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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/22/2017 in all areas

  1. Got a nice smallmouth this evening fishing a deeper flat on the river (8-10') with the rage tail menace. Water temp 75 and current pretty swift
    7 points
  2. I finally got one. My friend and I were fishing on the Mon River here in Morgantown this evening, messing around catching little bass on ned rigs, and when I flipped one in the boat I noticed he looked like a smallmouth but had a funny body shape. Got to looking and found a tooth patch! If that's not enough for someone, I texted the fisheries professor and he told me to freeze a fin clipping so we can get genetic testing done on the little guy (after hanging out in the livewell)
    7 points
  3. After 13 years, I finally decided to use my walleye boat for it's intended purpose. Years ago, I thought I was gonna walleye fish, so I picked up some gear. I hate trolling, so nothing ever came of it. Heard stories that the fish have been committing suicide, so I rounded up 2 rods and rodholders and set out for 70'+. Didn't get the boat in the water til about 1pm. Was done packing up to run back to the ramp by 4:30. 12 keepers, 12 short and a big white bass. Heading back out early tomorrow. Hope to be back by noon.
    5 points
  4. If your rod tip moves 2" and you can't feel it, then you need to see the doctor!
    5 points
  5. 4 points
  6. I'll 20th TackleWarehouse.com. So... What's your company and are you hiring? I'd love a boss like you.
    4 points
  7. I can guarantee you every time you have been fishing it's happened & more than once! Get on YouTube, search for Glen Lau's Bigmouth & Bigmouth Forever. Many will say "But that was back in the 70s, rods are more sensitive, lines are better, yada, yada, yada" Still happening to everyone! ?
    3 points
  8. Took the boat out for a couple of hours before dark yesterday and found some fish located in about 10 feet of water holding in submerged grass. Started throwing a walk the dog bait. Began working it aggressive with no luck so started slowing it down with softer twitches, no bite. On the next cast, I was working it about halfway down and got a text message so I paused my retrieve to glance at my phone and boom. A nice one blew it up as it was sitting still. The light bulb went off. Next cast I started twitching it to walk it three or four times and paused. 3 or 4 times and paused. Boom. Another blow up. Caught three more on the next three casts. Ended up catching 8 or 9 in a short span by working the bait and letting it pause. All of the hits came when the bait was paused. Fun evening to be out on the water.
    3 points
  9. LOL. I have somewhat opposite story in that I was spinning, then I went casting, and back to spinning for 95% of my fishing. Have told it before and it is entirely a personal preference, should not fall into the "spinning stinks" or "casting is the best" argument because xyz... So let me say that you can do almost everything with casting gear. I did find I liked it better initially. I am down to one casting setup, well, two in that I've got one Chronarch 50e and two rods. A MH and ML. The ML loads great with really light soft plastics. I honestly found I could throw most everything with it that I could on spinning. The reason I went back to mostly spinning is simply that I have less issues with it - especially skipping, windy conditions, etc. I will say that I set out to conquer all that with casting and did pretty well. It just got to the point where I ended up asking myself if it were truly an advantage to use casting. My answer was no. So to your question, it seems you're getting the response that you might actually want...casting. You know when you flip a coin say three times over a couple choices and when the flips are done it tells you what you really want.
    3 points
  10. Tacklewarehouse.com it has everything and anything he would ever want or need. They have gift cards. Its what I ask for for my birthday and christmas
    3 points
  11. Gearing up for some epic topwater action ~ A guy can dream can't he ? A-Jay
    3 points
  12. Hello everyone! I just wanted to share this picture. My son just turned two and I’m beginning to introduce him to the art of fishing. I got him a bass fishing toy and so far he loves it. I can’t thank all of you enough for the information on this site. It has helped me to become a better fisherman and I look forward to passing what I’ve learned on to my son. Tight lines everyone!
    2 points
  13. Is is now 7 1/2 lbs caught it yesterday at hunnington run resv. in spotsy co. on a wacky rigged senko. green pumpkin with red flakes.
