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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/31/2017 in all areas

  1. Why would anyone spend $60,000 for car, $70,000 for a boat, $25,000 for a motorcycle, $500,000 on a house.....????? Because they can, and they get joy from doing so. Buy within your means and enjoy the fruit of your labor regardless of whatever price point that may be at.
    12 points
  2. Expensive gear is not something you need to be a good angler. One thing I will say from experience however is that once you experience fishing with a high end product, you will not want to go back to gear that does just enough to get the job done.
    9 points
  3. I would like to end this year by saying......I LOVE THIS SITE and THANK YOU for everything. I won't go into any mushy stuff but sure love the non garbage on this site and all the helpful info. Good people too....Tight Lines this upcoming year to you all and may GOD bless. This just goes great with a cup of coffee in the morning.
    7 points
  4. Because it would be silly to throw $50 Japanese baits on an $80 dollar rod? Which leads us to another question....
    7 points
  5. Actually it does. The higher end rods have better components. More R&D goes into the design. St Croix designs their own tapers and blanks. They just don't pick a blank that a manufacturer has and build a rod on it like most imports. The mandrels the blanks are rolled on aren't cheap. Higher quality resins, better cloth. USA made vs import. You said those rods are around $120. That would buy the set of guides on one of my spinning rods.
    6 points
  6. Why on earth would somebody spend 50K in a bass boat ? I do perfectly fine with my 12 ft aluminum tub powered by that massive 6.5 HP Johnson outboard, hell, I bet I have caught more 10+ lbers than most of the fellas in this board from it than they in their fancy bass boats.
    6 points
  7. Why on earth would anyone spend $1000 on a Iphone? See what i did there? Different people have different tastes, and everyone values things in a different way. I do not fish for food, i fish cause it gives me pleasure, not only the act of catching the fish itself but all that it´s related to fishing... including the gear! -Does a $100 rod/reel do pretty much the same thing and catches the same fish as a $400 one? Absolutely! -Is it the same amount of fun? Nooooooooooo..... Higher end gear is, above all other things, that... super fun to fish with!
    6 points
  8. A person might ask if he would use those rods if he didn't benefit financially or not sponsored by Okuma. I could see him pimping lightning rods if the pay was right.
    5 points
  9. YouTube? Most is regurgitation I've learned & have been taught more by members here than YouTube! What's in store for 2018? I know who holds the future & he doesn't have a YouTube channel
    4 points
  10. Mmmmm water temp 45 Bobby garland 1/16 oz head
    4 points
  11. Sunday Afternoon Adventure Hat, same one Rick Clunn and Randy Howell are always wearing, though after looking it up, may not be "Boonie" style. They make lots of other styles too, so sure they probably got you covered. Great hat for the money. Have had mine for half a dozen years or more, and hard to beat the price. Large enough to cover all the important parts, and plenty comfortable.
    4 points
  12. I have 3-4 friends who are ridiculously wealthy. One is an avid angler that owns a Bass Cass Jaguar with a 400 Merc hanging off the back. He would not buy a $200 simply because it's $200, his has dozen Shimano G. Loomis Conquest MBR Casting Rod. Extreme? Not for his budget, he fishes offshore in a Hatteras GT70 Convertible. You think our rods are high! As for me it's about personal preference! For years I was G. Loomis fan until I tried a Shimano Crucial
    4 points
  13. Probably because they can Me? Not a chance -- unless I won a lottery
    4 points
  14. i vow to fish 365 days of the year. My wife vows to not kill me.
    4 points
  15. Was planning to go again today after finishing a 5 hour project. So I had everything ready to go around 2:30 And my wife says " Can you pick up some pizza for supper at 4 ? " I tried to cover my aggravation with her request. I'm thinking, I already did all this work and now this ? Anyway , I got it a little early and got on the water by 4.Cold for here, cloudy,and slick calm. Decided to start fishing east side of the island. Got this fish on a watermelon seed ol' monster off a brush pile, and another on a 4 inch Senko. Caught a 10 inch fish on the 10 inch ol monster , then a short time later had a big un follow and engulf it. Must have not had it all the way in his mouth , because I swung and missed. Then, the bite pretty much died for the last half hour.
    4 points
  16. I was killing time in a a local used tackle shop in town and saw these. The plug, I can't fully identify but the Worths bait I distinctly remember from 1980 to 1982-ish. I remember Stan Fagerstrom featuring it in a sports column.
