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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/15/2017 in all areas

  1. I've spent a lot of time on the water over a lot of years, but this afternoon, I had one of the coolest things I've seen happen on the water in a long time. We've been toying with ice-up conditions here in central Indiana for the past week or so. Yesterday, a pond near me that I drove by was 95% iced over even though the air temps hit 40+ degrees. Today, when I drove past it coming home, the pond was 95% open water. I grabbed a rod and walked over to the pond with about an hour of light still left. The air temp was 31 degrees, and there was not a stitch of wind. I knew something was a little different when I walked up to the pond and saw a small group of geese in the far corner. The small waves they made swimming to the bank and trying to get out of the water looked like they were moving across the pond in slow motion - liquid ice. I walked to the back end of the pond toward the deepest water and started fishing. There was a little bit of ice still edging the bank a few inches out, but not much. I was able to catch a couple bass, which made the trip worthwhile in itself (it's never too cold). However, as the sun set and the air temp started to drop even more, a super cool thing happened...the pond started to freeze over right before my eyes. At first, it started out as just a patch or two of ice floating just off the bank. I didn't think much of it. But as the minutes passed, those little ice islands grew bigger. Then I noticed the small shoreline ice lining the bank had grown out into the water, now extending in feet, not inches off the shoreline. Soon, whole corners of the pond were basically skimmed in, all this within about 20-25 minutes. I was able to hook a bass as this was going down on a long cast toward the middle of the pond, and the last 15+ yards of bring him in was like pulling him through a slush mug (giving my age up with that one). He actually made a path through the skim ice. It finally got to the point where I couldn't cast without my line freezing every time I lifted the rod and raised it above the waters surface. It was supercooling the lake water to the line on exposure, like ice does on a power line. At that point, I simply walked away with a grin
    10 points
  2. Had a tough day on the lake today, a few small bass on a blade bait and an a-rig in 41 degree water. When I pulled in a big gizzard shad on my blade, I threw him in a bucket and gave myself a little extra time for a pit stop on the way home.......
    7 points
  3. Hi All, I recently bought some nylon mesh sleeves for my spinning rods and noticed two issues. The bell mouth was a little small, causing me to really have to work it over the largest guide getting it on, and getting it off, the same guide would catch on the inside folded section of the bell mouth. I put a post in asking if anyone had been able to stretch these out. I got a few suggestions but nothing that would solve both issues. I thought about it for a couple of days , tried a few things out and finally came up with a solution. Here's a few pics to show what I did. Trying to get the sleeve on over the last guide. Guide catching on the inside fold My solution is to Pull the inside fold out coat it with a good amount of contact cement Pop the fold back in and slide the sleeve over a mandrel, in this case I found a beer bottle works well . I Let it sit for a few hours and when I took it off, the sleeve was stayed a larger dia., and the inside fold was glued to the sleeve, solving both my issues. I did find it helps to put the sleeve on the bottle for a while before gluing to pre stretch it, waxing the bottle helps, and you might need to tap around the edge of the sleeve with a piece of wood to break it free and get it started off the bottle. Thanks for looking Jim
    5 points
  4. Found this in the Sporting Goods section of the ads. image 1 of 5 > © craigslist - Map data © OpenStreetMap (google map) condition: like newmake / manufacturer: Yetimodel name / number: Signature seriessize / dimensions: Big enough Most bad ass yeti cooler you can get, limited edition. Yeti designed signature series. Just in time for Christmas. Once went on a camping trip, filled it with brewskis and forgot about it. 3 weeks later I stumbled apon the cooler and the beer was still cold. Holds approximately 15 crowlers. Perfect for the holiday season to keep in the garage to sneak out for a little breather from the family Price is firm! Come at me bro!
