The Moral hooks are a good quality example of the new-ish MWF mold, but I still mantain that the hooks are too big and heavy (in weight) to be "ideal".
I thought I had one around for reference, but I guess I have used up the ones that I bought to try. In anycase, below are some examples of assorted Ned heads;
From top to bottom they are;
1. Zman Head, 1/15oz, the new style. IIRC it is a #1 hook. It weighs in at .091oz
2. Zman Head, 1/15oz, the old style. IIRC it is a #1 hook. It weighs in at .072oz
3. Zman Head, 1/20oz, the old style. IIRC it is a #1 hook. It weighs in at .059oz
4. Gopher Head, 1/16oz, #2 hook. It weighs in at .053oz.
5. eBay Head, 1/16oz, from the MWF Mold, #4 hook. It weighs in at .064oz.
If we are to take the old Gopher heads as the "gold standard", then the old style Zman in 1/20 is the closest in size and weight. I wish I had a Morel Head (amazing name btw) to weigh, but my memory is that they are almost 1/8oz, so around .09-.125oz. I strongly feel that if you are fishing the Ned with the standard retrieves you are best served with as light a head with as small a hook as you can get away with. I use the "crank crank glide" retrieve maybe 90% of the time and the heavier heads will stop and fall instead of keeping forward momentum and gliding to the bottom like they will with the lighter heads.
At the end of the day it might be angels dancing on the head of a pin, but I like to get a little fussy about things.