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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/07/2018 in all areas

  1. The wife and I had a rare adult night out for the policeman's ball this weekend. I feel so weird wearing a suit, she dresses up much better than I do.
    8 points
  2. Ok...going to try and post pic's another way...son said it's better.....will see. Here's a couple pictures from yesterday. Was a beautiful day....started in the high 30's and got into the mid 40's. Still wearing the gloves...and loving them. I'm showing a picture of a beautiful boat ramp (almost like my private lake in winter but not) The rain we had the other day has them chasing the jerk a LOT better....Tight Lines
    7 points
  3. Tale of 2 days for me this week. Monday I worked hard for 1 bite, and it did not end well. Tuesday I was catching so many fish I started trying to see what wouldn't work. When I was catching them on a 190 Plopper in 14 degree air temps in a foot of water, I knew the answer. They were tearing up my Donut Shad swimbait until the zebra mussels claimed it
    7 points
  4. This is our Super Teddy. Born in parts unknown, Super Teddy rocketed into our lives six years ago when he was just a wee pup. As he reached maturity, we learned he has super paw abilities which uses selflessly to help others. Protecting us from everything evil, he’s ever vigilant to eliminate petty rodents, alert us to unwanted guests, and even help us unfold any & all clean laundry. No doubt it’s Super Teddy that has us feeling safe and sleeping soundly each night. Thank you my friend. A-Jay
    6 points
  5. Tim Horton told this story on his Facebook page. It is a very troubling story and I am very grateful Tim's family is OK. Prayers go out to the other family. Terrible experience that I hope no one on the Forum has to go through. Timmy Horton Outdoors Before I went to bed Saturday night, Leah and I had one of our good talks about life. We discussed finding the positive in tough situations. Little did we know that in just a few hours our world would be shook like it never had before. Leah, my youngest daughter and I have a much different relationship than most Father/Daughter relationships. We have been this way since Leah was about three....really more like best friends than father/daughter, It’s just one of those things that is hard to explain. Lauren, my oldest daughter, and I also have the same closeness, she will come into my room where I’m working and just sit and talk...not the norm for a busy, soon to be 18 year old. The two are very different. Lauren is much more independent, and....well...a good bit more responsible...in which, Leah would whole heartedly agree with. The last six months or so has been overwhelming at work to say the least, and this time of year I try to take advantage of every opportunity to be at home that I can. I had worked all day Saturday in Guntersville and had an opportunity for one more evening at home before I left for the next seven days. So instead of leaving Guntersville for Lake Martin, I decided to drive back across the state to see the family one last night before hitting the road. It was a wonderful evening, Kim had cooked a big pot of beef stew and all the kids were there. Lauren came down and visited a while and said she was going to spend the night at her friends house afterwards. Lauren is about to turn 18 in a few weeks and has probably asked to spend the night away from home on two other occasion this entire year....never breaks curfew, and doesn’t ask to push things as a lot of teenagers do. I told her that was fine but to be careful and keep me posted. She gave me her “Lauren hug” as we call it, told me she loved me, and left for the night. After Leah and I solved all the worlds problems, I went downstairs where Kim was packing my bags for the next week ahead. We got everything done, enjoyed some laughs and went to sleep. What was to come was as fiercely traumatic as anything I have ever had happened. We were suddenly awaken a few hours later to a constant doorbell ringing. Before my feet hit the floor my first thoughts were Lauren. I raced to the door and saw flashlights outside the door. When I opened the door the flashlights shut off. Two police officers were looking at me, I said “where is Lauren” they said. “We need to come in and talk please” I said again, “Tell me where Lauren is” they said “We need to come in and sit down and talk with you.” The look on their face was so absolute. At this very moment there was zero doubt in my mind why they were there. I understand there is a protocol and this task is impossible anyway, but I so wish I would have been asked my name when the door opened. By this time, Leah is looking down from her room in shock, and Kim has met me at the door. I ask one more time in the foyer and they say can we go inside to talk. Kim and I go to our room to quickly get dressed. At this time my senses had all gone blank, I couldn’t hear, everything was echoed and as if it was being said in a barrel from hundreds of feet away. I couldn’t get my legs raised to get my jeans on as I started to shake uncontrollably. Kim and I went into the den where the two officers were staring at us with their hats clinched in their hands. I have never seen such empathy in someone’s face. My mind was racing