    4 points
  5. Perhaps bring along a 'friend". A-Jay
    4 points
  6. Totally depends on the type of warranty. Those rod companies that offer a lifetime warranty do so KNOWING that if the rod is 4, 5 ,....10 years old, more than likely it's not a manufacturer defect. If they try to limit their "lifetime" warranty to manufacturers defects then it is no more than marketing. You only find the lifetime warranties on upper end rods why? Because the cost of that "no-fault" warranty is built in to the price of the rod up front. Now they can hedge their bet and charge a replacement fee, that allows them to keep the cost down on the front sale. Just know what kind of warranty you are getting when you purchase your rod. Warranty costs are built into the price for rods...period.
    4 points
  7. I buy hooks, weights, plastics, everything I can in bulk, not like I aint gonna use em!
    4 points
  8. I'm kinda glad TW is only putting garbage up for the 25 days sale....keeps me from buying even more stuff i dont need!
    4 points
  9. Just a few phone ap games any more...but was a time.... This is what started my steep descent....lol
    4 points
  10. What happens when you search Craig's list for Stocking Stuffers ~ A-Jay
    3 points
  11. The problem with this train of thought and OP’s is people equate the word “warranty” with “free replacement”. After 4 years you break your rod and the warranty offers you a 70$ replacement for a 230-240$ rod is beyond resonable. When people put in these warranty claims for a rod they always feel that their situation is unique when in reality eight out of 10 I would bet warranty claims sound the exact same. Every time it’s the same excuse… “I baby my stuff , it’s flawless” or “I swung on a 12 inch fish with a 1/16 weight and the rod snapped in half” if your rod does not break within at most the first year, there are no manufacturer defects and a breakage at that point is user error and a free replacement should never be warranted although it does happen on occasion. If a rod company took everybody’s excuse at face value there wouldnt be anymore Rod companies left.
    3 points
  12. I buy trebles in bulk as well as my worm hooks. I use Eagle Claw Lazer Magworm hooks for most all my T-rigging. They're $14.30 for a 100 pack, so $.14 apiece I like the EWG short shank Mustads for a lot of my treble hook needs. Those are $20.70 for a 100pk of #6, so about $.21 a hook.
    3 points
  13. I went ice fishing once, after 30 minutes of no bites, a little bird landed on my head, chirped 3 times, took a dump on my shoulder and flew off. Literally 30 seconds after that I got a bite and caught nearly a 1.5lb red ear. I packed up my stuff and went home saying "if that's what it takes for me to catch fish through the ice it ain't for me!"
    3 points
  14. I finally got my opportunity at a big whitetail buck and I made the most of it. He green scored at 147-3/8" and according to the PA record, book, would put me at 15th in my county (of all time) for a typical buck during rifle season. The rack is almost perfectly symmetrical with only 1.5" of deductions.
    2 points
  15. From now until Dec 24th 2017 we are running a 20% sale on all Keitech, Strike King, Rage Tail, Owner, Moaner, and Zman in stock items. http://www.siebertoutdoors.com/Sale-Items_c27.htm
    2 points
  16. Funny, that's the same thing I say when I buy toilet paper in bulk.
    2 points
  17. Option 4 is option 3. Typo. I use a punch skirt on one setup. If you only have 1 rod and reel for punching, I suggest the Gambler Quick Change skirts. won't have to retie to get the skirt on and off. I have found that a punch skirt is hit and miss. sometimes they want it, sometimes they dont. If I'm in a tourney and I already have a limit, I'm throwing a punch skirt hoping for a bigger bite.
    2 points
  18. I've done this quite a bit, with zero issues. Just get a site with electric, plug the boat in, pitch a tent, and everything will be fine. You might even make friends with neighboring campsites.
    2 points
  19. My favorite time to fish grass is at night during the dog days of summer. I'll have 4 setups on the deck #1: Texas Rig with weights from a 1/4-1/2 oz #2: Texas Rig with weights from 3/4-1.25 #3: Jig-n-Craw with weights from 1/4-1/2 oz. #4: Jig-n-Craw with weights 3/4-1.25 oz. The exact weight is determined by current conditions ?
