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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/2017 in all areas

  1. You can tell it's winter once again. We're back onto topics like this.
    10 points
  2. It seems that time of year is upon us.
    8 points
  3. @A-Jay & @roadwarrior Wonder if we have any deserving youngster or needy anglers on the board? Might have to purge a few tackle boxes?
    6 points
  4. I got out again yesterday around 4. I decided to fish the North east to east side of the lake , which has usually been the least productive part of the lake. Conditions were cloudy , cool , and almost calm.I caught this fish within 10 minutes after starting on the trick worm , and caught a few more before dark.
    6 points
  5. Seriously? With all the nutjobs in this world you're thinking about meeting up to "discuss" your differences of opinions with one of them? It's too easy to block people on the internet or just ignore them to get worked up about it. If the dude is making comments you're seriously concerned about then report it to the site admin, you should have all the evidence in writing for them, or take it a step further and call the local PD from where the guy lives to go talk to him if he's making personal threats. I would not, under any circumstances, meet with someone I was having issues with online to try to work out my differences, there is no good that will come of it.
    6 points
  6. I would answer but I'm too busy fishing here in Florida in shorts and tank top! ?
    5 points
  7. All that matters is that YOU'RE comfortable with what side you reel with.
    5 points
  8. I'm off from work all week. I always do some home projects and fishing (Sometimes hunting ) the week after Christmas. So I got a good start on the outdoor stuff and quit around 2.30. On the water by 3 or so. Bright , sunny skies , windy , and cool. First 2 hours = 1 fish on a watermelon red super fluke. Worked my way to the south end and decided to fish the windy side. It got completely cloudy by then and colder.Caught 7 along there in the wind on the wat. red trick worm. The bite slowed near dark , so I switched to june bug -same worm. Before I started for home I fished a spot around a point from the wind where they bite good often there right at dark. Picked off 2 more, including this 4 pounder.( 2nd fish picture ) Good way to start a vacation !
    5 points
  9. It's almost 8pm and -8. Figured a new thread was fitting for the arctic blast we're getting and to make the southern boys appreciate their 40 plus temps their getting right now!
    4 points
  10. 4 points
  11. You're absolutely correct, people will say things they'd never dream of saying in person, because they know there's next to zero chance of any repercussions. At my work, they're called "Door Warriors", guys who talk all kinds of trash behind a 300lb steel door, but are "Yes sir, no sir", when the door is opened. Glad you seem to have taken a step back and let your emotions calm down. I don't think there's any need to continue any further here. LOCKDOWN!!
    4 points
  12. My grandfather told me a version of this story when I was little its a little long but worth the read... One day, two monks set out for a temple in a valley beyond the woods. While cutting a pathway through the woods, they came across a choppy stream they needed to cross. There, stood by the bank of the stream, was a beautiful young maiden dressed in silk. She was clearly at a loss as to how to cross without getting muddy and wet. So, without thinking twice, the elder monk gestured to pick her up. Shocked, she obliged. He put her over his shoulder and waded across to the other side. The younger monk, dismayed and uneasy at what he had witnessed, followed in tow. Upon reaching the other side of the bank, the elder monk put the maiden down gently. The maiden paid her respects and walked on. The monks then continued on their way to the temple. As they navigated through the forest, the younger monk, still troubled by what he’d seen, asked, “How could you do that? We aren’t even supposed to make eye contact with women, let alone pick them up and carry them!” Without a thought, the elder monk turned to the younger monk and said, “Oh, are you still carrying her? I put her down when I reached the other side of the stream”. And with that, the elder monk turned and continued leading the way through the forest, leaving the younger monk to contemplate his words for the remainder of the journey. Also “A wise man told me don’t argue with fools. Cause people from a distance can’t tell who is who.”
    4 points
  13. Final trip of the year on Christmas Day. An inch of snow the day before, then 20 degrees Monday with 15+ mph North winds. Was curious to see if I could catch one under those conditions. Wound up with 6 Wind died overnight and our high today was 11 deg., so everything locked up on us.
    4 points
  14. Air still cold, water temp 50 on this lake. Fished all day for 5-6 but still worth it! Fun times, caught mine with gulp minnow and rage tail menace t rig. buddy used a swimming fluke
    3 points
  15. Got 3-4 smallmouth. Then everything else! Yellow bass, black crappie, bluegill, yellow perch, sauger, walleye, maybe a saugeye. Second livewell pic is to show how big the crappie is, its a donkey
    3 points
  16. You guys down south have got it made! Up here in central Ontario this morning was -35c ( -30f for southerners). And that’s not adding in the wind chill! It was so cold this morning, I could see the breath coming off the small birds at our feeder outside ?