    2 points
  14. There was for a short time a thread by Matt Allen using the rods deflection for strike indicator I thought was a good topic. The basics are when a very active bass strikes we all detect it, when a less active bass strikes we often miss it and I agree. Using finesse presentations like a drop shot for example the rig has a normal resistance that bends your rid tip the same when you move the weight, let's say that is 2" bend for this discussion. If for any reason your rid tip bends more then 2" that often indicates a bass has the lure in it's mouth and is sitting there, I call this a pressure bite and you need to instantly set the hook. The nothing bite can also be detected when the rod tip go straight in lieu of it's normal 2" bend, this indicated the bass has the lure in it's and moving towards you, reel fast and set the hook. Matt's point is you can see the difference in rod deflection but can't always feel it and I agree if you don't feel the line with your finger tips. Thoughts.... Tom
    2 points
  15. here's a new one that just happened today. As some of you know from my previous posts, we have a new boat on order and will pick it up in the spring. As my wife is extremely sensitive to the sun, we got a boat with a sun top to keep her in the shade. However, I told her the sun top will only work when the sun is high in the sky, and she'll need to keep her big floppy hat with her. So today my wife was out shopping, and when she came home this was our conversation. Her: Hi honey, do you like the material I bought? Me: Ya, it looks nice, what's it for? Her: Curtains ! Me: I look around the house and ask, do we really need new curtains? Her: Not for here silly, I'm going to make curtains for the boat. Me: HUH? Her : You said the sun top won't work all the time, so I'll make curtains to hang off of it, to keep the sun off of me. That's a great idea, don't you think. At this point " happy wife, happy life" entered my mind and I said yep, it sure is. So with all the things I've been thinking about getting for this boat, curtains never once crossed my mind. Silly me Jim
    2 points
  16. Kinda winged today. Invited my dad late last night and he agreed to come. Ended up taking him to Hillsdale because it was his first time on my new boat so I wanted to show him what the 60hp Merc could do. By the time we got his permit and out to the lake it was 10:00am. Figured my odds were better crappie fishing and I dont have much crappie gear. Used some Bink’s pro series spoons and was able to net a couple crappie in 2 hours. Unfortunately my dad never caught anything but he said he had a good time. This was the first time I’ve fished with him in probably 15 years!
    2 points
  17. Been paying very close attention to this all week since Matt and Tim dropped that video. Haven't definitively caught a fish because of it though, but it's been extremely tough fishing this week and not much catching. However, I started keeping my index finger on my line on spinning rods earlier this season, and I definitely noticed bites I would have missed. The whole rod deflection thing seems extremely situational to me. As in only in situations where there is absolutely nothing that could obstruct your weight/lure. And that rarely ever happens for me.
    2 points
  18. When I watched the video, this is exactly what came to mind ! So what do you want to watch, your line or your rod tip ? I prefer to watch my line. I understand the concept Matt Allen is stressing but it needs to be tempered. Not everyone is fishing a Dobyns 742SF with a drop shot. The more bites and type of bites you detect or don't detect is the best learning tool. My buddy John Sewell taught me that decades ago when I learned to fish a worm. I found I was actually pulling my worm out of the fishes mouth, thinking it was vegetation, until one would not let go. The light bulb lit up. I told John I had to have a bass commit "Sewell-cide" to finally get it. I then caught *** in a row.
    2 points
  19. makes perfect sense! thank man! i love this site, so much useful info
    2 points
  20. ...And this is why I love spending so much time out in open water tossing lightweight jigs for crappie - the best way to learn about pressure bites. It's how I showed Wheeler.
    2 points
  21. I forget which pro gave the recommendation during his seminar but it's helped me tremendously: in clear water, start fishing where the visibility ends. If there is 6 ft of clarity don't waste ur time fishing 6ft or less. Fish 6ft deeper. Also specifically look for structure/cover just past the loss of visibility i.e. 6-8ft
    2 points
  22. You will probably get recommendations for both spinning and casting, but for me it really comes down to personal choice. After using spinning rods exclusively for the first 40 years of my life I bought my first casting rod. I found I enjoy using a baitcaster more than a spinning rod and eventually bought a casting rod that could throw lighter baits. Last Sunday I took my spinning rod fishing for the first time this year and I quickly realized I still prefer fishing with a casting rod!