a hundred miles an hour trying someway to fix an unfixable situation....thinking of a way not to be told what I was about to hear. After what seemed like an eternity of silence one of the officers asked for my name. I couldn’t speak but somehow got my name out, the officer then asked Kim her name. As Kim said her name the officers turned and stared at each other. Kim collapsed to the floor, as if her legs were knocked out from under her. I was paralyzed and couldn’t even move to help her up, I couldn’t speak I couldn’t look up I was in complete shock. My body just shook uncontrollably. I have heard folks say “you can’t explain it” there are no words, no expression....that type of pain, emptiness, and helplessness doesn’t have an explanation. After what seemed like an eternity, the officers then realized they were speaking to the wrong parents. The vehicle license plate from the accident was registered to the family that lived there prior to us buying the house, and it still had that address. All of what happened next was a blur. I immediately called Lauren and talked to her as best I could. I couldn’t gather myself from crying. Over the next several hours I was crushed for the other family and what they were about to go through and will continue to go through, the officers, who had to gather themselves and go to another home and do that again. All my friends with whom I have grieved with over the years and now feeling guilty myself for never truly understanding their pain. It has now been 2 days and I still have not rested. That night, and a family I have never known will be a part of our life forever. I hurt for them and what they continue to endure. Kim and I have prayed for them earnestly since that night. I don’t know how or in what way to say anything of comfort to those who have lost a child. Kim told me the next morning, she could never survive anything like that again, I told her the only way is through Faith in God. That night, I stared at the ceiling til the sun came up. I thought of the Isbell’s, the Short family, the Strickland’s, my Grandparents, and so many that have went through that moment, and for them...the moment continued. No mistake. But a next...a next breath, then somehow taking another one, then another, that continued through each passing second that feels like years. Please pray for the family that lost their son, and all those who have lost a child. Those that find the strength to carry on and honor their child through their life....that is strength...a strength that can only be explained through Faith.
    4 points
  6. Biovex and Megastrike And the results speak for themselves. A-Jay
    4 points
  7. All the fish I get are unfortunately lactose intolerant. But they do seem to enjoy being soaked in Hot Fat. A-Jay
    4 points
  8. I am fortunate enough to get to fish one of the coolest places in the entire world as far as I'm concerned. Snow on the ground, ice in my guides, and I'm watching them chase bluegill up on the bank, while sight casting to cruisers. I even got one to eat a frog but I missed him!
    4 points
  9. Been a crazy winter in a not so good way with very little precip and unseasonably warm temps, but on a positive note it seems to have jumped the prespawn action up a month or so. Caught 30+ yesterday in 74* t-shirt/shorts weather and 58* water temps.
    4 points
  10. The tule fog lifted, the sun came out and a friend and I were able to get out on the water with favorable conditions. The weather forecast is showing no rain for the foreseeable future this February, which means a lot of good fishing days. My first decent fish of 2018 was this 4.2lb largemouth.
    4 points
  11. 3 points
  12. The 65 pointer is one I've caught a lot of fish with, but the last couple of years this little guy has been somewhat of a secret weapon for me.
    3 points
  13. We just passed 60,000 subscribers on YouTube! Huge thanks to every one of you who have supported and encouraged us along the way! We're just getting started, so if you're aren't subscribed yet, visit https://www.youtube.com/bassresource to see what the excitement is all about!
    3 points
  14. Am I the only one that reads through all of the "which speed is best for ____?" threads wondering how we fished for so many years and caught so many fish using basically 3 gear ratios? All of which, by the way, were slower than current "cranking" ratios!! I know I can't be the only one!
    2 points
  15. Hello everyone .... on 01.02.2018 considering the decreasing atmospheric pressure and a disturbance on arrival I decide to go fishing in a beach in the North West Sardinia. I arrive on site at about 13.30, the wave is not the best but the bad weather is coming ... I mount my Awa shima from 2.40m with Shimano Excage 4000 reel and ... The first launches do not lead to anything ... but I sell from the west starts to mount and shake an area of rocks outcrops ... I move them .... and after a dozen launches comes the STRIKE ... my Super minnow lineeffe 12cm struck: pesca2: !! Start fighting, I have to be careful not to make it end up between the rocks ... and after about 1 minute I can beach it .... a beautiful queen of over 2kg: D Taken the one I decide to leave .... for that day was enough and advanced! I enclose the video of the capture ... thanks to everyone and good sea!
