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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2017 in all areas

  1. I got a couple smallies on the drop shot this weekend. Drop shot is quickly becoming my favorite summer technique.
    10 points
  2. Nothing real special about this fish except that it gave no fight and basically committed suicide. I was lifting the CB from the water and it dove on to the rear treble. My partner almost p*ssed his pants.
    8 points
  3. 6 points
  4. I agree with this ^^ If you can't catch fish consistently with the 65 baits you already have, how is buying 20 or 30 more going to improve your game? Figure out which baits/styles/colors/brands of what you already own work best over a period of time, then build off that down the road. If you already are catching plenty on what you have, just buy a few more of the proven baits as you lose them or they wear out. Don't buy just to buy.
    5 points
  5. I agree! I look forward to it. @Logan S's reports from last year on the Potomac is my favorite thread on BR about any pros.
    5 points
  6. 5 points
  7. I posted some time ago about putting a barrel for trash at a local boat launch. It really isn't a ramp, but it serves the purpose. For years litter has accumulated, simply because it was too easy to toss trash onto the ground, rather than carrying some type of plastic bag to hold trash until it could be disposed of properly. The ground around the barrel is free of any litter. A hundred yards away where cars park there is some littler, but not like it used to be. One of my concerns was that some might use it to dispose of their home trash, but that did not happen. The only thing close to that is that someone disposed of thirty or forty rods (no reels). They stuffed all they could into the barrel then made a neat stack of the remainder. They were salt water rods, and there were about three types of rods. Looked like someone who ran a "head boat" decided to get rid of his old rods after replacing those supplied to his customers. They didn't appear to be in bad shape other than they were rendered unusable. Other than that, I am pleased that it has worked out so well. I'll continue providing a trash barrel until the season ends, and if I'm still around, I'll put it out again next year as the season approaches.
    4 points
  8. I have caught a lot of big bass on crankbaits, very few actually hooked itself. What usually occurs is you feel nothing like the lure came untied, no resistance or vibration. When you feel nothing instantly crank fast and sweep the rod back. Tom
    4 points
  9. One of the most interesting underwater film sequence is Big Mouth Forever where big bass are engulfing crankbaits without the angler detecting strikes. The entire crankbait is engulfed inside the basses mouth including 2 sets of treble hooks and the bass rejects the lure without any of the hook points sticking tissue. Now if a bass can engulf a treble hook moving crankbait without getting hooked, what does that tell you? Answer; you can't always tell how aggressive the strike is by how the fish was hooked. Tom
    4 points
  10. Apologies for coming off like I'm being secretive or exclusive. FCPhil happens to live close enough to me that those vids are directly relevant. I PM'd because, although Glenn allowed me to share some of my YT videos because my channel is not monetized, and bc I've contributed so much to this site over the years, my channel will be monetized and/or seeking support in the future. I didn't want to trespass on Glenn's good will further. So, here's a more inclusive response to the OP. Summer As I Currently Understand It (via "best information" I can muster): You know, if you fish long enough, and I mean years, you'll come to realize that things come back around year in and year out. And if you peruse the internet fishing sites long enough as well, you'll recognize common themes throughout the country. One theme is the difficulty many anglers have catching bass during mid-summer. In particular, it is weekenders (with limited time and versatility), shoreline and shorebound fisherman and, interestingly, many Florida bass fishers that are most often piping in on this very subject. This latter, the FL thing, is notable to me bc it likely copies what's happening in my waters too, even though the two are distant in both climate and sheer milage. Some pithy things are, apparently, "shared" there. Although there appear to be common themes across the bass's range -indicating shared characteristics within the species- there are regional differences I won't be addressing in this post. That's fodder for book length treatment. So... if you don't see the videos, remember that seeing the movie is not the same as reading the book. Just can't stuff as much into vids, or posts. Also, at the outset, know that every year is not exactly the same in any given water body regardless of location, as there are many factors -many localized- potentially at work. The trick is to identify them, then figure out which are most important in the moment. In order to understand them, I've come to see them in a hierarchical order based on the scientific literature observing/describing the species, and then ground-truthed by direct observation and fishing. At the outset one must have some handle on -if not a measure of- the accuracy of such gleaned information; human limitations and biases being expected. Scientific literature does it's best to provide controls and/or mathematical and statistical measurement, and info often acquired by technology and expertise not readily available to everyone. Angler observation and fishing tends to be quite a bit… looser. This is the playing field. As an attempt at a "control", I used horizontal retrieves in my recent videos not bc they're always the best tack, but bc they provide a rough measure of the bass' "willingness to chase" -how much energy they have to spare for activity. My fishing is done on small heavily vegetated waters in N Colorado and I see my horizontal chuck-n-wind bass fishing takes