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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/10/2018 in all areas

  1. New leftover 2017 Polar Kraft 195 TX Pro / Suzuki 140 four stroke. Still sitting far far far away (800 miles!) Just dropped a deposit on it, and picking it up next week.
    4 points
  2. Yesterday there was actually two boats on the lake....gosh...haven't seen this in quite a while during the week. I am learning to post pic's so here's a couple more...was a beautiful day and we saw more bald eagles than we did crows....amazing and beautiful. Day started off cold but actually had the warm stuff off by three when the temps jumped into the high 40's. Have gone to the black nitrite gloves in 5 mil. My friend is now a believer off these now too. Was an awesome day and here's a couple pics.
    3 points
  3. Why do I allow myself to be tortured winter after winter? I mean, isn’t the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results? Why do I force myself to endure four months of not being able to present a lure to my favorite species of fish? It’s either brain damage, or a genetic disorder.. Maybe that genetic disorder is the cause of said brain damage. I have proof that my brain is damaged: I got excited when I realized that the power plant lakes around here will be opening in four weeks. FOUR FRIGGIN MORE WEEKS BEFORE I CAN EVEN CONSIDER HOOKING UP THE BOAT AND HEADING OUT..........AND I’M EXCITED????? Okay,I’ve admitted I have a problem. That’s the first steep. What’s the second step? Removing the obstacle? What if someone figures out what I’ve done with her.? Insanity defense, right? No, wait.....I’d have to plead guilty and that means doing time. More than the four weeks that started my realization. This could take a while to figure out. Luckily I have another bottle of Patr’on and four weeks to find a solution................If your don’t hear from ne in the next 24hrs. Don’t be concerned,I’ve likely just passed out. I’ve heard that helps.
    3 points
  4. Jet black hair, green eyes, alabaster skin, and Audrey Hepburn clavicles, and no, no improvement.
    3 points
  5. I've found that sometimes the best answer I can give is to bring up an old thread. One thing I do not like is a topic that starts what's the "best" ? There's not a best of anything... there's personal preferences!
    3 points
  6. Agree, research and spend wisely. It's also quite astonishing to me, how much money people will spend to save a few bucks, as well as the frustration they choose to go thru trying to "polish the turd" they bought trying to save that buck. If you don't have the financial means to make the right purchase, then don't make the purchase. We see this all the time in this boat forum. People buying used without having the boat mechanically checked or test rode and then a few weeks later they are asking for repair advice. I am not suggesting people buy new, I am suggesting they buy wisely. Boat is black truck is blue....a basses favorite color combination
    3 points
  7. I will always have a silver truck. I would consider white or gray if the deal was right. Those colors go with anything. Here is my boat fresh off the line. I tow it with a silver Tacoma.
