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  1. 11 points
  2. They were little but the numbers were ridiculous.
    10 points
  3. Took the slender pointer out today for a trial run...I stopped counting once I hit 20 smallies on a dropoff from a saddle. They were really on the feed today. Nothing huge but did lose one that was probably around 4 lbs...hopefully run into more of those next week. Still waiting for the weather to cool as our air temp was in the 70's with the water in the high 60's.
    10 points
  4. On a day where the bite was tough, this was the ONLY fish landed. It came on a cast where my brother rainbowed his line over a branch and this little guy jumped out of the water to grab his senko as we were trying to undo the mess. Unconventional, but kept the skunk away nonetheless!
    5 points
  5. @PAbasser927 I didn't know bass could fly, Today i learned something. I've been rainbow trout fishing for the past day and not so lucky catching them so i went back to bass for a bit. I got to try out some new lures and had a blast caught a huge bass on a lip less crank bait on something i have never caught anything on. But he got off my lure maybe the hooks were to small/powerful fish/etc. But we did catch a few nice fish on a lipless and square crank bait with my sister. I caught something before heading home, I believe it was a pickerel and i lost my red lipless and all i could think of in that moment was taps, I think i need to invest in steel leaders.
    4 points
  6. Yesterday I went to a small, secluded pond in the woods you have to drag the kayak into. It's a lot of work getting in and out of this place but it holds big fish. I go there in the spring and fall looking for better fish. The forecast showed clouds and rain so I was expecting a good topwater bite; and this place did not disappoint. I was throwing a bone 130 Plopper and a Poppin Pad Crasher and I got on them right away with my NEW PB!! A 6-8; which I know isn't huge for some you you slayers out there but for Maine, it's not a bad fish. And I usually fish for numbers so getting on a good one now and then is an accomplishment for me. Soon after I had another 5, a couple of 4's and some smaller fish. I went looking for more and changed up baits to a 3.8 Keitech and could have caught all the 1.5 lbers I wanted but that's not why I go to this place. So I abandoned that pattern, went back to where I knew I should be, with the bait I knew I should be throwing and continued to catch good fish. Ended up with the 6-8, 3 5's, 3-4 4's, a few 3's and a bunch of dinks. Probably the best big fish day of my life tbh. The 6-8 A couple of the 5's
    3 points
  7. I am a fisherman for life, I will always be a fisherman, It's not something I do, it's who I am, Fishing is not an escape, it's where I belong, Where I am supposed to be it's not a place, But a lifelong journey, It's a passage my grandfather showed me, And one that I will show others. Keep A tight line! Andy " Cooch" Cuccia
    3 points
  8. I've been fishing out of an old 16' Bass Tracker for years now, she's served me well, (in fact, I'll be keeping it) but I've been wanting to try out a glass boat for a while now. So, after combing through the craigslist adds and facebook for a couple months, I came across a pretty nice 2004 Skeeter TZX 190 and ending up taking her home: Got my first trip out in it yesterday, ran like a top. Way different to drive than a Tracker! After a little porpoising, then swamping the back after slowing down, I started to get the hang of driving it pretty quick. So far, I'm very happy with it.
    2 points
  9. Since you're from Wisconsin if you're within driving range head over to the St Croix facility and you'll be able to acquire discounted St Croix rods.
    2 points
  10. Handle lengths for swimbait rods and flipping are pretty different, that's something you might want to look at before trying to do both with one rod.
    2 points
  11. There was a recent discussion on plastics storage and I found an idea that works just great. Thank You to Jim Sutter for turning me on to it. I picked up a plastic storage box with 16 discrete 4 x 6 boxes inside. Got it at Michaels, $40 but on sale for 40% off, came out to $23 and change. Haven't had it out yet but works great in the garage. Most plastics, especially Senkos fit just right. Here are some pix: The box Box showing the 16 compartments Perfect fit
    2 points
  12. If the bearing is over lubed then the handle will spin backwards. If the line is slipping and the handle isn't then it's a line or drag issue.
    2 points
  13. I was out October 4th, 7th and today. On the 4th water temp was upper 50's, light wind and partly cloudy. I fish a small shallow lake connected to a bigger deeper lake. I caught 15 fish all on shallow lake. Largest was 20 inches. Everything was shallow. Caught a few on spinnerbait, but most on chartreuse swim jig with green grub trailer. On the 7th water temps were middle 50's and it was windy. I caught 5 fish and struggled!! Today water temp was 51 on big lake, 49 on small. I fished big lake for 2 hours and caught 1 small fish. Moved to the smaller lake and caught 15 in 2 hours. It was some of the best fishing I have had this year. Every fish was 14 inches or better. Largest 2 were 19 inches. Most were caught on white swim jig with white grub trailer. A couple on KVD 1.5. All in less then 4 feet of water. Most fish were really shallow in or next to reeds. Going to get out one more time. Supposed to be sunny and upper 60's Thursday and Friday. I hope that doesn't screw up the bite.
