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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2017 in all areas

  1. Fall has definitely made its arrival... Look at the build on these fish! FYI these 3 would weigh 10-11lbs together
    8 points
  2. 6 lbs 23 1/2" long Chrome W/blue back RattleTrap
    6 points
  3. 5 1/4 lbs 21 1/2" long Chrome W/blue back RattleTrap
    5 points
  4. My biggest in 5 years, but definitely not my pb, I guess him around 5, my scale died when I grabbed it to weigh him.
    4 points
  5. I caught my pb after a tournament day at my local lake. I managed to mark how long it was on my road and measure it. It was 19.6 inches long. How much do you guys think it weighs?
    3 points
  6. So I haven't gone out for smallmouth in a very long time and it was way overdo. We took off on the Niagara river today.. was super slow at first with 3 hours with no bites then finally started hooking up.. 2cnd fish of the day was this hog.. or hog to me. 4 lb 1 oz dark beauty.
    3 points
  7. I don't know that I'd call it a "gimmick", as fish do certainly eat bats in the rare occurrence they come in contact with them, but I look at it as another crawler that just happens to look like a bat. No way do I believe a fish sees it and gets excited because it's going to get to eat a bat.
    3 points
  8. The best way to organize is to eliminate The less tackle you have, the easier it is to remember what everything is and does.
    3 points
  9. I've never posted results on here, but this old man is kinda proud of himself.. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to win the 2017 Gator Div BFL Championship! It was a long time coming but feels good to check something off my bucket list Mike
    2 points
  10. Sooo today was another day for a personal best for largemouth. I started out the morning great! This small lake I have found recently holds tons and tons of big bass.. started off using buzzbaits around 6:30 am .. first fish blows up!! Boom 4 pound 8 oz fish.. about 20 minutes later another!! This one topping 5 pounds .. I'm getting excited now. I keep fishing about an hour it's near 7:30, I caught a few more in he 2-3 pound range. I'm pretty happy as i float around in my canoe. The sun is coming up soon so I get one last top water and then switch to a senko.. well things couldn't be any better until..... I went to stand up in my canoe and for the first time ever... I slipt and lost balance and whoop there I go. In he water, phone ruined. Rods and tackle box etc fell over , everything was just soaked, luckily I was only in about 2-3 ft of water as I was casting into a deep hole from shore. So now I'm ticked.. took me a hour or so to get everything , got my rods first before they had chance to get really wet. Don't wanna ruin them.. well after that bad luck i decided screw it I'm not going to stop now so I changed clothes and fished on.. I had this feeling though, gut insinct. I throw out my senko.. about 3 seconds into the fall I feel the smallest "tick" so I set the hook and boy she set it back. Drag just starts peeling off ! I was so happy. About 5 minutes later and a huge tail walk across water. I pulll out a. 5 pound 15 oz beauty! 21.6 inches long fat as ever.. my old PB was 5 14, still haven't hit that true 6 pound mark but I know she is in lake... somewhere. Sorry I don't have any pics as my phone won't turn on now after being wet today at least we have this story ! Till next time, tight lines
    2 points
  11. been using Gamblers for years and have no problem catching more than 6-8 fish before changing out. also using owner twist locks they are great for swimbaits. use heavier gauge wire model. if screw locks won't work try using Gamblers swim bait hooks or Owner's rigid hooks. they are a little shorter but are really stout.
    2 points
  12. Well all mono will look like that after you take it off your reel. I use mono for everything except punching and frogging.6-8lb trilene xl for spinning reels and 12-15lb big game on casting reels. Also make sure you are spooling properly...Good luck
    2 points
  13. USN 1990-1995 Hospital Corpsman
    2 points
  14. Shimanos are among the simplest to work on. There's no magic or secrets in any of this. It willingness, experience and a few tools. I'll be happy to tend to your reel service needs if you like. I extend a 10% discount off labor to members here. Just supply screen name when sending reels.
    2 points
  15. How do you keep your tackle organized? Keep my grandson out of it ?
    2 points
  16. It looks like a good "crawling" type of bait. The fact that it's a bat is an irrelevant gimmick.
    2 points
  17. Great fish!Are you in the witness protection program? Wife or girlfriend a PETA member?
    2 points
  18. My guess is that it's probably between 2.75 and 3.25 pounds. A nice fish.
    2 points
  19. I think this was worth going to a wedding rehearsal with the wife. I was all about it when she said that there’s a pond there. the bull frogs were mighty aggressive there to what do do you guys think this one weighs, I guess him around 5, but I’m not sure cause the battery in my scale died when I went to weigh him
    2 points
  20. Yeah but it's like a woman who needs just the right angle and lighting vs the one who is always pretty no matter the angle or lighting.
