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  1. Caught a bunch of these yesterday. Not exactly a hawg but it's who was with me that matters. Drop shotting humps on ouachita can be so much fun. First time I went fishing just for fun in a while had a blast and so did he.
    10 points
  2. I would show this to your local fish commission/DNR.
    7 points
  3. I've never posted results on here, but this old man is kinda proud of himself.. This past weekend I was fortunate enough to win the 2017 Gator Div BFL Championship! It was a long time coming but feels good to check something off my bucket list Mike
    5 points
  4. Though the belly isn't as big as @A-Jay's pb from the other day, this little guy sure put on the feedbag over the last few days...lol The structure was a rock finger between a point and an island with current coming across it from left to right, and then finally going over a small dam a little ways downstream. Caught a whole bunch tonight on the Strike King KVD 2 Hook Jerkbait in ayu pattern and the old reliable, the Rapala Shadow Rap in yellow perch pattern.
    5 points
  5. The fishing has been pretty dismal lately, but everything changed today. I only had 1hr 15minutes, one of those unplanned trips where I just hoped to set a couple hooks and relieve some stress. I started out fishing the shallows for the first half hour like the green book says, but with only two bass to show for it I moved offshore for the last 45 minutes. Boy I'm glad I did. It was completely insane, with 38 bass being caught in the 45 minutes left. That's averaging a bass every minute and ten seconds or something like that, I barely had time to start the retrieve before I got bit. Hands down the most bass I have ever caught in 45 minutes, I got one almost every cast with one stretch going nine bass in nine casts. The school of 14-17 inch bass had moved up onto breaks in 10-12 feet of water, particularly one brush pile set on a break line off of a point. I fished that same brushpile the entire time, just slowly circling around it to keep showing them different angles. Had to leave em biting, there's no way to know how long that movement would have lasted but I would have liked a crack at breaking 100 bass. Shaky heads caught all of them, but I think they would have hit just about anything I threw at them. Not a monster limit, but almost all of them were over 14 and about 20 were over 15 inches, with the largest going about 17.5". And this is on a lake that hasn't had a limit weighed in a tournament for over a month and a half!
    4 points
  6. Any Lures with a Perfect Record? Nope .
    4 points
  7. caught this one this pm on a homemade frog sorry for the poor pic casting left handed and trying to take a pic with my junk right hand is a real pain forgot the pic of the frog I caught a couple pounders after the one pictured
    4 points
  8. The TSD sale got me to give the Hippy Rat a try; Took it out this morning and felt a bit silly, until I got a blow up. I missed the hookset but I buckled down and keep casting around the same area. A few casts later the rat got smashed. I was delighted that the rat worked and kept casting around the same area, about 10 more casts then this guy hit; My scale battery picked that moment to die, but he was a bit smaller than the first one. I was throwing the rat on a Fred's Magic Stick and it felt really overpowered. The rod is only rated for 2oz, but it throws a 2oz Huddgill perfectly, so I was surprised at how hard it was to cast the rat. I can bomb it out there, but any kind of close range lob was very awkward and inaccurate. I bought the Fred's as a frog rod, but I have been throwing big baits with it far more often, so I might look at replacing it with something more powerful and finding a new frog solution.
    4 points
  9. Hey everyone! New member from Texas (currently in DFW, but moving to Chandler, on Lake Palestine in a couple weeks). I've been fishing since I was old enough to hold a pole. The few times we would have cold winters here in Texas, my dad would drive me out to our lake property in East Texas, and he would sit in the truck with the heater on and the football game on the radio while I tossed grubs or whatever else I could get my hands on at the bass (caught my first PB this way, a nice 5lb'er in the middle of December). More recently I've been fishing the south side of Grapevine (from the bank, I don't own a boat....yet) and tons of neighborhood ponds around DFW. Once we move, I'll be picking up a nice bass boat and looking to get out on Palestine and Fork to do some more serious bass fishing! Site has been great so far, I've been reading like crazy!
    3 points
  10. my grandson 6 years old likes catching bass when I landed the big one between 6 and 7 lb , he said put him back so I can catch him!! he did manage a couple as you can tell by the smile. made for a great evening!!
    3 points
  11. Both rods would fit the bill nicely. I have a couple St Croix's (although not the bass x model) and I love them. I also have a couple E6X's and while they might not be the best money can buy, they do the trick. If I had the option of getting 50% off of the loomis line up though, I would save up to utilize that as much as I can for their higher end lines where their quality starts to shine. I think a lot of people on here, myself being one of them, would drool over a 50% discount off the loomis line up if it applies to all of their lines...
