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  1. As an industry insider, everything I've heard the last 10 years is that fishing participation - as a whole - is declining. If you take away the influence of the economic rise over the past several years, bass fishing is declining is as well. Now, everyone has their theories and reasons, so I don't claim to have "the answer". However I do feel an important factor is that less and less kids are getting introduced to fishing. As for YouTube...meh. There's very few quality YouTube fishing channels out there. But there's lot's of GoPro wannabees with delusions of stardom and $$ in their eyes. And there's a lot of misinformation getting passed around by copycat YouTubers. To be sure, there are indeed several fishing channels that impress me. As a personal critic of my own videos, I don't feel I have met the bar I have set. And I certainly don't feel I'm good in front of the camera. LOL! But at least I have original content, and I don't have the shaky-cam-with-poor-audio videos like so many I've seen.
    8 points
  2. Hey guys. I'm the the guy that started this thread 10 years ago. I haven't been on this site for quite a few years but this thread was always in the back of my mind and I thought it would be nice to finish this story. It's a good ending to a very bad situation. I still feel badly that I even posted this at all. Dumping my problems on others is not typically my M.O. but without the help and generosity of the guys on this thread, I honestly don't know if I would even be here today. With that said, there is a happy ending. I stuck it out in Oregon until 2011. I stayed until my daughter graduated high school. I raised her as best I could and she turned out to be an awesome daughter and an incredible person. There were many, MANY times that i didnt know how i was going to keep the lights on. She is in college and will get her degree in business administration this year. She also attended a bible college in California and they liked her so well that they gave her a job and is now an employee at the retreat at Murietta Hot Springs for the Calvary Chapel. She met a great guy there and just got married there on December 10th. What a fantastic person she turned out to be and I couldn't be more proud although it saddens me just a little bit that there is now a man in her life that is more important than old dad but it's all good. I'm so proud of her. Anyway, I kept that old Bayliner bass boat until 3 years ago and it served me well. I had to get out of Oregon or I would have just sucked on an exhaust pipe and got it over with. I moved to Arizona in 2011 and that old Bayliner came with me. I needed some warm weather and sunny skies or I would have gone crazy so I am now in east Mesa (about 30 minutes east of Pheonix) and things have gone extremely well for me. I live near two incredible lakes. I'm less than 20 minutes from some great fishing. Saguaro Lake is 18 minutes from my driveway and Canyon Lake is less than 30. I'm working again. At least they can no longer keep me from working any longer. I've worked hard and payed off all my debt and now I was even able to upgrade to little bit nicer boat. I sold the old Bayliner for more than I had into it and I ended up getting a 1995 Spectrum 17 foot aluminum walleye boat that I love. It suits me well. It's not a Ranger but it was affordable and it does the job I need it to do. Mom is still around. She just turned 90 in November. She ended up moving to Arizona as well and had her own place in a 55+ retirement community until 2 years ago when I finally moved her in with me. She is still in good shape and can almost take care of herself with just a little help from me now and then. Anyway, I suppose I've said too much already but I did want to say thanks to all those that participated in this thread. You guys played a big role in keeping me sane in a horrible situation. There are a few guys that went above and beyond with their support and generosity. I don't know how they did it but they sent stuff directly to me to get me back on the water. A big shout out to Fishsticks. He sent a trolling motor that he was using as a back up. That was a great trolly. That is still on the Bayliner and I never had an issue with it. I talked to him quite a lot and he was a great guy. He just had a baby daughter. She should be about 11 years old now. I hope he is doing well. Also, I received a bag with all kinds of lures, a REALLY nice bait caster and whoever sent that even threw in a 100 dollar bill for my daughter. I still have and use that stuff. I'm guessing a guy named fishfordollars sent that stuff but being the great guy he is, he would never confirm that although he didn't deny it either. I see that he hasn't posted anything since 2011. Does anyone know what happened to him? I was blown away by the generosity of the folks on here and I'll never forget it and that's why I'm posting this now. If it wasn't for the people on this site, I don't know where I'd be in life at this point and can't say thank you enough for the help and kindness that both my daughter and I were shown by total strangers right here on bassresource. I did finally start catching some bass and my daughter and I have many fond memories on the old Bayliner and now on the Spectrum. I love my life now and I have you guys to thank for that. Getting through those few years in Oregon, I don't think was possible for me without your help and support. You guys can never know how important your support was to this guy and my daughter and I'll always be forever grateful.
