Sure, it can be whatever you want them to be. Me personally, couldn't care less what it looks like to a fish as long as they're eating them. We as fishermen like to overthink and give too much credit to cognitive abilities of a creature with a brain smaller than a pea. Fish see the things around them basically as food, danger, cover/landscape, or unknown. The only way for a bass to further investigate the unknown items is to get a close look at them, and/or take the item into their mouth to determine if it's food or not. An item that is moving (such as a BM from another creature), may not offer much lifelike movement, but it's still moving, and through trial and error, a bass has probably determined that movement is often associated with life (food). Some species of fish really do eat the excrements of other animals. Whether a bass is included on that list, I have no idea, but if they do and that's what they think a Senko looks like, I'm fine with that.