    2 points
  23. They are.....and can be BIG!! 14lbs on 8lb test!!
    2 points
  24. I think we're going to be unanimous on Tacklewarehouse.com
    2 points
  25. The two lakes I fish most often (Silver and Conesus) couldn't be any more different in watery clarity right now. Conesus is gin clear right now, I can see the bottom in 15 feet of water. Silver has an algae bloom for the ages going on right now, and I can't see the trolling motor head. I consider each one on the extreme ends of the spectrum. Funny thing is, they both will often flip flop. I have seen Silver gin clear, and Conesus turn to pea soup. What I prefer, is a nice stain. Where I can see bottom in 2-3 feet, see the tops of the grass, and holes/pockets/points in the grass out to the deep edge in 8'-12', as well as the "transition lines" in the grass where one type of vegetation meets another. I do NOT want to be able to see through the grass, or the bottom on the deep edge of the grass. But I catch fish in both clear and dirty water just fine. Here's one for the experts to chew on...conventional wisdom around these parts has always been: "go shallow in dirty water" and "go deep in clear water" I just won a tournament last week on Conesus fishing shallow in that gin clear water, and have been tuna hauling hogs out in deep water on Silver in the pea soup the last few trips. Go figure.
    2 points
  26. Estes lake has some nice Brown Trout and plenty of rainbows. I used to do well fishing the dam with Dynamic Lures HD Trout (3" rip bait) in rainbow. Also, bring some chrome Kastmasters fish near islands or by sudden drop offs. Those areas congregate fish and they can't resist a falling fluttering spoon During the fall when the spawn occurs, fish the inlet where the Big Thompson empties in, with salmon eggs or be a hero and use a fly rod with Trout beads. I've had 30 fish days doing a combo of the above. Good luck! The scenery is surreal and the elk walk right up to ya. Check out the hotel from The Shining too. Spooky
    2 points
  27. This probably isn't much to the Smallmouth fisherman here, but for me, it's awesome. I am a Largemouth fisherman; ponds and lakes usually. I've been figuring this river out recently and catching a bunch of little Smallies. Then this girl comes along. Side Note: Yes, that is the Zebco Bullet down there. Yes, it continues to work. She nailed that WP right after it snagged a leaf too. Kinda think she maybe liked the added bulk.
    2 points
  28. Finally, for now, The Expendables, Daiwa PMF100 on a Daiwa MHF rod, Daiwa PL100 on a Daiwa MF rod and a Shimano Bantom BX100 on a Lew's MHF American Hero rod: What is not being shown are The Ambassadors (ABU vintage) as they are not along on this trip.
    2 points
  29. And the Three Amigos, Curado 200IHG on Falcon Pitching Stick, Curado 200IHG on a Falcon Amistad LR and lastly a Curado 200I on a Falcon Herm:
    2 points
  30. Here in Socal there's mainly clear water lakes. Some of the clear lakes are in that 20-30' clarity and others are more 8-12' but it varies, even the clearest lakes can have algae blooms or mud from rains which happened this year to make visibility minimal. A couple lakes are clear if there is 2 or 3' vis. I may be wrong but from my experience the less clear the water the more fish will be shallow and the more they seek being tight to cover. In the clearer water they tend to be deeper and don't necessarily get right in the cover, they'll just associate to it and structure is a big deal. As for ideal? I like whatever the normal conditions are for the lake personally. If it's a clear lake with a green tint then thats what I want, I don't like it as much if vis is way down or if it goes crystal and same for the dirty lakes and crystal lakes. Fish don't always love change and I find it to be more predictable when the water is the average state. I personally really like the dirty lakes here. Most people shy away from it because it's a little abnormal and clear water is more comfortable for them but I find myself right at home in whatever water condition. They also tend to be way less crowded which is my favorite condition.
    2 points
  31. Well said @islandbass! Multi species fishing is far more fun than just sticking to 1 species of fish. I love to bass fish but there is no denying other species of fish fight harder and can be more of a challenge to catch than bass. I like to travel for fishing and have been doing it more often since it gives me the opportunity to catch new species of fish that I have only seen in pictures before. Last year I caught my first muskie, this year I caught more muskies, my first couple smallmouth bass, white bass, freshwater drum, and other new species, I could not do that if I didn't venture out of my comfort zone and just stick to bass fishing in South Florida. I plan on traveling to South America, Asia, and other parts of the world to catch exotic fish, both freshwater and saltwater. Got to enjoy life before I am too old to enjoy it!
    2 points
  32. I primarily bass fish but if I get on the whites out on the flats I will wear them out . The channels and blues are usually mixed in with them and a channel cat will just smash a Red Eye Shad on the drop . I think they try to get it before the white bass so they hit hard and are run with it .
    2 points
  33. Ned Kehde refers to any water clear enough to see the trolling motor head "Kansas Clear". 2-3 feet visibility is pretty clear around here. Go south a ways to Beaver or Bull Shoals and you might be looking at the bottom in 30'. I prefer a foot or two of visibility unless the water is cold, then I'd like to have 5' or so.