    3 points
  17. Don't you hate it when you put in your online order for tackle and remember the next day or later that day something else you wanted to buy? Now you are paying the shipping fees again or you have to put it in your wish list and wait for the list to build up a little again before you get what you wanted. Speaking of... Can anyone tell me which is the most universal treble hook safety cap size? Not sure if I should get small or medium, but, I suspect medium. http://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Owner_Treble_Hook_Safety_Caps/descpage-OHC.html
    3 points
  18. There are people on this forum buying their "first" baitcasting combo paying more than I ever had .
    3 points
  19. It takes a lot of focus to run BassResource, but it’s the loyal visitors that feeds us. When I look through the posts in the forums, it really strikes me how much this site means – and how much the people who visit the site feed my soul. There are no words for it… beyond, just, ‘wow’. So much has happened over the last 21 years. But the one thing that remained consistent, that’s been there no matter what, are the loyal fans of the site. They’ve always been why we do what we do. But when you look beyond fishing and see the interactions of the forum members across the country, they’re really the heartbeat to everything we do. I always say no matter how hard we work at creating a great experience for our fans, they have so much energy and so much heart, they come back at us even harder. But when you can sit and really see them learning, sharing, and connecting in-person, it’s shocking. They are so giving and put out so much awesomeness, it stops me in my tracks – and reminds me why I feel most alive giving so much back to them. This is why we do this. This right here. When you have fans like we have, you wanna do even better than you think possible … and with the awesome members we have right here, it really does inspire us to reach for new heights and possibilities. A huge thanks to each and every one of you who have supported and encouraged us along the way! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
    3 points
  20. Spots were loving good ol' Ned yesterday...
    3 points
  21. I have the Cruiser model and love it. Mike
    3 points
  22. I have one custom made rod over $400, I use it for blade baits. It's made by guy who does it part time and has big following with 4 plus month wait. With a custom you get exactly what you want - everything from size, handle type & length, to color to action and everything in-between. For example, mine was built on 7'6" Point Blank blank cut down to 7'3", it's made for exactly what I wanted it to do. I have mostly Dobyns, Megabass and another semi-custom rod but neither is in class like this. Its ability to throw bombs and insane sensitivity is unparalleled. Now with that said did it make me a better fisherman, don't know, but it really increased confidence and I now use and have much more success with bladed baits than before i had it. It's just so sweet and so much fun to fish, it kinda has feel like my Megabass Aaron Rogers spinning rod I use for finesse baits but has other design advantages and fishes up to 3/4oz. Now why did I buy it? I'll quote Darren's response...."because I can". I don't say this arrogantly but I know it sounds it. It's just that I am at the point in life when disposable income is more than when younger. I would never buy a rod this expensive when I was in 20's, 30's, or even 40's. But I am 54 almost 55, our financial house is in great order so I do have disposable income that allows me to enjoy some finer things without blinking. Do I need a $400 rod with reel to match? No, but I enjoy the search, interaction with builder and fishing with rod that I helped design. But really I could fish with sub-$100 rod and still catch fish so the argument can be made why buy a $300 or $200 or $150? Heck, I go to my little pond sometimes and struggle and down the bank are a group of 12 years olds having a time of there life using walmart bought setup and catching fish under bobber/worms.... I used to collect and target shoot 1911's several times a week. Fishing is cheap compared to some shooting sports, so I figure now that I don't shoot so much I am actually saving money:)
    3 points
  23. Hmmmmm....the closer I get to 70 I realize I realize I don't really set to many goals anymore. Unless hopes and dreams count. I'm thankful for this day to be sure (I get to go fish). My resolution I guess would be to be a good grandfather to my grandkids and people around me. Tight Lines
    3 points
  24. Well after a fun, successful 2017, I’ve chosen my two favourite pics from my season. The last couple of years my son has really gotten into fishing more, now that he’s 8, he can cast a lot better and is more interested in actually catching something, and he’s done fairly well too ( although he’s still just as happy to sit on the back deck and read a book for a few hours as well). With that in mind, here’s my favourite couple, hope everyone else has a great new year and is able to make some memories with their favourite fishing partner! Here’s the other one. Teaching the finer points of frogging ?