    2 points
  14. Wife caught me wigglin' that shaky head down in Tennessee last week.
    2 points
  15. Pair of bald eagles hanging out in the trees at a local lake.
    2 points
  16. Niiiiice Sack ~ ! And I'm really digging your 3rd arm & extra ear right there ~ Bet that comes in pret-ty handy just bout every dern day. Congrats A-Jay
    2 points
  17. 45+ yrs & thousands hours of night fishing from April through October during every possible moon phase I've logged no distinct advantage of one phase over an other. While I absolutely believe that the moon affects all life on earth and it is what causes tidal movement in all bodies of water regardless of how small. Moon phase is but one part of the total picture you still have to take into account bait fish activity, weather, seasons, water conditions & your ability to locate fish! Each trip out I strive to control the things I have power over; boat control, lure selections, techniques, locations and so forth.
    2 points
  18. She's getting pumped for the cooler weather. So so am I! Shes great off leash but it gets a little tough tracking her down when the leaves really start falling. The deer and fox know her well.
    2 points
  19. ...got my trap back to me to see that what I felt was me smacking a fish in the eye and bringing it back with me.
    1 point
  20. frogg toggs. after trying several other brands, they are the only ones that keep me cool in summer and they are not ridiculously expensive like some.
    1 point
  21. I use Colombia gear for the warm time of the year. I use some of there hiking pants and a regular rain coat. They are very light weight and work well
    1 point
  22. I use Frogg Toggs for all my rain gear. Their stuff is very affordable and after a few years, it seems to be quality.
    1 point
  23. I use Tekota 300LC with 50lb braid for lake trout & salmon. The biggest I have used is the 500 series Tekota LC. The 700 & 800 series is overkill unless you need massive line capacity & like heavy oversized reels. My Tekota LC's have been in service for at least 10 years now without any problems. I own 6 of them. I have used Loomis IMX MBR 744 for lake trout fishing successfully up to 38 lbs. So bass rods will work for lakers if you have the right equipment. For salmon I would suggest Loomis or St Croix Steelhead rods up to 8-8.5'. These same rods could be used for lake trout.
    1 point
  24. Are you flippin or pitchin, 2 very different presentation that angler tend to lump together. Flippin is all rod and line, reel plays a minor role. Pitchin is rod and reel casting the lure a short distance. Swimbaits are completely different from flippin and pitchin making long casts, the rod launching the lure with ease. Agree all 3 presentation utilize longer rods and can be heavier lures. If you want a swimbait rod that doubles for flippin, that is 1 option. You have a pitchin pitching rod. The Irod 8' Xheavy swimbait will work for flippin and swimbaits you mentioned. Tom
    1 point
  25. I wasn't clear enough. Drinking the cherry juice once you have the symptoms is too late. I have a problem breaking down uric acid, causing kidney stones and gout. The cherry juice helps minimize the gout attacks, not necessarily get rid of them in the midst.
    1 point
  26. You smoked the fire out of em.What a fine day of fishing you had there
    1 point
  27. I am an FG fan, but the knot is very easy to screw up. Also, it doesn't like an aggressive twitching retrieve. Same for the Alberto. My suggestions are: 1. More wraps than normal as recommended above. 2. You have to pull it VERY tight to set it. What the knot actually does is deform the leader to form mechanical interlocks in the leader for the braid wraps, but if the braid comes loose, the knot is gone. So the next suggestion is 3. Concentrate on very tight, multiple, half hitches to finish it, then apply super glue or UV curing epoxy to just the half hitches. If you take one of your FG knots apart and see no permanent distortion of the leader, you are not tightening it enough. If it slips as you pull it tight, you are not using enough weaves. If the knot continues to slip as you pull, start over with more weaves-this knot is not salvageable. The FG is also different with lighter lines and leaders than with heavy ones for which it was developed. For lighter lines and leaders you really have to use a lot of wraps, and very tight, multiple, glued half hitches. I know there are those who don't seem to need to do all these things, but I wonder if they really use the knot with aggressive twitches. I cannot get away without doing them. The FG done right is a dream, very strong, very long lasting, very clean and quiet through the guides.
    1 point
  28. Congratulations on your Skeeter, good boat. If you don't already have a transum saver that doesn't use the trailer roller for support, get one. Tom
    1 point
  29. Welcome Home! We're glad you're here.
    1 point
  30. When things are really tough down size and slow way down. When you think its slow, slow down even slower. A senko or zoom U-Vibe in watermelon red in clear water, and black and junebug in dingy water, have saved many a tuff day for me. Keep the wind to your back and you can fish these slow and methodical all day long, without having to use big weights. Slight jerks and long pauses work great for me on tough days. Good luck, we have all faced those tough conditions.
