, I had to ask myself why ?
After reading through each response it’s pretty easy to see just how diverse the answers to this simple (but really not) question can be. Now if I were a novice bass angler posting this, hoping for info that could help lead me to some definitive answer regarding how & perhaps when to use these baits, I’d be hard pressed to decipher the responses.
Taking one sentence from the first 20 responses of this thread shows the sheer diversity of habitat and bait use loud & clear.
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I mostly throw spinnerbaits through scattered visible vegetation or over the top of submerged hydrilla and then only after not getting bit on other moving baits.
I tend to use a spinnerbait when bass are feeding on shad and there is some wind.
Cranks can be anytime I can reach bottom
I treat a spinner bait as a night only lure
I like spinnerbaits better in brushpiles , laydowns , beaver houses and over vegetation
I hate spinnerbaits, so I would always prefer a crankbait.
crankbaits i throw anywhere there is hard bottom, mainly rock or a long point
I like Spinners during the day, Cranks in the evening, and surface early morning.
In all honesty though, there really isn't any general rule of thumb, more often than not you simple have to let the fish tell you what they want.
I throw crank baits more when the water is clean and spinner baits when its more stained.
I also wont throw a spinnerbait in any water over 10
It's more about what cover I'm fishing, and activity level.
if the water is clear and the fish the bass can get a good look at the bait, I'm more inclined to use a crankbait.
I throw crankbaits to start to cover some water.
Crankbait if I'm banging rocks but I use a Spinnerbait for everything else
In 5-7 ft. of water use a spinner bait in all water..
I’ve had much better results w spinnerbaits over cranks
I will reach for spinnerbaits first when there is a good breeze or during low light and cloudy conditions
The only time I use a spinnerbait over a crankbait is when I am fishing around heavy cover like water willows, or lily pads.
I always choose a spinnerbait over a crank bait, but sometimes fish just don't want to commit to it,
Spinnerbaits for me are routinely fished in the top third of the water column and Crankbaits are used to fish the bottom third; Rarely are either effective in the middle third.