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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/2017 in all areas

  1. Took my oldest son, Lake, for his first Father and Son trip in the boat on Saturday. We both had a great time and he hasn't stopped talking about it since. He was pretty worn out on the way home.
    11 points
  2. Caught a bunch of these guys today...nothing of any real size though. Going to be busy the next couple of weeks so am going to take a hiatus until mid-September.
    11 points
  3. Absolutely wind! I fish a lot of offshore structure, anything above 15 mph gets irritating! Even when ya can stay put it throws your sense of feel off. Everyone suggests "goto a heavier weight", which is fine & dandy as long as the bass want a fast rate of fall.
    9 points
  4. Health ! When I was young work kept getting in the way. Now that I am semi-retired health issues get in the way. Spend more time in the hospital and doctors office than I do on the water. There's a lesson here if you pay attention !
    7 points
  5. An old Fishing Hole program showed Jerry McKinnis fighting what he thought was a big smallmouth on Dale Hollow with Billy Westmoreland. Turned out to be a lawn chair.
    7 points
  6. Finally a Senko fish! Missed 6 bites then got this little guy. I'm learning weightless plastics!
    7 points
  7. Got my first "keeper" sized largemouth in months yesterday. Tried chatterbaits, spinnerbaits, and swimbaits but can only seem to catch them on texas rigs.
    7 points
  8. If you can't tell a smallmouth by how it pulls, just give it a second and it will jump up and give you a good look.
    6 points
  9. I like to mess with people
    6 points
  10. Another SV103 to add to the collection.
    5 points
  11. Picked this up a few weeks ago. 2010 TR-18 Pro - Elite 7 at bow - Elite 5 in console I also have a hook 7. I'll either replace the 5 or keep the 5 and add the hook 7 off to the right.
    5 points
  12. This article by my friend, RichZ will help explain things. http://www.richz.com/fishing/blog/?page_id=552 You want there to be DIRECT contact between the hook and the rod tip. Fluoro eliminates the bow in the line, is very dense, and therefore more sensitive. You do not present baits on a slack line, so line wouldn't pile up at the bottom. I've had success using mono, co-polymers, and even braid with various leaders. My preference for deep vertical presentations is fluoro.
    5 points
  13. She was a Jumpah ~ A-Jay
    5 points
  14. Hit up my "home" lake after work tonight. This lake has not been very good fishing this year compared to years past, but it has some very nice bass in it and its only 5 minutes from my work so I fish it a lot on week days. I was doing what I normally do on this lake, drifting a bank pitching a jig to the fallen timber trying for some bass. I was reeling up the jig to make my next pitch and a big pike followed it right to the boat so I killed the retrieve. As soon as the jig began to fall again she inhaled it and took off like a rocket after I set the hook. I probably fought this fish for 5 solid minutes and had her next to the boat 3 times, and each run would peel of a couple dozens yards of 40lb braid. This fish was way to big for my bass net, so I had to make sure it was tired out for me to safely pick it up out of the water, photograph it and release it without harming it. Everything went perfectly, as by the time she was next to the boat for the third time, she was tuckered out and I was able to grab her by the gill plate, photograph, measure and quickly release her. The tape measure on my boat is only 24" long and this fish wasn't all that far from doubling it, but not quite. Judging by how close she was to doubling the 24" tape, this fish was 42 or 43". My main concern was getting this beauty back in the water quickly. The head and jaws on this fish were huge, a real gator. By far my biggest pike and my first pike that I'd consider to be pushing "trophy" status.
    4 points
  15. Here is what I keep in my box at all times. 1/8 Rocket 6 of black and 6gp 3/16 Rocket 6 of black and 6gp 1/4 Flipping Rocket 6 of black and 6gp 3/8 Flipping 6 of black and 6gp 1/2Flipping 4 of black and 4 gp 3/4 Flipping 2 of black and 2gp 1oz Flipping 2 gp I personally use 3/16-3/8 the most.
    4 points
  16. I've been fishing blind up front since I upgraded to a nicer boat a couple years ago and figured it was time...
    4 points
  17. I can tell but I'm not always right. Ain't never had a crappie mistaken for a bass though?? The easiest ones are the walleyes...if it feels like you're reeling in a tube sock, that's a walleye.
    4 points
  18. There isn't a body of water in the entire state of Florida that I would wade in. Be it a Lake, river or ditch. ? Mike
    4 points
  19. I've been known to drink a bit...
    4 points
  20. To compare apples to apples, use "inches per turn" or IPT to compare different brands. I generally like a higher speed reel for when I use the rod to move the bait. For mid column moving baits, somewhere in the middle. Deep divers, I like a slow reel.
    4 points
  21. A couple weeks ago I replaced a Quantum PT series reel I've had for about 5 years or so because I found the bail wire broken when I pulled it out of the rod box to use. I have no idea of how it happened, it was not broken when I put it in there. I keep covers on my rods and slide them in the tubes in the box. How could I have not noticed the wire was broken hanging off it the way it was?? I started searching the web for the part and could only find it on an Australian website, even Quantum didn't have it. So, I bought a new *** Fishing ***. Fairly cheap but I don't use spinning tackle much so it's good enough. After receiving the new reel. I just happened on the Quantum website and read where they say the bail wire is made of "Indestructible" Titanium and was warrantied for life! So I called them, and was told send it in and they'll fix or replace it. I did so and today I received a package from FedEx with the new upgraded version of the reel, 8 days from the day I sent them mine!!----No questions asked. Over the years I've owned a few Quantum reels and even bought 3 right out of the factory in Korea while stationed there the "Second" time. None of which held up very well so I switched brands. Not having used them in a while I cannot attest to the quality and dependability of the baitcasters but if my warranty experience is any sign of a change, Quantum may get a second look from me!
