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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2018 in all areas

  1. This is Lucy. She is 10year old Border Collie Mix from the pound. This is Lucy with her new sister Indy. Indy is an English Cream Golden Retriever.
    10 points
  2. My buddy @basshunter0731 and I try to get out every year for his birthday the first few days of the new year. We both had the 2nd off and with the temps going to soar all the way to the low 20's with light winds, we decided to make it happen. To give an idea of how cold it has been, we had planned to go to a different power plant lake, but as we pulled out of my road and I called the gate house, I was informed the lake was FROZEN almost 100 yards out from the ramp and there was no way to launch. A quick about face in the truck (and our hopes of catching much), we headed to the other nearby power plant lake. A good portion of the ramp cove was frozen, but half the ramp was thawed and we were able to dump the boat into the 36 degree water. Of course, since it was -2 outside the boat wouldn't start, so we started trolling towards the main lake in hopes the warmer water would let the motor fire up. The first main lake bank we got to is a rock/clay/sand bank with pretty good depth. I was surprised when just a short distance down the bank I was met to mushy resistance when I lifted my shakyhead rod. A hook set and a few cranks of the ice maker that used to be a spinning reel, and I had my first bass of 2018! Still no dice on starting the motor after we fished that bank to the end, so we made a long, slow troll across to the hot water outlet, where we found no bass, no real desirable fish of any kind, just large black buffalo everywhere. We did both score bookend flatheads on jigging spoons, which Jon brought home for his parents to enjoy for dinner. 3 hours into our day, we were pretty well frozen, as was our gear. We thought about heading home and working on my jonboat, but decided to try one of our most reliable banks. I got bit right away on a shakyhead off the main lake point, but didn't hook the fish. Not far down the bank, another bite and another miss. Next cast to the same spot, another thump, and this time I stuck the fish, and it barely moved. I knew it was a good one, played it carefully and backreeled each time she surged, but it wasn't until she was in the net that I realized how large she was. The scale said 7.43, my 4th largest ever in Kansas. Jon cast back to the same spot and got his first bass of 2018 on a shakyhead. We caught a bunch like this one. Caught fish all down the bank before we ran out of soft water, turned around and right as we got back to the point we started on, Jon bowed up on a hard pulling fish that would not give up. His first big one of the year went 4.90. We thought about making the long troll back to the ramp since the motor still hadn't started, but we'd both missed a few the second pass down the bank, so we really felt like we'd be leaving them biting if we did that. I made a switch to one of my magnum shakyheads with a Rodent, wasn't long before I stuck a good fish that I had to handline out of a snag because my line broke in the reel on the hookset. A few minutes later after I restrung my rod and retied my bait with numb fingers, I made a cast to a rock slide and my line was moving towards deep water. Another immovable fish met my hookset and made the slow trip towards deeper water as I inched her towards the boat. When Jon got the net under her, I thought I might have my second 7 pounder of the year already, but she came up just a bit short at 6.72. We caught several more before we'd had all the cold we could take and trolled about 3/4 of a mile back to the ramp, and actually caught 2 or 3 more in the process. I dropped Jon on the dock to go get the truck and I decided to try the motor one more time, of course it fired up Going to be a tough trip to beat, but I look forward to trying
    9 points
  3. Here's our Miley. He's a 3 year old, 40 pound shepherd mix. We got him from a shelter just a month shy of 3 years ago. He's a great dog, smart and just a bit opinionated (meaning that he sometimes does what he wants, regardless of what we want). I don't know what I'd do without him any more. In this photo, he has taken possession of the bed in our camping trailer.
    8 points
  4. Hayley the dog and Beans the cat. Rescued Hayley when she was about 4..she’s 10 ish now and we’ve had Beans since she was a kitten. She’s pushing 14-15.
    7 points
  5. One in the profile pic and here's another. She's one of them "mean unpredictable pit bulls" Not!
    7 points
  6. Here are some of my African trophies: Cheetah: Leopard guarding a 2 day old kill: Lioness and cub: Giraffe herd (there are 4 in the pano, but we counted 14 altogether): The endangered African Wild Dog: Helicopter tour over Victoria Falls on the Zambezi River (it was the end of the dry season and this is considered about 1/3 of the volume it would have a month later):
    6 points
  7. Just picked up a 12 week old abominable snowman... Just got him from the breeder last week. He a Pekingese, our 3rd now in the last 27 years. Our first two lived to be 18+ and 16+. Last one had to be put down about 20 months ago and it finally felt right to begin thinking about another. He's actually just 4.5 pounds right now. This next pic will be a bit better perspective.