    6 points
  3. Caught on a crappie minnow at Kentucky Lake during flood stage. Taxidermist weighed it just under 7lbs
    6 points
  4. PB smallie at 7lb-6oz & PB largemouth at 11lb-2oz.
    6 points
  5. YouTube? Most is regurgitation I've learned & have been taught more by members here than YouTube! What's in store for 2018? I know who holds the future & he doesn't have a YouTube channel
    6 points
  6. I know there is already a catch pic thread and probably numerous other ways to brag about the best bass you have caught, but I thought it would be cool to have it all in one place. Feel free to post about how you caught it, or just post a picture. I caught my personal best, 4 lbs 9 oz Spot, using a tri-colored grub on a 1/4 oz ball head. I threw it down a rock wall and bam, PB.
    5 points
  7. It's not about the "catching", it's all about the "fishing". For many better gear is just more fun!
    4 points
  8. That's a low blow mister LOL
    4 points
  9. Solid 5 lber here in central FL! ? And a measly 11 lber too. Flippin a punch rig into grass mats.
    4 points
  10. Glenn, The difference between your videos, along with a few choice others, is they provide information rather than hype. Hype is meaningless in the grand scheme of things. It does nothing more than bring attention to something that isn't all that interesting. For me, the how and the why is more important. unfortunately educational content takes a back seat to "flash" when it comes to Youtube. It's extremely rare for me to watch fishing on youtube. One thing I noticed first hand with the filming of these videos is something similar to the prepubescent craze for the likes of Justin Bieber. The video below was filmed this past spring at a tournament I competed in. In fact, they docked next to me at the weigh in. My Lund can be seen in all her glory right after the 7 minute mark. LOL Back to my point. My son told me this young man has a huge following on youtube and quit college to pursue his youtube career. The guy he is fishing with is Steve Mui a local pro who has competed in both FLW and BASS and the boat they are in was won at our Anglers Choice tournament of champions back in 2012 (I came in 112th out of 196 ) Anyway, when they pulled in at the dock, there was nothing but 7 to 14 year old boys following Alex around like lost puppies. They weren't even aware that Steve Mui, the "professional fisherman", was there. There is no educational content in the video. Just a couple guys catching fish. Somehow this kid is making a living off it. More power to him, but what happens when he gets a little older and the 10 year old boy don't want to watch some old guy on youtube?
    4 points
  11. I just looked in the mirror and came to the conclusion i'm uglier than I was a year ago.
    3 points
  12. I am fortunate to reside near 20 lakes over 3,000 acres and dozens smaller within an hours drive. This year I fished as many as I could. That was a challenge in itself. These lakes have some dynamite bass fishing. Some days I get a few, some days I don't; great memories either way. This was my first full year fishing out of the Lund 1875 Pro V Bass Boat and it was all I could have hoped for. I am indeed a Lucky Man. Ice out can not come soon enough. A-Jay https://www.facebook.com/life.at.the.45th.parallel/media_set?set=a.1587883044624886.1073741843.100002096185350&type=3
    3 points
  13. Trip to the Rose Bowl fell through at the last minute, so I decided to take my dad out for a quick trip before the big game. Pretty awesome morning... Lots of chubby 2-3 pound spots and a beautiful 5 pound hookjawed rainbow...
    3 points
  14. Hair Jigs and Ned rigs kept me busy on the Quabbin from April through June.
    3 points
  15. 3 points
  16. I don't own a rod under 300 dollars retail and I probably never will. I also don't own a reel under 200 dollars retail. I buy it because I can afford that budget range for fishing rods/reels. I would fish with ugly sticks if it's all I could afford. Is there a drastic difference in quality? Absolutely, there isn't a 50 dollar rod in the world that can compare to an NRX, ZBone, Legend Elite rods. It's not even the same ball park when it comes to overall weight, balancing and sensitivity. Does that matter at the end of the day? No, not really. Having fun with that you can afford to have fun with is what's important. Fishing by nature isn't a rich mans sport, you can use an old cane pole and a can of worms you got after a rain and do just fine. Or you can spend thousands of dollars a year on lures, terminal tackle. And thousands more on equipment.
    3 points
  17. If I was to define the content of your videos, I would call them a fishing log or video diary. Short and to the point. Unfortunately you're not pretty enough to have a youtube following.
