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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/06/2017 in all areas

  1. Had a totally insane day today! My friends and I did a little exploring, and we found a spring creek with a network of beaver ponds, all of which is loaded with bass, who seemed to have never been fished for before! We caught well over 100 fish, triple hookups were common, the water was clear and the bass were gorgeous. The creek never gets wider than 20' across, and no deeper than 5'. All the damage was done with a ned rig but I'm sure they would have eaten anything. Biggest bass was the 4-13 that I am holding, and our best 5 were somewhere in the neighborhood of 17-18lbs.
    8 points
  2. 6 points
  3. Threw on the wading boots again this morning and landed 6 in a couple hours. Largest were these two 3.8(top) 2.9(bottom). They’re eating up. Nearly every one I caught had a bit of a pudge belly. T-rigged Smartbaits color changing Smart Bomb plastic worm. Quick shots of these 2:
    6 points
  4. Hi guys. Been quite a while since I've posted or even been on. I have had an interesting summer. Been teaching my brother in law bass fishing. Had no idea what I was getting myself into. First, we're both retirees. He, in his late sixties and me, well, let's just say well past that. First day he shows up with 2 Zebco 202's and spaghetti rods. I expected that so I had 2 baitcasters ready for him. Surprisingly he mastered the anti backlash thing fairly quickly . Keeping the lure in the water, that's another story . Half the crankbaits and spinnerbaits that I gave him wound up unreachable in the trees. By the end of October the trees are already decorated for Christmas . He managed to fall out of the boat once , with cell phone in his pocket. Fortunately that was in August, so no danger of freezing. Also close enough to shore that he was able to stand up and climb back into the boat. I threatened once to beach the boat and run up to the nearest Wal-Mart and get him a coloring book and a box of crayons. Seriously all in all we had a lot of fun. Looking forward to next year, I think....? Hootie
    5 points
  5. My favorite fishng pictures aren't about big fish or about a big limit...they are about places and now and then about people fishing.... I took the picture below on the Bighorn River late one April day a few years back... ...end of the day, last day of the trip with good friends...I was waiting at the take out while the rest of the crew went to get the trucks so we could pull the drift boats and go eat, have a couple beers and tell lies... the only noise was the river burbling along, and a couple pheasants cackling off in the distance.
    5 points
  6. Pics from my 2 early bird tournaments the last week of October. Took first at both with my father taking a close 2nd in both. All largies that Saturday (20+lbs) and 26.5lbs of Lake Onatrio smallmouth that Sunday. I NY!
    4 points
  7. This the type of thread we see when the OP's water is solid and cabin fever sets in. Stirring the pot so to speak. Tom
    4 points
  8. One time I only took a spinnerbait to the lake. Fished it exclusively for hours and hours and didn't get a bite. I still hate spinnerbaits
    4 points
  9. Took a trip to BROWN TOWN today!
    4 points
  10. This is probably my favorite fishing photo. It’s of my oldest daughter with her limit of salmon, her grandfather (my dad), and me after our salmon fishing trip to the Farallon Islands, which are located about 26 miles west of the Golden Gate Bridge. Our first salmon trip together was when my daughter was 10 years old and she also caught her limit. I am glad for the memories of this day as two weeks after this photo was taken my dad died of leukemia.
    3 points
  11. Beautiful photo! This is my most exotic fishing photo. This is a catfish caught in the Lufupu River in Kafue National Park, Zambia, Africa (the Lufupu is a tributary of the Kafue that joins just above our camp). I had the chance to go fishing for one of the three days we were at the safari camp in Zambia, so I took it. We caught several African Pike, similar to pickerel, but the guide and I both hooked one of these big cats. He said it was actually quite unusual to even see one cat on a 6 hour outing, so 2 was very rare. it was an interesting day, finding fish while keeping away from the hippos that were numerous in the river. This is the cat that the guide caught... unfortunately I didn't get a photo of mine, although it was virtually identical. The second photo is the sunset over the Kafue River that night after we got back to camp.
    3 points
  12. Please. Let's not go there. In fact, we're done here.
    3 points
  13. Don't do it!!! Your rod-n-reels will instantly explode as soon as they touch freshwater! Many anglers are learning saltwater tackle works in freshwater & freshwater tackle works in saltwater. They're also learned may of the techniques cross over as well.
    3 points
  14. 3 points
  15. I think it is generally accepted by the bass fishing community that removal of smaller class fish will benefit a fishery, although it is more complicated than keeping a limit of legal fish. Labeling catch and release as a scam on the other hand, I'm not sure about.