    2 points
  21. Most don't and unless you are a Senko freak like me, it probably makes no difference. I am so tuned into this bait and have thrown it for so long I can tell you some colors skip better than others and there is a difference in the fall rate and action based on color and type of flake or lack of flake........
    2 points
  22. Hey guys I caught my PB just a few days ago and sadly I don't have a scale. I do have a measurement and he is measured at 21 1/2 inches, girth was around 16 inches. A angler stop by to complement me and said it was not a 4 lb but a 5LBer. I really think he is a 5 lber and he is the biggest fish I caught (My PB). I don't have any scale so I don't know the actual weight. Can you guys please tell me how many pounds does he look like he weight? I would like to place his weight with what the majority says. Please give your honest thought positive or negative. Thank You! Length 21 1/2in, Girth 16in
    1 point
  23. These were caught a few weeks ago on my birthday. They pale in comparison to Ajay's tankers lol but those river smallies pull like a champ. Caught a bunch and lost a bunch.
    1 point
  24. Howdy and welcome aboard! I was thinking somewhere around the 4lb range or so. Nice bass!
    1 point
  25. Yes, it's a WTD bait, pretty similar to a Lucky Craft Sammy actually.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. I've caught some nice fish on the H2O, never fished the other.
    1 point
  28. This is what i did when i first started cleaning reels. Now i don't need it anymore. I can pretty much just figure it out now.
    1 point
  29. A 19" fish with a good belly around here goes anywhere from 3.75-4.50 and that fish looks to fall somewhere in that range.
    1 point
  30. Welcome! A fish with those measurements would go 6 pounds very easily, and probably bigger. For reference, I caught one a few years ago that was just over 22" long and 17" around that weighed 7.76 pounds.
    1 point
  31. well done. it's more about the fisherman than the boat anyways!
    1 point
  32. Welcome aboard! If you had a measurement of the girth it would be a little easier to guess. But at that length it should be in the 4-4.3 or so pound weight, give or take.
    1 point
  33. The company in my area is a local company. I don't know of any large companies that do it.
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Set up a camera facing the reel as you take it apart, clear vivid shots of the whole teardown. When you get in a step you don't remember, look back at your own video. That's what I did for my first teardown but didn't end up needing it.
    1 point
  36. One if these days I won't be able to resist the sales at Dicks anymore and I'll pick one up. Definitely want to try. What's more fun than testing out new topwater lures?
    1 point
  37. I don't see any ruler in either picture. There is a tape measure in both pictures, but no ruler...
    1 point
  38. Well, largemouth are pretty but I don't know about that...when the sun hits a smallmouth right, and it's tiger-striped warpaint pops out in stark relief, there's nothing prettier.
    1 point
  39. FFO has 27 of the 6'9" left. Better get it while you can. Probably last chance at a new one. With the sale they're running mine came in at under $70. I couldn't not buy it.
    1 point
  40. We need to start an on the lamb thread. As of lately it seems like it would be a hit. ?
    1 point
  41. Seems like a really nice bass angler community in this forum. looking forward to explore more from this forum. I would love to learn more from other and this place seems to be the right place to learn about bass information.
    1 point
  42. Thank you so much for your answer Catt, I'm doing great and Thank you Michael for the encouragements Lol.
    1 point
  43. "I like it a lot." Love the black lip on that one.
    1 point
  44. From what I have been reading, all of the consumer grade GPS units have about 3-5 meter accuracy. That seems a bit too much, to risk smacking a rock with the boat or prop. I need a jet I think .
    1 point
  45. I only use leaders with braid when I have to. I'd rather either use straight braid or straight fluoro/copolymer. I'd never use Vanish for any bass fishing though.
    1 point
  46. I agree with Deep. All split rings, including oval shape, have sharpe ends that will damage your line unless the knot is tight preventing movement and a loop knot allows the line to freely move. I rarely use loop knots for a few reasons, the line wears quickly and knot strength is marginal. I do use the perfection loop knot when live bait fishing for salt water fish and the Rapala knot on the original Rapala balsa minnow lures. Crank baits I prefer using strong light weight clips like Berkley cross link or Owner Hyper weld. Tom
    1 point
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