here's a new one that just happened today. As some of you know from my previous posts, we have a new boat on order and will pick it up in the spring. As my wife is extremely sensitive to the sun, we got a boat with a sun top to keep her in the shade.
However, I told her the sun top will only work when the sun is high in the sky, and she'll need to keep her big floppy hat with her. So today my wife was out shopping, and when she came home this was our conversation.
Her: Hi honey, do you like the material I bought?
Me: Ya, it looks nice, what's it for?
Her: Curtains !
Me: I look around the house and ask, do we really need new curtains?
Her: Not for here silly, I'm going to make curtains for the boat.
Me: HUH?
Her : You said the sun top won't work all the time, so I'll make curtains to hang off of it, to keep the sun off of me. That's a great idea, don't you think. At this point " happy wife, happy life" entered my mind and I said yep, it sure is. So with all the things I've been thinking about getting for this boat, curtains never once crossed my mind. Silly me Jim