    1 point
  31. I'm the assistant shop manager, which basically means I write down all the answers to the questions I think the big wigs will ask so my boss can answer them on a conference call while I sit there in silence. Perfect time to slap a few jigs together
    1 point
  32. Thanks guys! Yes, I am grateful to live in a fantastic fishery. The only coldwater fish not in abundance here seems to be brown trout and a handful of other salmon species. Everything else comes in year-round numbers, you just have to learn how to catch them. I'll look into those lures. Thanks for the suggestions.
    1 point
  33. Here in Merryland the saying is any color works as long as it's white. Allen
    1 point
  34. Nice find, hope you enjoy. Glad to hear you are keeping the tracker for the hard to get in places.
    1 point
  35. This one, or the other model which mounts on a vertical surface.
    1 point
  36. I think the 5000 is a tough workhorse reel but as a casting reel leaves a lot to be desired in terms of cast controls and repetitively throwing lighter baits. I think you’ll be happy with any of the low profile reels from a major company. I can’t speak to the combo you cite because I’ve never used or seen one. Lately I’ve been doting on Daiwa Tatula reels. They’re all well built. I just got a Tatula SV TW off eBay for $125 and consider it a great buy. Read a review of it on Tackletour.com
    1 point
  37. I would like to add if you use braid with leaders don't use rods with micro guides. Tom
    1 point
  38. Definitely a fall fish. We catch them on the Susquehanna every once in a while. The grunting is a dead giveaway.
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. If the FG is tied correctly, your terminal knot should fail before it does. I use it for saltwater and had issues at first. After quite a few jigs and Gulp lost, I’ve got the hang of it now. I routinely throw 1 ounce jigs with Gulp baits on them and haven’t lost one since. Even broken off on oyster bars on the bottom with a 40lb mono leader. FG knot held fine.
    1 point
  41. Don't have a 12in carbon but do have a 9in graph up front. Balzout is definitely more sturdy/rock solid than the 2.25 larger ram mount and will never move once you lock it down. However...I prefer the larger ram mount because it gives me more options/adjustability to move it around. I fish similar waters as you + the river so I'm not out on a KY lake type rough water area and don't have the issues a lot of guys have /w the larger ram mount bouncing loose and moving around. Mine is rock solid. Also, the 2-3 weeks in the fall that I pretend to be a walleye guy on the river, I like to be able to extend that super tall Ram mount straight up so i can video game fish vertically jigging for walleye. If you're putting it at the console, I would go /w the BBT if mounting it above the steering wheel. Precision sonar makes a nice one but I just prefer the BBT. If you're side mounting it on the ledge next to you, I would go /w the Balzmount. Enjoy that new carbon Mike. They look sick. I've got a 50-60 piece jig order coming your way in the next month.
    1 point
  42. The spinnerbait bite should be pretty good in the backs of creeks if you can find a little breeze. It's a very pretty and solid lake in the fall. I fish mostly south of the state park directly in the center of the lake. The lake is generally clear, but you can definitely run the lake towards the south to find the clarity you prefer. I would check on the Ozark angler forum for some more specifics, otherwise it's a nice lake to explore. -Jared
    1 point
  43. If you can get your hands on some Berkley Frenzy's, they are another discontinued bait that work phenomenal on kings. One current bait you should try is the Strike King Bonsai Shad
    1 point
  44. Great Steelie ~ "and no one else was even fishing" Nothing like having world class steelhead fishing all to yourself ~ Gotta Love That ! Congrats A-Jay
    1 point
  45. Your brother sounds like he had some of my luck. We should go fishing some time...lol. ?
    1 point
  46. And you will know it's speed OR position....
    1 point
  47. You guys are a bad influence on me. I ordered more from lurenet. Now I see deals at mister twister and mepps. the mepps timber doodle is the bait for weeds. It out fished a guy next to me with livebait, we were neck and neck till the timber doodle pulled ahead and never looked back. The silver blade with the white trailer. please check our Sponcers first. They support us too. I'd rather pay a tad more and support this sight. It's a win/win for all of us, they need to eat too. I've seen Walmart put stuff on clearance one month then six weeks later put the same stuff on the shelf at full price. Is there a experation date on crankbaits? Watch Walmart for clearances after Christmas till spring.
    1 point
  48. PM Cadman or Smalljaw or Mike Seibert
    1 point
  49. Only the true wart lover will be able to tell for sure. Once you've earned your 5th level wart black belt, your powers are so strong you can close your eyes in a flea market and they will lead you to them like a Ouija board. Once you can focus the power of the wart, you even start to "hunt" when you walk. I can spot a master a mile away when I see the wiggle walk.
    1 point
  50. I will make a long story short. I was fishing a T rig and on the fall it got nailed and took off. By the time I could get the slack in I felt that I was hung up. I knew it was wrapped around a stump because I know the lake and that stump well. Anyway It was hot and I wanted my Weight and hook back so I dove under to unwrap the line and as soon as it was loose it took off. Thankfully I still had the line in hand so I started the hand over hand trick and ended up the fish was still on it after several minutes. Must have been a really good hookset. Swam him to the boat unhooked him and watched him swim off.
    1 point
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