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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2018 in all areas

  1. My buddy @basshunter0731 and I try to get out every year for his birthday the first few days of the new year. We both had the 2nd off and with the temps going to soar all the way to the low 20's with light winds, we decided to make it happen. To give an idea of how cold it has been, we had planned to go to a different power plant lake, but as we pulled out of my road and I called the gate house, I was informed the lake was FROZEN almost 100 yards out from the ramp and there was no way to launch. A quick about face in the truck (and our hopes of catching much), we headed to the other nearby power plant lake. A good portion of the ramp cove was frozen, but half the ramp was thawed and we were able to dump the boat into the 36 degree water. Of course, since it was -2 outside the boat wouldn't start, so we started trolling towards the main lake in hopes the warmer water would let the motor fire up. The first main lake bank we got to is a rock/clay/sand bank with pretty good depth. I was surprised when just a short distance down the bank I was met to mushy resistance when I lifted my shakyhead rod. A hook set and a few cranks of the ice maker that used to be a spinning reel, and I had my first bass of 2018! Still no dice on starting the motor after we fished that bank to the end, so we made a long, slow troll across to the hot water outlet, where we found no bass, no real desirable fish of any kind, just large black buffalo everywhere. We did both score bookend flatheads on jigging spoons, which Jon brought home for his parents to enjoy for dinner. 3 hours into our day, we were pretty well frozen, as was our gear. We thought about heading home and working on my jonboat, but decided to try one of our most reliable banks. I got bit right away on a shakyhead off the main lake point, but didn't hook the fish. Not far down the bank, another bite and another miss. Next cast to the same spot, another thump, and this time I stuck the fish, and it barely moved. I knew it was a good one, played it carefully and backreeled each time she surged, but it wasn't until she was in the net that I realized how large she was. The scale said 7.43, my 4th largest ever in Kansas. Jon cast back to the same spot and got his first bass of 2018 on a shakyhead. We caught a bunch like this one. Caught fish all down the bank before we ran out of soft water, turned around and right as we got back to the point we started on, Jon bowed up on a hard pulling fish that would not give up. His first big one of the year went 4.90. We thought about making the long troll back to the ramp since the motor still hadn't started, but we'd both missed a few the second pass down the bank, so we really felt like we'd be leaving them biting if we did that. I made a switch to one of my magnum shakyheads with a Rodent, wasn't long before I stuck a good fish that I had to handline out of a snag because my line broke in the reel on the hookset. A few minutes later after I restrung my rod and retied my bait with numb fingers, I made a cast to a rock slide and my line was moving towards deep water. Another immovable fish met my hookset and made the slow trip towards deeper water as I inched her towards the boat. When Jon got the net under her, I thought I might have my second 7 pounder of the year already, but she came up just a bit short at 6.72. We caught several more before we'd had all the cold we could take and trolled about 3/4 of a mile back to the ramp, and actually caught 2 or 3 more in the process. I dropped Jon on the dock to go get the truck and I decided to try the motor one more time, of course it fired up Going to be a tough trip to beat, but I look forward to trying
    8 points
  2. Let's see if I can do the captions in order. Pic #1- sunset on the might Tennessee. Pic #2 - 6/0 saltwater hook in my face, my buddy is still apologizing. Pic #3- my fishing buddy from Memphis came to Knoxville for a smallmouth weekend. He set the hook on a carp and told me to get the net big smallie hahaha. Pic #4 - my second sturgeon pic # 5 - working in Carolina and an elk interrupted our lunch and chased me onto the top of the truck ladder rack, which is where I took the pic from. Pic #6 - fish fry on my annual fishing trip. Pic # 7 - sheepshead in ft Myers, Florida
    6 points
  3. This is Tango, he was an awesome dog. We lost him to cancer about 6 years ago
    5 points
  4. 5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. I always love it when my wife goes with me and shows an interest in what I love doing so much. Maybe ask him what his bucket list fish are. Every fisherman has one, the fish they'd love to catch more than anything else. It will seem like you're just taking an interest in it, then get him a guided trip to go catch whatever his top fish are. My wife got me the chance to catch a peacock bass during our 5 year anniversary in Florida. I was as excited to catch this little fish as any I can remember in my adult life, even ran out of my shoe while I was landing it, still have one bare foot when my wife took this picture
    3 points
  7. Who cares if your rods cost $40 or $1400. the fish certainly don't
    3 points
  8. I fish 'several' of the top tier Quantum Casting reels. Have been for a while - Probably 10 years now. They perform well for me. Like all gear, when used & maintained properly, durability has not been an issue. They've been a good value as well. But most importantly, they have routinely performed perfectly, especially when I needed it most. Case in point, during a recent trip south of the border (details below) a pair of Quatum EXO 200 reels easily dispatched several, (and I do mean several) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and yes even 10lb bass - without missing a beat. There are always going to be 'stories' regarding most every brand - good & bad. Either way, it means little to me at this point as I have built a very successful history with this brand. So rather than acknowledge the foolishness, instead I chose to simply smile and share pictures of the fish my supposedly inferior gear, helps me catch on a very regular bases. Get the gear you like and go fishing. The bass don't care what you are using. A-Jay
    3 points
  9. Are you fishing the same baits, colors, patterns the same way every year? In a body of water that small, may be possible they're becoming conditioned to seeing the same baits in the same baits, in the same places all the time.
