It seems that there may be as many different versions or perhaps ‘definitions” to the term ‘fighting a bass’, as there are anglers.
While I do not fish competitively, for me ‘the fight’ is part of the process. How I go about it, is often dictated by a few different factors. Some I have a bit of control over and some I have none. Things I can control include my tackle size, where & how I’m fishing. The more open & clearer the water, usually means I’m fishing lighter gear deeper. The heavier the cover, the more colored the water, usually means I’m fishing heavier gear. In either case, ‘the fight’ will usually be shorter with heavier gear and a little longer with the lighter stuff. But in each situation, my goal is to land the bass, so I’ll do whatever I need to, to get that done.
Factors that I obviously cannot control that can directly affect the duration of ‘the fight’ can be but are not limited to, the individual spirit of a bass, (some fish just seem to have a hyper high level of survivability and will do all types of crazy stuff to earn their freedom – I like that in a bass), the size of course, the water temps (cold bass sometimes don’t do a whole lot) and then there’s the occasional hooking of a huge non-target species – good times right there.
Now where as I do enjoy it immensely when they bite my cricket and then pull my string, I rarely intentionally prolong the process nor do I make a concerted effort to overly speed it up – I just take it as it comes and hope they end up in my net.