    2 points
  20. And the winner is.... blade bait!
    2 points
  21. I'd use the Lucky Crafts in the first picture. None of them are really any more valuable than the other. The wiggle warts will either have "wiggle wart" or "Storm", stamped on the underside of the bill. The ones that say "wiggle wart", are the older and more valuable ones, although craw colors tend to bring the most money. 3rd picture is older Rapalas, Creek Chub, Heddon, Storm, Arborgast, and a couple others. Not any real valuable unless you find a collector needing them. Still some history and neat baits there though. Bottom looks to be Megabass and maybe Jackall. The ones with the outbarb hooks are certainly Megabass, which are expensive baits, but I'd fish them.
    2 points
  22. I bet that was cool to witness. Very good story telling as well. Felt like I was reading a book. Now the real question, what did you catch them on? Or should I ask, what color half a zinker did you catch them on?
    2 points
  23. I always try to buy Gammy hooks in bulk, so long as I can easily find what I want . For me, Split/Drop Shot and Finesse Wide Gap. Saves a bundle as I also like to tie my own weed guards on 'em.
    2 points
  24. Gary Dobyns is a very generous man and takes pride in his company and customer service. To bash a companies reputation because you modified the rod, voiding any warranty, broke it after 4 years and expecting a free replacement is beyond reason. It sounds like you did get a new rod for $70. How do you know the rod had a factory defect and you didn't damage the rod after 4 years of use? I know of no rod company that would replace a 4 year old modified rod free. Tom
    2 points
  25. Matrix is correct. I came to fish but ended up just changing bearings and working on the boat and all. Sorry, no report.
    2 points
  26. I've had that feeling before, but you gotta stay after it! When one big girl eats that usually means more big girls are eating!!!
    2 points
  27. Great! With all the tax money they will save when do we see the price drop on the rods?
    2 points
  28. One more just for fun. Fishing The Cali Delta with a nooby I felt more like a guide than a fishing companion. I handed him a Spinning rod and weightless senko. It can't get any easier. We were in a well known spawning flat with tules and a seawall. I missed a bite in the trough between the two and instructed Daniel to quickly toss back in there to that hot fish. In his excitement he launched a high one that got caught in the considerable wind. His senko flew about twenty feet left of target, over the seawall, which is about six feet higher than my deck. He was embarrassed and I acted like it was no biggie. Happens all the time. I kicked the T-motor into high and cruised to the wall. Daniel says he has something pulling on the line. Yeah right. I figured he hooked a twig that was twirling in the current. He held the boat steady at the wall and I hopped up and straddled it. It was then that I saw he actually did hook something. A four pounder was going crazy trying to get away from the wall and Daniel's senko. I'm bustin a gut by now. Luckily the fish couldn't throw the hook as I hand lined her up the wall and handed Daniel his prize, his PB as well. He's hooked now!
    2 points
  29. when i was much younger, i lucked up on what was considered the holy grail of fishing tackle at the time - a boron rod at a ridiculously low price at a store that was about to go out of business. to this day, i was more giddy over that purchase than i ever have been over any other expenditure on fishing tackle. and why not? i got a rolls royce for the price of a bicycle. boron rods were the "members only" jackets of the fishing world. and man o man did that rod ever catch fish. very quickly i became convinced that there were magical powers contained within that lightweight super sensitive boron awesomeness. sometimes i wondered if the rod was even crafted by human hands at all. perhaps it was left here by aliens who were watching from afar, conducting a bizarre experiment to see how a bumbling human would react to their advanced technology. in retrospect, i wonder if it could have shot lasers or somehow teleported fish out of the water into my waiting hands if i had only been smart enough to figure out how to harness its full potential. i cherished that rod like it was my only child, even down to polishing my fingerprints off of it after every outing. and i never, EVER let anyone else touch it. it was only natural for me to begin wondering if its powers extended beyond fishing. one day i decided to find out. i