    3 points
  10. nice little package from siebert came to the office today also picked up another 3700 plano to hold all the new footballs. i think i should be good for at least a year. have to say mike these new colours are awesome
    3 points
  11. Well after a fun, successful 2017, I’ve chosen my two favourite pics from my season. The last couple of years my son has really gotten into fishing more, now that he’s 8, he can cast a lot better and is more interested in actually catching something, and he’s done fairly well too ( although he’s still just as happy to sit on the back deck and read a book for a few hours as well). With that in mind, here’s my favourite couple, hope everyone else has a great new year and is able to make some memories with their favourite fishing partner! Here’s the other one. Teaching the finer points of frogging ?
    3 points
  12. My oldest was deemed old enough to go out in the boat with just me and him this past year. I bought a lot on a small private lake not far from our house so we'd have an almost personal lake to fish. We spent several mornings there together and made memories I'll never forget and hope he felt the same. Fishing is hard work.
    3 points
  13. I only count NY bass. I have a few over 8 from Florida, back in the 90s. No pic of my PB LMB, 7-2. Here's a 7-1, though: PB SMB, 5-12:
    3 points
  14. I like this thread because I thought about it earlier today so I'll pitch in. My 3 fav of 2017. The first is my day with the aussies. Such an experience. Something I'll remember forever. My 2nd is the day my boy, ole lady and me took off and just laid the wood to them on a drop shot. We had an absolute blast and any time the boys with me is great. The 3rd was our first tourney. Literally had my boat 2 weeks and was fishing because all my friends were and I'm a competitor. Ole ladies first fish on a c-rig. Literally 2nd cast of the day. Was the next to biggest fish weighed in that day and we got a 4th just winging it lol.
    3 points
  15. I had scouted out a section of the Tidal Potomac River for a New Year's Day fishing trip. There was some ice on the water on the 30th and the 31st of December and the water temperature was down to 36 degrees but it was still accessible by kayak. There are crappie and yellow perch in this tributary so my plan was to catch either of the two species for the first fish of 2018 then grind out the rest of the day with a jig trying for the first largemouth bass of the year. So I get to the launch site bright and early on New Year's Day morning only to find Mom Nature had been misbehaving all night and she froze the place over. So I headed a couple of hours down south where a lake has a warm water discharge. I found 46 degree water and a few willing bass. First bass of the year on the left and a few others. It's a start!
    2 points
  16. Awesome ~ You know I can relate. btw - your ability to predict the exact date of soft water is admirable. Especially 3 months out . . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  17. -16 this morning here (without the wind chill). Forecast for the middle of next week is calling for temps up in the mid 30's and RAIN. That should be a wonderful mess . . . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  18. Quantum is a great brand and a pleasure to use, Ive got 10 quantum reels which include 4 energy PT's, 2 first gen smokes PT, 3 second gen smokes and the Iron PT for musky. Not a single one has given me any issues, is that just luck of the draw or because I take care of them and maintain when needed? Its obvious that many anglers here are very passionate about the brands they are loyal to, and that's more then fine, I'm guilty of the same as you can tell. I just find that many bash another brand because they had a bad experience or something went wrong due to lack of maintenance, just kind of a low blow IMO. There are good and bad things with everything. I had a issue with my first daiwa, was a tatula HD and instead of complaining or bashing daiwa for it, I opened it up, fixed the issue and never said a word of it since. Now I own 3 more daiwas since then. I think more people need to give the new products a try from quantum and I feel like they will be really surprised with the performance that is delivered from any product that they choose to use.