    2 points
  34. I'm very much a multispecies guy. I'm always down to chase something else if I find a hot bite for another species of fish. Spent some time after walleye Tuesday, and I meant to try for some cats on Monday but forgot my throw net to get any shad. Last week it was crappie and bluegills, the week before that I was casting a fly at grass carp whenever I'd spot one. I enjoy chasing all of them.
    2 points
  35. I fish 99% from boat but do have waders, pack and gear for fishing from shore. There's a great small river/stream that runs through town with excellent smallie fishing. Problem is from Memorial Day until October it's typically filled with college students floating/tubing. Lots of eye candy but makes the river un-fishable even on most weekdays during Summer. I do enjoy both equally though - I love the simplicity and minimalism of fishing on foot compared to all the tackle I cram into my boat lockers.
    2 points
  36. During our "season"...IE when the lake is not covered in ice, I probably average 3 times a week, and at the end of each season my boat has usually hit the water 100+ times. I used to fish A LOT during rainy weather, and the periods after rain where it was too wet to get into the fields when I worked on the farm, and unless it was a slow period between plantings and/or harvesting times rarely did I get to fish much during "nice" weather. And 80% of my trips when I worked there were short evening trips after work, or all day trips when I could fit them in, but there was never any set times to it. With my new job, this is my fishing routine: I fish almost every Sunday, sun up to sundown from late March/early April to mid/late Nov. When there is enough daylight to go after work, usually mid April - late Sept. I go at least once a week, but sometimes 2-3 times a week for 2-4 hours a trip. I have Thursday's off, and fish from sun up to sun down almost every time. When I work on Sat., it's generally a 1/2 day, and I spend most Sat. afternoons/evenings after work fishing. If I don't work on Sat. I will be out there from sun up to sun down. I will not fish at ALL during the winter. And I will not fish if we have family events/etc...
    1 point
  37. Google image search Sisson crankbaits and these will show up. Allen
    1 point
  38. I have a lot of the Sisson cranks, as I like them, and never seen one with the circuit board lip.
    1 point
  39. I think they are Sisson baits as well. They use to sell them at BPS in Baltimore. Allen
    1 point
  40. While its true for most things in life that you get what you pay for, I find this to be true for Flouro more so than any other types of fishing lines. While expensive braids and Monos might out perform there less expensive counterparts, I find for me personally that there is less of a measurable performance distance than when it comes to Flouro. I tried several different manufacturers and models of Fluorocarbon and never really cared for any until I tried Sunline. I know love using Flouro for bottom contact baits. Same happened for me when I first tried Tungsten weights as well for bottom contact fishing.
    1 point
  41. My point is that when you use flouro, you can use heavier line.
    1 point
  42. Got ya there, although not putting them in the passenger seat is kinda the point of putting the tube on the roof. Really though, to the OP, not trying to kill the thread, just honestly curious. I really do like the tube, lockable storage is pretty awesome.
    1 point
  43. You have a lot of options. There are some good ideas here that definitely work. For dense grass, slop, or mud with a T-rig, I'm a big fan of using the lightest weight possible. If I need to slowly drag the bottom in these types of ponds/lakes, I'll also use a light or "finesse" Carolina rig with a floating worm and allow the floating worm to do provide the action. A finesse C-Rig doesn't require a small worm, either. My go-to is typically a 7-8" worm. With this presentation, I want the weight to get the worm down, but not really to sink all the way through the muck on the bottom, so light bullet or barrel weights are important.
    1 point
  44. One of the better paddle tail swimbaits for bottom contact and excellent weedless lure is 3:16 Mission Fish available in sizes 4" to 9". Tom
    1 point
  45. Almost never. But then, every gamefish species here like my jerkbaits. So I do take an occasional break.
    1 point
  46. Yeah same here but kind of reversed, I work second shift so I work 4 pm till midnight, so I'll go home and get to bed by 1 am and wake up at 4:30 to get some fishing in for sunrise. I love early mornings Bc nobody is ever out and the fish are always biting.
    1 point
  47. I watched it, it was a great fight. No way did Canelo earn a draw, though. This is a big reason why UFC has taken over the fight game, imo.
    1 point
  48. Super Glue on gears, Loctite Red on bearings and JB Weld on the worm gear. Can't figure out why i can only cast 6 inches.
    1 point
  49. Just a strong cash offer
    1 point
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