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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/2017 in all areas

  1. A little surprise finding one of these guys in the very back of a cut in 1' of water along a weedline. Thought it was going to be a catfish at first.
    5 points
  2. My personal best this year. Beautiful bass pushing 18 inches. A little over 3 lbs. Oh yeah...
    4 points
  3. My one and only tattoo, after a dark period in my life this is my reminder to keep things even. The ying yang symbol using a smallmouth and largemouth.
    4 points
  4. The correct answer was that you need both rods. Feed the Bait Monkey, and maybe he will leave me alone.
    4 points
  5. I accidentally cast through a treee, and as soon as the lure hit the water a Bass hit it. After I took the picture I then lowered it back into the water, and my fishing buddy was able to snag my line and reel it in. The bass was released and seemed to be OK ! (the camera is zoomed all the way in, so it appears closer than it actually was)
    3 points
  6. Nobody is going to admit they purchased way points and got outside information. Really, its all speculation. Unless you were there when "Bobby Best Guide Ever" gave the way points to whatever pro. I'm waiting to see if more guys fail polygraphs this year, because of this rule. The thing is that you can still share information between elite series pros so some guys (Jordan Lee who seems to be buddies with everyone) have the possibility of getting more info than somebody like Dave Lefebre( Dave doesn't even really like Dave)
    3 points
  7. You can still catch plenty of fish in clear water on straight braid. I fish bright pink braid in clear water for added visibility and have no problem catching fish. 30lb braid generally is going to be about the same diameter as an 8lb mono, which is really pretty thin. Add in a little murk of some algae and sediment floating in the water, a little distortion from the sunlight refraction at the water's surface, and that thin line becomes even harder to see. You're fishing for fun I assume, so maybe it cost you a bite or two over the course of a day of fishing. If you enjoy fishing it more, it sounds to me like a pretty fair trade off.
    3 points
  8. My abs look remarkably similar, but strangely they wanted some winter insulation about 15 years ago and I haven't seen them since.
    3 points
  9. I out them in the front seat. Butt end is on ground tip points towards the rear of car. Rods sit diagonally if that makes sense
    3 points
  10. Maybe it hasn't dawned on you yet, but even though you didn't get a bite I think you found a keeper. Good ones are far and few between. You may not want her to be the one that got away.
    3 points
  11. You need to learn the hook removal technique with line. Saved many a day on the water!! I've seen hooks pulled out of the tops of heads all the way down to feet. It works!!
    3 points
  12. That's about the worst possible thing that could happen, so you better just go ahead and marry her now. Young hot shot dude pulled up to the ramp in a big fancy Nitro that looked brand spankin' new. His little trophy blonde hopped out beside him and you could tell they were already annoyed at each other (Not good). He was kinda talking to her like she was an idiot which made me feel bad for her. He backed the boat in and told her don't touch anything, just stand there and hold the rope and don't move until he gets back. She's like ok whatever with an eye roll. I noticed the boat didn't look right. The transom started going deeper and deeper. After a few minutes when the dude got back he started yelling at her WHAT DID YOU DO....... She said NOTHING YOU HORSES ASS I HELD THE ROPE. Homeboy for got to put the plug in. She walked right to the truck and got in. He loaded up and off they went. I guess that was the end of their fishing trips. I laughed about that for weeks.
