Ventured out into the mud and logjams Saturday. I've been on the reservoir after a lot of storms, but I don't think I've ever seen it quite this bad. Went down out of Fountainhead. Fished between there and Lake Ridge for most of the day. Lots of debris early, but visibility was nearly 18 inches, which actually isn't terrible for there. Fish were funny, probably because of the churn. Got a half dozen or so, nothing over 3.5. Shakey heads and jigs, mostly.
Probably around 1PM where I was at (second bend past Jacob's Rock), the crap came in pretty quick. The mud thickened and the logjams got wider and longer. Such that I couldn't even fish what had been a fairly exposed main point anymore. Ran up from there, which wasn't the brightest idea. By the time I got past Ryan's Dam, the visibility was such that I couldn't see my spinnerbait only 6 inches from surface at boatside. Tried mudlines and any clearer spots I could find, but no joy. Went back down again and with extreme patience, was able to land some jig fish. Took a dozen casts to some wood....had to drop it on their heads, but they did hit hard when they found it. Good learning day.