My dad and I use his 18 foot 97' hydra-sport with a 150 hp (newer evinrude). Been on the big lake since it was new.
We live and breath lake erie, and rarely does weather stop us, but like others mentioned, it comes down to your experience as a captain. The key is when in doubt, trim down, nose up, go slow.
As an aside, it is actually rather interesting in how boat handling correlates with length and wave size. For any given bass boat length there is different tiers/thresholds for waves that handle better or worse, for example:
*assuming average wave frequency and true wave size, and no typical fisherman exaggerating "4 footers"*
1 to 3 footers - No problem in 18 foot, but a longer boat would be smoother
3-4ish footers - Hardest. The waves are big enough to create a challenge getting the nose up, but not not big enough to give a ton of time to get the nose back up for the next wave, leaving little room for error.
4.5+ footers - Challenging, experience necessary for comfort/confidence, but waves are big enough that you typically handle them one at a time, with enough space between them to reset comfortably and get the nose up for the next.
That is my experience in an 18 footer, and also, the reason why I wrote those intervals, is that with a longer boat, certain intervals may be easier/harder, even counter-intuitively.