had met a girl that i was crazy about. and the kicker was that she actually liked to fish. i decided that she was the only human on the planet worthy of sharing a trip that included my precious magic fishing wand. this was the perfect storm. the girl of my dreams and the rod of my dreams on the same fishing trip. perhaps the rod's powers and luck would extend beyond the realm of fishing. initially, that hot summer day's trip exceeded all expectations with big fish after big fish reeled in, admired, and released. in my delirium, i proceeded to do the unthinkable. i handed her the rod to reel in a fish. biggest fish she had ever caught she said. she offered to go to the store to buy us a couple of cold beverages to celebrate. i wouldn't hear of her buying me a drink. "hold on, i got it, let me give you some money," i said. i laid down the rod and walked to the car, wallet in hand. "be back in a minute", she said with a smile that just made me melt. she turned the car around and headed for the store. too late, i saw it happening like it was in slow motion. she ran right over my precious boron rod!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! i screamed in a pathetic wail that was probably heard in the next county. not knowing what in the world she had done, and probably more than a little freaked out herself to hear a grown man scream like that, she slammed the car in reverse and headed back towards me at the speed of sound trying to figure out what the commotion was about - BACKING RIGHT OVER MY BORON ROD A SECOND TIME!!! i just fell to the ground beside the shattered rod and shattered dreams lamenting this horrible, sadistic twist of fate. why couldn't she just have run over me instead? it was over. it was all over. the mojo was gone. i just knew i would never catch another fish again. i have never felt such rage and betrayal. this woman deserved a fate worse than death. there was no choice. she HAD to be punished for committing this unspeakable act. so i married her. she has been paying for that rod for the last 25 years. and neither one of us could be happier about it.
    2 points
  30. Anyone know Lucky Craft lures? Found a box of them unopened, and want to know if I should leave them alone. They don't particularly look old, but have read some of these lures are collectible. Thanks for the help. Any info on Wiggle Warts? These look older. Thanks!
    1 point
  31. I can’t believe it took me this long to finally start buying hooks in value pack/bulk quantities. Just received my first bulk order and it’s been enlightening so I wanted to share. My example: My favorite soft plastic hook ever- Gamakatsu G-Lock Worm Hook 3/0. (For this case below we are not considering taxes, delivery, and other surcharges just retail price for comparison purposes only) 6 pack standard quantity = $5.50 at Bass Pro Shops. Per Unit price of 92 cents 25 pack standard quantity = $15.99 at TW. Per Unit price of 64 cents I would’ve saved decent money if I would’ve considered this earlier in my fishing days. This might seem like a Captain Obvious commercial for most, but someone just starting out, it’s just logical to do it this way.
    1 point
  32. I picked up a 2008 Lowe L1448M modified-V jon boat with a 2008 galvanized Valu-Line (Sea-Lion) trailer. Included were two wooden Caviness oars with metal oar locks, an Interstate Marine battery and case, a Motorguide 54lb. thrust transom mount electric motor in working shape, and a brand new Minn-Kota Maxxam 55lb. thrust transom mount motor (w/ Weedless Wedge 2 prop). The boat was kept covered under a carport during the winter so it didn't see winter weather inside of it. It seems like a really stable boat with a 70" beam! I paid $1,000 cash out the door for it. Is that a decent deal for the boat? Not sure what they run new or what the trailer costs new but thought I would ask. I would like to put wooden floors in it with marine grade carpet and do some other mods so any ideas would be appreciated.
    1 point
  33. 1st pic-lucky craft sammys and pointers- not old and both are some of my favorites. Don’t have any info on the rest.
    1 point
  34. Here's the list from last year, I think.
    1 point
  35. Yes John passed away. I have about a half dozen of his lures. Allen
    1 point
  36. Buttery smooth, the thing that I really like is the additional bantam oil they put with it. My stradic fg came with it but thr fk didn't. Needless to say I was a little bummed about that. So I was happy it also came with that. I have a fenwick smallmouth 6'9mh coming Monday Gonna be Nice skinny creek and river smallies set up.