    3 points
  13. Back in late Aug I posted that after several months, I was very fortunate to have pretty much fully recovered from a knee injury. Additionally I was thankful for the opportunity to be able to get back in the gym. This summer I celebrated my 29th birthday - for the second time. Not exactly at a point in my life where it's a good idea to be carrying excess baggage. So the past several months I’ve made a concerted effort to work towards reducing my body fat. It’s been a labor of love. History has indicated, that at least for me, getting my diet in check is always a major priority as is being smart & sensible while in the gym. (I built a small home gym several years ago ~ extremely convenient). I'd like to encourage anyone & everyone who is thinking about making a change to improve their health to Go For It ! The longer we wait the harder it gets. The first step is the hardest. Although not totally where I want to be, I feel like I'm headed in the right direction. I routinely finish all my training with core work – this video is the last set from this morning. A-Jay
    2 points
  14. Hello! I wanted to give a little story of my fishing trip this past weekend. I went bass fishing on the Alabama river for spots and large mouth, but I was also planning to try catfishing for the first time in decades. Well, the bass fishing wasnt going well and I only got one bite which I missed. So I decided to try catfishing. Catfishing went worse than bass fishing due to numerous rookie mistakes. I had problems with the newly spooled catfish line, the wind was blowing, horrible bait selection, etc. Well, just as I was about to pull the anchor and head to the boat ramp I hear a big commotion behind me. A school of shad got hammered by what seemed like a school of game fish. I spun around quickly, grabbed my rod with a spinner bait, and cast right into the ruckus. Within a few reels of the spinner lure, it was fish on! This guy was fun to fight, mainly due to his running. Im guessing he was about 5 or 6 pounds, and I believe it's a striper, but not sure. Not a monster by any means, but I was just as happy to catch him! (I was going to upload a photo but it says the file is too big) So what started out to be an unsuccessful fishing trip turned out to be wonderful fishing trip!
    2 points
  15. Mostly in person, but I found this in a google image search. It's pretty similar to what I've seen. The box on the port stern is pretty cool. Reminds me of my old Sea Nymph.
    2 points
  16. I bought a special rod holder. Was a little pricey, but well worth it. It has some secondary uses/benefits, as well. It's made by Dodge....Durango is the model.
    2 points
  17. http://wncn.com/2017/05/03/fayetteville-man-gets-6-years-in-prison-after-website-sold-counterfeit-items/ "FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. (WNCN) — A Fayetteville man will spend six years in prison, surrender two homes and more than $200,000 after he was found guilty of trafficking in counterfeit goods on a Fayetteville-based website, federal officials say. Kurt Michael Krol, 36, was sentenced on Wednesday after he pleaded guilty in mid-December 2015."
    2 points
  18. I'd love to know who it is who's been performing above their ability with these waypoints. Every pro seems to say it will be a good thing and stop the "others" from getting an advantage, but nobody has yet said it will put a kink in their season next year!
    2 points
  19. Totally get that nobody broke any rules. I'm fine with that. It looks like you're from that area, so you obviously know more about that body of water than i do. I understand it is technically all one body (as defined by the rules), but I imagine they fish like two completely different ones. I wasn't there, but I can't imagine they were pushing much water given that it was late summer. I assume that's why the tunnel hulls were used in the first place. I guess it's possible, but I see that as a minor difference compared to a jet boat or tunnel hull. I get the whole "strategy" argument when it comes to tournament fishing (run/sacrifice fishing time, etc.). I understand why guys to it and get that it's within the rules...I just don't like it, personally. When guys run so far on a body of water that it basically turns into a different ecosystem...c'mon. Sure it's a gamble to run far. Your boat could break down or you could run out of gas, but that doesn't seem to happen all that often. Equipment is so good nowadays. I just get a little suspicious when guys make 100+ mile runs in competition. I think of Palaniuk running to Ontario from the St. Lawrence at Waddington. Why would you gamble on a run like that (different story if he was a local)? If he actually practiced in the Lake during the official practice period, why? Especially knowing it was such a long, treacherous run from the launch spot. My guess is he got some outside help. Same thing with Mclelland at the last Sabine Elite event. A guy from Arkansas running 200+ miles across Galveston Bay to a tiny canal holding enough quality bass for a 2nd place finish. How the heck did he know about that spot? I'm just not naive enough to believe these guys looked on a map and thought..."this spot 200 miles away looks really good, I'll spend my official practice days there." Now, of course, I'm speculating and could be completely wrong in my assumptions. I can be a negative nancy sometimes. If that's the case, then I offer my apologies to the aforementioned anglers. And, to be clear, I don't think this was the case for Ott. I have zero doubt that he just knows that place really well from years of experience.
    2 points
  20. It happens to everyone eventually I'd suspect. Just be glad it was a little guy. I had one in the 6-7 pound range do that to me while bank fishing a pond by myself. Nothing I could do but wait for my line to break or the fish to come loose. If I get over a small limb near the water, I'll actually leave the bait in the water and lift it up and down several times or splash it on the surface. I've caught lots of fish doing that.