    3 points
  16. It's almost always an adventure fishing in south Florida, even when the bite sucks, like this morning. My friend and I fished the canal on the Boca Raton/Delray Beach line. The first interesting sight was a great blue heron on a dock trying to swallow an large oscar and practically choking on it. He finally managed to spit it out onto the deck and just stood there looking at it not knowing what to do next. Fishing was a struggle, just three small bass and a miniature peacock. A boat near us, though, landed a clown knifefish, quite an interesting creature. And then I caught on a jig, for the first time, a jaguar guapote, seen in the photo. I thought it was a crappie for a few seconds, then I noticed the cichlid fin pattern and recognized it as a guapote from photos I had seen.
    3 points
  17. i usually dont start threads, and i certainly realize that this has been discussed on here before down through the years, but i wanted to share my experience with you guys. this project has already been completed and i did reference this site, along with others, to help me through. i own a 96 Javelin 367 with a 2000 Johnson 90 hp outboard that i purchased in 2012. the carpet really began to show some wear these last couple of years and i couldn’t stand it any longer. so i placed my order with bassboatseats.com, 20’ x 6’ of midnight star (gray) and two tubs of glue. i opted for the 20 oz carpet. cost me around $250 for everything. on 10/16 i removed all hatches from the boat, as well as, the deck carpet. i was able to use all the old carpet as templates for the new carpet. this was somewhat difficult in places but a 1” wood chisel allowed me to do a tedious salvage. once all the old carpet had been removed i flattened the pieces with some scrap mdf and 2x12 (stair stringer ends) to weigh them down. i will stop here for tonight but i will pick things back up tomorrow. here are a few demo pics.
    2 points
  18. I've set up many people with spinning rigs like this for frogs. Mostly people that can't or won't learn how to use a baitcaster. Put a 4000 or 5000 series reel on it, 40# braid and go frogging, punch weeds with a jig - basically anything you'd use a MH to H casting rig for.
    2 points
  19. I just wanted to post some lures I made recently. The glide baits are 5.5, 5, and 7.5 inches long for some perspective.
    2 points
  20. I am incredibly, immensely offended. You should immediately offer me a craft beer and a back seat on your boat for a day on Champlain to make up for this egregious error!!!! Its all good!
    2 points
  21. I don't know who this Jim fella you speak of is, but he seems like quite the doofus. To this day, I don't know how I stayed 'in the boat'. I was waist deep in the water, upside down. Center of mass and the laws of gravity say I was going for a swim and re-entering the boat via boarding ladder/climbing the engine (I don't think you had the ladder installed yet at that point??). I guess the human body is capable of some amazing things when you see $$$$ worth of brand new rod and reel sinking to the bottom the first time you use it!
    2 points
  22. Exactly. Study your friend's technique.
    2 points
  23. http://www.maxindustrialmicrowave.com/worm-dryer-a-149.html
    2 points
  24. We fished Pickwick on the lake and below the dam. We wacked 'em! Largemouth on the lake early with a Senko and Red Eye Shad. Later on the river it was all smallies: Rage Tail Menace, Rage Swimmer, BPS Tender Tube #71 and live bait. Surprisingly artificials were the best producers. Best largemouth was caught on the Red Eye Shad and my partner caught a 6 1/2 smallmouth on a Menace. My best was 4 1/2 on a Rage Swimmer.
    2 points
  25. Seriously? This can't be a real question. Like anything else that gets wet, wait and soon they will be dry.
    2 points
  26. New guy stirring the pot. Wrong place for that. We have several articles and videos dealing with the topic of fishery management that don't stoop to insulting one method or another.
    2 points
  27. Good story....I had a new electric put on the bow of mine this year and threatened my partner I was going to throw him out of the boat.....well....it happened the first trip. we were fishing docks and he took a step forward to cast at the same time I was going the other way kind of quickly....he just kept walking...I DID NOT LAUGH....at least not until I knew he was safe and back in boat. Gosh it was funny. Was a warm day too so that was good.
    2 points
  28. Hmm, It would seem things are currently pretty tough right now. I would said it's because it's much colder out, rained a bunch, water level has went up and current is much faster. However, I could be wrong about all of these and almost all my spots seem dead or show no sign of fish at all. We couldn't get a single bite no matter what we used, I did however finally get a few but not fish i wanted. We even went to catch bass and we did get a bunch of taps we just couldn't manage to hook into one, The closest i got was a bass swimming towards me with my senko in his mouth, I was very excited and then as he got closer to me on shore he dropped the hook and senko yeah she wasn't even hooked. This was when i remembered our rods we had with us were spooled up with four pound test for rainbow trout. Pretty much just not that great of a day but we did manage to catch a few small fish and even found three new lures for our tackle box so there is that.
    2 points
  29. When I think of high-end freshwater spinning reels, only Daiwa and Shimano are in the conversation. I admit to being a Shimano snob. In Shimano's US lineup, they have only 3 reels I consider high end: Sustain, Exsence and Stella. There are 4 high end JDM offerings: Twin Power, Vanquish, Exsence and Stella. Do you need high end reels? No, the fish can't tell the difference. I just really like the feel of them. Once you have a true high end reel in your hands, you can tell the difference. Same goes for rods. I have a real hard time picking up anything but customs anymore!
