Tom, when it comes to talking about NY fisheries...whats the old saying...better to keep quiet and let people think your a fool, then open your mouth and remove any doubt. You talking about NY fisheries and making absurd statements like that, would be like me talking about the fisheries in So. Cal. But I know better, because I don't know a dang thing about them.
I have caught dozens of 6lb largemouth in NY. Usually several per season. One, or more is caught almost weekly in local tournments here in the Finger Lakes. And several times a year a 7-8 lb fish is brought in. In fact, Conesus, Silver, Keuka, and Cayuga are surer bets for a 6+ lb Largemouth than Champlain, Oneida or Chautauqua. Honeoye is the only regional lake not known for size (but big ones do live there, they are just not as plentyful as the other lakes). Waneta Lamoka is a "tweener" lake....most of the time it produces small fish, but it has a larger population of big LM than Honeoye, and tournament results show that. Sodus is a wildcard. It has a lot of quality (3-5lb) largemouth. But it doesn't kick out the really big fish (5-7lbs) as often as the other lakes.
6+ lb smallmouth are rarer on inland (IE Non-Great lake) bodies of water in NY. I have ONE in my lifetime. You'll have to go to the Lake Erie/Niagara river systems, or the Lake Ontario/St. Lawrence systems to have a true legit shot at one without it being a one off "fish of a lifetime". Keuka, Champlain, Oneida, and Chautauqua will kick out a 6+ lb smallmouth more often than Cayuga, Conesus, Silver, and Honeoye, but not with the absurd regularity of the Great Lakes fisheries.
A healthy population of big toothy critters is a help to growing big bass. Waters with pike and muskies grow larger bass almost without exception than waters with no pike/muskies or waters with pickeral as the only toothy. This is Honeoyes problem. A lot of Chain Pic, few (but large pike) and the result is a population of 12"-15" bass that has no checks and balances. Silver and Conesus are the opposite. The Pike in both lakes are big and plentyful, and Conesus has the added bonus of Tiger Muskies.