    3 points
  12. I am a loomis guy for now and the GLX is what got me there. Have not fished a better rod. I am sure others will disagree
    3 points
  13. It dawns on me that I never followed up this post... A short call to Mike at DVT was all it took -- he told me what materials to get and gave some instructions on doing it properly. It was an easy epoxy fix as mentioned, very straightforward. The rod is back in service, slinging spinnerbaits and chatterbaits just like before, as if nothing happened. Thanks Mike!
    3 points
  14. The liver, you say? What do you expect? He's been drinking his whole life.
    3 points
  15. Ya know After I hit send I thought about it more.,There have been times the two I posted didn't produce. Not many but it has happened. Just this past weekend at the BFL Championship. I started with the Cut R but because we were in search mode I changed, which ended up being the absolute best move I made all year! Soooo, I rescind my previous response. ? Mike
    3 points
  16. Kayaking the Susquehanna sunday with 2 friends
    3 points
  17. Congratulations on being only 16 and being able to buy such a boat. Without knowing anything about you, here is my unsolicited advice. If there is not a plan for paying for college, rethink this purchase and put at least the majority towards that. If this is taken care of...move to the following... If you have the $16-$20,000 that this boat will cost, think about investing that money for the long term instead. $20,000 at a return of 8% gets you to be a millionaire by age 67. Make yourself very comfortable with the math concept of compounding. Actually in either case, take $1,000 and buy yourself a really nice fishing kayak. This allows you to still save for college or pushes your millionaire status to the age of 68. If this 16-20,000 is a mere pittance to your overall wealth...God bless you. Enjoy what you have, understand that you are blessed, and enjoy the RT178. Maybe take the time to take others that are less fortunate with you. You could make a positive impact for life. To your question about the RT. Its a great boat. I have a 60HP and it does great. 75HP is probably quicker out of the hole but top end speed is one to two mph more. This 4 stroke is crazy smooth, quiet, and smokeless. Quite a change from the old 2 strokers of the past. As for fishing kayaks...the world is your oyster...many great options. I love my RT but also miss my kayak. Nothing lets you stalk a big bass like a stealthy kayak. Good luck to you.
    3 points
  18. I went out the other morning trying to get back on a top water bite. After not getting bit on the plopper and a buzz bait, I decided to pick up the pompadour and see what happened. On my third cast, I got my first pompadour fish when this guy crushed it like he was a fish twice his size. Cut him loose, and picked up the senko and threw it in the same general area and felt that familiar tick. I set the hook and battled this chunk to the boat...
    3 points
  19. Past few days I've been going for nothing but rainbows and sunfish because on the 10th is our stocking day for our river. They will be releasing 1700 rainbow trouts into the river and i'm hoping i can do well and get my limit in one day. But, I decided to switch things up and went for bass before heading home and caught it on weightless senko on trapper hook and on a spin caster outfit. "Not my normal outfit for bass." Personally, I'd use my bait caster but i wanted to see if i could get a bass on this outfit and the picture shows for itself. I have all these neat lures and stuff but bass don't want it. But they'll take a weightless wack rig senko. So here is a picture of my bass before leaving for home, The bass was calm and didn't want to give up my sister's thumb lol.
    3 points
  20. They've been treating the heck out of the small lakes I've been fishing trying to knock out the algae. Three weekends in a row, and the water is almost a cobalt blue color. Still finding a few bass willing to eat my finesse baits though.
    3 points
  21. Caught this one on a Popper last night right at sunset.
    3 points
  22. I hate being as big as I am because in pictures every fish I catch looks so small hahaha.
    3 points
  23. Almost forgot what a bass looks like; so I had to go out and remind myself. Bluebird skies, no wind, fished from 1230-400 pm. It was pretty brutal. 7 dinks, and a 3# fish.
    3 points
  24. I'm finally getting out of bed and starting to move around. Feeling better. I went for another round of knee injections. Faster than jiffy lube to get them. I had them last year. Three weeks, three injections. I just received my first injection on this go round. Going to go fishing soon. Opened the tackle box yesterday I chased the moths out of it. By the third injection I may try stairs next. Haven't been in my tackle room in 5+ years.
    2 points
  25. I've been fishing St Croix for nearly 20 years and love their rods. However, these two are nowhere near comparable quality. The Bass-X, while technique specific and a decent bang for the buck rod, does not handle nearly as well as the E6x line that was introduced to compete with the Avid/Avid X lines. With this said, I agree with the above post. If possible, save up and invest in the higher end options from G. Loomis.
