G'day guys,
I've just recently arrived back here in Australia after an awesome trip to the US.
I just wanted to thank all of you on here that contributed in one way or another to
helping catch my first few bass while I was over there.
Some of you offered some good advice, which was much appreciated.
A few guy's I wanted to make a special mention too, that really tried to help me out.
MichaelCopeland, and N Florida Mike, thanks for the offers to take me fishing, but unfortunately
time doesn't always line up for everyone, day to day life and work can get in the way sometimes as well, but
thanks again for your kind offers.
Bighead, what a shame you saw the post as late into my trip as you did, I would of loved to fish with
you over in Texas, I hope we will get a chance to catch up if I can get back over there soon.
And last but not least, my mate Ohboyitsrobby from over in Arkansas.
A big thank you to yourself and your mate Derek for taking us out on Lake Ouachita.
We had a cracking time on the water with you blokes, plenty of laughs, and of course plenty of bass.
I am planning on getting back over there in the next year or two, and it would be great to stay in contact
with you guy's if possible.
For those of you on social media, either send me a friend request on Facebook or message me here and
I'll send you a friend request.
Again, thanks to everyone for their help. I didn't get to fish quite as much as I would of liked, but I did
get to fish, and I did get to catch my first American bass which I am totally grateful for.
Crikey, I've even got myself a profile pic to put up now....