    3 points
  17. Oh - but you'd be wrong ~ But we have 'an agreement' - I don't bother them in January and they leave me be in June. Seems to work out for both parties. A-Jay
    3 points
  18. And I'm a bit embarrassed to admit I buy pink Flukes when I can find them
    3 points
  19. The fact that you're even letting this clown get to you is concerning in itself. Life is too beautiful to let anyone rob you of your energy. Tell your wife she is right, then take her out to dinner. Focus that energy on things that truly matter. But whatever you do, don't meet this guy up man
    3 points
  20. I fished Cave Run and the Kentucky River for a lot of years in a 14 foot 1967 Sears Jon boat. I’ve fished Kentucky Lake and Taylorsville in a 16 foot Lowe (48” beam) with a 25hp motor. Unless you do something really careless you should be fine IMO. if I had waited until I could afford a “proper” boat I would have missed out on the biggest fish of my life, and some of my favorite memories.
    3 points
  21. One of the keys is to not have just one technique. If you are fan casting an area, don't repeat the same presentation in the same line. Vary the length of your pauses. Vary the length of your "pop". Try pulls instead of popping it. Mix it up until you find what is working on that specific water on that specific day. The most commonly effective method, however, is sudden erratic movements. The hits will often come immediately on the stop or start. The slack is what allows the bait to have a complete stop so that you generate the start/stop motions.
    3 points
  22. I changed my mind. Meet him and tell us the outcome.
    3 points
  23. Try practicing along side the boat so you can see what your bait is doing as you work it. Sometimes you want to pull the bait along with the rod tip then allow some slack by pointing the rod back toward the bait before moving it again. That will create slack. Long pulls often out fish short jerks depending on the day. Just practice until you get a rhythm going that works. Pauses between jerks & pulls need to vary based on water temp & how active the fish are. You will learn quicker if you can see what the bait is doing as you work it. Hope that helps you.
    3 points
  24. During very late and very early season - basically cool / cold water - I'd highly courage the following technique. Slow pull - pause - slow pull - pause; repeat. A-Jay
    3 points
  25. Thanks guys, I agree, not a good idea. I just think some people only say things because they know nothing will be done about it.
    3 points
  26. In defense of this member he's new and I think it would better represent these forums to not welcome him by laughing him off the stage. I can remember some of my logic being pretty laughable in the earlier stages of my learning curve.
    3 points
  27. what a beauty combo! '15 Metanium DC with avail 90mm handle that i already had and Orochi XX spinnerbait special my wife bought me for Christmas! I'll be slinging spinnerbaits into the wind like it's my job come spring time!
    3 points
  28. Got out on the river from about 8:30-noon this morning. The air was really cold, my face nearly froze off so I drove slowly from spot to spot. Only got one largemouth but he made the trip worth it! Water temp was 47-49, current was quite swift. I took the boat home and got word that Christmas festivities were slightly delayed so I bank fished on the way to mom's house and got two bluegill. Merry Christmas!
    3 points
  29. Took my cousin Dax bank fishing today. He caught more fish than I did, using a Texas rigged worm. The best part was watching him set the hook like a pro!
    3 points
  30. So far 2 of them have been let out of the bag. Should be available about March. A new ryoga 1016 and the sv light. Which seems to be a special edition (Tn limited) ss sv with 32mm air spool.
    2 points
  31. Had a good day fishing last Thursday below the Dam. The flood gates were open and the water was rising! I haven't gone in about a year, but decided it was time to get back out there. My buddy caught a 5 lb PB and I caught two that were around 3 lbs and one that was about 3.5 lbs. We fished from daylight to about an hour before dark. We caught those 4 and another one that was prob 1.5 lbs. We had a great time and I really enjoyed getting back out there again. They were all safely released!
    2 points
  32. Hit up the same lake as yesterday to take advantage of 50 degree weather which is very short lived. Threw a couple bigger swimbaits for a short bit with no takers. Tied on an 8'' eel swimbait and 2 bass hammered it. Caught some near the ice again but most were in deeper water. Ended up with 17 bass 1 yellow perch and 3 pickerel. Thought it was going to be a pickerel free day until they showed up at the end of the day. Luckily none of them chewed me off. It's loaded with them with a good amount of 4-5lbers. One of the bass had some forage fish tail showing and still nailed the crank. With the water being 38 I'm glad I didn't have to slow drag jigs all day.
    2 points
  33. I would go with the Trion as well. I have a rear drag model with a wooden knob that is over 7 years old. It is one solid reel, a true workhorse.
    2 points
  34. Thank you Fishing Cowgirl! My package was researched and a complete surprise. It also included a donation to our Warriors Rod Project. I will post a picture later today. Thank you!