    3 points
  18. Yup, I too looked in the mirror and realized you ARE uglier than a year ago!
    3 points
  19. ^^^this^^^ with my skin started using this light weight hat over 20 years and it still in good shape. Tom
    3 points
  20. Well, when that happens I simply go into the garage and start . . . . . . no wait, I live in FL . . . ??, sorry not sorry.
    3 points
  21. Interesting topic ~ I'm a believer of supply & demand. As long as there are bass to catch, some portion of the population will be out there trying to catch them. It's been that way for a long time and I can't see any reason why it would not continue. Youtube influence may or may not be a good thing. Whether or not there is $$ to be made or not, will seem very important to those who depend on it. One of the aspects of the sport that may be part of the appeal to so many, is that one can invest as little or a much time, $$$ and effort and still often experience many of the great benefits bass fishing offers; with or without social media. As a hack GoProer (I made that up) myself, I really enjoy filming and sharing my fishing. As far as production quality goes, I'm well aware that most of my stuff is usually pretty sketchy. But I could care less. I do it because I think it's fun; Just like the fishing. If it wasn't, I wouldn't do it. I'll readily admit that through all of this, and perhaps because of this, I've developed a perspective that when a trip or fish catch is reported, I do anticipate a video or at least a picture to accompany it. Finally, I firmly believe that the percentage of useful content on the Bass Resource site totally exceeds most anything found on youtube. A-Jay
    3 points
  22. The AR is likely just dirty and should still be replaceable. I'll have to see the handle to see what's up there.
    3 points
  23. When the weather is cold enough that you don't want to be out in it, how do you get your fishing fix? I feel like I keep going to online fishing gear shopping and I have to stop, lol.
    2 points
  24. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year! May the bass bite more and be bigger than last year! May God Bless you all and keep each and everyone of you safe! Here's to a great and Happy New Year! ?????
    2 points
  25. As the title says: HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!! From that dude from a place far, far, far to the SOUTH ! No formal dinner here, we got lotz of meat and some brews to make a nice barbeque.
    2 points
  26. All of us at Siebert Outdoors wish you a Happy New Year and may it be the year of your new pb bass! Stay safe out there.
    2 points
  27. I don't know total numbers for 2017, but I do remember my best bass fishing trip of my life happened in 2017..... I broke my PB 5 times in four days... The five that broke my previous PB that trip were: 12lb 8oz, 9lb 4oz, 9lb 4oz, 8lb and 8lb. I had a 34lb 8oz bag one day, then a 35lb bag the next day and then the final day I caught just one single fish the whole day, but it was a 12lb 8oz gorilla!!! I'm smiling ear to ear just typing this and remembering that trip!
    2 points
  28. I bought my son a PS4 for Christmas (so he can play MLB The Show) and decided to check out the FREE games on the PS4 and came across Fishing Planet. I gave it a try on the PS4 but have since downloaded it to my PC. The weather here in the south has been cold and wet and I just don't feel like fishing in this type of weather, especially when the bite is so slow around here. So for the past week I've been playing some Fishing Planet. Here's what I've learned so far: The Good The game is free. You can purchase in game currency to buy gear, fishing licenses, and travel to different lakes as you unlock them. But the way the game is structured you can't just go out and buy all of the gear. New gear and new lakes are unlocked as you gain experience points and increase your player level. So no matter how much real money you spend you can't just jump out their and buy a MH rod and a spinnerbait and go fishing. When fishing with lures you have the option of different presentations and speeds. For example, with jigs you can do things like swim, lift and drop, stop and go, and drag. I recently increased my player level where I could buy a top water lure that I can walk, straight retrieve, or pop. Depending upon how the fish are biting, sometimes a slow, straight retrieve works, sometimes a faster one gets the bite, and sometimes you just have to rip it. Sometimes the bite happens when you walk the lure at a specific speed. Like real fishing, you need to figure out what the fish want. Like real fishing, sometimes the fish tries to hit the topwater bait and misses. You see the splash and a slight bump on the bait but the fish doesn't grab it enough to set the hook. Weather and temperature are part of the equation as well. If you don't like fishing the slow periods you can fast forward to a more productive period. I'm only on player level 16 which means my spinning and baitcasting rods are ultrlight or light. 