    3 points
  8. Love the Booyah frogs. I 100% do not need anymore frogs, and I will 100% own some of these frogs.
    3 points
  9. While everyone likes looking at who's leading...I like looking at the bottom & thinking I can stink that bad!
    3 points
  10. I think it might depend on how hard you set the hook?!?
    3 points
  11. you forgot this one.... "We're gonna need a bigger boat." (aka The Sheriff Brody Method)
    3 points
  12. HUK ~ https://www.hukgear.com/collections/long-sleeve-performance-shirts A-Jay
    3 points
  13. 3 points
  14. Little bit of history on the hidden lake. Will add pics to post of my fish and some others. I have seen 45lb sacks outta this place so incredible. I started fishing these two lakes about 3.5 years ago now. Heard from a buddy that I met out here in Arizona about this lake that nobody catches fish smaller than 5lbs so of course I had to go. Back then mighta saw 2 other boats over a weekend if that. But I was told forget everything you know about bass when u come here. Everything looks so fishy but only 5-6 areas hold fish. Roughly 200 maybe a little more acres between the two lakes. What I showed up to was 2 old rock quarry that were abandoned and a small river flowing into them. We launch the boat and of course I'm like let's fish here let's fish there. Typical bass areas. Buddy told me no. We need to hit such and such areas. Boy was he right! First 5 minutes I had a 5.15lbr. I was hooked to this lake after that. Of course I tried other techniques like flipping the millionsof reeds and mats. Not a bite. Topwater same thing. Unheard of someone catching a topwater fish here. Literally the only baits that catch fish consistently is a deep crank, spinnerbait, lipless or a squarebill. Other than that I can think if prob 10 guys that refuse to use thise baits and fish the ONLY areas these fish hang out in and they have never caught a bass here. The bad is that when I started fishing here it was a high traffic area for drug dealings, shootings, robberies etc. I personally have been shot at out there and I could tell ya a hundred stories about others. Place was scary not gonna lie. Never seen anything like it for fishing or crimes. Buuuuuut a guy named Richard recently in the last year bought the property and has in turn turned the lake into an amazing "private" fishery. Cleaned up the trash, crack houses gated off the roads and now no gun shots, no criminals, no illegal netting by the hundreds of bass and cats or whatever , the bass fishing was starting to decline. But now the west lake is coming back already in the last year. Richard stocked 3k bass and they already have reached 15" and we are moving bass over from east lake to west lake. Because they will be mining and closing down east lake. Already 10+lbrs have been caught in west lake now and plenty of 5-8s. So there it is a very short if u can believe it history of the pit. The main bass forage are tilapia and shad. Its insane the water erupting with bait fish in the mornings once spring hits. Its no wonder these bass are so big. I added a few pics lol but I coulda added a ton more from the few guys that fished there with me. Ive heard stories from the old timers that have fished there 20 years ago and the stories are insane. But I'm happy that richard bought the place and turning into something nice! More boat traffic now since he went online with it and its promoted but its all good lol.
    2 points
  15. Probably one of the areas I’d like to work on is going back to an area that produces earlier in the day and hit it again. When I used to fish tournaments if I found a spot that was holding good numbers I’d hit it several times a day if the timing worked out, and often there were more biters later in the day. For some reason lately I find myself hitting a spot and wanting to see if “the grass is greener on the other side”, and I know I should buckle down more in that spot and milk it better, especially when I’m not in a tournament and don’t have to worry about saving fish for tomorrow.
    2 points
  16. Most musky guys swear by Knipex cutters. Expensive but cut through massive hooks easily. Maybe a bit overkill but might be worth it when you've got a hook in your hand.
    2 points
  17. Here's a shot from where i was standing at the Super Bowl Parade....
    2 points
  18. Panoramic shot from the super bowl parade in Philly on this past Thursday.
    2 points
  19. Theres alot of info and good questions asked on threads and threads created on this site. So i notice when I read some of these threads i read aome responses like ah another one of these questions or you should search the forums or they give a link to something to read. Well at times I have a question about a post that may be years old on here. Or I want to ask certain topic that was asked a while back. Now I get alot of answers covered in some of these threads but where my questions come in. Is it worse to reply on an old thread that's been created and ask a question to maybe what they were talking about to get an answer or to just create a new thread about the same or very similar subject? before i recently joined here I could view every topic I didn't even have to be a member here. I joined to talk about fishing,lures, and to meet people. Another question is even if maybe a topic has been discussed is it wrong of me to create a topic to talk about a lure that may have another person's view on the matter that wasn't a member 6 months or years ago or even a month ago talk about a topic with me that may have a different opinion. I'm just asking because I want to discuss alot of subjects and I love talking about fishing and the main reason i joined was to talk about it. Otherwise I could of just typed in google bass resource favorite time to throw a rattletrap as an example and seen the 18 different threads on it thats been created already. I just want to know when Is It good to discuss old topics or create new ones thats been discussed before since most have already? Thanks
    2 points
  20. I was practicing my panning technique and he was at a fast trot on a scent - probably a rabbit, he's death on cottontails. I was using a 1/20 second shutter speed and tracking by hand. I wanted to get his face in focus, and I did that, but everything else was moving in different directions and speeds. I liked the way it came out.
    2 points
  21. I hope an organic non-pesticide avocado tree falls on you while you are enjoying something gluten free at your favorite outdoor cafe while waiting for your goat yoga appointment...
    2 points
  22. It's just a slow rationalization process lol. "Man $20 is a lot for a lure"...."I don't mind spending 30 bucks on an S-Waver but I could never buy a triple trout"...."So how many slammers is too many?"....."Hey guys! Finally got my Hinkle Shad order and my dedicated dobyns 908 rod to throw them on! Pumped!". Right now I'm right in the middle haha.
