The whole time I'm out fishing I think about what the bait is doing and what i'm feeling on the bottom, or how the bait is performing. Is it working like it should. Do I need more weight or less weight. What type of bottom is it hitting, wood or weeds, sand, or rock. Keep the line out of the pad-V. Are any weeds suddenly moving on their own. Have I hit the rock wall, or has it cleared the weed lines.
When it comes to the hook set, the thinking just stops. From the slightest bump, to a line moving off, to the line changing speed on the fall. At that point I go on automatic pilot, and the hook set starts. Its all reaction, and instinct, at that point, and its always the same. The hook set is something I never think about. Its all speed and reaction! I live for that moment in time, regardless of fish size!