    2 points
  19. I'm rooting for Seth Feider's mustache
    2 points
  20. Thanks A-Jay, that’s really what I’ve been wondering. I like the your trip link to.
    2 points
  21. Jon's mom is a breast cancer survivor, as is my great aunt. I've got some pink fishing shirts for the same reason. The fish don't care what we wear Jon's a big boy too, 6' 4"-6' 5" and north of 300 pounds and does the same job I do in a much rougher place (where I started my career), he gets to wear whatever he wants
    2 points
  22. One slightly off year is not a trend. But I agree it is possible you are beginning to pressure the lake.
    2 points
  23. Welcome to the forum. Maybe a guided fishing trip since he doesn't have a boat right now.
    2 points
  24. I noticed that you caught most of your bass on the same baits each year, and in a lake that small, they'd have to be getting accustomed to and wary of the same lures that they have already seen and perhaps caught on. Try mixing it up a little this year.
    2 points
  25. Just dug my queen out of her driveway. Lake effect is very localized. I have nothing, and a few miles west, she had a foot. Booger-icicles are fun.
    2 points
  26. Both Gunners are great loooking dogs.
    2 points
  27. I would suspect it might just be a reflection of certain year classes being stronger than others. Also, since the numbers of fish caught per trip was so high I would wonder if you are now getting competition on the water from other anglers.
    2 points
  28. https://www.boat-ed.com/boating_card.html
    2 points
  29. Give them a call I’m pretty sure they will help you through the steps to get it corrected. They want your business
    2 points
  30. Gunner is a Great Looking Pup ~ We had a Gunner too . . . A-Jay
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. I have a rabbit and a panda now.
    2 points
  33. 2 points
  34. This is Captain (short for Captain America) & his sidekick Dumbo. Born on the 4th of July, Captain believes it is his job to protect any person or beast in his vicinity from any threat. Unfortunately, he loves all persons & beasts, so nothing is ever really a threat. Captain was a rescue, we initially thought he was just some kind of cream colored shepherd. As he continued to grow & grow, we figured out he was an Anatolian Shepherd. That breed originated in Turkey, a mix of Mastiffs and Kangals and were bred to guard sheep by hanging out around the perimeter of the flock and fighting off any bears or wolves that show up. That DNA is definitely in him, his pastime is laying around and keeping a watchful eye on everyone else. Despite his muscular physique, he is not athletic, just bull-in-a-china shop strong as he walks through things. I would like to take him fishing, but he would most likely sink my boat... Dumbo, also a rescue, is some kind of retriever mix. One of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet, he is dumb as a brick. We believe he is either gay or has an interior design background because he constantly takes potted plants, solar lights and other decor and sets them up in his doghouse.
    2 points
  35. I'd personally recommend a Deps 250 drop shot rigged on a 10lb dumbell to smash through the ice
    2 points
  36. Anytime I get to go see my grandsons and take them fishing is a great time. This is Eli and Payton on Clearlake a couple years ago.
    2 points
  37. Here's our Miley. He's a 3 year old, 40 pound shepherd mix. We got him from a shelter just a month shy of 3 years ago. He's a great dog, smart and just a bit opinionated (meaning that he sometimes does what he wants, regardless of what we want). I don't know what I'd do without him any more. In this photo, he has taken possession of the bed in our camping trailer.
    2 points
  38. The low pro reel has way more free spool than the ambassaduer. More brake and more thumb till you get used to it. Ditch the Fluoro for s soft mono like trilene xl. Pull off a long cast worth of line and tape the spool down. Practice lob casts with a heavier weight. Go from there
    2 points
  39. 11-11 Green Bass ~ ^^^^^ a 7-5 Brown Bass ~ ^^^^^^^^ and a 35lb Striped Bass ~ ^^^^^^ (not a PB but real sweet fish) A-Jay
    2 points
  40. Why would anyone spend $60,000 for car, $70,000 for a boat, $25,000 for a motorcycle, $500,000 on a house.....????? Because they can, and they get joy from doing so. Buy within your means and enjoy the fruit of your labor regardless of whatever price point that may be at.
    2 points
  41. Expensive gear is not something you need to be a good angler. One thing I will say from experience however is that once you experience fishing with a high end product, you will not want to go back to gear that does just enough to get the job done.
    2 points
  42. Why on earth would anyone spend $1000 on a Iphone? See what i did there? Different people have different tastes, and everyone values things in a different way. I do not fish for food, i fish cause it gives me pleasure, not only the act of catching the fish itself but all that it´s related to fishing... including the gear! -Does a $100 rod/reel do pretty much the same thing and catches the same fish as a $400 one? Absolutely! -Is it the same amount of fun? Nooooooooooo..... Higher end gear is, above all other things, that... super fun to fish with!
    2 points
  43. A person might ask if he would use those rods if he didn't benefit financially or not sponsored by Okuma. I could see him pimping lightning rods if the pay was right.
    2 points
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