    2 points
  30. I weighed four legal smallmouth for 3.19, step up your game we really grow them over in WV.
    2 points
  31. From what I read in a nutshell.... It increases the ping speed thus giving you a better image in 2d.
    2 points
  32. I don't eat fish, and I don't clean them for others to eat. So I turn them loose
    2 points
  33. Everytime I complain to my wife it back fires . She has a lot more to complain about than I . That remind me . Its about time for my 10 year ass chewing .
    2 points
  34. This is my all time favorite because it represents the culmination of 15-20 years of chasing a dream.
    2 points
  35. My son fishing with me yesterday morning before I had to leave to come back to Shreveport. Wish we woulda caught something. It was really nice being out at the smaller pond with him though.
    2 points
  36. Due to matters that were out of my hands, I had to move back up to Shreveport. That being said, before I made the move yesterday, I spent Thursday and Friday fishing the smaller pond. Only caught one each day, but I had a good time anyways. My son came with me for about an hour and a half on Friday and then yesterday before I left to come up to Shreveport my son and I went back to the pond for an hour. Didn't catch anything still had fun. Never caught the big un that is in there. Almost did Wednesday night. I'll have to make a post about that. The pics below are from Thursday and Friday. Hoping to have some latest catch pics from up here soon to post. I'll actually have an opportunity to get out on a boat occasionally now.
    2 points
  37. 8 pounds wins a lot of our weeknight tournaments In fact, one of the very first ones we had when they first started, my BIL and I won with 5 fish for, 5 pounds even. 12" length limit. Big fish of the night was 1lb 2ozs. We know how to grow them in KS
    2 points
  38. I like worm drive oscillating, sturdy bail wire, counter balanced rotor and good line roller in a spinning reel.
    2 points
  39. First, you need to buy a $70,000 bass boat. The bass boat will need to be rigged with $10,000 worth of electronics. Second buy a jersey covered with patches because you must look the part while riding around in your new bass boat. Third, you will need 15 combos consisting of $400 rods and $300 reels ( I realize you can only use one at a time, but having the other 14 rods laying on the deck will allow you to switch setups quickly when you are not catching fish on the one you are currently using). Now, what good are all those rods and reels if you haven't spooled them up with 100lb braid. The 100lb braid prevents you from losing fish under all conditions. You will land 100% of the fish you hook. Speaking of hooks, you will need to replace the hooks on all your $20 crankbaits because, for some reason, $20 crankbait hooks don't hook the fish the right way. They must be replaced. You must also buy lots of scent. I think garlic and coffee work the best because they can be found naturally occurring in most underwater ecosystems. A pair of $300 polarized Costas or Oakleys will allow you to see deep into the dark depths of the fishes soul and shame it into biting your hook. Based on the above advice, all I can say is buy a bunch of Powerball tickets this week. With $650M you should be able to become a better fisherman.
    2 points
  40. What's up with witches? According to some articles I've read, interest in the occult is on the rise. Witches hex individuals with whom they disagree. They gather to make potions. Groups of witches are called covens. I may have missed it, but I cannot recall a single sentence, let alone any article that addresses wizards or warlocks in the same sense. Again, I may incorrect, but I cannot recall any wizards being burned at the stake, or drowned while secured a dunking stool in Salem, MA. Where is Harry Potter when you need him?
    1 point
  41. and I thought I was out in left field believing in the moon affecting Bass fishing Gentlemen here's your sign
    1 point
  42. Catt’s making some big statements... I’m a dawgs fan and I’m looking forward to the SEC title game to see how we stack up to Bama.
    1 point
  43. Hey guys, I look for a serious, or maybe not so serious an answer which can shed some light on why the witches get so much press, while their male counterparts rarely if ever appear in the press. Doesn't matter to me if they are capitalists or socialists. As a muggle, I am ignorant of such matters.
    1 point
  44. The "special" zillion I think is the most fun would be the "A Fishing Ape", a line of reels, lures, and clothing done in collaboration with the Japanese streetwear brand A Bathing Ape, more commonly know as BAPE. The reel is simple in design, but I really dig the flat green. Some of the clothing is really cool, but way way too expensive and likely even an XL would be too small to ever fit me. I might pick up one of the lures though. [/url] Edit, I can't seem to find a large hirez of the zillion.
    1 point
  45. You must not know anything about finance/banking/economics if you put down Zerohedge. If you want to trade creditials I am game.....
    1 point
  46. @68camaro and @IndianaFinesse You can't be serious citing an article from "zerohedge"??.
    1 point
  47. That one I’ve never owned but I have heard quite a few people mention it when in regards to one of the best out of the og zillion family. I wish you were a righty. I know of a j dream right now for $200. Has some wear but would be a good way to try it and see if you like it.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
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