    6 points
  8. Well I tried looking through the forums, as i swear I saw a thread about showing off your animals. Needless to say I could not find it. I wanted to post a picture of my boy, Silver. He is a 135 lbs Cane Corso Mastiff, and he was not thrilled about this picture. Feel encouraged to show off your pets.
    5 points
  9. This is Captain (short for Captain America) & his sidekick Dumbo. Born on the 4th of July, Captain believes it is his job to protect any person or beast in his vicinity from any threat. Unfortunately, he loves all persons & beasts, so nothing is ever really a threat. Captain was a rescue, we initially thought he was just some kind of cream colored shepherd. As he continued to grow & grow, we figured out he was an Anatolian Shepherd. That breed originated in Turkey, a mix of Mastiffs and Kangals and were bred to guard sheep by hanging out around the perimeter of the flock and fighting off any bears or wolves that show up. That DNA is definitely in him, his pastime is laying around and keeping a watchful eye on everyone else. Despite his muscular physique, he is not athletic, just bull-in-a-china shop strong as he walks through things. I would like to take him fishing, but he would most likely sink my boat... Dumbo, also a rescue, is some kind of retriever mix. One of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet, he is dumb as a brick. We believe he is either gay or has an interior design background because he constantly takes potted plants, solar lights and other decor and sets them up in his doghouse.
    5 points
  10. Buddy caught me right outta the tent for a few casts before breakfast. Love camping at this spot on the Upper Potomac. And a runner up. Picture doesn’t do it justice.
    5 points
  11. 5 points
  12. That’s not being an idiot. That’s being a hands on trouble shooter who examined, diagnosed, and solved the problem. If you ask me that’s being smart. Hats off to you!
    5 points
  13. Get a fire going at work around 5:30 and I get another going at home around 5:30.
    5 points
  14. Here is our rottie "puppy" biscuit....he was born on July 4th and turns four this year. The beware of the dog sign was already in place when we moved into our house this past April and i saw him on the fence and thought it was kind of funny...
    5 points
  15. This is Angus. Angus takes care of my wife and son when I'm gone all night or working for 48-72hrs straight. He is extremely protective. He has been my son's best friend since my son was 3 yrs old. Best family dog ever. He's a great dog and I owe him a lot. I hope he's around forever but that gray beard grows more every day.
    5 points
  16. Anytime I get to go see my grandsons and take them fishing is a great time. This is Eli and Payton on Clearlake a couple years ago.
    4 points
  17. i jig alot through the ice. i caught this fish while jiggin for panfish. small jig with a gulp 1 inch minnow. ive jigged for smallies as well. blades baits, small rattle traps, drop shot im sure would work. ive caught them on spoons. but hair jigs, maribou jigs and small plastics on light jig heads will be the best bet.
    4 points
  18. My oldest was deemed old enough to go out in the boat with just me and him this past year. I bought a lot on a small private lake not far from our house so we'd have an almost personal lake to fish. We spent several mornings there together and made memories I'll never forget and hope he felt the same. Fishing is hard work.
    4 points
  19. Fishing off the coast of Brookings, Oregon with a whale surfacing in the background.
    4 points
  20. I could care less what equipment a "pro" uses. They're salesmen. That's not a knock by any means just a fact. In some cases they don't even use the stuff they promote. "Pro sports " are advertising vehicles. Keeping that in mind lends perspective to the content. I give more weight to the feedback of members here than I would to anything from coverage of any tournament.
    4 points
  21. Kodi tipped it at 145 (pic below) but thankfully had a gentle & playful disposition. His Dad however ( who we didn't own but fostered for a while - sorry no pic) was a freak at 190 and a REAL PIA ! A-Jay Over the years we've owned, fostered, placed, trained & cared for A Lot of dogs. My Boy Diesel was By Far - my favorite. We just understood each other. I miss him everyday. A-Jay I'm gonna stop now - between the pics and I haven't even started with the video's - It'll get way past stupid - and you know I'm good like that. A-Jay
    4 points
  22. I just wanted to post a normal picture of Silver This is him filling out my wife's shirt BTW I love to see all the dogs that people have rescued. We rescued Silver from a shelter. He had been living there for over 2 years and no one would adopt him. We have had him for 2 1/2 years and we fall more in love with him every day.