a nose-dive when water temps surpass 80F, esp so under bright sun. Several things are at work here: Key factors are temperature, prey availability/vulnerability, and lighting. Lighting I’ll start with lighting because it’s more generalized in effect, influencing our fishing regardless of physiological factors at play. In short, bass have an advantage over prey under low lighting. Under high visibility conditions, prey (bluegills at least, by research and my own observations) can see bass coming from a distance and avoid them. Under low lighting bass gain the upper hand. Bass are also safer from predators themselves -especially avian predators- under attenuated lighting and thus more able to turn their attention to hunting rather than watching out for predators. Under high vis conditions, bass tend to move to safer areas such as getting closer to bottom, into dense cover, or into deeper water if available. Attenuated lighting also obscures angler’s lures, making it easier for bass to mistake them for actual prey. Temperature Temperature is critical to cold-blooded creatures. Biologists consider it “the master factor”. But it doesn’t stand alone. And bass in particular are known to be “labile” in their abilities to operate across temperature ranges and changes. Still bass, and apparently all LMB (including floridanus), hit their a metabolic peak (in terms of basic energy-in < > energy-out) in the low to mid 80sF. The bass’s engines are essentially hitting redline at these temperatures. This means that energy-out is peaked, which must be balanced by energy-in: Food! If they can get enough food they can show peak growth at these temperatures. If they can’t get enough food they will begin to lose body weight. In response to high heat and low food, bass will begin to limit their active periods (activity, i.e. swimming, chasing) to the most opportune hunting times: low light of night, dawn/dusk, and deep overcast; and cooler temps of night and, especially, early morning. In larger water bodies, with deep water scenarios available, many bass will drop to deeper, cooler and dimmer waters, or to areas with more food. Which makes a great segue to prey availability/vulnerability… Prey Availability If bass are going to afford to remain active hunters they will need a lot of food to keep their ramped up Summer engines stoked. Thus they will seek out the best food resources. If they can find a motherload of prey they will stay put. If not, they are apt to keep searching. However not all bass find the best places; Many will find what biologists call “false peaks” -areas that may not be the best in the lake but that are enough to attract and hold some bass. Some bass will find inadequate resources and must reduce activity commensurate with food resources. And some bass may find the motherload and remain active, and grow, despite high heat. Prey vulnerability is another piece of the puzzle. Prey is not easy to catch, the result of the evolutionary arms race over time that has resulted in the body forms and capabilities of predators and their prey, alike. Each prey type and species has it’s defensive strategies that shine under certain habitats and conditions. Bluegills and other sunfishes are particularly adept at evading bass in dense cover. Shad are adapted to avoid predators in open water. Bass are both pre-adapted to these and can fine tune their hunting behavior to that prey, habitat, and conditions (i.e. learn). However, although bass have been described (and by those who should know -fish behavioral scientists) as “perfect piscivores”, they too have limitations. Bass are known to hunt best in broken cover, where they can use the element of surprise to get close enough to prey to realize efficient capture rates. Not that bass can’t hunt in denser cover, or more open water, but conditions and individuals must be more "disciplined", if you will, and require more learning, and luck, for sufficient success. Or even better, simply have a LOT of appropriate prey available. My Waters in Summer So, with that background in place, in my mostly shallow heavily vegetated waters, lighting, temperature, prey vulnerability/vegetation density appear to be the primary factors. I fish at least a dozen water bodies and each vary in their make-up of course, so not every one reacts in the exact same way. But those parameters above are pretty basic to all waters. Fishing In general, many bass will move away from shore in summer, even in smaller waters. FCPhil, you are right there. Bluegills will drop away from the surface too as heat penetrates deeper. When shore fishing I may break out a large-spooled long casting rig to reach. However, away from shoreline reach is not all there is to it. You are right there as well. Fishing under high heat in shallow waters often means hitting the darkest and coolest periods. If you suspect high heat affecting bass activity, check for a "first light bite" -the coolest time of the day. And I mean first light -it may be over by the time the sun hits the water. And the fishing can be wild! Keep track of body condition of the bass you catch. Thin bass can indicate the fish are not getting fed well enough to keep up with their metabolism. If you want to fish chuck-n-wind you may need to focus on low light and cool periods. Praying for rain -a good dark cold front- can help. I don't know if you've been out much lately, but that's exactly what we've been getting here in CO the last couple of weeks. Jump on it, man! Otherwise, under heat and sun, you may be better off fishing vertical presentations, and closer to bottom, in your daytime fishing, such as jig-worming ("Shaky") and drop-shot for neutral bass, or flipping in heavy cover. Hopefully this helps you home in on what's important in your waters, or at least gives you some gristle to chew on toward that end. This background will also help viewers make better sense of my vids too, as I try to keep the length of my narrations to a minimum to keep viewers from clicking away from a talking head. However, this is the cool stuff, if you ask me.