    2 points
  25. I am fortunate to reside near 20 lakes over 3,000 acres and dozens smaller within an hours drive. This year I fished as many as I could. That was a challenge in itself. These lakes have some dynamite bass fishing. Some days I get a few, some days I don't; great memories either way. This was my first full year fishing out of the Lund 1875 Pro V Bass Boat and it was all I could have hoped for. I am indeed a Lucky Man. Ice out can not come soon enough. A-Jay https://www.facebook.com/life.at.the.45th.parallel/media_set?set=a.1587883044624886.1073741843.100002096185350&type=3
    2 points
  26. Felt good to catch this 6lbr today. Been awhile since I been out here to the hidden lake.
    2 points
  27. All of us at Siebert Outdoors wish you a Happy New Year and may it be the year of your new pb bass! Stay safe out there.
    2 points
  28. Interesting topic ~ I'm a believer of supply & demand. As long as there are bass to catch, some portion of the population will be out there trying to catch them. It's been that way for a long time and I can't see any reason why it would not continue. Youtube influence may or may not be a good thing. Whether or not there is $$ to be made or not, will seem very important to those who depend on it. One of the aspects of the sport that may be part of the appeal to so many, is that one can invest as little or a much time, $$$ and effort and still often experience many of the great benefits bass fishing offers; with or without social media. As a hack GoProer (I made that up) myself, I really enjoy filming and sharing my fishing. As far as production quality goes, I'm well aware that most of my stuff is usually pretty sketchy. But I could care less. I do it because I think it's fun; Just like the fishing. If it wasn't, I wouldn't do it. I'll readily admit that through all of this, and perhaps because of this, I've developed a perspective that when a trip or fish catch is reported, I do anticipate a video or at least a picture to accompany it. Finally, I firmly believe that the percentage of useful content on the Bass Resource site totally exceeds most anything found on youtube. A-Jay
    2 points
  29. This is the hat I wear, can't beat it in the summertime. I really like the back flap, keeps the sun off my neck.
    2 points
  30. 2 points
  31. Agree with team 9 about Sunday afternoon hat. Light as a feather and great sun protection.Had mine for two years
    2 points
  32. More sensitive? Check and subjective Lighter? Check Catch you more fish? Nope Fish what you can afford. There is something to guys getting paid or some other kind of sponsorship that in some way financially benefits them. Look at Luke Clausen. Was with Megabass for years saying they were the best rods available. Now immediately after getting signed by Phenix rods, they are the lightest and most sensitive rods. He also said; "truly the best rods". Not mad at the guy, but I mean, c'mon man! All fairness. I push Irods, but I'm not going to go preach they are the best rods out there. Everybody makes good rods anymore. To each their own.
    2 points
  33. Oregon, be nice. Yes, the Southeastern Conference states do have the best bass fishing now that A&M is in the fold and gives us Texas. And yes, the quality of life below the Mason-Dixon Line is outstanding and offers fantastic fresh and salt water fishing opportunities along with outstanding hunting. And yes, the food down south is much better than our northern counterparts. And down south we have Mardi Gras and SEC/ACC football and basketball plus LSU and Florida baseball. So yes, northerner's do have additional time to think of "fishing" related goals as us down south are out fishing and hunting and talking our wives and girl friends into lifting their shirts to get more Mardi Gras beads!!!!! Happy New Year! Geaux Tigers!!!!
    2 points
  34. Call @Delaware Valley Tackle and talk to him about it. It sounds to me like there's probably just a part or two worn out, or maybe even needing cleaned. No way I'd even be considering throwing a Stella out.
    2 points
  35. Jarhead Koontz, you don't have to take a bus to the early morning blastoffs. You can stay all day in the large exhibit hall and have a blast. Almost every bass affiliated manufacturer will be there. I met the owner of Rage Tail; got autographs from so many pros, including Ish Monroe who is a funny and nice guy. Spoke with the Tracker and Mercury guys about their products. Got a great deal on a new PDF at the large Dick's area. You can see and touch the Classic trophies that are sprinkled around the event site. Take a family photo with the trophy and share with us. And you will see various pros walking around. Like Mark Menendez, Jimmy Houston, KVD, G-Man, Ike and too many others to name. You can speak with the guys from the Berkely (Pure Fishing) research team. Great guys and maybe Dr. Keith Jones will be there this time. Parking will be slow so be ready to stay in line into the parking area. Just remember where you parked. And bring a large bag for the freebies. Have you, each child and your wife have their own bag so you can double up on the goodies. Stop at the Dick's display and each of you can get a large Dick's bag. I think I have two around my house and they are great. Please let us know about your trip and what you saw, who you saw, and what goodies you brought home. And watch the traffic. From the Interstate into the parking lot there will be a line of vehicles. So be patient and let your family know so they wont' get frustrated. Thank you for your service. Happy New Year!