    2 points
  16. Clackin Raps were a cool looking, easy casting bait. I haven't had much luck with them, but didn't try too hard either. Seemed to me like they were a popular bait. However, our local DSG appears to have about 50% of the stock in clackin' baits they started off with a year ago after a massive clearance sale (basically, buy 10 for $2.50 each), and bass fishing is popular around here. Also saw them being cleared out at Cabelas for a song last summer (can't say that about many lures!), mostly red baits left as usual. Will they rise to cult status like Xcalibur XR50 lipless baits and Risto Raps, fade into obscurity like the Crankin Rap, or be forgotten like just another gimmick lure? Wondering why Rapala didn't just decrease production and put them into the "special/other" category like excellent but somewhat less popular lures like the Fat Rap and Flat Rap? Interested to hear what other Rapala fans think about this.
    2 points
  17. In response to the Italian food thread, let's talk BBQ. Who's doing it and let's see some of it, also what are your favorites? Are you a charcoal, gas or and electric type of person? Ok guys lets hear it and best of all lets see it. Here are a couple pics of some food I did for a party last year, yum yum!!!!!
    2 points
  18. Oh yes... I run this and its worth every dollar in the heat of the summer and the HIT technology prevents inflation in the rain, which could get expensive. My only accidental inflate was with the help of my 8 year old that wanted to see what the yellow tab did.
    2 points
  19. 2 points
  20. 7' medium heavy extra fast ?
    2 points
  21. To me, they're Tennessee with rings or without rings.
    2 points
  22. MLF has transformed televised tournament bass fishing, everything else is boring to watch. Tom
    2 points
  23. Big BIG fan of the ol' H&H's. Have several of every color and style. Caught a TON of nice bass on them and have never....NOT ONCE EVER...put the hook on correctly the first time.
    2 points
  24. The Clankin Rap were in the Clearance bins last year and I didnt pick one up . Now those bins are full of Arashi baits . The Fat Raps are usually the first bait I try at around the five foot mark . They are not all created equal . The best ones are slightly heavier , cast better and feel better . I have about 10 total and two or three are that way .
    2 points
  25. Maybe that's the issue, they work OK (and maybe even great in the right time and place) but they are in a crowded segment of the market, plus they probably cost more than the average Rapala bait to produce given their fancy finishes and rattle system. They used to sell for north of $12 US, which is on the high side for a Rapala bait.
    2 points
  26. You may want to look into at least one Megabass VISION ONETEN SILENT ~ A-Jay https://megabassusa.com/product/vision-oneten-silent/
    2 points
  27. The glides we painted turned out pretty good really happy now that the epoxy is cured, it really shows off the colour better.
    2 points
  28. Man you guys have mentioned some great ones! I might have to see if the kids will let me use Netflix long enough to watch some of these again lol
    2 points
  29. Said I didn't have much use for 'em, never said I didn't know how to use 'em.
    2 points
  30. I own a few and never really found a lot of success with them, for whatever reason. They just never produced for me like other lipless cranks, and I have no idea why. Also, I would not include them in a conversation with Fat Raps. Fat Raps have probably caught me as many bass as any other crank bait, perhaps with only the Fat Free series in a close second.
    2 points
  31. The Dynamic Lures Jspec is about 3.25" and is the best smaller profile jerkbait out there. X rap 8s and LC pointer 78s are great too, but the Jspec produces more for me. The Rapala rip stop shouldn't be overlooked either.
    2 points
  32. Myoutdoortv.com 9.99 per month. That’s how I watch. In addition to MLF they have a ton of other outdoor stuff to watch too!
    2 points
  33. Love a good Spaghetti Western ~ And Mr Eastwood was the man. A-Jay
    2 points
  34. Winchester '73. The original with Jimmy Stewart. Others come close, but that movie for me is tops.
    2 points
  35. I bought a gray boat, in part, because I drive a gray Jeep. Coincidentally, I took a photo of them when I hooked up the boat in the snow to go fishing, this morning. I’m glad that the hull is black, because my summer wheels are black.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. Yeah, because when the lights are on I sometimes peek.