    2 points
  23. A lot of the banter and interaction is about the back and forth. If one is interested in information and data, searching past posts is more effective, but won't trigger the endorphin response, now what's the best all around rod?...
    2 points
  24. On 1/23/18, after calling the Heritage reservation phone number, I discovered a local smaller dealer in Henderson, LA that had three of the Heritage boats on order..two were spoken for, and with a small deposit, I was fortunate to get the third!! I added a matching spare tire (with moon cap and trailer bracket) for $225, and a $350 stainless steel prop (the Heritage comes with an aluminum prop). A few days earlier, I came upon this sweet rig at a BPS in Denham Springs, LA....which is roughly 65 miles from my Lafayette, LA home. Wasn't boat shopping....just visiting the store with a friend, but was smitten with this retro classic as soon as I saw it! Like everyone else, I was also amazed with the $ deal being offered. That BPS had 10 ordered at the time. I grew up with a love for fishing, and have always day dreamed of owning a fishing boat. With two children , I couldn't stop thinking about the good times we could have here on the waters of South Louisiana! I've really enjoyed reading this forum. Thank you all for your fun and informative posts. I am thrilled that my family will be one of the 600 to 2,500, or ? Heritage owners. FYI - after reading about demand and production issues, I decided to reach out to my dealer this week.....according to them, the original mid to late February delivery time is still good. Happy Mardi Gras and Happy Fishing!
    2 points
  25. I tend to very much agree with this idea, now in practice where do you go to hold any or all of these rods. When dealing in high end gear it gets really hard to touch the product before you buy. Would it not be amazing to live around the block from tackle warehouse
    2 points
  26. I like old topics that come back up, and if you quote a certain section to help with your question all the better. Some things change over time like a 100 dollar rod will change every year so those will be of little use.
    2 points
  27. Dont gotta worry bout the poachers any more. Richard has game and fish on board, he has ran em off and I have been out there every Monday for the last 2 months almost pretty heavily and have heard maybe 2 gun shots and that was from the fields way to the east. haven't seen poachers in a year either. It is way better now. And ya its gotten blown up since Richard promoted it online. Which is his right since he is making a business out of it. they have a fb page and website and Instagram too I believe. so its gonna happen but Camping, events, music, pay to fish, etc. So its all good. I would rather have that than have to worry about taking a stray bullet out there. Or having my vehicle broken into or other worse things. hahahahaha for real A jay thats how it used to be!
    2 points
  28. Just go for it man, definitely read old threads because there are some real gems but don't be afraid to post a topic
    2 points
  29. I have the 68 gears from the pixy in my sol and i also run a 7.2. The parts can be ordered from plat and they have really good prices. I shop there all the time and they have other things i order like cork knobs a lot cheaper than other places. I think i corks for daiwa are like 16 bucks there and if added to another order there is no additional shipping. You can also get the aluminum gears from the ITO if your heart desires to make the reel liter. http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/optionparts/language/en/manufacturers/1/siries/7/ http://www.plat.co.jp/shop/catalog/default/language/en/cPath/2174_2652_3315/optional-parts/daiwa-slp-works/handle-knob-s.html If i remember correctly you also want to swap the line guide worm gear to speed it up so you get a better wrap. It is also liter
    2 points
  30. Just look at it as you gave her more the inside scoop...lol. I mean you did pick her team too right? ?
    2 points
  31. You can install pixy type r 6:8:1 gears in the Alphas/sol platform, or you can also install the Alphas sv 7:2:1 gears in it. Tackle Trap in Alabama carries all types of Daiwa parts. They’re your one stop shop for anything you would need. http://tackletrap.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=898_660
    2 points
  32. I’ve been looking for a nice jdm 2pc rod to keep in the trunk off and on for a bit now. After being told about Olympic graphite leader (who produces their own blanks and also makes some high end golf club shafts) from an online buddy who is constantly on the search for the best blank money can buy... I pulled the trigger on the veloce rv 6’9 mh/f. Build quality is great and the rod is light at 3.5 ounces. Won’t be able to test on the water sensitivity until spring but it feels nice and crisp, and for what they cost should perform just fine.