6lb mono is the max test line available to me right now as well. That can make it challenging - and fun - if you happen to hook into a bigger fish. The other day I was bobber fishing for largemouth bass with small minnows and something (bass or bowfin) hit the line hard. There are meters that range from green to yellow to orange to red for your line, rod, and reel. As soon as the fish hit my rod meter went to red. I set the hook and about two seconds later I got the message that my rod snapped. I'm still wondering what was down there. Fishing on light gear can take a while to reel a fish in. It took me about 6 minutes to reel in a 4 pound smallmouth. But once the hook was set I have never had a fish come off. Like real fishing, you can get hung up and lose lures, but this happens at the lakes you unlock a bit later in the game. I got hung up once and kept trying to yank it free and ended up damaging my reel. As for fish species, everything in fresh water is covered at the various lakes and rivers in the game. Bass, gar, salmon, trout, pike, musky, and the list goes on and on. I can't wait to level up and try different locations. The Bad In order to collect in game currency and increase your player level you need to grind. And grind. The first thing you should do when you get 7 baitcoin is to buy the lifetime, advanced license for your home Texas lake. Because it's your home lake there are no travel fees associated with it. You'll spend a lot of time grinding for currency on spotted bass here. Spotted bass give you your best bang for the buck since they are plentiful here and pay off fairly well at the end of the day. Casting spoons consistently land fish here. To get in game currency you need to collect on your fish at the end of the day (5 a.m. in game or when you exit the lake) and for that you need a fish keeper or stringer. Keep upgrading these to maximize your daily returns. The game is fun when you find a honey hole, and when the fish are biting you won't have to wait long for them to bite, even when bobber fishing. In the beginning you can level up pretty quick and purchase new gear. But as you level up it takes longer to get to the next level. To go after the bigger fish you need heavier gear, and you can't even purchase those items until you get to levels 26-28. Grinding for currency can be, well, a grind. Traveling to a lot of the lakes and paying the travel fees and license fees gets expensive. You need a big fish keeper and a 3 day trip to get a return on your investment. It's not cross platform compatible. So if you play on both the PC and PS4 your gear and attributes don't cross both platforms even if you register with the same username and email address. Each is their own game. Conclusion The game is a fun distraction and can be addictive. It's not real fishing but does OK for a simulator. It's much better than the Rapala game we have on our tablet. It's not a replacement for real fishing, but it's a good way to kill some time when you miss fishing and can't get out to the lake.
    2 points
  29. I can only speculate as to why others would buy a high end rod because I am not a mind reader. I bought my first high end rod at a lower price on Ebay, out of curiosity. Like a few have stated, once I bought that rod I realized the incremental improvement in sensitivity for jigs and soft plastics was definitely worth it to me. I own a few and I can afford them. I highly suspect they have allowed me to catch a few bass that I would have never had any awareness had bitten. And I think because I can feel the bottom better, I hang up less. Like a lot of anglers I did not buy them before because I couldn't imagine the small improvement over a mid-range rod would make a difference. I was wrong.
    2 points
  30. youtube ? just go fishing - when I was guiding the people that had the most fun were those that just fished the moment and didn't worry or go on about pros or lures or techniques - if it has a hook in it it can catch a fish. Don't let the technical stuff get in the way of the pure joy of catching a fish on your own. Not criticizing you tube or go pro cameras if that makes you happy - but there is a simple joy in bass fishing that I fear some miss out on due to the confusing mass of info out there.
    2 points
  31. Run & Sled with my dogs as well as continue working to stay lean. One feeds the other. A-Jay
    2 points
  32. I'm good with that - Thanks. And I'm also OK with little to no following. As I prefer leading. A-Jay
    2 points
  33. Howdy and welcome aboard! Lew's American Hero is definitely a good rod and reel. The only baitcaster I own is a 6'10" MHF Lew's American Hero with a 7.1:1 gear ratio. I absolutely love it and will eventually get at least one more. In my opinion it's the best rod and reel combo for the price. ?
    2 points
  34. Well here in Southeast GA we don't get the snow and ice that some of y'all do, but it does get cold enough that we don't particularly like going out in it if we don't absolutely have to. Rare days admittedly, but when they come along I either head out to my shop and clean reels, check my tackle, or reload ammo, or I watch Bill Dance while surfing fishing or tackle making websites.
    2 points
  35. 2 points
  36. I spend most of my time surfing the internet for info on places I might go or places I would like to go to. Also its a good time to watch and rewatch videos about techniques or lures I could use during the open water season. But mostly I just pace back and forth between the front door and the end of the living room, waiting for the time when all the horrible snow and cold disappear and finally I'm released into the wild where I belong.
    2 points
  37. This is 40lb Sufix 832 that I fished all summer and fall in our terrible, stained, silt-laden Illinois waters. Although the pic is blurry you can see that it hasn't changed colors or held onto any of the dirt/silt at all. I suspect I'll get numerous seasons out of it.