    4 points
  11. The St Clair marshal meeting is this afternoon. I'm stoked to find out who I get for tomorrow.
    4 points
  12. So today was the perfect day for fishing. Was a small cold front with a little rain comming threw in the afternoon. Overcast cloudy skies all day with some sun shining threw. I have been picking apart this new lake and finally went all out! Today was insane. I tied on 1 lure today and that was all I use. The fish were going crazy for it! Caught 71 large mouth and a new personal record , 25-27 inch 6 pounder ! Was the best day I ever had
    4 points
  13. bama was stormy and wet lots of lightning, didn't get to fish a lot. still love going tho. a calm evening sky on lay lake
    4 points
  14. Managed a 2.99 lb smallie this past weekend trolling a leech on a 1/8 oz gold jig. Wish the scale could have just read 3.00 but that was alright. Took a few minutes to revive, but gave a healthy tail-kick and swam off.
    4 points
  15. Really digging the topwater frog. Booyah Pad Crasher.
    4 points
  16. Had to see what all the fuss was about so I bought a Whopper Plopper 90 in bone color on Friday. I used it this weekend and it works! Had 2 catches, Pickerel, Smallmouth Bass and 5 blow-ups that failed to hook up. This lure sure does get the blood pumping with adrenaline when they hit it. I am sold. Gonna get one in loon color next.
    4 points
  17. Save the money and just go fishing! Youll be better off for it in the long run IMO
    3 points
  18. This is what I would consider the perfect all-around rod and perhaps my favorite production rod. My brother retired last spring and we spent a week fishing Toledo Bend. I gave him four rigs including the GLX 844C/ CTE200GT. That's all he fished and I let him keep it!
    3 points
  19. Depends on the severity of the cold front and the strength of winds. There is a natural cycle of heating and cooling of surface waters every day commonly, this being night and day. If the cold front wasn't severe, surface temps might not drop much from this normal variation. Under a severe front, surface water temps could cool considerably..I've seen 5-8 degree differences over a period of a couple days. But it's not as straightforward as warming waters, because cooling water tends to sink and mix in with waters below it, whereas warming waters tend to float on the surface, making them more easily "pushed around" and more likely to eventually stack o on the downwind side of things. Also, prevailing winds after a front tend to be out of the NW/N/NE, so different pockets or areas would be affected when compared to the more southerly flows of warm air. More commonly what you'll see under a severe cold front is the shallow bays and back ends of coves cool the most, and are the most affected regardless of winds, whereas the main lake shallows that are located closer to the deeper water, and subsequently the larger mass of thermal heat, don't cool as much or as quick, and also rebound faster. Of course, there can be great variation in all of this depending on specific waterbody (ponds vs lakes vs reservoirs vs rivers vs Great Lakes, etc.). And to complicate things even more, current, either natural or man-made can totally mask or negate much of this effect.
    3 points
  20. For frogs and pitching/flipping heavy veggies I use 12# mono with a 75 yard 50# braid leader.
    3 points
  21. I've had lots of doubles, but never a bass double on an A-rig. Had a white bass double on it at LOZ this past fall.
    3 points
  22. I agree that it's a juvie gill, but FWIW, crappie are legal bait in KS as long as they're legal keepers and you count them towards your daily limit. Not sure if it's the same where Dorado is though. My eclipse day fishing was pretty awful, but I did catch a monster sunfish, a bluegill/green sunfish hybrid I believe, which are pretty common here. 10.5" long whatever it was.