    2 points
  35. I have done really well with this one, at least 80-90% success.
    2 points
  36. I've tried countless retrievers over the years - home made and purchased. I am now using a "hound dog" it is easily the best I've ever used.
    2 points
  37. He already won. He got into your head and made you angry enough for violence all while he is probably laughing his butt off. if you want to go ahead and meet him do it but i sure wouldn't have posted up saying so because doesn't that sort of turn you into an "internet tough guy"?
    2 points
  38. that time of year J&S should be on fire. lock through and and start fishing the heads on the other side of the lock. white spinner baits with gold blades work really well. frogs, spooks, swim baits will all catch fish. like mike said, f bring a flipping stick and flip those heads. depending on the size boat you get and the weather you get, you can head over to the west side of the lake and fish the grass in kings bar. make sure you keep your eye on the weather. lake O can get snotty quick. good luck
    2 points
  39. I wouldn’t meet him. Anyone that has to hide behind a computer to be a tough guy is surely a little off. Just blow if off it makes not a lick of difference to your life. Besides the real tough guys don’t give anyone any problems either on the internet or in real life.
    2 points
  40. Relax man... the rod manufacturer is probably on vacation for the entire week between Christmas and New Years as many businesses are. If the rod wasn't purchased directly from the rod company, I'd gather the receipt and present the rod to the business from where it was purchased as they should be your 1st recourse. oe
    2 points
  41. I already got the Kentucky Craw and the Purple Craw in a football jig from Mike. I'm sure I'll be ordering more of these in a Sniper jig once spring roles around.
    2 points
  42. We'll chat after the first of the yr........I too like purple!
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Back at it again..... making it up as I go!
    2 points
  45. Bad Idea ~ btw - What happened to this guy ? A-Jay
    2 points
  46. I often video just for myself entertainment and my friends and family. I most of the time chest mount but do mount on pod above head on kayak. Head mount is not very good, there are too many motions evolve. I use knock off Gopro version, edit with movavi suite where is good enough for slow down/speed up zoom and add music/text background. I record in 1080P and save in 1080P for better quality, I don't see the need of 4K. Before I alway has water proof case on but my voice become so tiny and sound ridiculous, unless you have aux mic I just don't use case anymore and attach powerbank to camera where I can record up to 5-8 hours without turn on/off. If you plan to mount on a boat be sure to secure it good last time I stupidly set tripod on my boat and within first movement everything gone underwater.
    2 points
  47. Hey y'all, just wanted to share this fine specimen I caught yesterday (12/14/17). After not fishing for almost a month, I decided to drive to a buddy's house to fish on his neighborhood lake. Big bass was the agenda, and the arsenal was swimbaits, and also a bulky jig for extra thick cover. This is my first year in the swimbait game, which I have taken semi-seriously. I started the year with a possible PB (no scale handy) on a Mattlures Bluegill. After yesterday, it looks like I get to close the year with a definitive PB, and a true swimbait passion. After throwing the Mattlures for the majority of the day without a bite, I managed to straighten my hook on a sunken branch. I decided to switch to a Huddleston 68 Special ROF 5 to finish my lap around the lake, my first time ever throwing the lure. I had gone all the way around the lake, getting used to the feel of branches and trees with the occasional false hookset. I approached the last spot, a steep point with cover strewn about right by my friend's house, and I decided to try something different. Instead of casting up or down the point (parallel) like I normally do, something told me to try casting across the point (perpendicular). I figured if a big fish was holding there watching lures go by all day in the same direction, maybe something different would trigger it. On my second cast I felt another tap, but something just felt different than the trees I was feeling earlier, so I set the hook. I had the fish moving fairly easily, and wasn't sure of the size until the mouth breached the water. I immediately told myself "Oh crap, this is it. This is happening". I was by myself with no net, so I reminded myself everything I have learned, read, or watched online about how to keep a Huddleston fish pinned. "Keep the fish moving forward. Don't let her turn. Keep the rod bent. Don't stop reeling". As I grabbed her lip, I let out a Ric Flair "WOOO!", then got her on the scale, as my friend came over to check out the commotion. The scale read 8-8 both on the boat, and on the dock, where she was released back go the cold depths. This experience opened my eyes in a number of ways, not only with swimbait and cold water fishing, but also just approaching things differently around big fish, as they didn't get that huge by being the same...
    2 points
  48. Started the day at 21 degrees, I thought the low was 31........ anyhow we got 8-9 smallmouth and a big Striper broke my line! Fishing 2.5 inch gulp minnows on 1/8 oz jig heads. And one fish hit a tube. Water temp was 55
    2 points
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