    2 points
  38. Happens to me every single time! ?
    2 points
  39. 7lb 2oz. Southern Indiana.
    2 points
  40. The real truth is you can not change someone's mind if they are ignorant and don't have the means. Maybe they want to be happy with there cheap gear. We waste our time trying to convince someone who does not want to be converted. I see this thread every winter. If you don't want to spend the money dont. We're not communist yet.
    2 points
  41. It's been an interesting season on the ice so far for me. I've been out 3 times in the last few weeks and it appears to be getting better each time. Mostly just dink perch and throwback walleye, but the bigger fish are starting to move in. First trip out I only managed 5 perch. Two days ago I got 5 perch again, with four being 9+ inches and one keeper walleye. A buddy invited me to hit the bay again yesterday so I gave it another shot. Managed 5 perch with one being my new PB at 11 inches and then 3 keeper walleyes. Most of the fish I've been getting have just been on the minnow and bobber, but I've been pumped to get a couple walleyes on jigging lures. This guy hit a moonshine jigging spoon tipped with a minnow head. Fishing about 6 feet of murky water on 9-10 inches of ice. Buddy also fought a 36+ inch pike for 10 minutes yesterday before popping off at the hole. Looks to be a great 2018. Fish On.
    2 points
  42. So I'm not much of a social media guy, but I do love Instagram. I ran across an account awhile back dedicated (allegedly) to bass fishing. After following it for several weeks I discovered that it is a couple of teenagers that like to fish. Every once in awhile they post pics of themselves holding lunkers...but it's ALWAYS the SAME pics! All of the other posts are of gear or memes and the majority of the posts are "answer this with a yes or no" or they'll post a pic of a popper and say "post the word POP and double tap!". The account has very little to do with actually FISHING, but it has 250,000 followers. Everyone is watching videos and participating in social media but fewer people are actually FISHING. Just check out Glenn's videos and compare them to the other YouTube videos! Almost all the other accounts are just for watching the highlight reel of someone else fishing. Few people are engaging the viewer and passing on knowledge like Glenn does. I'm afraid we are turning into a society of WATCHERS. I come from a long line of DO-ERS and I just don't fit in anymore. The only hope I have is what I see in my teenage son. He is a huge watcher...but he's a do-er also.
    2 points
  43. It takes a lot of focus to run BassResource, but it’s the loyal visitors that feeds us. When I look through the posts in the forums, it really strikes me how much this site means – and how much the people who visit the site feed my soul. There are no words for it… beyond, just, ‘wow’. So much has happened over the last 21 years. But the one thing that remained consistent, that’s been there no matter what, are the loyal fans of the site. They’ve always been why we do what we do. But when you look beyond fishing and see the interactions of the forum members across the country, they’re really the heartbeat to everything we do. I always say no matter how hard we work at creating a great experience for our fans, they have so much energy and so much heart, they come back at us even harder. But when you can sit and really see them learning, sharing, and connecting in-person, it’s shocking. They are so giving and put out so much awesomeness, it stops me in my tracks – and reminds me why I feel most alive giving so much back to them. This is why we do this. This right here. When you have fans like we have, you wanna do even better than you think possible … and with the awesome members we have right here, it really does inspire us to reach for new heights and possibilities. A huge thanks to each and every one of you who have supported and encouraged us along the way! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
    2 points
  44. Here's what I use for fishing and for golf: Tilley Hats They aren't cheap, but but they were originally designed for sailing. They are just about indestructible. Machine washable, UV protected, comfortable, and with both a chin and back of neck strap when needed to keep them on in the wind - even at full speed on the boat they won't blow off. I have one of the standard ones and a light weight one. The lighter one is great for traveling as it can be easily packed in a suitcase or stuffed into a backpack carry on. It was my hat for the African safari trip we did 3 years ago.
    2 points
  45. Totally agree and we'll said! I wish all a Happy and Safe 2018. Mike
    2 points
  46. I made several back in the day when I had lots of free time, but then life kinda got in the way and I pretty much quit for the last 15-20 years. However, I am trying to get back into it. Picked up a little lathe a few months ago and I just ordered some airbrush paint, sealers and clearcoat, as well as a good selection of hardware. With any luck I'll be able to start turning out some lures in the very near future. These are a few I made back then. Hopefully my future lures look a little more polished!
    2 points
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