    4 points
  23. Our 13 year old IG, doing his favorite thing
    4 points
  24. Fenway & Tucker took me for a walk the other day ~ Afterwords, Tucker told me I did good . . A-Jay
    4 points
  25. Wethinks beagle/basset on the left (male named bo). Half Pyrenees on the right (female named Cori)
    4 points
  26. We have a winner for our $250 Bass Pro Shops giveway! Congratulations to Fred Abrolat from Missouri! Our next drawing is April 2nd. To enter, simply subscribe to our newsletter. That's it! Winners are randomly drawn from the list of newsletter subscribers. Good luck!
    3 points
  27. 3 points
  28. I am dogless right now but here are my two last dogs. Madison,Golden Retreiver was 12 when she died and the part boxer Cholie was 5 when she died. Miss them both.
    3 points
  29. That is a LMB in his underwear. If you had caught him when he was fully dressed, he would have had darker black lines along his side and a tophat on.
    3 points
  30. Well after a fun, successful 2017, I’ve chosen my two favourite pics from my season. The last couple of years my son has really gotten into fishing more, now that he’s 8, he can cast a lot better and is more interested in actually catching something, and he’s done fairly well too ( although he’s still just as happy to sit on the back deck and read a book for a few hours as well). With that in mind, here’s my favourite couple, hope everyone else has a great new year and is able to make some memories with their favourite fishing partner! Here’s the other one. Teaching the finer points of frogging ?
    3 points
  31. It's no longer called global warming, they call it "climate change" that way they're always right no matter the weather. ?
    3 points
  32. https://www.amazon.com/Char-Broil-TRU-Infrared-Smoker-Roaster-Grill/dp/B00365FIAS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1515076713&sr=8-2&keywords=char+broil+big+easy Local news says this is the longest sub zero cold snap in Chicago in the last 50 years. Come on global warming!!!
    3 points
  33. That's because they're custom built per order, you have to specify which handed you are because they custom shave the wood down to fit the hand you'll be holding the rod with while reeling. Pain in the ass for people who cast with one then switch. Great for guys like me. You're dating the wrong women my friend.
    3 points
  34. most recent is me and my grandson in the little jonny
    3 points
  35. I was finally able to get the other image sized to a point I could upload it. Man it’s thought to figure out exactly what to do to get it sized right.
    3 points
  36. I only count NY bass. I have a few over 8 from Florida, back in the 90s. No pic of my PB LMB, 7-2. Here's a 7-1, though: PB SMB, 5-12:
    3 points
  37. Disgusting isn't it. Don't let the pictures fool you. The dog is pure evil.
    3 points
  38. My 8 year old rescue girl. Hard to believe its already been 7 years since I brought her home. Best choice I have ever made.
    3 points
  39. LOL- Tuckers definitely not the biggest Malamute we've had but easily one on the most affectionate - Been every bit a Big Puppy ~ his whole life - and that's sort of a breed standard for these guys A-Jay
    3 points
  40. My Great Pyrenees Hank. The unemployed guard dog. LOL
    3 points
  41. I dont have any old pics on my phone so these 3 are all from the last year or two. The first is my G- daughter , The second is the 5th biggest bass Ive ever caught. The third was almost my pb. ( 2nd biggest )
    3 points
  42. Same river different seasons .
    3 points
  43. I'm an idiot......I figured it out. There is a nut underneath the line guide which was loose!.......Glad I don't have to return it! Love the reel.
    2 points
  44. Depending on where you live there might be an authorized Shimano repair shop. For instance Tackle Trap in AL is an authorized Daiwa repair shop and I believe Shimano too but I’m not 100% sure. You shouldn’t have to spend money on a brand new reel though in my opinion. Find a way to exchange it if at all possible. Shimano customer service is pretty good and they should take care of the problem free of charge. Either by exchange or repair. You will probably have to pay for shipping it to them though. Most places don’t cover that part. Shimano US 877-577-0600
    2 points
  45. That's a Charlie's Plate. Charlie is my grandfather. I think plates are gross, too. LOL. I'd rather a cheeseburger off the char broiler, on a hard roll, fries well done.
    2 points
  46. That is a great baitcaster I have 3 myself. Don't let the $200-500 casters make you feel bad about yours. These are excellent and will serve you well for years.
    2 points
  47. ^^^This. Casting light weights has more to do with the rod than the reel. What might be happening is you are trying to cast the small lures too hard because of the rod and that is causing the backlash. Of course, this is just a guess. For light lures (1/4 ounce or less) I use a spinning rod that way I don't have to buy a special baitcasting rod just for light lures.
    2 points
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