    2 points
  21. This past August hooked wive in finger joint fly fishing, after removing it swelled up like a big pea for 30 minutes then went to normal, she was ticked.....I still think not smart to walk behind someone casting. Years ago hooked daughter when she was 8 in head, she still tells people about this....:)
    2 points
  22. Slippery slope is right.....What's next? Competitors can only use XXXX Rods, XXXX Reels, XXXX Boat manufacturer. XXXX Baits and can only tow with XXXX trucks? While I agree, there is a need for "off-limits" areas, I would have a problem with a boat restriction beyond a USCG Tagged hull including the proper HP outboard. So is someone going to complain that one brand of hull is faster and more fuel efficient (Like Allison for example) and can therefore go further and faster unleveling the playing field? Hmmmmmmm.........
    2 points
  23. I'll be in that good of shape when Colonel Sanders starts selling free weights. Way to go AJay.
    2 points
  24. TNRiver, I posted a rely to you but dont see it. I was up near Montgomery where the Catoma Creek meets the river, near Gunter Hill campground.
    2 points
  25. For real, knowing the string trick and getting that hook out right then and there with no pain and not having to go to get it removed at a medical facility would have completely impressed her.
    2 points
  26. I've never understood why guys say they don't fight either. They might not make runs and jump out of the water like a bass, but the one's we catch of significant size (20"+) love to stay down and give a really good head thrash. Such a fun fish to catch.
    2 points
  27. I picked up my first airbrush this year and decided to try my luck and painting crankbait. Good thing fish don't care about how pretty they are.
    1 point
  28. ...got my trap back to me to see that what I felt was me smacking a fish in the eye and bringing it back with me.
    1 point
  29. Yo .. so .. last Friday I couldn't wait to get off work to go fish w/ my gf. I got her into her, she loves it now. I go almost everyday after work for ~4hrs. Off at 2pm, on water at ~330 til 7 or til I just get tired, sometimes I just go for 2hrs cause I just want to cast, its not always about catching fish - I just love to be on the water. Catching fish is cool when it happens. Anyway.. she goes to Cabelas, buys me the 3 crankbaits I asked her to get earlier in the day. Comes over, pack up, now were on the water.. THIS IS WHERE THINGS GO SOUTH. We go to our fav spot, LITERALLY ON MY FIRST CAST.. I noticed the bait never made it out and I hear, "ouch, WAIT!", so I panick, realize the crank is stuck to her yoga pants, I'm like "oh crap, can you pull it out?" shes like, "um, its not moving", i say, "omg did it go in?!" and it sure did.. right in the side of her thigh. I panick a little, cut a small circle around the 1 treble hook thats hooked into her top layer of skin and try to get it out, no luck without hurting her. so. shes tough. shes a girly girl. i didnt expect her to be that tough, she was actually more ticked off we werent on the water for more than 5 minutes and now have to go to Patient First to get it out.. which took like ~2hrs.. went home and all is fine. I felt like an Ahole, she didnt care, she understood.... happen to anyone else?
    1 point
  30. I don't think sand wold get in the gear area so a surface tear down is easy. Take off the spool clean th he drag wash the empty spool in simple green and water or dish soap. Clean the bail bearing and oil. I wipe down the main shafts and coat with oil. Pull the handle oil the knob bearings, and q tip out any areas with dirt. Spinners are easy to care for but if you do go in the gear area mark them both so they can be lined back up.
    1 point
  31. I have a bunch of the 5.5" and 6.5" golden shiners. I like them so far. I've caught about 10 fish on one and it tore just a tad at the hook. Super glue fixed it right up. A little paint peel but nothing major. Definitely worth their price imo.
    1 point
  32. My spinning reels get a lot less attention than my baitcasters. But at the beginning of the season I just spin the bail off, wipe out any gunk with a q-tip, use compressed air to blow away debris, and then oil them.