    3 points
  23. Thanks Tom, but it don't bother me. I'm not the one buying the batteries. My hope is at least one person will read some of this stuff I post and think maybe that's what they should do. Two very popular thoughts I see constantly about batteries that is just totally wrong, one is the term "slow charge". Slow charge in the battery world is the 10% rate. Most automotive batteries, because they are cranking batteries can charge at 30-40 amps and are charged at that most of the time. How many times have you looked at the amp meter in you vehicle and see it on 30 or more amps after first starting it. The other one is that makes my skin crawl is the one where people think you need to totally discharge a deep cycle battery before you charge it, and then charge it back at that stupid 3 or 4 amps or it will develop a "memory". The idiots don't realize, lead acid batteries can't develop a memory, that's only for the old rechargeable NiCads some of the lithium ion batteries Talk about destroying a battery, that's a great way to do that. Since most probably don't even know what a cycle count is, they wouldn't understand doing that "GREATLY" reduces the cycle count, and charging at 75% capacity, greatly increases the cycle count.
    3 points
  24. Kicker--send me your address-I have tubes here for ya-- Just a quick story I had a guy 2 years ago calling up our office -my secretary said "Bobby you have an irate customer on the phone" so I answer and say "yes sir can I help you?'' He started barking off by saying I have a problem with your tube of Megastrike-I said Ok I'm listening --He said the back end opened up and went all over my boat - I said what happened -He said I stepped on it-- I said how much you weigh -he said 240 I said ya fat bass$%$ no wonder it broke-- he started laughing-and I sent him 3 new tubes--Now he calls me once a month just to shoot the $hit--
    3 points
  25. Well the Ol' Monster bite has officially stopped for now anyways. Been trying some of my different lures/baits to see if I can find what they really want. Got some bites here and there, but nothing committed to them except for a 3/8oz bluegill Arkie jig with about a 3" piece of a watermelon red black Strike King Shim E Stick for a trailer. I just cast it out there and kinda slowly reeled it in because there's too much along the bottom to get snagged on. It seemed to work, a little anyways. Thought I was gonna catch my first jig bass, Saturday evening, got it almost to the bank and it come off. Man I was so disappointed. Kept trying it and nothing. It was like that Sunday too. Nothing committing to anything I was throwing. I must've used every bait/lure I have or almost every one. This evening went to the smaller pond by the house hoping since I haven't been there in a few days I could catch something. Was getting skunked again and finally tied on my 1/4oz(might be 1/8oz can't remember) Strike King mini spinnerbait black and blue. Just before dark I actually caught something again. It ain't really anything to brag about other than it's my first ever spinnerbait bass. Thank you little fella for breaking it in. Now I guess I'm gonna keep throwing that mini spin or my other spinnerbait (gotta put it back in the rotation box) and my jigs to see how I do with those. Gotta learn something else when the Texas rigged worms/craws/sweet beavers/stick baits, hollow body frog etc ain't working.
    3 points
  26. New to the site but not new to fishing. I grew up in NE Arkansas fishing rivers and creeks there as well as having my own stock pond. Started fishing bass tourneys in 1992 and have been ever since. Joined the Army in the early 80s and retired in 2002. Having been stationed all over the south, I had the opportunity to fish many great lakes. I currently work as a Safety Professional in the oilfields of south Texas and New Mexico and fish all over central and south Texas. I have been married to my wife Shannon for nearly 26 years. We have 2 boys, one of which is sorta out of the house and the other is 16 going on 30. I fish as much as I possibly can, while I still can. Due to a back injury received while on active duty in the Army I have may be permanently disabled by the VA in the near future. I will still fish as much as my back will let me.
    2 points
  27. Now in stock! New Rage Baby Menace and Swimmer 2 3/4. http://Siebertoutdoors.com
    2 points
  28. The Shimano Curado is always a good choice for that stuff. It's plenty of reel for grass fishing and can be found for around $120 to $140.
    2 points
  29. My first "other tip" would be to not try and force a particular bait or presentation into a situation it really wasn't designed for. Lots of better options in this case. That said, if you look toward something like a Spot Stalker or Omega Savior head or similar design, you can probably get by.