    2 points
  38. Our Smallmouth don't know that.
    2 points
  39. Nobody is accusing you of being either. If anybody should be regulating a spawn tournament, it should be the club(s) themselves. Anglers will then be able to choose whether or not they want to participate. I do not agree with mandating more laws based on the opinions of a few squeaky wheels.
    2 points
  40. will do. i know that fear. we nearly lost our 14 year old daughter back in 2000.
    2 points
  41. Husky Jerk 08 all the way. It catch big and small fish.
    2 points
  42. Black Lake, NY Sept. 2011
    2 points
  43. This is a photo from back before I left for Toledo Bend, but I think it's worth sharing. Living the dream!
    2 points
  44. Welcome aboard! 1. Yes 2. Perhaps 3. $3/day, $45/yr 4. I'd be open to pay, if $ reasonable, reputation good
    1 point
  45. Thanks, glad to be here. Been a life long hunter but now my 5 year old little girl wants to start fishing.
    1 point
  46. I can't help with the Outback but I can offer my opinions on the choice between the Titan 10.5 and the PA12. Only one I've used so far is a borrowed 14.5 Native (Slayer? Can't remember) for a few outings last fall. Knew I wanted pedal drive and it came down to the Titan 10.5 and the PA12. I ruled out the PA14 because of the length. After the release of the 10.5 Titan was delayed a couple times I ended up buying the PA12. Haven't tried it out yet but every time I look at it, I see why I spent the money. It is quality. I warmed up to the Mirage drive system (didn't like it at first) but after experiencing some cavitation with the Native Propel drive I started considering the Hobie more (at first I didn't want the Hobie). I saw the Titan 10.5 in person at the NE Fishing/Outdoors Expo last week or so and the length is great, and seems of decent quality, but I think the Hobie is a step up. Rod holders are built inside the hull instead of being sleeves attached on the top of the hull. Anchor trolley screw mounts are molded-in brass inserts on the Hobie, not sure what they are on the Titan if it even has them. I think I'll prefer the slightly less elevated leg position of the Hobie drive compared to the Propel - a little easier on my butt and lower back. Then there is the PA seat! Hobie seat is very adjustable - elevation, lumbar, recline. Rod holders, you mention 6 rods min: I think the Titan 10.5 has two rod storage sleeves on the front edges. The PA12 has four that go inside the hull. Keep in mind each boat probably has additional rod storage (flush mount or whatever) - can't recall what the Titan has but the Hobie has two flush mount holders behind the seat. Instant reverse on the Propel wins over the Hobie cable pulls in my opinion. But Hobie just seems like the Cadillac. Yes you pay for it. Titan may have addressed the cavitation (not sure) but every time I look at the PA12 I'm very happy despite the price. I would definitely prefer the 10.5 length but it wasn't an option on the PA. Regarding the drive, the Propel is about 18 or 19 lb, while the Mirage is about 8. I've had to clean weeds out of the Propel when I ran shallow (not too big a deal to do); this shouldn't be an issue with the Mirage. That said, the Propel seems extremely solid and simple, while the Mirage I have yet to test. I doubt you'll go wrong with either boat. Sorry I can't comment on the Outback. They are heavy! So consider a trailer, or as I think you mentioned, a hitch mounted system of some kind.
    1 point
  47. I picked Indian Creek the past few years to learn it. Outside of that I had one night trip in striper alley.
    1 point
  48. I will second the Irod Genesis II rods.
    1 point
  49. Almost all knots are hard till you get used to them and practice them. Then they're all pretty easy. Like tying your shoelaces, which, if you think about it, requires a moderately complex knot. I'm a surgeon and I can tie a square knot in the dark with my eyes closed using one hand in a quarter second. Now, I do some teaching, and I tell you the medical students these days, who don't practice knots like we used to do, more often than not can't put down a single throw of a simple square knot without getting all confused and all thumbs, and all embarrassed. I'll let them try one knot during surgery and if they can't do it I'll tie the rest of them or we will be there for hours. Inside someone's living body is not the place to practice your knots. Now if the student has any motivation, they'll spend a whole bunch of hours practicing one-handed and two-handed square knots, and next time in surgery they'll get to do a bit more and learn a lot more and enjoy it a whole lot more. My point is that it takes a ton of practice to tie any knot effortlessly and precisely, and for anglers the time to learn a new knot is at home, especially in the winter -- not out on the water where it counts.
    1 point
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