    1 point
  33. No, the fortrex won't effect your ability to plane out. You will be adding an additional battery for the 24v Fortrex so there will be a little more weight in the back as well but it won't be noticeable. You're going to top out at around 36-37MPH /w a 60 on the back. You are under powering the boat. Generally, you should always get the max HP allowed for a hull for the best performance. In your case a 75 I think is max for it. You'll appreciate it if you fish larger waters. If you fish a lot of smaller bodies of water, then you won't notice it much and a 60 will suit you fine.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. I don't know where that body fat you're talking about is.
    1 point
  36. I use the same hook set as a crankbait except hesitate to feel the bass weight before reeling and firm rod sweep. Yes, you need to hook set! Tom
    1 point
  37. Anotherr thought is to use a one piece which if its really going to dump all day i grab my motorcycle suite. Its a cheap option and works amazing. https://www.cyclegear.com/search?_utf8=✓&query=rain+suite&commit=Search
    1 point
  38. @Ruy Lopez: I feel your pain. Trying to get the yak out a few more times before it gets too cold. Only thing I can say is that air temp fluctuates much more quickly than water temp, but i’m planning on mostly tossing T-rigged worms and creatures and jigs early and if that doesn’t work, I’ll try flukes and maybe chatterbaits. Wish it wasn’t too weedy in the shallows for squarebill. I gotta think weedless or fairly weedless. Early evening I’m going to see what happens with a whopper plopper. (Would love to try swim jigs, but don’t have any that aren’t lead.) let me know how you make out.
    1 point
  39. There is shaking and there is shaking, you basically want to shake it lightly while keeping the weight on the bottom. Tom
    1 point
  40. If you are looking for a baitcasting rod for popper and a wide variety of lures from 1/4 to 5/8 oz, Don Iovino's Major Craft Splash-It rod is ideal and available from TW. Tom
    1 point
  41. Get yourself one of each 6'9" Med and MH Abu A(something or other), then get yourself a nice steak dinner with the change.
    1 point
  42. Thanks, A-jay, I was eyeing those as well since they supposedly have some stretch properties. The one knock for me about my Guidewear is they are built for folks with a bit more "body" so it seems like I'm wearing one or two sizes too big even though the Medium fits my sleeve and inseam perfectly. Guess I'll have to plan a trip to the local Cabela's soon and try on the bibs and jacket.
    1 point
  43. I do the same with fluro spools....has worked for years...probably too old to change!!
    1 point
  44. Wind is a way of life here and I fished out of a 16' aluminum for a lot of years. Put the biggest TM you can get on the front, point it straight into the wind, put your head down and fish. It takes time to learn to fight the wind and fish at the same time, but it can be done.
    1 point
  45. Just picked up some things geared more towards my heavy saltwater fishing. Headlined by the Fin-Nor Lethal.
    1 point
  46. Used to live in Daphne Alabama 20 years ago and Gambinos Italian Grill restaurant in Fairhope Alabama was one of mine and my wife’s favorites. Fairhope is about 30 miles from Gulf Shores, it’s a small little town with shopping, boutiques, and restaurants. Congrats on tying the knot.
    1 point
  47. F=mA Where F = # of fish caught m = Money invested A = Angler Ability Just a little Newtown's Second Law pun there for those that are not physics savvy.
    1 point
  48. One of the things you do is, DO NOT let them jump, if you can help it. Keep your rod tip low and try to keep them down. Another thing is, don't give them any slack. Keep them tight. The hookset isn't as good with treble hooks. I could be wrong, but I've personally attributed it to the hooks being smaller and not getting as deep. You'll lose as many fish as you catch on treble hook baits until you get it down: Stay low, don't let 'em jump, keep it tight. And then even after you get it down, you'll still lose a good portion. Also make sure they have the bait before setting. Instead of out right missing, you could be just barely catching them and thus they're easily off.
    1 point
  49. Some important questions to ask: What "kind" and size of squarebills do you mostly throw? I like different rods for different sized baits. I also like different rods for different "wobbles". What kind of cover do you crank? A good squarebill rod for grass is going to be a different beast than a good wood/rock/hard cover squarebill rod. Where are you casting? Under overhanging bushes, docks or other tight spots? Making long bomb casts down rip rap banks, over grass flats, down long grass lines, or other large areas trying to cover water?
    1 point
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