    2 points
  30. Two nights ago. The hydrilla in my local lake is dense down to about 14 feet. A quarter ounce bullet style swim jig head knifes right through that stuff.
    2 points
  31. I hope you heal fast and can fish this fall.
    2 points
  32. well apparently the people at battery warehouse have been lying to me for 20 years telling me to use the 3 amp setting. communists. not surprising I guess since their job is to sell batteries. like fishnkamp I run a lot of batteries on electric only lakes so charging etc is important to me . I have a charger that will charge at 15 amps so I guess that's what ill use from now on. I do usually get 3 years out of my batteries so I guess its been working for me but it takes a long time to charge them.since ive been given wrong info on the charging let me ask this . ive been told by these same people that you should try to discharge the battery as much as possible them recharge immediately. any truth to that? ok I read largemouth 21 post again. I see that is a lie too.which is good because I never knew how to discharge one anyway.i have zero knowledge of electronics so its a good thing I read the posts.another question then. how many years would you expect to get out of a battery with fairly heavy use ? say being discharged and charged once a week from april through October?i thought getting 3 years out of them was pretty decent but maybe if I charge them at higher amps they will last longer.
    2 points
  33. Fishing a pond that I've been going to often for the past few years, biggest fish I've previously caught out of it was my now old PB, a 4lber, with a handful of 3's as well. Today i was throwing a frog on the edge of some thick weeds, cracked a 5lber, then about 20 minutes later this 6lb 8oz stud! ?
    2 points
  34. Rocks lol. On rocky areas I use a jig n pig. On Rocks I use a spinnerbaits. A one split shot rig works too. A 24" Carolina rig with a 1/8 oz bullet weight with a senko or brushog. I may drop a non weighted worm in there too.
    2 points
  35. I use slider spider heads on everything except Ned rigs and see similar results. So far they are the most snag free rig I have found, think it ends up being a similar case to what you are describing depending on the bait I am tossing. Have tried the stupid rigged tube and that seemed to work well, so maybe an internally weighted tube would work too since rock and weeds don't generally mix.
    2 points
  36. I'm on board. Kyrie is a better all around player than Isiah, just the fact that he's taller helps his d. Plus he's been to the finals a couple times, and performed well when it counts. I think Isiah and LeBron are a bad fit.
    2 points
  37. I think in Colorado they are smoking pot. OK, just kidding. They need cover and if there is no structure they will use the water as cover and go down to the thermocline. You need to consider a Carolina rig. If the bottom has very little structure, try the Ned rig. The farther out you can go you will find them in deeper water. Also, can you get to the pond before sunrise? If so, hit it with topwaters as they wake up and have breakfast. Let us know how you do.
    2 points
  38. I always share. However, this response pertains to my YT video channel, where I highlight fishing the summer season in small vegetated waters, and not all that far from where FCPhil fishes. My channel is not monetized yet, but will be eventually. Just trying to stay within bounds here.
    2 points
  39. Savage gear is a favorite of mine in the "cheap" department.
    2 points
  40. I have only used the CRS and they are everything I need out of a squarebill. Nice Sunfish patterns too.
    2 points
  41. Using live Bluegills 2 feet under a float is my favorite way to catch channels! Last night........ By the way, Shimano OC Baitrunner is absolutely perfect for free lining livebait. One crank of the reel and you engage and lock for a fish on! Circle hooks prevent gut hooking for a nice catch-and-release.