    2 points
  33. I doubt they spent any time diagnosing. It's impossible to tell without seeing it prior to repair. From what they replaced I assume it was grinding? As long as it works now don't fret. I'm sure it's no system wide problem or we'd hear lots about it.
    2 points
  34. I’d say what they replace is what was wrong with it. How’s it feel now?
    2 points
  35. 3 in the cut for me too: Ike, Hite, & Fukae. The top 5 teams in the BR group all have one angler in common and it's actually not Takahiro: It's Justin Lucas.
    2 points
  36. I'd go Medium and light line, 4-8lbs leader or mainline, and make sure the drag is not set too strong. IMO this would be ideal since it provides the backbone an ultralight won't have. Not that you couldn't use a UL, just my .02.
    2 points
  37. Use swivels only if the presentation calls for it not just to avoid learning to tie a good Albright
    2 points
  38. I saw a study done at one time that showed if an angler caught 5 2lb fish at every event they would make the classic every year. It may be glorious to win but consistency throughout the year is paramount.
    2 points
  39. The reason I took the time to post measuring lengths 1, 2, & 3 was to point out the legit measuring techniques! As anyone can see by the replies, knowone tells how they "measured" their catch. Most measure bass with the mouth open hanging down and this adds about 10% ; 30" method 2 = 33" for example. Method 4 is unlimited; 8'2" and 562 lb bass was officially recorded in California (giant Black Sea bass). I know lots of bass anglers who can not only tell you the length, but the weight of bass that they broke off on the hook set and never got to see it, I call this method 5. Then there always method 6; the "photo" where some bass look bigger than the angler holding it or their hands could wrap around a basketball like it was a baseball and claim the 4 lb bass was 12 lbs.......that is bass fishing! Tom
    2 points
  40. Perfect I have 8lb mono spooled up on the reel on my medium. I will use that rod. Thanks for the input! I will make sure to set my drag low too.
    1 point
  41. check Bealls Dept store online...I have a half dozen of the long sleeve, UV shirts. They have a small sailfish on the front of the shirt.
    1 point
  42. Seems certain shaped weights might work halfway decent for dropshotting
    1 point
  43. I have the same seat and agree . Very comfortable and great price
    1 point
  44. I keep wishing there was bad cell signal on this lake so that I could update BASSTrakk at the end of the day and all my guys killed it
    1 point
  45. If you are going under 25 mph the Suspender type PFD line like BPS are adequate but at higher speeds you need a PFD that survives when you are hitting the water, staying on, plus inflates to save your life if unconscious. PFD's only work when you put them on, not stored. Tom
    1 point
  46. I'm another who is using a Mustang with the hydrostatic inflator. If I'm in the boat alone it's always on me. I'm not as agile as I used to be and never was a great swimmer. I figure that if nothing else it'll speed the recovery of my body should I keel over dead and fall out of the boat!
    1 point
  47. I like my own spinnerbaits for river smallies. Spinnerbaits are my favorite lure and fishing them in the river is what got me into making my own in the late 90s. I like weights in 1/4oz to 1/2oz but my best river smallmouth spinnerbait is one I make I call the SS 44. The "SS" stands for smallie slayer and the 44 is because I made the bait using 4 different wire diameters and 4 different wire lengths before finding what worked best. I made it for burning across the current so it doesn't roll over but it is also great for the areas where there are patches of water willow and eel grass, it comes through that grass exceptionally well. As you can tell from my rambling I get a little carried away with spinnerbaits, they are just so versatile and they not only catch numbers but also big fish. There is nothing like burning a spinnerbait just a few inches under the surface of the water, just deep enough that it doesn't make a wake but is still in full view. You're cranking your reel handle at a pretty fast pace keeping an eye on the spinnerbait flashing just under the surface and then it happens, the strike, and it all seems to be happening in slow motion. You see the swirl on the water and your bait disappear right at the same time and then the rod get pulled forward so hard it almost flies out of your hand. you pull back and the rod strains and the handle of your reel is hard to crank and then the massive 4+lb bronze missile leaps from the water while your heart races as you fight the fish to the side of the boat. That has to be the best strike in all of fishing, pure violence and ferocity, yeah, I love spinnerbaits for river smallmouth!!!
    1 point
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