    3 points
  22. Wind and recreational boaters who love to go flying in between you and the bank your casting at. There's a whole lake behind me use it !!!!
    3 points
  23. I lead a very quiet life, just the way I like it. Fishing and reading are my only hobbies.
    3 points
  24. In addition to fishing, guitar has been my passion but over the last year I have had to decrease my playing time due to Kienbock's disease in my right wrist. Additionally, hiking in the mountains (Rockies and Appalachians) is something I love almost as much as fishing. These pics are from about a month ago when my wife and I traveled to the White Mountains of New Hampshire. This was from the top of Mt. Pierce at 4310 feet. The two pics below are from the top of Mt Eisenhower (4780 feet) which we climbed after scaling Mt Pierce. Our combined elevation gain was 3300 feet. The two pics below are from the top of Mt Washington at 6280 feet. My wife wasn't ready to attempt this one so we drove to the top of it. In the bottom photo, if you follow the ridge that is aligned with my right knee up to its peak, that is Mt Eisenhower which is 5 miles from where I am sitting. The photo below shows what the trails we climbed were like. It was pretty much rocks straight up with very few switchbacks. On Mt Eisenhower we had to do some rock scrambling to get to the top.
    3 points
  25. Trees and bushes, when I'm trying to cast to a sweet spot from the bank.
    3 points
  26. Couple months ago I would've said 'a baitcaster'. However, I spent every weekend practicing in my backyard by aiming for my kid's portable swimming pool. Nowadays, I've built confidence and can even pitch. Current nemesis is a football jig. I can't go one outing without snagging and losing it off the bottom and mostly within my 5th cast
    3 points
  27. Not a huge purchase, but I finally ordered some "custom" soft plastics I always see on Instagram with fancy pictures, etc. First impression is they're a little smaller/thinner than I would usually buy. They smell way different than any other soft plastic I've used too, (which could be a good thing I guess). Seem to be pretty "floppy" so I'm hoping they have good action. We'll see how they work out this weekend.
    3 points
  28. I forgot to add the video that went with the livewell picture
    3 points
  29. A big crooked tailed white bass that slammed my bladed jig.
    3 points
  30. I hunt and build fishing lures.
    3 points
  31. Lmbo! I didn't know Alabama was bordered with our east side. What happened to Mississippi? Lmbo! ??
    3 points
  32. Anyone ever have LMB who literally don't fight at all? I've hooked into LMB that left me thinking I was pulling up a snag because it's dead weight. Get 'em out though and then they go nuts.
    3 points
  33. I play drums in an all original rock/fusion/prog band. I also like photography, art, and music.
    3 points
  34. When I retired Mrs. Mike and I bought a motorhome to meander around the country. We live in it full time now and just go where we want, when we want, to see what we want. For the last few years I've been chasing tournaments around the SE and Midwest while she does the books, sits back and look good! Before that I was restoring a '65 GTO which won a Concours bronze level award at the GTO Nationals a few years ago. When we get home all my spare time will be trying to get "Mr G" to gold. Mike
    3 points
  35. Is napping a hobby? Well if it isn't, it should be. Matter of fact, I'm pushing to make it an Olympic sport. Besides inspecting the insides of my eyelids, I also like long walks in the woods, clog dancing and playing badminton without a net.
    3 points
  36. Have you asked your wife for some pointers?
    3 points
  37. Took the day off from important things for some even more important things...
    3 points
  38. From a friend of ours over on the local forums, Jim K. Cool Footage:
    2 points
  39. Yes , I can almost always correctly call a catfish . A drum will sail at the onset . A carp is in to win it .
    2 points
  40. To me smallish fresh water fish are the hardest to tell apart But In my experience a LM Bass will almost always fight the hardest right after being hooked, then back off a little as they get tired real quick. Then as you get it closer to the boat they will try to take off again usually with a stronger run than when it was hooked. Also, you'll feel the head shake and when they're coming up to jump. Pay special attention to all those the next time you hook up and after a while you'll know too. Mike
    2 points
  41. time on the water will basically help you know more. a smallie will pull a lot differently than a largemouth will, a pike will feel different than a bass and so on and so on
    2 points
  42. Love those old Land Cruisers. I had a Land Cruiser Colorado/Prado a few years ago. My favorite ever vehicle. Had it until it had well over 200K on it and was getting expensive. Sold it to some African guys who were buying them up and shipping them to Burundi. Wonder how many AK47s are in it at the moment? Poor old truck.
    2 points
  43. 2 points
  44. I find myself fishing with purpose. After a few good fish, I try to decide the likelihood of a bigger one in the area. If that's the case I change bait. If that doesn't work I move. If I am bring kids with me, numbers trump size, and I stay
    2 points
  45. Right on. Thank God for the 2nd Amendment!
    2 points
  46. beautiful scenery! looks like you had a nice day on the water, great pics!
    2 points
  47. Great advice, but I would suggest starting with YOUR favorite color!
    2 points
  48. For me, the "good old days", are now. I fish a lot in the Northwoods of Wisconsin. Bass populations have never been higher and fishing pressure for bass is low. With the technology in electronics, boats, trolling motors, and gear available, fishing has never been easier. Besides, even if fishing was better back then, there is nothing you can do about it now. All you can do is arm yourself with the best knowledge you can find and go out and fish.
    2 points
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