    1 point
  37. Didn't the Googan Squad relocate there?
    1 point
  38. I just watched a video called "Flippin Heavy Cover" and 99.98% was pitching, he explained the diffeernce but explained why he preferred pitching.....It was very good but I just don't know why they didn't call it "Pitching Heavy Cover"....go figure!
    1 point
  39. It does if you’re trying to teach someone or when making distinction and differentiation is critical. Example: barbecueing vs grilling Some people think they’re barbecueing when in fact they’re grilling. I never knew that there was a difference before but I am glad I know now. Imagine following cooking instructions where frying and poaching were used interchangeably as pitchin’ and flippin’ . I don’t know about you, but I’d take fried chicken over poached chicken any day of the week. If you can convince people that there is no difference between frying and poaching, my friend, you should work in sales because you’d make a LOT if money for yourself and to buy all the fishing related gear you want. ? Clarity is golden. To the OP and the topic, I concur with how your describe and distinguish the two.
    1 point
  40. Definitely two different techniques. As someone fairly new to bass fishing it erks me a little when people attempt to use the terms interchangeably. I kinda doubt the bulk of people asking about a "Good pitching/flipping rod" actually understand what they are asking for, much less ever intend to flip into cover. As I understand it, that would be 2 different rods. Im generally not the kinda dude to correct people, but with so many people confusing action with power, flipping with pitching, etc., at some point I think the right thing to do is to politely correct them. I honestly appreciate it when someone corrects me on something I am confused about, especially if I am actively seeking advice on technique specific gear and the like. Just my thoughts.
    1 point
  41. I've caught too many DD's to remember. They were all caught here in Michigan will I was fast asleep in my warm cozy bed while outdoor temps were below freezing and a bunch of the white stuff blanketed the ground. ?
    1 point
  42. Quite a few back in the days before I owned a scale.
    1 point
  43. I have a St. Croix, two BPS in casting rods and 2 BPS, one Abu, a Fenwickmand an UglynStick in spinning. I have two Shimano Salmon rods and two Okuma Salmon rods, one each brand BC and Spin. A heavy BC Wright and McGill. Plus my surf casting rods. Fly rods, I went crazy for a while: 2 Sage, one Loomis, one Lamiglass, one St Croix, two echo (one spey), and a bamboo by South Creek. I was a road warrior and was transferred a lot. Seems that everywhere I went I needed a different arsenal. Since I haved moved to Bass country, my income is not quite as good, and I have 2 kids in private colleges, so I have had to go with more middle of the road to lower cost stuff. However, most of it seems to be better than the good stuff was 20 years ago. That beingbsaid, I am gravitating toward St. Croix.
    1 point
  44. When you try over a dozen of the other brands, having to sell them off each time for a loss and finally find a company that offers what you’ve been looking for... it’s an easy switch to make.
    1 point
  45. Don't you know the 130 is too big for smallmouth?! Smallmouth don't know the meaning of too big, especially when it comes to topwater. Some awesome explosions
    1 point
  46. From a previous thread & should be a sticky! Good evenin' folks, I may be about to open a SERIOUS can of worms with this thread, but what the heck.....here goes anyway. Being in the blank distribution business, I get asked A LOT about the construction and makeup of the various graphite rod blanks that I sell. And, I have to say that whenever somebody asks me about modulus I just cringe! Here is why; It seems that about 90% of the folks that email me want to know what the modulus is of the blank(s) they are considering buying. When I ask "Why do you want to know that" they can't really give me an answer....they're just convinced that higher the IM rating is better. Here is how the conversation usually evolves: Mr. Customer: What modulus is that blank made from? Andy: Well, if you must know, it's about 40million Msi Mr. Customer: What does that mean? Andy: Well, it means the blank is made from the material you have come to know and love as IM6 Mr. Customer: Oh, that's too antiquated...I only fish with IM7 and higher. Andy: Really? Did you know that the difference between IM6 and IM7 is not the modulus it's the tensile strength? Mr. Customer: Really? Andy: Yeah