    2 points
  36. Every $ we spend on fishing is spent to make the experience more pleasurable and satisfying to us. Out side of a stick, a piece of string, a hook, and a can of worms, everything we buy is an option, a luxury, to make it more fun. My wife and I are middle of the road. We have low to middle of the road gear because that's all we feel we can afford. It works well for us and we have fun. That being said, if we ever won the lottery we would have the top end of everything. Would it make us better fishermen, who knows? But if we could afford it, Why not have it. Jim
    2 points
  37. My casting rods are typically green 832 and my spinning rods are spooled yellow PP Super Slick. I have no idea how the color on the high vis 832 holds, but PP tends to be OK, but not great. Ultimately, I really, really like high vis line because so much of my fishing is in current. I love being able to watch my drift, mend my line, follow my swing, and detect finicky hits on Ned rigs, Senkos, etc. Basically, it allows me to treat my spinning gear like my 4wt fly rod. I tend to keep my leaders under 7', so that way I don't have to worry about knot problems on my reel, and I've had very few problems with leader knots in my guides. For finesse tackle, so long as you like braid, I see absolutely no negatives.
    2 points
  38. I like the second one, less background clutter taking away from the fish.
    2 points
  39. Under no circumstances should you fish the St. Lawrence, Niagara, or Susquehanna Rivers. Any reports of catching smallmouth in them are lies. d**n bloody lies.
    2 points
  40. Geez, just 24 degrees max, 8 degrees min today ....... btw, those are CELSIUS degrees ok ?
    2 points
  41. I am going big this year. I started using the swaiver at the end of the fall and had two fish over 5 in one outing witch for me is outstanding. I will make this my year of the swimbait. Then after a year next year i will make an attempt to put the big bait and the regular baits together.
    2 points
  42. Pickerel teeth slice, like small scalpels. Trout teeth puncture. I learned the hard way this past year when I caught a nice trout and lipped it. Five puncture wounds on my thumb. It took a long time to staunch the bleeding, and my white rod was almost red around the grip before it stopped. Fish blood will not coagulate in the air. Next time you have a bleeding fish hold it over the water and see how the blood coagulates when it hits the water. I doubt that your contact with a fish, or its slime would have a prolonged effect on human blood coagulation. Fish slime can however cause big problems if it gets into a puncture wound. The resulting infection will spread rapidly. There is a simple preventative if done soon enough. Soak the wound in hot water. Hot enough to be uncomfortable but not hot enough to scald you. Soak it for a half hour, and it will kill the toxins found in fish slime. If a spine stabs you Start first aid right away ❯ Rinse the wound with soap and water. ❯ Soak the wound in tolerably hot (40-45°C) water to relieve pain. ❯ Continue soaking for 30 to 90 minutes, or longer if the pain continues. ❯ Never apply a tourniquet or pressure to the wound. ❯ Remove any visible spines. ❯ If the fragile spines break and leave fragments in tissue, don’t try to dig them out. Keep the wound clean, and get medical attention as soon as possible. A doctor may use x-rays to find the fragments and then remove them. ❯ Purple dye released by urchin spines may fool you into thinking spines are embedded under the skin. This dye is not toxic and will be absorbed in a few days. ❯ Tell the doctor about your tetanus immunization history, and consider a booster shot. When is it a medical emergency? Radio for help immediately if: ❯ The injured person is in shock. Seek medical attention if: ❯ A spine punctures a joint space between bones. ❯ Signs of infection appear — fever, redness or discolouration, warmth, swelling, pus, increasing pain or altered sensation around the wound.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. I'll be happy if I can make it through the year without strangling a millennial or yaker.
    2 points
  45. If you throw big swimbaits on braid, it's just a matter of time before you experience the heartbreak of a cast off. I fish mine on 20lb Big Game.
    2 points
  46. Headed to the Big O tomorrow and Sunday, wish me luck!
    2 points
  47. Missed getting in last but will this year for sure.
    2 points
  48. Oh god, that sounds like the most unpleasant thing ever. Actually, no, the most unpleasant thing ever would be the car ride home with the guy who wore his drysuit in the summer.
    1 point
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