    2 points
  42. I recently underwent a change in the way I store my tackle. I used to store ALL my lures in 5 Plano 3600 size boxes. One of the boxes was not a Plano (Hi Seas I think) and was a little bit smaller. It came in a lure kit that I got as a gift. That box works great for jerk baits. I like it because it is very thin and the latches work well. The compartments are ideal, allowing me to store my jerkbaits in a very neat fashion. I stored all my soft plastics in Ziploc bags. That method was very organized, but I had to go through 6 bags just to get a single bait out. That system was not time efficient. Generally, I like to use the best equipment I can afford. With the expensive cost of buying tackle, I knew that I wanted a really effective way to not only organize my tackle, but to protect it as well. For terminal tackle, I chose the 3700 size Bass Mafia Coffin. The box retails for 30$, and is completely waterproof and crushproof. It also has 48 sections and comes with 48 dividers previously installed. That is why i chose this box. It firs all my hooks and weights perfectly. For Spinnerbaits, I chose the Plano Hydroflo Hanging Bait box. The holes allow air flow, making it harder for baits to rust. I usually keep this box out because it is bulky. The air flow is a must because it will be expose to moisture. It allows me to store ally spinnerbaits and buzzbaits. For the rest of my tackle, I chose Flambeau WP5005 boxes. That is a waterproof, rustproof 3700 size box. I has a unique divider layout, but can also be made into 12 equal compartments as well. I use one for jigs, shallow cranks, random hardbaits/deep cranks, and one for my day box when pond fishing. As for soft plastics, I use a double-deep open-core Plan0 3731 or 3771 (not sure). it is a 3700 size box. I have 4 of those. one is for worm baits, craw baits, baitfish, and creature baits. I may add a few3700 plano slim in open cores in the future to store specific baits. Like finesse worms for example. Tips: Use desiccants (water absorbers) in your box to prevent rust use air-flow type boxes when fishing in the rain or in humid conditions. Use waterproof boxes with hardbaits and jigs. let your baits dry before putting them back in the box use shelf carpet to prevent hooks from changing compartments don't keep soft plastics on hooks I hope this helps you in your search for a better tackle system. Most of this advice came from others along the way. I thought it would be a good idea to consolidate all the advice and share them with you guys. After all, this is what Bassreasource is all about! While I only have a small amount of tackle, this system can be applied to anglers with a lot more or a lot less tackle. If you only have a few baits, maybe one soft plastic box and one tackle tray would work for you. If you have a lot more, consider having a box for each lure (swim jigs). and storing your plastics in one of the boxes listed. Hope this helps. Feel free to ask any questions.
    2 points
  43. Why is it always the most simplest thing. I decided to start from the beginning and unhook everything to the bats and test them 1 by one. When I put my multimeter on it read 18-20v. Now I know something is wrong with my multimeter. Go buy another one. Also reads 18-20. Frustrated as hell I search car forums for odd multimeter readings and found out it was as simple as the 9v battery in he multimeter is dead enough to cause miss readings. I used the same battery in both multimeters so when I purchased a new battery and checked. Perfect. Hooked it all up and had my 24v at plug. So this was all due to a miss read and dead 9v battery. Why do I always learn the hard way. I really appreciate you guys working though this with me but consider this case closed.
    2 points
  44. SFC Ed Holloway US Army Retired
    2 points
  45. Managed to get the afternoon off so I went to see if the eclipse would affect the Atlantic Salmon fishing. Usually the middle of the afternoon is not a great time to target these fish, but today was the exception it seemed. Ended up 1/4 with two fly break-offs on 10 lb test. Very difficult to land. Got two hookups right as the eclipse was taking place. The other two came about an hour after it had finished. The 4 lber I was able to land was a brightly colored male with some light red speckles. Hard to tell from the picture though. It looks like they are starting to shift towards their November spawn as the females and males are pretty easy to tell apart now. I'm hoping the Kings start moving in with the Atlantics. Would love to fight one, even if for only a few seconds. Fish On
    2 points
  46. It sounds like you're doing the right thing and using the proper gear. I actually place a lot of blame on that hook. I've had terrible luck with those in the past. I really like the concept, I just think they're sub par in quality. Gamakatsu splitshot/dropshot hooks all the way for me. Summertime smallies are the absolute worse. A 70% catch rate with those is actually pretty good imo!
    2 points
  47. Just go back to youtube and watch everything you can on soft plastic fishing
    2 points
  48. My first experience with braid was 10 lb on a spinning rod and loved it. I then tried 10 answer 20 on a casting set up. Was then given a 30 lb to use and it felt like rope and I sacrificed casting distance. Truth be told, I seldom am in the weeds and mostly on flats and droppoffs. Last Fall I went for strippers and was bringing in 35 inch strippers on 10 lb Braid had great luck. I believe the biggest bass on my lake this year was just over 6 lbs. I have Never had an issue with it digging in......so simply stated, it is my comfort zone and I can always bump it up if needed. Side note, I have yet to use FC leader bigger than 15, and often times tie directly. Hope this helps
    2 points
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