    2 points
  26. I agree with you it's getting more difficult but it can be done. And maybe the FLW route is a better way to go to start out (I don't know I don't follow the FLW closely). College bass fishing is exploding and BASS played a big role in that. Only time will tell.
    2 points
  27. Got out to a local lake with my brothers last night. Trolled a few hours and caught a few pike, walleye, some decent bass. The last 45 min of daylight we tried casting different lures. I caught a dink on a spook style bait and 5 on a senko. The biggest were around 16". Was a great night with my brothers and catching some decent fish.
    2 points
  28. "Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance"
    2 points
  29. This pic from the summer of 2013 is one of the last times that my Dad went fishing after he got sick. He bought my daughter the UL rig he is holding, and wanted to show her how to use it.
    2 points
  30. No good way of detecting slackline strikes, other than watching your line closely. My goal is to use hooks sharp enough on my jerkbaits that they can not spit it easily without hooking themselves in the process. I use nothing less than lite wire owner hooks and katsuages.
    2 points
  31. As with any boat, the max HP rating will give you better fuel economy due to weight to HP ratio. You also never know when your gonna be loaded down with folks and the higher HP will be needed.
    2 points
  32. I bought whatever cheap junk paddle they have at Field and Stream when I first got my kayak. Well this spring, heading upstream right in front of a rushing dam, the paddle snaps in half. I managed to fish the rest of the day paddling like you would a canoe, but it was exhausting. Bought an Aquaglide from a friend (at a serious discount) and it's a much better paddle. Point being, buy a good one or buy several bad ones.
    2 points
  33. Ned rig and shaky head, at least if you're only counting the times I gave them a fair shot. Sometimes I will only make two casts or something with a bait, not counting those.
    2 points
  34. true if you aint ever been skunked you aint ever been vaccinated for lying
    2 points
  35. BooYah Buzzbait has not let me down once this season. River smallies can't get enough of it. Every other bait I have is jealous.
    2 points
  36. 2 points
  37. I ran into the mailman on my out of the apartment. Got 2 of my newest toys today. I was not planning on pairing the two together but they look like they were designed for each other.
    2 points
  38. Looks like butternut squash baby poop
    2 points
  39. It's not just in the north country. We're going through a hot spell here and despite water temps in the 70s, the baitfish and bass are moving. The wind direction is a key factor in finding them as the bluegill don't school and show up on the depth finder easily. They're not appearing on the flats, but that's normal. As the days get shorter, the fish get shallow. I've had great days fishing shallow, green weeds in late Oct. As long as the baitfish are there, I know I can get some action.
    2 points
  40. Nothing wrong with eating some bass. They are some very good eatin'! This summerlike weather we're having here in central Louisiana is for the birds. Had that kinda cool spell for a week or so when Harvey come through and did all that damage in Houston. Since then we've have temps in the low 90s during the day and high 70s at night and over night. Heck I got sunburned yesterday. I've never gotten sunburned in late September. Be glad when those high 70s low 80s are the daytime temps and 50s and 60s at night get here. I've gotten skunked everyday for the past week. I've almost forgotten what it feels like to catch one.
    2 points
  41. Strange day. Landed ~15, but had almost twice as many bites. Tick/ bump/ loss contact usually followed by a swing and a miss! I don't carry a lot of stuff with me, played around as much as I could with the limited resources at my disposal. Finally started connecting on pretty much every swing with a 3/16 oz jighead and a rage menace in the fourth quarter. Oh well, I hate fishing on weekends anyway. -Bass for dinner. -One of the ~10 that didn't make it to the table.
    2 points
  42. Fun last hour of sunlight and then a tank just after sunset...all bass released to fight another day.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. Tacklewarehouse.com it has everything and anything he would ever want or need. They have gift cards. Its what I ask for for my birthday and christmas
    2 points
  45. Went fishing with my best friend and his uncle to a spot that t really produce much and this weekend we just started slaying them left and right. One of the funnest days of fishing in a while.
    2 points
  46. Caught my first swimjig bass burning it above receding weeds. Weapon of choice: 3/8oz Pepper Signature Swimjig (Hawks Secret) paired with a BPS Speed Shad (Sexy Shad)
    2 points
  47. Of the three Impacts I have been in, two had 150s, one had the 115. I'd get the 150. The 115 worked...but the 150 worked better. Up on plane better, ran at reasonable speeds (call it round 30 MPH) at a noticeably lower RPM...seemed less..."stressed" for lack of a better word.
    1 point
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