REALLY! Mr. Customer: Eh Hhhmmm....erreer, uh, oh....well uh....well Bass Pro Shops says... Andy: Forget Bass Pro shops...let's look at the numbers (at this point Andy whips out his trusty data chart that illustrates the differences between the different fibers that actually have IM designations). Here take a look at this. This comes from a chart put together by the folks at Hexcel (http://www.advancedcomposites.com/technology.htm) The number on the far right is the modulus of the fiber, and the number in the middle is the elongation to failure or stretch. Hexcel IM4 600 40 Hexcel IM6 760 40 Hexcel IM7 780 40 Hexcel IM8 790 44 Hexcel IM9 920 42 Mr. Customer: You Mean all this time I thought I was getting a higher modulus fiber with the higher IM rating, when what I was really getting is a fiber that stretches more? Andy: Well, in some cases you are, and in some cases you arent. The fact is though that the difference between IM6 and IM7 is nothing in terms of modulus, and compared to IM8 it's only slightly higher. Wow...look at that IM9 actually has a lower modulus than IM8...go figure Now, many companies are using fibers with a much higher modulus, like 57 and even higher, however these fibers don't necessarily use the IM ratings. So, whenever you see a fiber with an IM rating...BUYER BEWARE! THE HIGHER THE IM RATING, DOES NOT NECESSARILY MEAN THE HIGHER THE MODULUS!!! The point is this folks...just because you have a blank made from a high modulus fiber, doesn't means it's a good rod! And vice versa, just because you have a blank with a low modulus...even the original fiber blanks were made with (33 million) doesn't mean it's a bad or outdated rod. It's all about what the designer does with it. I know there are some of you that may already know this, but judging from the amount of calls I get on a daily basis from folks who ONLY want IM7 or IM8, but can't really tell you why, I have to believe they don't really know what they are talking about at all. They've just been sucked into the marketing machine that leads people to believe that the higher the IM rating, the lighter and more sensetive the material, which is not always the case. Be forewarned that there is A LOT more to graphite blank construction, performance, quality, sensetivity, weight etc... than just what modulus the fiber is. There are lots of other variables like flag patterns, and wall thickness, and resin systems, and mandrel design....It's all about the talent of the designer, and what he is able to do in terms of the sum of those variables...not just the friggin modulus! Whewww...ok I feel better now... My aforementioned explanation of modulus and IM ratings is by no means meant to be anything more than a brief primer for the folks who didn't realize what the differences with the IM ratings were. I hope this clears things up a bit, and I hope that some of you will chime in on this as well. Oh, here is a link to the Hexcel page for those of you who want to investigate the matter further. Do a search for IM6 and you'll get some interesting info. (if you're into that kind of techie junk). [www.hexcel.com] [www.advancedcomposites.com] Now, this gives you some ammunition...next time you stroll into BassPro, and some yahoo tries to sell you a rod based on it's IM rating, ask him to explain to you why the higher IM ratings are better. When he replies by sayin' that the higher the IM rating means more sensetivity, less weight etc....just tell him that you have a blank at home made from IM2000, and see what he says. Regards, Andy Dear Lamar Manufacturer
    1 point
  47. To get smallies in all waters and still be in the south you'd need to get to the mountains. But if you can take some hot summers, you can get both species in SC. Largies everywhere. There are smallies in the Broad river and it's tributaries as well as in Lake Jocassee, in the extreme northwestern part of the state. In the Broad R smallies can be caught all the way to the midlands. There are trout fisheries in the mountains as well. We also have some very good blue cat and striper fisheries and you'd be close enough to the coast for saltwater. The cost of living and tax situation here is better than most states. It's funny you asked that question because I live in SC and was wondering where I should retire to. But I'll probably just get closer to the coast so i can add reds and sea trout to my slate.
    1 point
  48. My personal favorite is an ABU 4600C3 w/12# Big Game or a 5500C3 w/15# Big Game. Yeah, I'm old school. Or just plain old. Tom
    1 point
  49. 1 point
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